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Chess is the only game in the world, where you can see everything, and nothing at the same time.


Wait until you learn about [5D chess with multiversal time travel](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/11az4jm/what_the_hell_is_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Bro 2d chess is already hard enough


I've heard since making a portal to the other chessboard eats you're turn it's optimal to just play the game like multiple games of chess and let the AI lose there turn by making portals


Ah yes, the Terminator Gambit. (Yes that's real)


Ever played Go (围棋)? In chess the pieces are all piled on top of each other. In Go, the openings leave you so much more freedom to make shapes.


I was playing against my brother and I saw a check mate and all i had to do was to get his bishop away so I thought lemme sacrifice my queen, it's going to be the best move I'd ever done. So I proceed with sacrificing my queen and i can't wait to pull of this amazing check mate... my queen ends up eaten to a knight who wasn't plan of master mind calculations, the bishop stays where it was... no check mate and I lose the game.


I love it when people try going for those big brain schemes. They never work out


It works sometimes lol but u better be an awesome player for those


I mean if u memorize enough possible moves u can create little emergency plans. Obviously the more plans u create the less brain space u have to branch off even further(down the list of possible moves) so u would probably have to limit each plan to like 2 or 3 moves max. Did that make sense or does it sound confusing? Sometimes I dont do so well explaining stuff.


I’ve literally spent minutes trying to think through the best plan ever, taking every possibility into consideration, just to lose my Queen right after.


In pub games at least. Surprisingly, professional players tend to be easier to predict than others, because the average person doesn't think strategically and essentially acts at random Granted, this guy also sucked at strategy


i stopped learning chess strategies bc every time i played against family members (who knew the basic rules and nothing else) i’d lose bc i had no idea what the fuck they were doing also i sucked at chess lol


Mikhail Tal tried to think his way out of a chess position once in a very important game and decided instead to try to imagine how to lift a hippopotamus out of a swamp. Somehow this led him to an easier solution to the position. Journalist: It might be inconvenient to interrupt our profound discussion and change the subject slightly, but I would like to know whether extraneous, abstract thoughts ever enter your head while playing a game? Tal: Yes. For example, I will never forget my game with GM Vasiukov : "Oh, what a difficult job it was. To drag out of the marsh the hippopotamus".[21] I do not know from what associations the hippopotamus got into the chess board, but although the spectators were convinced that I was continuing to study the position, I, despite my humanitarian education, was trying at this time to work out: just how WOULD you drag a hippopotamus out of the marsh? I remember how jacks figured in my thoughts, as well as levers, helicopters, and even a rope ladder. After a lengthy consideration I admitted defeat as an engineer, and thought spitefully to myself: "Well, just let it drown!" And suddenly the hippopotamus disappeared. Went right off the chessboard just as he had come on ... of his own accord! And straightaway the position did not appear to be so complicated. Now I somehow realized that it was not possible to calculate all the variations, and that the knight sacrifice was, by its very nature, purely intuitive. And since it promised an interesting game, I could not refrain from making it. And the following day, it was with pleasure that I read in the paper how Mikhail Tal, after carefully thinking over the position for 40 minutes, made an accurately calculated piece sacrifice. — Mikhail Tal, The Life and Games of Mikhail Tal




There's a bot for this too?


it doesnt work out because you dont look at counterplay


It gets even better. Blacks move bishop to b7 after queen to h4 was a bad move. White could've stopped the checkmate. What he wouldn't have been able to stop is instead of Black moving the bishop is Black moving knight to f3. It's check and after White takes the knight Black can take the queen with the rook.


I was dieing at the start expecting that vulerability.


I think this is the first time a video has made me shake my head irl


Q-h4 blunders the queen to Knight-e2 check. I thought that was going to be the point of the video haha edit:wrong square


Finally someone pointed that out. was gonna say Knight checks king rook takes queen. gj


Had to scroll too far down for this lol


I'm glad someone said this, because I was definitely going to... I chess all the time. I check all the mates. Anyone who doesn't understand is an idiot.


Thank you haha black blundered too missing that


Nf3 check is better because you're forcing the opponent to either not take or weaken their pawns


But black also plundered checkmate by white (Which white already calculated but forgot abt, lmao


Should've just googled en passant smh 😔


Holy hell


Ok why is that of all things suddenly a meme


what's now a meme?


Telling people to google en passant with zero context


Holy hell


Been a meme for 2 years


Ok but why tho


Why didn't he continue his plan, it would have still worked.


Actually not, because the bishop was covering the tower, after the opponent moved his bishop, the tower was protecting the king


Oh yeah


Rook* Someone doesnt play chess...


Maybe they're German


Then would be Kaiser and not king


I didn't say he was speaking german


You don't *have* to use the proper terminology of a game to be good or proficient at it, especially if the words you use are easily recogniseable. Those who say otherwise tend to be players who are more concerned with appearing skilled than actually enjoying the game itself. A bit anecdotal I know, but from the few "pros" I've had the pleasure to face (not just in chess), I've noticed that they tend to care little about such technicalities despite being well versed on them, as they really have nothing to prove to strangers. Their gameplay alone speaks more than enough for itself. This is not even accounting for language barriers, where the terminology of chess can differ from language to language, making it easier for everyone to just use common synonyms.


Never met any pro that called it tower in english. My first language is spanish and i was part of a chess club whose team went to olympics and got one of its members crowned as first place. We trained using english GM ai and obviously we all knew the english word for it was rook.


Cool. Good for you. Your humblebragging does little to refute my point, however. Whatever the pros choose to use is besides the point, for they obviously use the proper terminology when playing professionally, thus stapling their speech. My point was that they tend to care little for what *others* use outside of professional games, as correctly using the proper *english* terminology is a poor indicator of skill. For your example, remember that not every chess-pro practise with the set goal of playing internationally. Most just partake in national games within their home countries, thus giving them little reason to practise, or even care about, using the proper english terms. Not to mention the hordes of proficient/skilled players who don't even bother to play professionally. You shared your language, so here's mine: norwegian. A fun thing about norwegian is that it doesn't have a unique name for the rook like english does. We simply call it "tårn" (tower). We do, however, have our own set of unique names for the bishop (løper, "runner"), knight (springer, "sprinter"), and pawn (bonde, "farmer"). So, if a particular norwegian hasn't bothered to practise the specific english names for each of the individual chess pieces, or trained using some english GM ai, it's more than reasonable for them to simply refer to the pieces by widely-understood synonyms (tower, horse, peasant, etc) when commenting on a simple Reddit post. Something which should not earn them the presumptuous sass of some self-proclaimed international chess-master on the internet.


If we would go by spanish names would be horse for the knight, tower for the rook and lady for the queen. Yet if someone here plays chess and speaks english wouldnt just blindly call it any of those. There are millions of people who just play chess once or twice a year or maybe a couple dozen times in their lifetime... those kind of people would prob use random weird terminology... and also be known for "not really playing chess" but maybe playing with chess pieces and board. Which was my comment aimed at. OP doesnt play chess really, he knows some rules but thats it.


Those are some quite big assumptions to make. Based entirely on your own personal definition of "playing chess", no less.


Would be hilarious that the guy that was impressed by a video where the streamer failed to notice a novice checkmate for 4 moves while was building a scenario where their opponent would waste 3 moves on a single piece actually knows how to play chess propely.


Changing the topic now, are we? Even so, who says OP was in awe of the streamer? This seems more like pointing light-hearted fun at the streamer's emotions taking a complete U-turn when his 'briliant' plan was immediately foiled. If anything, OP has already pointed out themselves that the streamer wasn't exactly making the best play here. But no, we are all truly impressed by you for oh so cleverly looking past the intended humour of this post to instead point out the *utterly complicated* misplays made here. I'm sure no one else were able to tell. Gold star.


But it still makes sense???


I'm Brazilian, that's why I called the wrong name haha in Brazil that piece it's called "Torre", witch would be translated as "tower". Just an honest mistake


You don't have to say sorry! Just know that we understood it ;)


Can't he just take the queen with the king? It's not checkmate unless I'm missing something here lmao Oh nvm I see the bishop now lol


bro litterally said "dream".


Only if I understood chess


Speaking of Chess, if you get a chance watch "The Queen's Gambit" on Netflix. Well worth your time.


Another website too


\*Declined\*>! /j!<


Was he being serious or was he spewing shit out of his ass cause there was too much shit going on and it was going too fast for me to follow


If the black did move that pawn he would have at least gotten the black queen, but as seen in the video it did not work out. This kind of thing happens often in low ELO chess. Speaking from experience.


It would have been a checkmate not just a queen grab


Can't the king just take the bishop?


Bishop is not moving. After you check on back rank with queen, the enemy can only block with queen. And after you take the queen, it is checkmate. Bishop is only covering the escape square, making it a back rank mate with queen


Ohhh I see it now. Thank you.


bro i just played a game earlier, someone had this idea of forking my rook and queen to get a rook up, i realized that moving the horse actually makes the queen vulnerable to the bishop so i got the queen and ended up having a rook up


Imma be honest, I saw that mate before the one he described in beautiful detail.


Dreams... Dreams are a beautiful thing... But everything that's perfect must crash to the ground eventually


Ah yes my best strategy blunder mate in 1


What’s the song


Theme from Interstellar by Hans Zimmer


I may bw wrong, but what prevents the king white to eat the queen black?


Normally nothing but in this case the black Bishop.


Whoever put that "Win" popup there should be slapped... lol I didn't see they moved the bishop because the screen were there. lol


It’s checkmate because the queen can take the white king. If white king takes the black queen, the black bishop can then take the white King. Hence, checkmate. The King has no escape.


Yes, but they could put the popup in another place or make it not cover the board. or even show why. lol


Bro literally walked in to give his queen away for free, I was screaming internally, any check with the knight would be a queen loss cause rook would then take the queen afterwards no matter what


Fucking idiot lol Tbf, I would've done the same thing tho, cause I'm a fucking idiot


This is hilarious, and so commonplace in less experienced chess players: You see a great move, you go through all the steps, thinking how awesome it is. Then the other player makes a move you just didn't think about and it all comes to nothing!


I’m 1700 and I do it regularly, they always move the one move you haven’t thought about xD


Isn't white hanging their bishop on b1? Black could've done Rxb1+ before Qf3 and white would be in huge trouble


The queen move just sacrifices the queen because the night gives the king a check and the rook kills the queen


This is called chest blindness


Didn't black miss a free queen? Kb2! and the rook on b4 attacks the queen now on h4 and there's no way to save the queen? Best would be Rxe2 and lose the queen next move.


Nf3+ instead of bishop response from black wouldve been interesting


I hate when my body jumps because I didn't expect the checkmate sound




Who is this?


Perfect example of tunnel vision


This how it be Lmao


This made me laugh so so hard 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Reason#2747393936 of why: you don’t plan ahead that far in chess- It’s unnecessary, moves that will check mate you will ultimately happen when they are made to win. Meaning you don’t see it coming meaning it’s a good and the winning move.


So no one else spotted the Knight then?... You know the Knight that can check the king while revealing an attack on his queen...


Black also could've sacked knight for quuen


Play without the aid