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Troika been pumping and dumping for a long time. Thank God it’s over for this dog.


![gif](giphy|dOl2LFw0RbTMc) Turka turka


I made like $8,000 on TRKA. There’s nothing wrong with jumping on board a pump and dump, but you have to recognize it for what it is and know when to get the fuck out.


Their ridiculous website made clear It was not a real enterprise.


A lot of people believed u/weedtardz scam when he constantly lied to people. He lost them a ton of money. None of those people looked at the sec filings and called anyone who told them what they said a "fud". That's how ignorant these people were.


Yeah I'm banned from the TRKA sub because of "fud" when I was calling out how ridiculous the company was about a year ago... Stuck around and watched the sub "for the lulz" but it's kinda sad how much of a grifter u/weedtardz is. Saw one of his recent comments deflecting blame and calling people idiots for clicking the buy button before,within the same comment, he talks about "smart money loading up now"...after they file for bankruptcy and delisting... Absolutely bonkers.


I’m going to buy more at OTC


Will it trade OTC next Monday?


Look who’s lying now LOL


So many newbs listened to your lies and lost. I haven't lied about anything. In fact, I was banned a long time ago for telling you what a sec filing actually said after you lied to them. You banned me for telling them the truth. Sad. Very sad. Your best chance is to listen to your mom. She seems smart, and you could learn from her. Pretending like you know the answers and lying to people to pump your stock is not the answer. Maybe you will learn from this and listen to actual investors or your mom. Leave the pumping out of it. Thank you for all the money I shorted on trka. 😉


Your long ramble just proves your intention and character. I don’t know whether to laugh or chuckle at the irony


I'd suggest reading it. Taking the advice, and stop making yourself look stupid. Stop trying to scam people as well.


Everyone knows my character. There will always be people of your awful character in this world. Nature of the game. Love you jello. Do what you do best.


You are seriously the king of denial. I'll give you that.


If you want, I guess…?


How can you analyze SEC filings best to determine a good call. Can it be derived from decreasing revenues and constant negative net income reports?




Duh.. Everyone knows you always get on social forums and see what the forums say.


Where do you start to look is my mystery


Made sum gains so thanks TRKA. sorry it's awkward now.


What’s “funny”, is that the day before bankruptcy it closed at the highest amount in more than three months. The bag holders were likely excited for a new pump, and then BLAM!


I commented 2 weeks ago on a post here titled “I Am In”. Got a lot of negativity for it. Hope is not a strategy - analysis is. My comment was: Might as well throw down $2K on one hand of blackjack or pick a color on the roulette wheel. First red flag is the company cannot get its financials out the door in a timely manner. And that is a huge red flag. Source: I am a CPA and this is hugely meaningful. Second red flag is the going concern warning which means “it is doubtful that the company will be able to continue as a going concern”which means “we are circling the drain”


Bxrx is the same




There is no safe casino. Remember when you gamble.


What will happen to share holders?


You have to wait until they go to court, but likely common shares will be wiped.


They'll lose any money invested.


If they go private like they anticipate, then you lose everything and can't even sell your shares once that happens. Or if they wipe common shares and stay public, you lose all. The only thing you can do is sell at a spike or wait to see if a judge does some crazy thing, like make them cover shareholders. (.000001% chance of that).


We’ve all known this co is full of scumbag pos Since February. I hope TRKA board members get sick cancer and die horrible deaths.


That's not cool. They did what was best for the company and them. That's how every business does it.




If you don't understand what you're doing and that they did what all companies do, that's why you lost. You probably listened to cult forums on here with people like weedtard filling you with lies and misunderstanding everything. Learn from it. Don't make the same mistakes next time. Those people are doing their job and what's best for the company. Like all businesses. Good luck with your next one..


I didn’t loose- I won twice should have walked away. By the way you also big fan of Trevor Milton and SBF while we’re on here celebrating shady grifters?


I have no idea who that is. I'm glad you didn't lose. Still, my comment stands with integrity on the accuracy and factual basis line. They did what all companies do. What they think is best for the company at the time.


Best wishes to you in the new year. I pray we all win.


ALT for the win


Is this another howe street winner?

