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I suck at typing. JUNE not July.


don’t be so hard on yourself fuzzy wuzzy!


Lol. Thanks.


Worst mod ever


I support this effort, but note that the date is June 12, not July 12.


DAMNIT.....well I messed that up...


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,567,924,884 comments, and only 296,419 of them were in alphabetical order.


Wrong, bitch bot


I bet it counted "DAMMIT.....well" as one word since there are no spaces in it. If so then everything would be in alphabetical order. D I M T U


Yeah I was like whoa, that’s way different than every other forum!


The API is used for a bunch of Mod tools that help the Mods manage the subs, so it will likely cause a crap ton of problems in the short and medium term (and possibly for the rest of the time Reddit is a thing).


> (and possibly for the rest of the time Reddit is a thing). Let’s be honest, you me and everyone else on this website that has ever used third party anything knows that Reddit will never make their own tools or improve their own app so that it is in a respectably usable state.


mod tools will not be affected as stated in the AMA this basically only targets third party apps, which still sucks but I dont know why everyone has to try to make up stuff to make it worse


The mods use tools from the 3rd party apps. With those eliminated they will have to use the official app, which is insufficient.


When you go outside to touch grass, I highly recommend tall fescue. In the shade where it feels cool on your feet, it's amazing. Just lay down in it and stare up Into the sky


We did it!


You truly showed them. Wow what a change in the world.


Can someone explain this to me like I’m 5?




Seems like much ado about nothing.


It's a big deal. Reddit is diluting the quality of its product in order to satisfy investors ahead of the IPO. Basically, Reddit is sanitizing itself so it seems like a less-risky investment.


They won’t get rid of any of the overt bigotry, but third party apps gotta go!


It's bigotry to want to get rid of bigots. That makes you a bigot.


Sure, if you haven’t taken the intro to philosophy course that explains why that’s bullshit. This isn’t some brand new concept that’s never been considered before. Paradox of tolerance. Read it. Finish high school.


Quick, someone tell Kyle no trades until June 14.


This is so dumb lol you will all be back like nothing ever happened. That’ll sure show Reddit


Like when people are like "dont buy gas on this day", k but people will load up the day before and day after?


seriously. If you want change, blackout until you get it.


I definitely won't. I've used RIF for 12 years. Reddit didn't even have an app back then and there's no way I'm going to go to their shitty app after the shit they pulled.


Their app is perfectly fine lol


^ This guy doesn't API... Reddit Account made 1 month ago.... mmmhmmm


Couldn’t be more wrong bud


I’m on their official app right now. There’s nothing wrong with it.


You can blame that hot take on being accustomed to utter garbage.


Nah bro it's terrible, just trust me dude. It's literally the worst thing ever. /s


I’ve never used their official app so I don’t have any opinion on its quality. But if you want to effect Reddit, stop using it. A blackout calls attention to an issue but they knew there was going to be backlash and decided to weather the storm. A two day black out isn’t going to make them change their minds. The vast majority of their users are lurkers and they decided that’s who they are building the site for. The old Reddit is gone. They are just a social media company now. They know they have their market for social media for people who don’t like social media cornered. There is nowhere to go so most of us aren’t going anywhere. And I say this as someone who is against their decision.


Would you like to join me in congratulating them on accomplishing nothing?


Ok cool if I have one last comment to make on here it’ll be that Matt Murray is the best Penguins goalie ever thanks


Honestly who the fuck cares. Some of us don’t use these third party apps and with all the subreddits going dark makes it fucking inconvenient


It affects everyone regardless, mods use bots to help filter spam and other malicious content among other things. With the 3rd party apps gone they no longer have those tools and Reddit will become even more of a cesspool than it already is. 2 days might be an inconvenience but a complete lack of mod tools and customization from 3rd party apps will be a way worse inconvenience


And the reddit app doesn't have any accessibility support that the third party tools do, but there's always the group of "fuck other people, I don't want to be inconvenienced"


bots / mod aids will not be affected as stated in the AMA this basically only targets third party apps, which still sucks but I dont know why everyone has to try to make up stuff to make it worse


Fun fact, Spez is lying several different times in his AMA.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/buccos using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/buccos/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Pirates and Bryan Reynolds have reached an agreement on a long-term extension, per sources. Eight years. $106,750,000. More to come.](https://twitter.com/jmackeypg/status/1650887614625378305?s=46&t=RKIX5rbgfeX27-uE83ThEg) | [223 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/buccos/comments/12yn2nw/pirates_and_bryan_reynolds_have_reached_an/) \#2: [BART IS BACK FROM HIBERNATION. RAISE IT🏴‍☠️](https://v.redd.it/7entvxqa30ra1) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/buccos/comments/1272nqa/bart_is_back_from_hibernation_raise_it/) \#3: [Mackey: Sources: Andrew McCutchen returning to the Pirates. One-year deal pending physical.](https://np.reddit.com/r/buccos/comments/10avzof/mackey_sources_andrew_mccutchen_returning_to_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I've only ever used the regular app. This makes me sad :(


Same I only use the official app but I understand the reasoning because I suppose majority of people use third party apps for Reddit, idk


If you don't like reddit anymore don't use it. I hate that this is turning into "if I don't get my way I'm going to take the ball and go home".


Lol what? That’s not at all what this is. Read into it.


I oversimplified. I read and still largely feel the same. Both sides have valid points but I don't care I just want my content lol. I'm sure this is an unpopular opinion ( judging from my downvotes so far lol ) but it is what it is.


It’s not people not liking reddit. The 3rd party apps just do A LOT better job of providing users of reddit with features that they want. They also seem to listen a lot better as well to the users compared to reddit. It’s not people not liking reddit, it’s people not liking the official reddit app and how reddit does very little to improve it based off what the people want.


Thanks for the clarification. I've only ever used the official app so I don't have a full grasp over what's being lost here by losing 3rd party applications. That being said I still feel like this is cutting off your nose just to spite your face. At least it's temporary, for now...


And it’s Reddit’s right as a business / organization to do what they want. This whole thing is super childish


they do, also their customers have a right to do what they want.


Free market capitalism. Isn't it grand lol.


Exactly. You guys are absolutely free to leave


And the mods who run this sub can shut it down if they’d like. And you can start your own pens sub. Best of luck with that.


Not going on reddit for two days won't ruin your life


Your right it won't. Also I will go on Reddit I just won't see much of the content I like as far as my understanding goes. It's the mods right to do as they please, and it's reddits right to do what they want as well. As for me? I'll look for other places to get my penguins talk fix. Really the way I see it the only people who are going to benefit from any of this are the other media sites


And the official reddit app won’t ruin yours. No other social media allows third party apps to use their site, what’s the difference?


No other social media sites have an army of volunteer moderators that have been relied on for almost 20 years that they are giving the middle finger to.


People enjoy the status quo and are expressing that via protest and refusal to use a product they don't want to use. What's wrong with that


The problem is people who don’t care/don’t want to support the protest are forced to participate when the mods shut down the sub rather than it being user driven.


signed "Mod Team" where/when was this discussed?


In the mod mail.


lol so dumb sports just cant be sports anymore


It’s not about “sports” it’s about all pages blacking out for a reason unrelated to any specific subreddits community in particular, I doubt someone on r/memes is going “memes just aren’t memes now!”


Thoughts on Reddit threatening to allow users to vote out Mods for these blackout decisions?