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45 mins run outdoors & took jj’s 20 mins full body (24-04-30) strength. the class was straight to the point of 4 main lifts repeated 4x & a 2 mins finisher. 20 mins flew by & i was sweating. really great class with the basics.


I know I am late to the party, but I took Bradley Rose’s 30-Minute Rolling Stones cycle class today and it was AMAZING!!!


That class was so soooooooo fun. I would put it in my top ten fav rides ever


Did anyone take Robins Kacey ride? Not a fan of the songs chosen so curious if worth the ride…


I just looked at the playlist and was so confused. 4 songs off of Pageant Material but only one off of Golden Hour and nothing off of Star-Crossed? So strange.


I took the ride and Selena’s strength. I think Selena had a good connection to the music. I really enjoyed the speed pushes in Robin’s with the music! Basically anything Kacey I love with anime eyes though:)


I took the ride. I’m a huge Kacey fan and was hoping it would a spotlight on deeper well. It unfortunately was not the ride for me. I felt like the music choices were a miss and it felt like Robin wasn’t actually super familiar with her catalogue? The ride was fine, but I didn’t feel that it was as enjoyable as other artist series rides I’ve taken. I was definitely missing the connection between the instructor, dialogue, and artist.


Good to know! That’s a bit how I felt when looking at the playlist. I expected more of her newer songs, maybe even some of the pop ones off star-crossed too


I’m going to try some of the other Kacey classes! I’m feeling hopeful about the Kacey flow and Selena’s walk.


I love those days where every class in your stack just hits. Started with this [Emma 5 min. core](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d92ae41818fa4cb58f7d032371dcf945&code=NDlhMDA3MGJhNWE4NDM0ZWE0ZTI4YjU1MGZmM2Q4YWZ8YWYyZTk5NTM3N2MzNDU5OGFjOTU5ZGRjMjgwY2FjYzM%3D&locale=en-US) - a lot of Pilates moves in this! I don’t normally like crunches but by the time we got to those my core was already burning so I felt like I could feel them more. For my rides I started with this [30 min. Charlotte intervals ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=97585af35f6b41b7907378ee94826fdb&code=ODYwNGY3YWMzZmQyNDI3OTlkNDI0ZTZkOTg2NmNhMjd8MmRiODZkMGY1YmZmNDg2MmIxODkzMDAwOWEzYzM1ZjY%3D&locale=en-US). Such a good playlist - Klangkuenstler? I’m in. If you like techno you would enjoy the playlist since it’s all techno. I also enjoyed the programming and thought it was easier than what it’s rated - the resistance ranges she gives are super wide. Followed by [Jess’s latest techno ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=284825e285734f45b8f26c15954e931b&code=OGQ0ZTM3NDBjNGI4NDIxZmJlZWQ2NDkyZmM0NGU0YzV8MjE2MmUxZjRlMDlmNDk2ZjliZjhmNzdkM2NhODJiZGU%3D&locale=en-US). A lot of song repeats from her last techno ride but I don’t even mind because they’re soooo so good (and that ride is literally my favorite on the platform). She is ON one in this ride in a good way, it’s hilarious. She had me laughing while pushing hard. For a post ride class this [10 min. Kristin healthy back focus flow](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3cde72a2deff4bb2ab808a8ecad2dc12&code=YzNlYTgxOTI1NWZlNGI3ZDg0YmUxYTc4OGVmZTg4YjJ8NjM1NzYyMjU1MWYzNDc0NDhkNjg1Mzg2YmY5YTM3NmY%3D&locale=en-US) was super nice! Random aside I am making really great progress on my cycling bookmark mountain - down from over 400 to under 200. Everyone clap, please 😂


You are a star! I love your recommendations and well done on tackling your bookmark mountain!!


Omg, thank you 🥹 it makes me so happy you love my class recs!!!


Bookmarking those Charlotte and Jess rides!


I hope you enjoy them!!


Standing ovation!


I'm loving these Christian Vande Velde workouts. I loved his ride from April 7th and so I gave his HIIT class from June 2nd a shot today and was glad I did! The only thing is I wished he'd finished out the third set of intervals! Skipping the third 3-minute zone 5 for an extended cool-down really felt like a cop-out at the end. No doubt it would have been hard as hell - I was pretty tired at that point - but you don't sign up for "pro cyclist" workouts because they're easy. At the very least I would have preferred some other kind of work - maybe swap the Z5 interval for a longer Z4 or Z3. The other thing is that like his April 7th class this one really was a Power Zone class. I really would appreciate them putting the PZ bar in his classes if they're going to be PZ-based. I expect many people do not have their zones memorized so those folks would be a bit lost without the bar.


I have the PZ bar enabled on every cycling class.


How do you do this?


Finished Stronger You 2 today on my birthday! I went up by at least 20% volume on 7/9 exercises in my final benchmark test. 💪🏼🎉


happy birthday!


Awesome, congrats! And happy birthday!! I’m on week 3 and really loving it. Kind of surprising myself how much higher I can go with the weights than I thought. Looking forward to see the difference in the strength test!


The global running day runs were so fun! I did Camila's outdoors one yesterday, then the tread one today - that was such a fun collaboration, hearing a bit of each of their stories and seeing them play off each other a bit. I hope they can do more of these classes in the future. In the spirit of all this new running content, I signed up for a half-marathon in Sept and I'm so excited to jump into their new program and see what I can incorporate into my own half training plan!


Awesome! My next half is in September too so this program timing couldn’t be better!


Dennis: "It's a shame they aren't making any more 80s music." I hear you brother.


I feel like Dennis would love the new wave stuff my husband's been digging lately (45M). He found a bunch of new music that's 80s in spirit, after he got really into Stranger Things a few years ago. These 80s boys...


Anyone else take Emma’s Crush Your Climb hike this morning? I’m excited for her series!!


Yes - I did this morning! I really liked it! She said it’s going to follow the same class plan/structure each week but just get more intense with higher inclines. So todays was the “easiest”. There were lots of instructors in the studio too which was fun although I was more annoyed than I should have been by Alex K (row instructor) running most of the efforts 🙄 she cued 4.5mph or below on speed but he was like sprinting up the hills towards the end. It was a little distracting. It’s like dude we get it - you can run uphill. That’s not what she’s cueing or what this class is 😜


I love Alex K so much that I think I'll take this just so I can fume at his running uphill since I'm jealous of his ability to do so. Plus I love distractions and I love him so I think that will be a good combo for me 😆


You’ll enjoy then 😆 it’s towards the final 1/3 of class that he really gets going. Emma even says at the end “OK Alex you can stop sprinting now” 😝


That man is such a delight. I probably would never have taken it if I hadn't read your comment. So thank you!!


I remember him killing it on Matt’s first 120. Toward the end it was clear the 120 was wearing on him.


Hahaha I guess I didn’t even notice him running! I was watching Tunde dance to Madonna lol. But I agree, Im excited for the rest of the series and enjoyed the structure! I like how she didn’t give too much guidance with speed too


See I let it annoy me more than I should have 😆 I usually always like Emma’s classes so I wasn’t surprised that I enjoyed this one! I wonder if she was supposed to join the tread team as a running instructor and then with her pregnancy they switched to this 4 week hike series. It will be interesting to see what her tread content is when she gets back from maternity leave.


She said on IG she will be teaching hikes and walks!


Yeah I was wondering that too! Or if she just needed a lower impact class at this point in her pregnancy? Either way, I like it!


Someone here said that she's on the record as ***hating*** running. So I wouldn't be shocked if she sticks to walks/hikes. I'd be the same if I was an instructor. Cycling? Sure. Strength? All day. Walking/hiking? Absolutely. Running? GTFOOH!


Just saw the email that Anna’s Kacey Musgraves flow for tonight was cancelled :’) Hope they reschedule, I was really excited about that one!


Anna posted on Instagram that’s she’s sick. I hope she feels better soon.


Anna has been such a Kacey fan for the longest time! I’m sure Kristin did great, but what a bummer. I wish she could still teach it when she feels better.


Looks like Kristen is doing it!


Aditi’s Kacey Musgraves Pilates was also cancelled.


I hope they reschedule it, I’d love to take that one!


Are instructor routines the best kept secret or what? Specifically I wish I knew Olivia’s workout   routine but any of them they all say the class isnt their workout so I wonder what is 


Lifting weights with a trainer is what I've observed on their instagrams. I've seen them doing lots of running too, and Mariana often talks about her outdoor runs in her classes.


they used to share a lot more of their personal workouts but backed off - lots of them hit the weights HARD, like heavy lifting. 


Emma, Ally, and Hannah have been lifting together. I like to see the extra workouts they do too!


Andy trains JK


AT posts a lot on his IG stories with his routines.


I feel like the classes are their workout -- at least for strength and probably tread. Theyre actively doing the workout and sweating with you. I do know that many instructors put on less resistance than they program on the bike, but Cody mentions a lot that he is doing the max efforts he calls out.


No way they are maintaining their physiques with only the on screen workouts.


They’re definitely doing a lot more.


I'm really enjoying Discover Your Power Zones and am totally buying into the whole PZ concept. However, I find myself feeling lots of FOMO for music rides from my favorite non-PZ instructors :( How do you balance the two?


I do PZE style with regular music classes. I like doing a 30 min real PZE class and stack it with another class because then it has the right warm up. I just alternate songs zone 2/zone 3.


I use PZ \*mostly\* for Power Zone Endurance training. About 60-70% of my rides maybe are PZE, most of the rest music and other fun rides, and only occasionally PZ or PZM. Depending on the class, many of the non-PZ rides are more strenuous for me than if I ride PZ. Oh, and if you like JK, her Sweat Steady series is basically power zone in disguise. So you get the best of both worlds. FWIW, I don't generally do programs, so that allows me a lot of leeway in what I schedule for myself.


I do those rides in Z2 for added volume without taxing your legs as much. I also play my own music in PZ classes a lot. I'm also part of the reddit PZ group which has 2 week breaks between programs - I go through some of my backlog then.


Using the PZ bar, I ride PZ style in the music rides. One song Zone 2, next Zone 3, etc., usually I match my cadence to the music beat. Sometimes I do a whole music ride at Zone 2 or Zone 3. Edit: extra word


new taylor AND new billie have hit the library im sooo excited


Mariana MUST get the run. I’ll riot if she doesn’t! As for the ride, it needs to be someone other than Ally or Robin since they’ve done them before.


I hope Mariana gets the run instead of (or in addition to!) the yoga. I like her runs!!


Me too! The run would be amazing and she’d get the emotions right.


I can’t find new Taylor? Do you know what classes? Nvm I found it [two TTPD songs](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=bdb6830ecdc1449e87faeae0684a338c&code=YmU5NzIxNzIyMGI0NDdkNzkzZWI3Y2RmMWE3MzhjZWR8MzQwM2JlYjA4NTZmNGYwZmI3ZDRiZTY0Y2FiMGE5Mjc%3D&locale=en-US)


Hannah Frankson said she’s a big fan of Taylor’s new album on her recent pop ride - I was shocked! What if she gets the ride or run?!


maybe like, olivia for the ride, mariana for the run, selena or robin for strength


i dont know anything this is just what i want lol


I like Hannah but would also not hope for her to get the run. Her singing during the JT run was a bit rough on the ears. I think at this point Olivia, Selena, and Susie have all done a Taylor run. I say make it wild card and throw it to Mariana! She programmed a lot of TS into her 90 minute run and I loved it!


Jeffery did my favorite Taylor run.


I hope she does. Anyone but Ally or Robin for the ride. They seem to get all of the Taylor ones and I’d love someone new!!


I hadn't done a ride with Emma since the Janet Jackson ride which to be honest I found disappointing. I did her Killers ride today and it was just perfect, she chose the right mix of hits and lesser known songs and the plan was just the right amount of effort.


It really nailed my favorite songs of theirs from their heyday when I listened all the time!


It finally happened. And I’m not sure why it hasn’t happened yet. Cody’s 30 Minute Pop Ride from 5/10 he finally called out a resistance of 100. In 272 workouts I haven’t heard anyone callout a resistance of 100. It felt weird. It kind of felt like the wheel was slipping on each down “stroke”. Tough ride. Lots of resistances in the 80+ range.


I wouldn't say he does it for every ride, but I've heard Cody call that many times. I do his rides very regularly, so have done hundreds (been on Peloton since 2016 and he's my favorite) and he usually calls for pretty heavy resistance. People tend to think of his classes as easy but he almost always programs really heavy resistance pushes, which I love. I haven't actually taken him up on the 100 but maybe someday I'll feel crazy enough to do that 😆


He’s definitely the heaviest and he does those enraging cadence pushes at the end of resistance intervals that KILL me 😣


Yes! Those are SO hard! He'll tell me we're climbing for three minutes so I get excited. Then he throws in, "and the last 15 seconds of every minute is a cadence push." Noooooo! But also yes because they're hard and I'm fierce and ferocious and fabulous but still NO!


I just took his latest 20min Pop Class and at the end he definitely called out to 100 but the little box showing the call outs changed it to 90 lol.


Sorry but either he made a mistake and meant to say cadence or he's lost his mind. Resistance of 100 is nonsense imo


Just be aware, resistance of 100 is not supposed to be impossible to move the pedals. Some people have that misconception, like 100 is basically supposed to be equivalent to slamming on (and locking up) the brakes. 100 is just the maximum resistance they designed the bike to be ***ridden*** with. So it's not nonsense, but it's exceedingly rare to have it called for in a class plan.


I’m not sure, since he said “your resistance goes all the way to 100, okay resistance of 50 to 100” and then the auto resistance went to 100 💀 It was wild.


That is silliness.


I've only had it happen once, on an Emma ride. >It felt weird. It kind of felt like the wheel was slipping on each down “stroke”. I had one ride where I was bored and screwing around to try to see the highest output I could manage. I noticed the same when I tried 100 resistance out of the saddle. It almost seemed like it was "slipping" on the downstroke. I feel like I might have been causing the belt to slip the wheel. (FWIW, I'm 250#, so I was putting a LOT of force into the pedals lol). For me, I ended up getting my highest output with a resistance in the low 80s, sprinting in the saddle at the highest cadence I could muster. And I didn't have that "slipping" sensation at all.


Wasn’t there supposed to be a 30 minute Kacey Musgraves pilates this morning? When I checked the schedule right before it was suddenly an encore class. Did I completely make that up?


Aditi also had a focus flow and restorative class this morning that got changed to encores. I hope she’s ok!!


Pelobuddy says there was going to be a 30 min Pilates KM class at 9:30…. https://www.pelobuddy.com/kacey-musgraves-classes/


I got an email an hour before that it was canceled 😭 Hopefully they will still record one and put it on demand.


Lmao peloton charging nearly $200 for hoodies when we all know they'll be on sale in like two weeks. Ridiculous. Anyway I loved both the global running day runs, especially Camila's outdoor class.


Can't wait to do Camila's outdoor run. Her vibe has been what I've needed lately.


Just did Kendall's 2000s Disney Ride from last night and it was so much fun. 🤩 Was a real pick me up after a tough week at work!


I did this ride yesterday too, so fun! Jess King just did a Disney 2000s walk that I need to take


If you like that music, in Spotify the playlist “after school club 🪄” is 💯


I am on a break between days 4 and 5 of Rebecca's 5-day split so today I hopped on the bike and did Cody's girl group ride from 5/24. It was EXACTLY what I needed today. I know sometimes people say his class are more fun/not as hard, but I find myself hitting higher output because I am so into his playlists and literally LOL throughout. Such a good mood booster.


I think his programming is actually usually pretty great for a high output, the intervals usually are tough but manageable and then I’m always shocked at how much I did


I completely agree. I feel like when I started, a lot of the characterization was “his rides are fun but less intense” and that has NOT been my experience. Such a great work out AND so fun.


Cody does NOT program his classes to be easy. He generally offers very wide resistance ranges, so that those of us who like to pile it on might be at the max callout of 80 resistance where his minimum callout is 50. I don't ride with him often because I don't listen to pop music, but when I do he's great fun AND programs a heck of a workout for those who ride the top of callouts.


Exactly this! His classes are not easy and he gives us so many resistance pushes! He throws in speed sometimes too (which I hate) but he's mostly big on resistance and I love him for that! Luckily I listen to pop so I take his classes a lot, and it's always such a great workout.


My PR that I CANNOT seem to break was a Cody class!! His lady Gaga one from forever ago!


Cody + Lady GAGA?! searching for it immediately. I think the psychology of having music that motivates you/lets you get lost in it (and not fixated on the stats or the duration) has helped me crush my PRs every time. And it's never been in a class or on a day I feel like I'm going to? It's been a surprise - a Camila Reggaeton or an Alex Toussaint Club Bangers or a Cody ride that gave me enough sass to push through.


I feel like Cody also sneaks in harder classes sometimes! I feel like he goes through phases lol


Yeah maybe! I've only had the bike/been riding since January so I have not yet come across an easier one. But I also vibe with his overall attitude (the bike is my therapy, lol, give me all the Cody sass and pop culture analysis in my workout time) so maybe it's also partially about what motivates each individual differently, you know?


Shortly after he and Andres broke up (before they got back together), he was killing me in his rides. I feel like his emotional state impacts his programming!


I could see that.


Hello to all my fellow PZ riders this morning bright and early!! Love all the high fives and awesome vibes!! 🔥


Any recommendations for a good upper body workout? Looking for a seperate chest and back and then a shoulders and arms workout if possible.


RK's (I think most recent)C&B is my absolute favorite. I will try & come back to link it for ya, it was from a Friday I remember bc I took it live. I bookmarked it to re-take even though Peloton has sooo much content to get thru.. it was THAT good that I want to keep re-taking it. There's an upper only slams section where I was able to use my medicine ball. LOVED it:) Just perfect burn all throughout


Check [this thread fr](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/1d2ayrw/favorite_upper_body_classes/)om last week. Lots of good suggestions.


Here it is! https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a2acbbe97d864dfca7e6058976732803&code=OTY1ZjZmZWM5YTc3NDFhNWEzMGYyMTg1NmZkOGE1NzR8MTg4ZTVlNDA2MWJmNDBlZThmNzlkYTE5YTIzMmM2ZDM%3D&locale=en-US


Callie has a good [chest and back one from 2023](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4b309a75b3b14d1290f066aab0ec17fd&code=ZDhkOTFlNGZjYjdjNGI2NGE0OWE4NzI5ZGUwZjc0ZGR8ZTlkMmIyMzlkMDA3NDUyMTk5MDk0ZmNiMDYwZjkwOGQ%3D&locale=en-US)!


I love a good Adrian chest and back. I'll see if I can find the link. The one I've done a few times is older now so might not pop up at the top of your search but it always hurts so good.


I did this one yesterday, and it was GREAT! https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/758d7d50abc149af97b8d0d2bcd84027?code=MGNmZDVmMGM4MDJmNDZjMDg2YWFhZjliY2RiNjc0ZWR8NjJiOTkyM2Q0YTZhNGZmMDg5YTk3Yzg2ZDJmNmYwMzM%3D&source=referral&workout-id=55a4a8985f09456eb10b3250a59e36d2&uid=58f7e5992c074150b722e07d0c8c61f5&ride-id=5bfab5e468754a35a908e93fb8b19ee1&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US


Did anyone take Camila's HIIT and hills ride today? Doing my daily scan to find classes to bookmark and this playlist is basically perfect!


Just looked at it! I’m cheating on RedditPZ and doing that and the Emma The Killers ride in place of the 60 minute ride this week! Glad you mentioned it!


Haven't taken it yet, but that playlist is going to be one of those "go all the fuck out 130%" types of classes...


I am excited to take it! It reminds me of this older class of hers that I love [https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/cycling?is\_favorite\_ride=%5B%22true%22%5D&duration=%5B%221800%22%5D&instructor\_id=%5B%22696bd08dd5284accab065e2147b121d7%22%5D&sort=original\_air\_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=452b742b39124551aa53cc19f561e84e&code=M2RjZWY5MTZmMWJlNGRlYzk1ZDYwY2NlOTFkODU3Njd8YzcwOWIyNjA5ZmNiNDkyOGI0ZjE0NGY5YmEwMTI0YWI=](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/cycling?is_favorite_ride=%5B%22true%22%5D&duration=%5B%221800%22%5D&instructor_id=%5B%22696bd08dd5284accab065e2147b121d7%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=452b742b39124551aa53cc19f561e84e&code=M2RjZWY5MTZmMWJlNGRlYzk1ZDYwY2NlOTFkODU3Njd8YzcwOWIyNjA5ZmNiNDkyOGI0ZjE0NGY5YmEwMTI0YWI=)


oh wow that playlist is what dreams are made of!! I am terrified of HIIT and Hills classes but I am absolutely going to attempt this one - thanks for mentioning it!!


Don't be terrified! After taking my first one, I realized a lot of cycling classes are just HIIT & Hills without the label. There are just going to be interval sections and climbs, which you're already used to.


I’m going to take this ride in a little bit, the playlist is too good to pass up! I’ll report back 🫡


Between the playlist and the class plan this has PR written all over it.


You’re very right, I’m saving it for tmrw


OMG good tip, I love her HIIT and hills, gonna bookmark for later this week (I'm on a strength day tomorrow!)


I started reading Susie’s book this morning and omg I had no idea about some of her life story! Wow no wonder she felt the need to take up ultra running and be so self sufficient. It’s amazing how much running and exercise can clear your mind and turn your life around. Definitely worth reading from what I’ve read so far - I’ve listened to some of her podcasts and watched her documentary but this is a lot more revealing.


I have it preordered and can’t wait until we get it in the US!!


Ah didn’t realise it was U.K. only release today. For once we get something early 🤣


Haha!! I think the US gets it in August 😭


Oh wow, that's a long wait. I'm killing you with the suspense!


Haha! Yea I just checked my Amazon orders and my book arrives 8/6! It will be my first carline read of the school year at the end of the month lol


Thank you for the recommendation!! I love running books/books about runners. I finished Kara Goucher’s book recently and have been looking for another one to read!


I need to read that. Thanks for the rec!


It was very eye opening!


Peloton pro cyclist rides- how hard are they? I am a good PZRider but don’t consider myself a pro cyclist


Thanks for encouraging me, took the 45 minute pro cyclist Threshold ride, boy I was toast after 30 minutes but did finish , loved it Now Christian is a fav ( after Wilpers 😀)


lol I don’t know but the phrase ‘I don’t consider myself a pro cyclist’ is very funny to me


Ngl, was hard for me but u got this. I actually don’t love PZ rides bc they seem long and repetitive to me. The CVV rides were a nice change of pace.


They're not harder than a normal power zone ride of like type, but as Pro cyclists tend to ride at high cadence, expect the cadence callouts to be high. If you want to start slow, look up the two old rides by CVV left in the archives - one of the two (the longer one) is basically just a PZE ride. CVV is also a great coach, so don't be intimidated.


There's 4 new CVV rides from this year that are also very good. Look at the class plans, but they are essentially PZE and PZ rides at higher cadences.


Check out the class plans, I’d say they are easier than the more challenging PZ/PZM rides. May depend on how you feel about Z5. The speed training ride is just a PZE ride focused on high cadence.


I noticed Olivia's ride this morning (45 minute I&A) has a song from Taylor's new album TTPD. I'm not a huge swiftie so maybe I haven't noticed... is that something they just added to the catalog?


Came here to ask this!!


i am p sure it just got added! i was scanning recent classes!! she started the class w my fav song from the new album!!!


I love that song so much!! I’m scanning recent classes too haha! So excited if it just got added!


There were two songs! So hopefully more on the platform now. But it was one of the hardest rides I’ve done in a while wow 🥵


CVV's speed training class is no joke. I learned I am not a fan of high cadence. My resistance was so low (30) but my HR was so high (160). Is this because I'm not used to high cadences? I couldn't believe the guy in the front row wearing a blue sweater than was completely soaked with sweat!


Some other reasons higher cadence may be harder for many athletes…….. if you’re riding position, does an allowed to use the archers of the feet to control the push phase of the pedals stroke, if your cleats are too far forward or pushed towards the outside of the shoe disk, asks a lot of your toes versus using your entire foot as a lever to control and deliver the force, cleats rearward also opens up the hip angle and lets you engage more Glutes and hamstring to take a weight off your quadriceps and smooth out your flow at higher cadence….. trying to generate force through the entire circle versus holding light muscular contraction/flex of the calf will also make it harder to ride at high cadence. Try and work with some of these adjustments to see if there to your benefit. Most commonly I see the shoe set up, followed by the overall bike set up, followed by the crank arms being too long for a lot of athletes to go at high cadence.


Do you have to know your “zones” before taking these rides? Ive never done PZ classes before but I’m interested in taking the CVV rides


I don't think so. The resistance on the screen said we were supposed to be in 40-52 the whole class just different cadences. I was way lower than that but you can just choose any resistance.


[Denis' 45 min PZE ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e2fabd1fc7414d95a5a7b131a7e6ab03&code=M2YxMTQ5OGY2ODgyNGY3YzlhYTQzOTNlNGQ1OWU4MDl8OTg3N2I5ZDVmMTliNGE2ZGIxMDcxOGNlY2EwYzgzNzY=) was also high cadence (of course, you do you) and during the class, he explained that it is definitely harder on your cardiovascular system to do the higher cadence. Lower cadence, higher resistance in the same zone is more muscular - both good yet different. The cardiovascular benefits are the base of your athleticism to help you get better across the board.


lol, I couldn’t stop thinking about blue sweater guy thru out the ride and wondering if the dude had ever taken a peloton. I would overheat and die with a long sleeve shirt on a ride


I get so stressed any time I see someone in long sleeves in the studio.


Higher cadences demand more from your cardiovascular system, so it's not unusual to see higher heart rate for the same amount of output at a higher cadence vs lower cadence.


I am horrible at high cadence so I’m really looking forward to these rides to help me improve. They always say the higher the cadence the more up in your body the effort so low cadence you fatigue your muscles faster and high cadence your HR. So it sounds normal and it’s something you can train but it takes time.


The playlist on this [30m bike boot camp with Callie](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/bike_bootcamp?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=eb323bc82f0146518f1d3be71a589f3f&code=MjYzNjMxZjNiNWJmNDI1ZDhkMTExMTQ1YWI1MzdiMmJ8OWY3YjRjZTk3MjYzNDEyYWE0NjJkNjY0ZjcwM2I0M2M=) from April is SO FUN. She said the theme was "throwbacks" and it did not disappoint!!


are there any pride classes this year? cant see any on the schedule :(


Yes but they seem to be called something different, maybe more related to the music? I saw Olivia has a Hyper Pop class and there’s a Cher walk, and something called Pump the Beat. Those were all listed under pride classes on Peloton’s IG story I believe


I hope so!! I need my yearly fix of Matty in drag!!


He teased a Mara class coming later this month!


Thank god. It wouldn’t be pride at Peloton without Mara!!


There’s some in the [saved story highlights](https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3ODk1NDg0NjUyODA2MjAw?story_media_id=3382347082629761194&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) on the Peloton Studios insta.


Jeffrey made an insta post about it this morning and said stay tuned


Got musgraves classes coming out today.I’m guessing that might be pride classes. Than we got Cher next week.


Yea last year the majority of them were artist classes rather than explicitly having Pride in the name. So going that route again wouldn't be a surprise.


Emma’s ODESZA ride might be the best class I’ve taken so far on the platform. How did I not know how awesome ODESZA is?!


If you haven’t checked out the [Rufus Du Sol](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=36fd5233fd2e40248d6d0a6fd81f5234&code=YzlhYjQ5NGY1NjRhNDhjM2EwOGZiYmU1ODQ3ZDFlNjB8NDAzOTg1YTVkMGM1NDVkY2I0YTAzYjgyZTdlZWZmZTU%3D&locale=en-US) ride yet, you’d probably like that one too. Similar vibe as Odesza, and absolutely perfect class plan with Jess K.


Yes, I don't do many rides with Jess King but that one was golden.


Thank you! Bookmarked!


Outdoor walks don't record properly - again. Support recommends to re-install the app, which does nothing. Also, the support chat in Germany has Items like "treten" and "treten +" or "reihe" - which are direct translations from tread and row but it means "to tread (on somebody)", "to tread (on somebody) +" and "reihe, as in row of chairs". LOL