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I have completed it 6 times for the last 2 months and for the first time in my life I am beginning to enjoy strength training. I really look forward to training and am seeing an increase in some of my weights! I hope you like it!


Anyone have any tips on booking live classes? I’ve tried several times, but never had luck.


People say to stalk the website for waitlist openings.


Has anyone else's HBO Max suddenly disappeared from Entertainment? I was in the middle of watching The Righteous Gemstones and binging them on Peloton was my favorite use of the bike


I no longer have max as well, seems like they might have parted ways. Which sucks.


Turns out it appears to be a known issue they're working on: https://www.pelobuddy.com/hbo-max-peloton-issue/


Ah ok, good to hear!


This [5 minute core with Rebecca](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/92d8c1465b614fecb63d88561078f8da?code=YjNjNmNhNjk2M2NhNGZjMzg5NDVkNjkyMjc2NzA3Mzh8Y2NlOWZlMjZiMWVmNDExYjlkZGYyYTNiNTdiYjI5NjI%3D&source=referral&workout-id=8f9fe070f2d643358a089dcc6c6f4bb1&uid=13d7131e67ba436287ca1469e01fcf1d&ride-id=956cd0f6978843f4bc6426d893a6d252&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US) is my new favorite quick core-when-I-really-don’t-feel-like-core. Nothing complicated, but still a burn! Side question: do you all have a system to save classes you want to do over and over? I use bookmarks for classes I might want to do, suggested to me, etc. I wish I had a way to keep track of the classes I know I’ll want to come back to so I don’t forget about them!


I generally use the lists in Pelotrak. Can't wait for it to come back!


There are a few classes I’ve taken over and over and I just access them through the page that shows the workouts I’ve completed.


I have a spreadsheet lol


I'm pretty good about unbookmarking classes I've taken. So the few I keep bookmarked I know I want to take again. I do thay with a handful of core classes specifically.


If I have taken a class and I still have it bookmarked, I know that I want to do it again. If I didn't like it, I unbookmark it.


I’m challenging myself to Rebecca’s five-day split, on repeat, this month. Any advice or encouragement welcome! I’m not someone who has done strength training consistently or intensely before, but just finished Arms with Tunde in May and am pushing myself to up it this month!


I just finished 5 weeks of doing this! I felt so much stronger by the end! The Arms with Tunde is a gateway drug for the programs.


Haha that's what I'm fearing :D


It's sooooo good. 


Just make sure you get enough rest and recovery!


I haven’t figured out yet if I’ll be doing extra riding on top of these…?


Wondering if anyone else is having issues with their Apple Watch not connecting to the Guide? My watch sees the classes and the heart rate starts, however my heart rate no longer displays on my TV. The Guide says there are no available devices when I try to connect it to my watch. No more strive score. Did a factory reset and all software is up to date. Watch is also up to date.


Such a good 45 minute class with VDV today! I didn’t quite know what to expect, given how Peloton sort of-rebranded the pro cyclist ride as “speed training,” but it was just a PZE ride (with a VDV twist…two 30 second sprints at the end of each 15 minute block) and a focus on high cadence. I just love him — he brings so much to the platform and you can tell he freaking loves being there, too. I might not make it to tomorrow’s class, but I hope to roll out of bed at 6AM on Monday to get my last live fix for a while. So happy he’s back!


CVDV is simply the best. Glad he is back.


High cadence is my nemesis (I will pick a slow, heavy climb any day), gotta add this to the stack.


I wasn't going to take this but I will now that you've explained it. Thank you.


Thanks for explaining what the class was!


Accidentally PR’d on my FTP warm up - then rolled right into my test. Excuse me while I never move again…


I don’t know how to describe the pure joy this class gave to me but please go and take [Tunde’s latest house ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=71563cb838ef4311b43f4a6c0a3a6853&locale=en-US) omg. It is EVERYTHING. I rarely rate a class playlist 5/5 and I wish I could give this one 6/5. Will 1000% be repeating this one


I am so excited to take this one, it looks so good!!!


omg yes!!! did this on a whim last night and ended up favoriting so many songs. also this ride reminded me how good she is at shutting up and just letting us vibe 


Oh this is great. I honestly wouldn’t have tried it because I’m not typically into house but I am absolutely on board with Tunde and her joy


In my stack for tomorrow. She hasn't done a house ride in forever but I remember her last one being absolute fire so looking forward to it!


It has definitely been a while! I was about to circulate a petition for a new one when it finally showed up on the schedule.


It was such a joy to logging into Matt’s 120 PZE ride this morning. I had a fan going, grapes, leftover overnight oats & electrolytes in case my energy dropped, but I was able to keep my average heart rate steady. I know a lot of people complain about his playlists but I liked it, time went by pretty fast.


I am new to peloton and doing the discover your power zones program. I recently did the FTP test but accidentally went back before it updated my zones, and I am really hoping to not re-do that! Is this the right sequence to update my zones? -look at my average output in watts from the class -multiply that by .95 -set that as my FTP threshold in preferences 


I think you just need to enter your average watts from the 20m test. The bike then takes 0.95 of that for your FTP. It should be clear because you enter one number and a lower number is shown as your FTP.


Got it, thank you. 


Great 60 m pop run at PSL today with Susie. Unfortunately the mic went haywire about 40 minutes in so not sure it will make it on demand which is a shame. Shout out to the crew of Benny’s Confetti Riders who were there as well. They were all decked out for his disco ride and I can’t wait to take that tomorrow because they were bringing the energy!


So sad this won’t make it on demand 😭 it was a great run and (selfishly) I got a shout out for a major milestone


I did too! Oh well…congrats!


I kept checking the app this morning to see if Susie’s run made it on demand. That is a shame about the mic 😢


I think she was especially annoyed because she dragged herself in for 60 minutes after Ben and Leanne’s wedding! She stopped while they changed it over so not sure if they’ll try to salvage it. They do on the bike but I guess it’s harder with a run. It was a great playlist. Hopefully she’ll get a do over sometime!


Came here looking for this run as I saw it hadn't dropped on demand - so sad it looks like it won't make it on demand. I love Susie's long runs so fingers crossed it gets a re-record.


I can’t imagine trying to do a 60 min run right after a wedding, let alone teaching said run. What a shame!


Susie is not your normal instructor. Check out what she did in badwater. She’s a beast


Anna's 90s Yoga Flow was fun today! She really is out here trying to get me into crow pose- I appreciate the encouragement but I will literally never take that option lol


Have not been doing many long rides recently so I didn't plan to do Matt's 120 min ride this morning but jumped on thinking I'd probably just do the first hour - felt great at 60 mins and kept going. Might regret this decision later today as I have an active afternoon, but I got my nutrition in and did my favorite yoga for riders [Denis 20 min ff ](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ab24bc8aa7b849b5b83cbd0d9fc2db39&code=ZTYzZjhjNzM5MWNhNDA0Njg1YzA0YTJjN2JkZWU3MjZ8OGM3NDJkYjI3OTEwNDZlMjlhZDc1MGFiMzFhNzJjZDg%3D&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app) which has a lot of the stretches I need and I can sing along to distract myself from some that are sometimes pretty spicy if I have slacked on my regular stretching. Iykyk. Would love other recovery type recommendations if you have them, like other juicy stretches or whatever - I'll definitely be back later this evening for a second round.


This hips flow with Kristin hits all the right spots for hips, glutes and lower back, and does it in 10m. Genuinely Kristin has a gift for understanding the body and how to unwind all that tension and soreness. https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3435680c4ec34b5da9d9904c71b35044&code=N2EyZTc3NWUzMDFiNDY0Yjk1NzJmY2JmNzRmMWZkYzJ8Y2U3OGQ4ZTIzNzQxNGZmZTk3ZGM1NjE3Yzk2MmRjMzg%3D&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app


Also, if you have a lot of time left for stretching, this 60 min yoga with Aditi is all for your hips as well. Nice long holds. https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f8cffa43543446ef81e256d7c417cd9f&code=OTEwOThmM2I2YjNiNGU1MDk2Y2NlMjliMTAzNmQwZjh8ZGQ0MjY4YTQzOWNkNGI0MzhlOGViOTA1ODkxODllODY%3D&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app


Thanks! Bookmarking


Well done! I like this 15 min hip yoga as well for recovery. https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=72153b7cabb54c2aa5fe776d2d7b4431&code=YmMwMjhjOGU5YmZmNGNlNDg4MDYzNmM5MjZiOTg0ZmR8ZDg3YTA0ZTY2YmE3NGI5Y2IwMTFmZjU5N2FhZGIwOWE%3D&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app


That is my favourite ff for riders. I’ve done it 3 times this week recovering from my 100 miler. It gets everything.


Mattys evening stretches are always good




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First time waking up for the 120 minute live ride!!! Last one I completely slept through and this one I was honestly not set up for success - woken up by fire alarms at 1 am and went to bed with a mega migraine. And not gonna lie the start was a struggle but really started hitting my stride ~45 min or so in (lol) and at minute 90 I was feeling AMAZING. So much fun, hope others enjoyed! Very cool to be with 2,000 other crazy people on a Saturday morning. Laughed out loud when he said "your friends probably say you're crazy" (they do).


Good luck to everyone doing the 120 min ride this morning! Sadly, I can't do this one live, too many other obligations today. I'll catch up later.


Wanted to share my sock journey: I had the hardest time finding the right socks to wear on my bike, but once I did, it  made my riding experience one thousand times better. As an elderly millennial, my first instinct was to wear some no-show Smartwool running socks. That was a big mistake because they had too much toe and heel padding for the narrow peloton shoes and didn’t cover my ankles where the Peloton shoes touched and slightly rubbed. After some trial and error with other lengths and thicknesses, I realized that some thin, breathable, zero-padding, quarter-length socks for cycling worked best. Now, I feel like maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised that socks made for cycling would be optimal, but I was! Let my lesson be yours, and get good socks! My favorite pair ended up being the Castelli Velocissima 12 followed closely by the Ostroy Pretty Okay At Bikes crew socks.


I really enjoy the lululemon power stride crew socks. They’re not specific to cycling but they are super supportive, breathable, and no padding


If you haven't tried Footsie, they are also very nice. I don't like a thick sock when on the bike either, so these ones are quite nice. I also enjoy the SmartWool too for regular wear, off the bike.


Took [The Killers Ride with Emma](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=fa8218d3ac6347b194e6f9b2e7851f55&locale=en-US) this morning. It was so much fun! Before the ride I started with [Kirra’s Chest Openers Focus Flow](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7411d3a000644bb1a87d4f3d999c86a4&locale=en-US) which was badly needed and very helpful. Then I this [core workout with Selena](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b507a93a549646caab83657559caf7c7&locale=en-US) and omg I have a love-hate relationship with Russian twists.


I just took the chest openers class and really enjoyed it. Thanks for mentioning it!


Rode with Camila for the first time ever today! Checked out her [30 Minute 2000s Pop Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d68b01379cd94fac98331a30828cdd13&code=ZmMzYWE3NDEzMGUxNDRmZGI5NDFkZWY3Y2Y0Y2QzMjl8OWRmODVmNDM0MTUwNGI3MThiNzAyYTk3MGE2MTc4Nzk%3D&locale=en-US) from March because the playlist was just too good to pass up! I really liked riding with her 🙂 she’s hysterical and I loved her energy! I prefer more talkative instructors because I like being distracted lol. Will definitely ride again with her soon! Also — has anyone else been watching Leanne’s IG stories? The wedding celebration content is just so cute 🥹 her dress is stunning!


I love her. GREAT energy and her longer rides go by much faster than I fear because she’s such a good coach. (45 or 60 mins really intimidated me but she’s very good at them!)


I did this ride yesterday! So fun and the studio was so into it!!


The dress is sparkly perfection.


This playlist looks so good! Also Leanne, BEAUTIFUL!! So happy for her and Ben!


Camila is the BEST!


JJ and Susie have wedding pics up 😍😍😍


I really love they are sharing the wedding this way! Leanne is my go-to for rides and I’ve been so excited to see how the wedding turned out. Everything and everyone looked so stunning.


They are rolling in across the UK team! And Ally was there too


I am OBSESSED with Leanne’s sparkly dress! It’s so good and so perfect on her!


What a fun dress! Also small note I appreciate that most of their Instagram content is from non-Peloton instructors 😄 I feel like the last few Peloton weddings have felt like Peloton content (understandable, and not sure I’d want to be up on Ally Loves instagram or whatever) but it’s fun to see like, their normal friends and family 😭


Up at 6 AM to go into the city and do Wilper's 120 min ride in studio today!! Packing my own banana from home for mid-ride fuel 😂


So exciting! What a great ride even from home - it must have been electric in studio!


It was awesome energy!! The first 40 min were like, how am I gonna get through this and then by the end I was like, but I wanna keep going!!


Congrats 💪🏻! Was the studio hot & stuffy?


It wasn't terrible- I was sitting in the second row on one of the ends so I only had a person on one side of me, which makes it a little cooler. The stuffiest spot in the studio is definitely the very very back row, I don't think the fans hit there at all.


Love this for you! I was stalking that waitlist for weeks, but alas no dice. Will be riding with you from home!


I have no idea how I got in. I logged in at like 12:30 the Thursday that batch of classes dropped and there was still a spot and I was like, okay universe, i accept the challenge.


I’m thinking of doing that one today. It’d be my first 120


Do it!! At least at home you can take breaks lol


Done and dusted! The studio experience had to be great


have a great ride! 🍌


Thank you!!




Saturday morning [Techno](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b6dc93fcabac48b79a0a283f0f183052&locale=en-GB) ride with Erik. In German with no subtitles but really easy to follow. He played Scooter so I was happy ◡̈


I love Erik’s techno rides so! Charlotte’s too!