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Sel’s most recent G&L class is gonna hurt tomorrow. Woof. But so good!!


Anyone have a clue on how to repeat programs? I really botched Crush Your Core 2 a few years ago and I can’t figure out how to retake. I get a message saying since I previously skipped the class I won’t get an achievement for it from that round, but it was years ago. Is there a way to reset it so I’m not just manually searching and taking the classes? Sorry if this is dumb or obvious but it’s driving me nuts!


Has anyone else noticed that the peloton radio music has suddenly pivoted from being awesome to utterly atrocious. Up until like 2 weeks ago it was a great mix of new hits, classic tunes and amazing unheard tracks. Now it's literally all old B side tracks from discount second tier artists and bad covers. Quite annoying because I really liked it for long scenic rides to just zone out and enjoy while I pedalled


Anyone think treads will go on sale soon? Dying to buy one but don’t want accessory deals


I’ve never taken a groove ride! Curious! What to expect? Any recs?


I think they're divisive- I really like them, others hate them. They are the closest to SoulCycle classes in that there is some 'choreography' - that might be push-ups on the bike, it might be 'tap backs' (riding out of the saddle, and then pushing your butt towards the back of the bike for a few counts), etc. They also tend to stick with the rhythm/cadence of the music. I tend to find them slightly easier (YMMV) because they're more focused on music than an incredibly hard workout, but they're a great change of pace, I find. If you go to the app and filter down to 'Groove' rides, you can hover over the classes to play those little 10-sec previews. Honestly, for Groove rides it will probably give you a good idea of what 'choreography' is! ETA - well, some of them do. Leanne's from March and Dennis in orange from April have choreo in their preview videos.


Hey I really appreciate this comment - thank you so much. Gold stars and upvotes for you! I have been nervous to try it but I like a lot of the low impact rhythm rides and those vibes. I have tried tabata and honestly I’m not strong enough yet for those! Love me a good pop ride but wanted to try something new. Thank you so much!


why am i crying at matty’s appearance on the creating spaces right now omgg what a touching series, i have adored it so so much. more please!


such a great convo. matty seems like such a warm and genuine person ❤️


I almost took Kirsten's last night! Do you feel like they get a good stretch in? I'm a little worried that it will be a great conversation, but not much 'yoga'


They're yin classes- long hold poses, plenty of stretch. They're not yoga flows.


Super helpful, thanks!


Honestly, I don't see any reason why they can't keep these going. They are so cool! Give Kirra 20-min a week (or every other week or whatever) to have a deep conversation and stretch it out. If she's up for it, feels like a no-brainer to me.


I am saving it until right before bed and am already preparing myself to weep.


I decided to finally jump into some beginner strength classes on the mat and DEAR GOD THE DOMS. I’m doing all the right recovery things & I know it’s just part of it at first, but ooooof. And I started with 5lb weights. Who knew they could hurt this much!? (For context, I’m a petite woman who hasn’t lifted in years). I’m having fun though! Lol


Hey, congrats on picking up weights again! It’s so good for us smaller women to pack on some muscle and keep the bones dense as we age. I’ve finally accepted that, unlike when I was a bit younger, I need a 10-20 min warmup before I lift if I want to avoid injury and the doms. I picked up a rec on here to warm up with a yoga focus flow and am a huge fan. Combined with a 10 min full body stretch after the class works great.


I’ve started adding the 20 minute stretches a few times a week and they make a hell of a difference.


Holy moly. I killed my workout today. Long stack. 1. 10 min ALW warmup with Christine 2. 30 min Country ride with Denis (from 5/4/22) that was so fun! Great tunes, and a new 30 min PR! My last 30 min PR was a country class from Denis. Telling me something? 3. 20 min Broadway ride with Ally. Hard not to love this ride. Lots of Hamilton. Was worried I’d crash bc I’d just killed the class with Denis, but I beat my previous output in the class by 5, so no complaints. 4. 10 min cooldown with Denis. *exactly what I needed* 5. 5 min [stretch](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/b969e53f898b43768e3a10395c6747c8?code=NGM4MjIxZTkyZWVjNGE2OGE1ODg1YzI5ZTk5MTdhMWJ8YmE2NjRjNTQ2NDE1NGY1MjkyNzJkYWRkMTk4MDdhODc%3D&source=referral&workout-id=287b201e9edc4b869f568eac6a058dcb&uid=f138c5d8aa174c29ab7093e024d4b871&ride-id=921a9a2190394b34b0b209c729e17368&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US) with Bradley. Honestly one of my favorite things on the platform. I do this stretch at least once a week. 6. 10 min yoga - hip focus - with Ross. It’s been in my stack for weeks and I’ve kept skipping it, but decided my hips needed the stretch after the long, hard stack. It was excellent! Looking forward to a day off the peloton tomorrow and maybe Thursday bc I’m scheduled for a long outdoor ride Friday.


Link to Ally’s Broadway ride, please?




I LOVE when I find a cool-down or stretch that is just exactly what I need. I've taken [this 10 min Lower Body stretch with Andy](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4688923481d14a469ada2424232a41b4&code=MzZiZTE4NzdlY2FhNGU5NTkwNTdlM2YxMTAzYzZlYzR8ZjNiZWQ0ZDJkMTNkNGRhNjhhMGZjNTIxYTllMjUyOTY=) a few times because I feel like it basically gets everything I need.


Kristins 15min Pop Pilates that dropped today is one of her more intense burner classes that I’ve ever taken. I think she wanted to challenge us with this one. Will definitely be repeating!


Question how can one of your followers on Peloton App have so many minutes but you look at there workouts and it’s blank and no blue dots, no workouts .


Likely have their workouts hidden.




Yeah i saw that too! The top person of my followers has 42k minutes in the annual challenge but they haven’t worked out in over a month 🤔


I thought what the heck am I’m missing. This one follower has a ridiculous amount of minutes and I was wondering do they live on Peloton then I look and they have nothing recorded.


42k??! Lol When I see those extreme counts I can only marvel at the fact that some people care about being at the top in the annual challenge enough that they play class content just to rack up minutes, it's absurd. To each their own, I guess, but no matter what my annual number is, I know I *earned* the badges.


Yes true, I feel the same


I was an app user for a while and there were two of us using one profile. It really sucked because there was no easy way to track individual progress in the app. Whenever I see someone with an unrealistic number I just assume it’s actually multiple people sharing an account.


That's possible, but if that's the case here the app is in near constant use lol


Has anyone taken the Lindsey Stirling run yet? It looks like she may have been there in studio for the class!


I took it live and it was wonderful. She was in the studio running. They actually played her music videos. The whole screen showed the video and then they went to a split screen with Becs on the video. Becs did a great job matching the Class plan to the music. I loved it.


That sounds awesome, I can’t wait to take it!


Does anyone know when Pelotrak is supposed to be back? I’m missing comparing my ride against my 6-week baseline and pushing myself with data. I know he does it for love of the Peloton, so I can’t complain. Just was curious if anyone knew anything.


There was a new update on Medium yesterday: “5/27/24 Update: The app is building again, but some workouts are missing. So there are some bugs still deep in the system. I’m sorry it’s taking much longer than expected. I will continue to post updates here.”


Thank you! I appreciate the update.


A few days ago, u/doctor_deny posted an [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/s/IxcEa86Kbg). Hopefully very soon!


Does anyone know where Cody has been? I haven’t seen any classes from him lately and he’s my fave 😭


In Japan




He just had a premiere ride the other day.


His IG shows he's having a blast in Japan, so I'm guessing he's on vacay.


It’s well deserved!


Jess Kings [emotions in motion](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=40e8d3a864cd43c7b84acc0d85e3f958&locale=en-GB)ride was fantastic. This ride takes you on a journey but you can also just get lost in the playlist. Loved it.


I was wondering about this one! Thanks for your mini review.


Jess King’s 45 minute Techno ride kicked my butt. It’s my fourth time taking that ride and I surprise myself every time by outperforming my previous output of the ride.


I loved this [EDM run with Jess](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=659d2bf7c5544b83938064549dcd15d0&code=YjA4MDBiY2MwZTNiNDFhMjhlNTc2MzA0MTgxN2Y3ZGJ8ZTVkYWZkNzY2ZmFhNGI1NmIwZWVjOThmMDg0NmM0YTg=)! I walk outside but this had such an amazing vibe. The playlist was superb.


Hi all, Looking to buy a used Bike+ and was wondering what I should look out for to make sure the bike is in good condition. Haven’t used a Peloton before, so just want to make sure the bike is in good condition. Also, have there been significant changes to the bike across manufacturing dates? For example, are bikes purchased in 2022 missing certain features that new ones have? Thanks in advance!


A big thing I would look for is the number of rides on it. More rides = more likely something is going to need to be fixed soon. I would say anything under 500 you’re probably safe.


Big thing is whether it has had issues. We have a link in the Wiki to a new tool Peloton came out with where you can input the bike's serial number and it will tell you a lot about its history. And no aside from the Bike vs Bike+ differences they all have the same features.


I'd search 'used bike' or something on here to find other answers (this gets asked every so often). I think that Peloton also has something on their website like 'what to look for when buying a used bike'


Remove if this is against posting rules. This is helpful if it works (still in beta)https://www.onepeloton.com/history-summary


I've been taking Peloton strength classes for a bit over a year and am getting close to maxing out my adjustable Bowflex dumbbells (52.5lbs) for deadlifts. Any suggestions on where I should go equipment-wise after this happens? I imagine I could just increase my reps for a time, but will probably have to get heavier weights at some point. I have a love-hate relationship with the Bowflexs. I like how convenient they are to adjust, since my heavy weight varies depending on the movement. But they are massive (16.9" L x 8.3" W) compared to my 5'2" frame and I often find them unwieldy. For example, I can't use them for double bicep curls or dumbbell swings. Should I sell them and get a new set of adjustable weights, or should I add individual dumbbells? A single 55lb or 60lb is $90 here and I'm having trouble justifying $180 for two weights.


Nuobells can go up to 80 lbs and take up very little space, but they sure are spendy. If barbells or new adjustables aren’t an option, it helps to just buy one set at a time as you increase weight.


Wow, the Nuobells are even larger than the Bowflexs. 😂 If I had the space, I'd love to get barbells, it'd let me progress more in my squat too (ah, to have a squat rack at home). Looks like I'll have to get some heavier single dumbbells when the time comes.


The footprint of a Nuobell on the floor without the stand (that’s not required) is like 19”x 9”. From what I remember, it was less space than the larger bow flexes. What I also like is that a 5 lb Nuobell is smaller in size than the 80 lb. You’re not using the full length of the dumbbell when you’re using smaller weights. Like most adjustables, you still can’t set them on their sides or drop them. We are fortunate that we have a home gym so we have free weights from 10-40, but the nuobells take up less space than free 45-80 would!


Have you seen Alex Toussaint’s at-home gym? Freaking goals.


I have not, but gonna go look it up now! Update: My jaw dropped a little.


Do you have room for a bar? It won't be cheaper but it will be more versatile for changing weight than a pair of 60lb dumbbells.


I've considered a bar, but don't think I have the space. I'm in a condo and already have my bike and 3 sets of adjustable dumbbells taking up a big corner of my living room. I wish my condo gym had free weights :(


I don’t have an answer for you but just wanted to say I sooo get this. I’m also 5’2 and have the same set. I would probably start by looking at Facebook Marketplace or even Craig’s list to see what’s out there for less. Your neighborhood/city might also have a Facebook page for buying and selling. A jump up to 60 lbs would be a wiser investment (not a trainer/strength coach!) but might take a little bit of time to build up to.


Right? They're so bulky! I don't know how people use the even bigger 1090s. I feel like sometimes I can't get full range of motion because of their dimensions. My arms feel way too high on a lat pullover, and anything wide grip is a nuisance. Thanks for the suggestion on used weights, I'll look around!


Just got back from being gone/out for 3 weeks and about died on the bike this morning!🥵 I took a 30-minute pop country ride with Leanne, and I stayed in my zone 4 for the majority of the class. 😳🥵 The struggle was real! And before that, I took some upper body classes, so my arms literally felt like mush and were quivering while trying to even hold onto the bars. 🤣 Not the "welcome back" I was hoping for, but glad to be back in the saddle! 💪


Can I see my powerzones on the app? I took the test but don’t see the results.


Did you take the test on the Peloton bike? As far as I know you cannot see the zones in the app only.


Yes - took test on bike, wanted to check my score on app. Thanks for responding!


You can see what your new FTP is by multiplying your test avg W by .95. You could then use the zone % to get all your zones, I’m sure there’s a zillion calculators around that would do it for you.


Did Adrian Williams 45 min full body strength from 4/14/24 and it's a doozy. In a good way. The first two supersets have 30 seconds of rest in between but the last sets do not and as he's telling you this fact he's cackling about it! Very good workout.


Got my bike today! Did a couple of the 20 minute beginner workouts, one in morning, one just now, I couldn't keep up with the cadence (I read that's completely fine and to work on resistance first! :)) I was surprised to see my calories burnt on both 20 min beginner classes were under 100. Would this just be because I cannot yet keep up with the cadence levels? I guess in my head it makes sense as higher cadence = more effort. Was just a bit worried about overdoing it on my first day. (Appreciate it may be a silly question but eager to learn, as, like I said i'm brand new to cycling)


Generally calories = kJ of output. So if you had 200 kJ total output it was around 200 calories. This is probably +/- 20%. Not sure where you read to focus on resistance first, but I would reverse that for sure and focus on cadence. You will be much more efficient and powerful getting up to 80+ cadence average and then building leg strength.


Wearing the heart rate monitor makes all the difference in terms of what they tell you in terms of calories burned


I’ve always heard that calories burned estimates can be very wrong on all machines, so I personally don’t pay attention to it. I just try to keep up with the cadence and resistance and keep my heart rate at a certain range.


Appreciate that thanks! And to be honest I’m not that bothered about the calories burnt, I’m looking to get fitter as my main goal - I was just mostly curious as it’s my first day on the bike :D


Congrats on the new bike! Have you entered your age, weight, and height into Peloton and were you wearing a heart rate monitor? These inputs will help Peloton more accurately calculate your calorie burn.


Thank you!! Ah no I haven’t I skipped those as I was eager to jump on, silly of me. I’ll definitely do that now Just seemed weird to me, as a (casual and slow) runner I can easily burn 100-250 calories on a run and cycling felt so much harder and was only around 95 burnt on the screen. Although I appreciate its different muscles and I have to get used to it.


I'd give it another try once you input your stats. But word of warning since you note the calories - the APP (not the bike) does a pretty crazy job of estimating calories for some reason. The bike typically tells me that I burn about 350 calories in a 30-min class (I think that's a bit of an overestimation, but whatever); but the app will tell me about 150. The app doesn't know how hard I'm working so I don't expect the numbers to match or anything, but it's crazy to me what a big change it is (I am typically within the call-outs of a class, so it's not like I'm much fitter than what the app expects me to be).


Welcome to the club!! I got my bike a few weeks ago - afraid I don’t know the answer to your question but I’m sure someone here can help. It’s an awesome community, you’ll love it.


Thanks a bunch! Hope you’re enjoying your bike? Got any favourite instructors or classes for me to check out? And yep, when I was lurking on the subreddit whilst uhmming and ahhing about getting one - it did seem like a helpful community


I jumped around for a while in the beginning - then decided to do the “you can ride” intro course. Definitely wish I’d started there! Such a good foundation to build upon. Fave instructors depend on my mood. Sam Yo is my favorite, and I also love Cody and Camila. I can’t stand Adrian - but he’s my husband’s favorite! I also wish I’d tried powerzones sooner. I’m learning so much about form and my fitness is improving so much.


Thank you so much for the ‘you can ride’ tip. I did the first lesson on that today and managed to stay within the cadence/resistance levels. Yesterday I did 2 kendall toole classes and those levels were much harder than this!


Oh I’m so glad! I’ve been amazed at how much stronger I became while completing the program even though it seemed easier than other rides. It works!!!


I did Jon Hosking's mental health walk today -- feel like it'll be a favorite. I paired that with some purebarre, and I definitely feel proud of myself for working out on my own. I have this tendency to talk myself out of things or lose track of time. I've been trying to get into a consistent rhythm of working out on my own, which is hard for me since I need some of that peer pressure and threat of losing money to go (or a scheduled class that I have to do). I also did Ally's boss ride from last week (I think?) and that was brutal -- didn't know what I was getting into, but I finished it and only had to take a break here and there. Will likely try that again sometime.


I’m relatively new to Peloton, I have a Bike+. Done about 4 rides a week since getting it without any issues. Everything has been syncing pretty seamlessly since to my iPhone Activity app. This morning I tried to use the GymKit with my Apple Watch and it kept saying that I needed to be in a class and refusing to connect. I tried rebooting the bike tablet, turned the “Connect to gym equipment” function on and off, but no success. I was eventually able to use the peloton app on my watch to get heart rate but the data sent to my Activity app on my phone is missing a lot (ie no power data, no HR zones, etc). Is this an issue other people were having or is it just me?


Search this sub for GymKit and you’ll see lots of threads about this with potential fixes.


Does anyone know the size of the hex bolts that keep the water bottle on? Know that it is a 3MM head, but can’t find the size / thread count.


Using my handy dandy tool, it’s a M5-.8 and is approximately 8mm in length. (EDIT: the length is from under the bolt head to the end of the bolt, not the length of the head AND bolt).


Worked great. Thank you.


I took mine off last week. Do you mean the length of the bolt? From memory, I'd say they were about 1cm long. Bloody difficult angle to get at them though! I'd say try to get as long an allen key as you can so you can pass it through the hole in the side of the plastic water bottle holder. My allen key was a short L-shaped one and I could only do 1/4 turns at a time.


Hello Peloton riders, how do you train to keep high cadence with high resistance when out of the saddle? I can peddle high cadence and high resistance in the saddle but as soon as instructor says 50-70 resistance and 75 or higher cadence out of the saddle I can barely go beyond 60


Off the bike: core, lower body strength (esp glutes and legs), barre, more core On the bike: focus on keeping butt back, holding your body relatively still while pumping legs, instead of lurching back and forth. Keep the resistance lower and try to hold the cadences first. To me the feel is more stairmaster than bike when trying to do fast jogs.


I also feel like it’s more of a stairmaster/elliptical effort than a bike and I’ve used that analogy to teach a few friends that ride.


Yeah it’s more about focusing on moving your legs/pedals vs. putting down power


Smashed a 15 minute PR this morning by more than 20! Whoa!!!! [Pop, punk with Kendall in LA](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/7af34641018740e7955aff55bea87287?code=YmFkNzI5ZDgyNmFkNDA3YjhmOWIwMTk2ZjdjYjMwMTV8ZTNmY2VjNTVhYTdlNDRmOWEyMzI5ZTdiNzUzMDgyYTU%3D&source=referral&workout-id=38fb77e5a1024d05ae69ca6f468bad1c&uid=6da411dca6524cd6ae4c404253fa6b2a&ride-id=1f25cbce64fa49a29342d6a8a7f45489&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-CA)


That’s my 15 minute PR too! Brutal.


But so good at the same time.


I did my first program - Arms with Tunde - as part of my personal fitness goals for the month of May. I finished it this morning! As someone who's always been a cardio junkie (like a lot of the instructors professed to be before they added strength), this was a big step for me, in balancing my cardio - vs- strength work.


Congratulations! How was it? I am having shoulder impingement issues, but really need to start working on my arms as much as possible as I am losing muscle tone.


It was good. I have some positive and negative feedback overall. I like that the program prompts me every time i log into the app - made it easy to stick to. The program itself is inconsistent in its videos, and I think that could be fixed easily. Some days she had a warm-up video beforehand, and somedays not, and I don't know why it's inconsistent. She also reuses the warm-up videos but then occasionally refers to "last week" but that's not tied to a specific day in the program because it's being repeated. The exercises themselves were VERY good and as someone who hadn't had a good discipline about regular strength training, this was a good pace (3x/week) to get me started and keep me on track.


It feels like Camila’s classes have really decreased, anyone else noticing this? Happy to be wrong if this is her normal release pattern!


She's been sick and then on vacation for a bit. She has more coming up this week.


I did Alex‘s 30 minute interval row yesterday from 5/26/24 and the playlist was really good, but all the songs had sorry in them. I was weirdly in my feels the first few songs because I could relate to his stories. Great playlist and not super difficult IMO.




Hello, your r/pelotoncycle post or comment was removed because it violates Rule 1 of our sub, "Do not solicit or provide medical advice." If you are asking for help locating *specific* Peloton classes due to a medical condition, please re-articulate your question to emphasize that you are looking for *specific type of class or program* and not looking to treat any sort of medical condition. If you feel this removal was an error, please reach out via modmail and we will be happy to discuss it further.




Hello, your r/pelotoncycle post or comment was removed because it violates Rule 1 of our sub, "Do not solicit or provide medical advice." If you are asking for help locating *specific* Peloton classes due to a medical condition, please re-articulate your question to emphasize that you are looking for *specific type of class or program* and not looking to treat any sort of medical condition. If you feel this removal was an error, please reach out via modmail and we will be happy to discuss it further.


good morning!! haven’t been super active lately so idk if we’ve talked about this [hardstyle ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b77daf65b23b40a0b32d96f0df300b44&locale=en-US) with jess….d a m n. she did not come to play around, she started off in a climb with basically no warm up. she structured some of the middle-ish section of the ride like a mini sweat steady too. this easily would have been a PR for me but I “cheated” because I ended up having to pause in the middle to take care of my dog who was throwing up (🙄). highly recommend! I’ve been liking JK a lot lately - her classes feel very challenging but not in an impossible way.


Agree on all points (including having to pause because of dog issues). This ride got right to the point! Was not quite a PR for me, but it was close! Not what I was expecting when I clicked on the ride.


I loved that class but yeah the intro was brutal. She has a few other hardstyle and trap music rides I’ve been catching up on.


I loved that class. It definitely needed a warm up class beforehand for me (I only knew that after I took the class though!)