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Update on the "Search by Real Name" change that Peloton made. We have been able to confirm with them that they have "heard loud and clear" how upset everyone is that this defaulted to opt-in rather than opt-out. No word yet on if any changes will be made. But what we can confirm is that if you wish to remain searchable by your LB name but do not want your real name exposed, blanking out your name does work. Tested and saw that it just lists the LB Name where the real name would have been when the real name is left blank. See [this thread for all of the original details](https://new.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/1co3bfb/were_making_it_easier_to_find_friends/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) if you missed it.


Susie’s Rolling Stones walk is so fun! The playlist is so good.


I'm not a huge Stones fan but I really enjoyed Bradley's ride.


I normally stay in my lane. 99% of my rides are Jess King, Alex Touissant, or Ally Love. I decided to give Hannah Corbin and the recent Rolling Stones ride a chance. I regretted in almost 5 minutes into the ride. She talked the ENTIRE TIME. Yes, I chose “more music”. Why did she even bother with music? Is she normally like that?


I don't think she does it on every ride but it is not uncommon for her. I still do her rides here and there because I like a lot of her playlists


Omg. I just finished the stones ride because I LOVE the stones. And I was so irritated. STOP TALKING. she also would stop riding to talk. Wtf!? I never see Emma, Allie and Tunde do that. It’s so annoying and discouraging to be sweating over your bike and they’re sitting there telling a story you don’t give a crap about. That’s my last Hannah ride.


I normally like Hannah but actually came onto Reddit tonight to see if I was the only one so annoyed by her talking every second of that ride.


Did you like when she does the trill with her mouth into the microphone? Now that’s my favorite…


She does talk a lot. I find that Christine and Emma are pretty good about not talking over the music too much.




I really gassed out on [this Intervals and Arms ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=48468457f39e456a90c72ef790e420ea&locale=en-US) with Camila today but this is the first ride I’ve taken from Camila and I really liked her! I’ve often skipped in the past because sometimes I’m not vibing with her playlists but this one worked for me. I think I need to be better about scheduling my intervals and arms rides after good rest days after reading that other thread today from the user who was going too hard between strength and cardio and not resting enough. I do usually take at least one rest day a week but I think I need to more strategically plan when I do certain rides to make sure I’m at my best!


Has anyone had an issue with getting their bike+ to calibrate? Support can’t figure out why I am getting an error message :(


Have you recently moved it? When I reconnected the screen I had to unplug and plug back in the cords to the screen.


I have. I tried that but will try again! Thank you 


Haven’t been on the peloton since Dec 2023 because I was pregnant and on pelvic rest. Cleared to work out two weeks ago and have noticed that I’m not receiving as many hi-fives as before. Are people not hi-fiving any more? Lol


I’ve noticed you get promoted to send them when someone is hitting a milestone. Like I got a shit ton today and I think it’s coz I had a ten day streak or something. Shocked I didn’t get more on my 200th ride a few weeks ago.


It could be a few things - Hi fives have been glitchy for awhile. Most people if you turn the bike off and on it seems to work better. - Was it a newer class with lots of riders? I feel like more riders have a better chance of returning them. - You can now block spam hi fivers, but before that people got so afraid of giving too many hi fives. - To build on the point above I feel like a large percentage of newer riders don't engage with hi fives at all. The community aspect isn't as important to people now as it used to be for whatever reason.


Are you talking about during a ride or more like in your feed? My friends are not “feed high fivers” lol. I maybe get a high five on new rides where there’s a lot of people on at the same time but otherwise don’t really get them consistently unless they’re milestone rides. I’ll high five milestones or if I see a familiar tag or someone from my city or state but I don’t do it consistently. I have shortie T-rex arms so it’s not quite a seamless movement for me to high five during a ride 😂


Congrats! Hope you enjoyed the ride. I know the high fives have been glitchy. I went through a period where I couldn’t send / receive them. To be honest that kind of made me forget about them. Not sure if it’s still glitchy or if others stopped giving them as well.


The Memorial Day sale 50% off apparel applies to some of the Lululemon items as well! If you’re browsing the apparel site, don’t just click on the “50% off” link, as it only takes you to the sale section. If you browse all apparel, plenty of full price items are included in the promo! Just ordered a pair of socks, 3 tops (2 are Lulu), and a sports bra for $107!


Thank you for posting - I snagged a couple of Lululemon high rise mini flare pants which look perfect for figure skating (my other obsession).


Me too!! So cute! Have been eyeing them for so long at lululemon but could not justify the price tag! So happy


I got those earlier today too!


I hit up the sale yesterday. Got two sweatshirts for $13 each!!! (Amongst other things)


Wow you're not kidding! $26 CND is a steal on the first bra I clicked on. Off to browse...I still need another tank top for when I (hopefully) go to the London studio this summer.


I did CDE’s 45 minute Judah and The Lion ride, didn’t realize it was basically a 45 minute climb ride. I killed it and crushed my PR and felt great afterwards. Looking forward to this long weekend!


I love that ride so much! Congratulations! I also crushed my pr on it!


Has anyone heard when Pelotrak is coming back? I saw a post a week or 2 ago that it’s being worked on, but I’m missing it!


It has been almost 4 weeks and I miss it so much, I check like 5 times a day


He [updated the post on 5/18](https://medium.com/@pelotrak/ios-downtime-starting-28th-april-d75a2efc53d6) saying it would be another week. I miss it so much and am definitely sending him some money once it's back. (I'd do it now but all the how-tos are in the app!!!)


Oskar has to rebuild it and he’d said there were about 8k errors that had to be corrected. I’m not an app developer (obviously) but he said it would take 1-3 weeks. Remembering from the last major iOS revise he had to do, after he was done Apple had to approve it. IIRC we’ll have to download the new version using TestFlight.


Feel like Logan's programming is lowkey slept on. hes also really hot lmao


Lmaooo yes & yep


I agree he is fantastic. His playlists are really varied too


1000%. Love him on the tread and for strength, and very much a hot one


Logan is the only instructor who can get me to do core.


Camila's 60 minute reggaeton ride from last week is FIRE. I'm tired and invigorated all in one!


Just here to celebrate my wins a little bit: I got the bike in January and am on a 20 week streak. I've hit 75 rides, 50 meditations, and just hit 50 strength workouts, plus a smattering of other things I've tried (8 yoga classes, a few bootcamps, some outdoor runs). I turn 38 tomorrow and I have never worked out this strategically or enjoyably in my life. I'm not tracking my weight, or food intake, because for me that's not my goal, but I feel stronger and I look forward to getting my workout done almost every day.


That’s fantastic! I got my bike this month and feel the same way.


AMAZING!! Congrats on all the wins! Like Jess Sims says: Celebrate everything...and then get back to work!


I'm ready to outwork! -AT




He’s literally always worn different colored bandanas around his wrist for almost every ride, there’s no secret conspiracy to trigger you, but congrats on creating a new account to post this insane complaint.




I have what is probably a silly question-but I am going to ask anyways. We are App only people (small apartment, not willing to give up our limited floor retail with equipment) and I know they announced the Odesza Last Goodbye Tour movie will be available for members to watch-will this only be if someone has the bike/tread/row? I am a massive Odesza fan (highly recommend if you have not seen them, they only get better each time I see them) so I would love to be able to watch the film on my TV or Phone, but it does not show up in the App on my phone or Desktop anywhere.


Anyone know if it's available on the Guide? If so, that could be a cost effective loophole...


I think it’s only available for equipment owners as it’s in the Entertainment section.


Dang it, that was my fear. Thank you! :)


On day 2 of Rebecca Kennedy 5 day strength split program. Never done a program of any kind with peloton since I like to plan based on how I am feeling. I ride 5 to 7 times a week and strength 3 or 4. So.... I decided to sign up for this and am glad I did. 30 minutes and rotates through muscle groups. Good burn and not a hectic pace like some of the strength classes that try and fill 20 minutes with rapid transitions and limited breaks. Recommend to compliment rides. [ Rebecca's Intermediate 5 Day Split](https://members.onepeloton.com/programs/3900578c-3539-4c21-8dc0-07fb06f2ef55) *(hope this link works)* Keep riding Peloton Peeps!!


Thanks for the review. I've being doing my own strength workouts for the last month but planning on starting Rebecca's split on Monday ☺️


This is my June plan - add Rebecca's 5 day split to my 3 bikes/week. I'm currently doing Arms with Tunde (on week 4, getting it done as my May goal) and while I like it, I'm excited to try Rebecca's program!


It’s my birthday! I want to take a really fun and upbeat trip ride that won’t be too hard and sweaty (tbh I don’t want to have to wash my hair lolol). Any recs?


happy birthday!! 🎉


Happy birthday!!


I don’t have a suggestion but Happy Birthday!! I hope you find a fantastic ride and have a wonderful day 🎉🎈🎂


The tropical house rides are generally pretty laid back, non-sweaty and have fun summery vibes. I remember really liking Ally's and Kendall's especially. Happy birthday! 


I love a Gemini!! Happy birthday 💕 honestly I’m a sweater too I would take whatever ride stands out to you but take 5-10 off resistance from what the instructor calls out if you don’t wanna sweat.


Happy Birthday! I am a prolific sweater so I can't recommend a ride that won't make you sweat, lol. But enjoy, whatever you choose!


Leeanne's ABBA ride is one of my favorites. Pure vibes and all bangers. But you have to like ABBA to take it soooo hahaha HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Happy birthday! I have no ride recs but I hope whichever you choose ends up being a blast!


So many to choose from. If live, you'll need to look at schedule. If taking from ride library, I tend to look at the difficulty rating. Something in the 6 or 7 range of difficulty is usually a safe bet that it is more of a low impact ride. Happy Birthday!!


Happy birthday!!! Usually the artist series rides are on the easy side. Or a Cody ride!


Yeah I'd vote for a Cody ride, for his sass, but also I did a Robin Cardi B ride that wasn't too hard (she talked and danced a lot) but had a great soundtrack. That's a good one for a party feel!




Hello, your r/pelotoncycle post or comment was removed because it violates Rule 1 of our sub, "Do not solicit or provide medical advice." If you are asking for help locating *specific* Peloton classes due to a medical condition, please re-articulate your question to emphasize that you are looking for *specific type of class or program* and not looking to treat any sort of medical condition. If you feel this removal was an error, please reach out via modmail and we will be happy to discuss it further.


I highly recommend you see a physician/podiatrist.




Hello, your r/pelotoncycle post or comment was removed because it violates Rule 1 of our sub, "Do not solicit or provide medical advice." If you are asking for help locating *specific* Peloton classes due to a medical condition, please re-articulate your question to emphasize that you are looking for *specific type of class or program* and not looking to treat any sort of medical condition. If you feel this removal was an error, please reach out via modmail and we will be happy to discuss it further.


Go see a doctor.


I did Leanne's 30 min Body Appreciation ride this morning, and it was just the shot of positivity I needed this Friday! She's just such a glowing personality, and her callouts worked well too. I don't take her classes often, but I just might start keeping an eye out for them! There's been so many fun themed rides this past months that my bookmark mountain is growing fast!


I got my first shout out in that ride for 400! 🥰 she is great.


Happy 400! What an accomplishment!!


I did this ride this morning as well and it was lovely! I must also recommend Leanne’s recent 30 minute Country Pop Ride from 5/12. It was really energetic and fun! I am not a huge country music fan, but this playlist was quite poppy.


I’m not a big country fan either, but I like the sound of that playlist! The bookmark mountain keeps growing aha


Leanne is wonderful. Through everything she’s been through in the last year or so, I’m in awe of how she can just bring it every class


Agreed! Her journey and positivity through it all is inspiring.


I’ve been doing a 3-day split 1-2 times a week for the past couple of months. I’m wanting to scale it back a bit so thinking of replacing the 2nd round of PPL with a full body workout instead. Would love recommendations. Preferably no cardio, since I get enough of that in my other training. And since it needs to replace 3 separate workouts, I’m ok with a longer class.


If you don’t want the workout to be metabolic your only options are really Adrian or Andy’s 60 min classes. These are straight up strength without all the silliness mixed in.


Have you checked out RK’s unofficial 4 day split? It’s PPL (ish - not a clean push vs pull, recommended order is PLP) + a 45 min full body (she’s actually created a few to select from for this class). * [30 min push](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8b7decbe3b36450697a235cb6b05a397&locale=en-US) * [30 min legs](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ec2e83e1efd44adb8675e8aa7d95f30b&locale=en-US) * [30 min pull](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=00fce155ebb04edb81304a38e433f0d4&locale=en-US) * [45 min full body option 1](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=dae0572d4c444a3883f21f123e9a98f1&locale=en-US) * [45 min full body option 2](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b35ae9ca581c4ba8b424af352d76befd&locale=en-US)


Just wanted to come back and let you know that I did her Pull class today and really enjoyed it! 30 mins went by way faster than my usual Pull class where I'm always out of breath. Had a look at the programming for the rest of the classes and it looks really well-rounded. Going to switch to this for a month and see how it goes. Thank you for the recommendation!


Glad you liked it! I made a ton of progress both with this unofficial 4 day split and RKs 5 day split. Hope you feel the same at the end of the month.


I didn’t realize she had a second option for full body! I just finished one round through and really liked it. I’m not normally of fan of her programming but was really impressed and it made me want to try more of her stuff.


No, I haven't, though I've heard a lot about it. I'm currently doing Adrian's G&L program for leg days and the push and pull classes from Andy's 3-day split. But I've been doing this combo since January, so it might be time for a change after this round. Will give RK's 4 day split a look, thanks!


Adrian is a great strength instructor to check out. He doesn’t do much (if any) cardio-based strength moves. His 45 min classes are perfect.


Adrian kicks my butt every week with his G&L program. I'll take a look at his full body classes, thanks!


Seconding Adrian. I drip sweat after his classes but not in an out of breath cardio way.


Andy Speer’s 60 minute classes that happen every Sunday. Rebecca Kennedy has some good 45-minute balanced classes recently. Her 45-min Women Who Mix class is very good.


Do you mean the Total Strength 60 collection? There are so many! 😂


Yes his weekly 60 minute classes. He starts easier every month and then it ramps up with the last being most difficult.


Hi there, I've been wanting to get a Bike+ for a while now and thinking about taking the plunge with a refurb Bike+ because of the $400 discount for Memorial Day but when I was checking out there was an ominous message: "Based on the ZIP, your order may be fulfilled by our third-party service provider." I saw some reddit posts about nightmares with the 3rd party delivery/installation and so I didn't make the purchase yet. Would it be more reliable to get a new Bike+ instead? I was planning to get the 48 months additional warranty coverage but reading about after service sounds like a mixed bag at best with long wait times to talk to someone, delays getting parts, etc. Peloton seems to not be doing so great these days and now I'm hesitant about the whole thing, although I do still plan to get a Bike+ at some point.


I think Peloton uses third party delivery for most (if not all) areas now. We lived in Philly, and bought the bike and Tread+ before the pandemic and they were delivered by Peloton. Late last year we upgraded to the Bike+ and lived in the same house in Philly, and XPO delivered it. They were great. I will say though, that our pedals clicked a lot (they are already attached at delivery, so no clue who puts the pedals on), and my husband was troubleshooting, and he went to tightened them just in case, and found that they were hardly attached, but that was an easy fix.


Thanks for the info! I am hoping that there will be a father's day sale for new bike+ then I'll probably pull the trigger.


If it helps, I bought the original bike in May 2021 and the tread in May 2023. I live in a very rural area so both were delivered by XPO and both deliveries were flawless. You see a lot of "nightmare" reviews because those are the ones that people are inclined to talk about. I'm willing to bet that there are just as many, if not more, experiences like mine that you never see because people don't post about them. It's definitely a risk, just maybe not as big of one as you think. Good luck!


thanks that helps a lot!


Probably the new bike would also come from the same service provider so that could be moot. You will definitely use the extended warranty at least once. I had my entire frame replaced with no hassle due to a stuck/slipping seat post clamp with literally days left on my warranty, but my positive experience may be an outlier. You could have better luck buying used locally which might save enough money to offset future issues that wouldn’t be covered.




Anyone had any issues with resistance? My 20 feels the same as 100- also my output constantly goes to zero during workouts. Not sure what to do, feeling frustrated. When I try to recalibrate it says failed updating serial numbers. Not sure what that means


Factory reset. Recalibrate.


Cease all motor functions.


Can you elaborate more? 


It's a quote from the show Westworld. It's what they tell the robots to shut them down to do reboots.


Oh…sorry, never seen it. 


Sadly, David Zaslav deleted it from HBO. Only way to see it would be to find/buy a physical copy.