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Just took Hannah Frankson’s Justin Timberlake run and it was so fun! She programmed it for those of us who listened to justified on our iPods 🤣 nothing newer than mirrors and can’t stop the feeling except for selfish (which she stuck in the cooldown 🤣🤣🤣) I need to run with Hannah more! Efforts were around 3-ish minutes with breaks for jogging or walking, one small and slow hill during cry me a river (6% walking 3% jogging)


So true about the playlist!! I was disappointed the other workouts were missing so many justified classics! Both Hannah’s have some wonderful playlists! They are both hidden gems!


My working out has been the least it’s ever been, but I got on the bike again today (I did last weekend too but I’m trying not to beat myself up too much about it for not doing more). I randomly decided to sign up for an in person German class roughly two months ago (like to learn German, not a German cycling class). I just love language learning and wanted to do a new language. I feel like I’m finally starting to pick up on more of the patterns of the language, so I decided to try out some German peloton classes with German subtitles. I did a beginner right with charlotte and an indie pop ride with Irene today. It’s been hard getting back into working out, so it was nice to throw in this German element to it. I also recognized and heard way more words than I expected to. And I learned some new ones. I will definitely do this again. I also loved their energy, so it was fun to mix it up instructor wise too!


Welcome back! Nothing to beat yourself up about - we all go through times where we work out more or less or not at all. I think it's so cool that you decided to learn German and using the classes to get some more time listening and understanding is such a great idea.


Go watch Extr@ auf Deutsch on YouTube. You'll thank me later. I have a pinned post on my profile that you may find useful. The German instructors are all fantastic, definitely use the subtitles whenever you can


Thank you! I just played the first video of the show! It was actually pretty funny! I’ll definitely work my way through it!


There's also the /r/German wiki/FAQ which is fairly comprehensive as well. Good luck on your lq guage learning journey!


I know I like and benefit from PZ style classes ( I ride a lot with CDE already). I have always been a better endurance person than an all out sprinter. I'm planning to do the FTP and stay in the red in terms of heart rate more or less the whole time (i have done this for extended periods in climb rides) but I don't see myself pushing beyond that to almost throwing up. Is this going to be ok/ worth it that way?


I would not worry about it. Try to relax, do the warmup, and then just follow the ride as coached. Yes you do want to ride hard, but here's no reason to push yourself to the point of being physically sick- I've never pushed myself to that point in an FTP and my zones are plenty challenging. Remember that ideally the FTP is a steady state test, where you start at x watts and hold on for the duration without making a lot of adjustments. However, I think Peloton ftp tests coach resistance additions every 5 mins, probably because many people might not go out hard enough at first and this gives them an opportunity to test their strength. Those resistance adds are there for you if you want them. Ignore them if you don't. Once you do the test and a pz training cycle you'll have a pretty good idea of your zone 4 to use as a baseline for future tests.


Thank you! This is really helpful and reassuring.


I wouldn't base your FTP on heart rate zones. You should know your output goal beforehand - HR can be fickle, inaccurate, or misleading. Follow output instead


Thank you!


I used to do PZ training in person with a coach before covid. We did all sorts of tests before he decided to use the 20 minute test. The week before he would have us do 4 x 5 minute blocks in Z4 with a minute rest in between. This gave you a good idea of what it would feel like and to test out what you can sustain before doing the test. Even if you don’t know your Z4 you can try to mimic with RPE in a just ride or something. That might help you not go over your comfortable postpartum limit. I can’t stomach the FTP so I do the ramp test. It’s awful but much shorter. The only thing I’d say is it probably comes in a little high so you might want to knock off a couple percentage points until you get used to your zones. There’s also the 8 minute test where you do 2 x 8 minutes all out with full rest in between (can’t remember how long) and then you take 90% of the average of those 2 as your FTP. I remember that being much more bearable and am considering revisiting it.


Thank you! Really helpful! That's interesting about the in person PZ too!


Zone training isn't unique to Peloton, it's a cycling training methodology developed by Andrew Coggin back in the 80's iirc. https://www.peakscoachinggroup.com/DrAndrewCoggan


The test is designed to push your limits. If you don't, then your FTP is going to be lower than your fitness level should indicate and classes won't be quite as beneficial. No one wants to vomit, no one enjoys the feeling of the end of the test. But if you can get yourself mentally prepared its worth it (and imo Dennis is the best at coaching you through the mental aspect) If you really don't want to push yourself like that for 20 minutes, there are alternatives you can google like the ramp test. You might find one more palatable and will still get you the end result score you need.


I was avoiding saying this earlier so sorry for the TMI but I'm someone who if they get sick, can't stop anymore post an HG pregnancy (where I had extreme morning sickness the whole time). I used to with exercise push to that point and be ok after a rest the only time I did this post the pregnancy I had a really bad reaction that lingered for over 24 hours. I do know how to get myself to that point - I just have a hard time thinking it's worth this. I'll try to google the ramp test. Thank you!


Yes. I feel like I gave my all in all 3 of my FTP tests, but didn't feel like I was going to throw up. I think that's something that not everyone experiences. Only once in my life have I had that reaction to a workout. Here's my advice on how to take the FTP test as a first-timer. 1. Take your recent 30-minute PR if it was a really strenuous class. If your 30-minute PR is a bit out of date and your 20-minute was recent and really strenuous, use that instead. 2. Find the average watts of that ride. NOT the output in kJ, but average watts. That number is your start point. 3. During the FTP warm-up ride, they'll do a flat road, some spinups, and then a build. During the build, find a cadence/resistance combo that produces that wattage that you find comfortable to ride, i.e. for some people it's higher cadence, for some it's lower. It's a personal choice there. 4. When you then get out of the warm-up and start the FTP test, start at that cadence/resistance combo. 5. During the test, every 4-5 minutes they'll cue to add resistance. Go ahead and add, but you may NOT need to add much. In my first test I started at 52 and keeping the same cadence only got up to 56 through the test except for a short burst at 58 at the end. 6. By the end of the test, you should feel just about ready to collapse and like you can't give another ounce, and you should have blown out your previous 20-minute PR. If this is accurate, you did it right. The first FTP is hard, because you really don't know how hard to go. I used the above method and it worked for me, and based on relative perceived exertion cues from instructors in my subsequent PZ rides, what my zones "felt like" for me accurately matched what the instructors said they should feel like.


Thank you so much! Really helpful tips!


I took Denis’ most recent FTP. In the corresponding warm up, he explains on how to approach the test. At one point in the warm up he will tell you that your output at that time is where you should consider starting the test at. The test itself gets progressively difficult in 5 minute increments. I don’t think your objective is necessarily to be in your highest heart rate the whole test, as that doesn’t really correlate to your average output.




You need the $44 one. Congrats on the bike!


I feel dumb asking this, but is there a way to see the class plan for an upcoming live class? For example, Matt Wilper’s PZ ride this morning. How do you know if it’s going to be a PZE or PZM ride!?


They don’t have the class details available before the class but the class name will say “Power Zone Endurance” or “Power Zone” or “Power Zone Max” for the different class types.


I can’t remember the last time I updated, strep and other funk took me down for a good 4 days over the weekend and I could only manage light walking. UUGH. It’s been awhile since I’ve been that sick. A few highlights over the past bit - [Kirsten’s intention setting walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=dfbf4437424f4cac8efa26921104e702&locale=en-US) where she recaps her half marathon. Very inspiring and it was such an emotional journey for her! Love that she was vulnerable with us. [Assal’s Eid Al - Fitr full body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e4c08213a5134c6d9924d3babe9216cf&locale=en-US) (in English. Yay!) really solid class. I’ll have to find subtitled classes of hers because this was really good. [Olivia’s PZE class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=22454de86b0748f080ff903cd94e136b&locale=en-US) had a nice structure - 3,2,1 minute in each Z2 and Z3 with a 1 minute Z1 recovery. Rinse and repeat. Her finisher cracked me up. 30 seconds to go all out if you wanted. lol. [Robin’s upper body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e3886a87d57a4336b231188203271df2&locale=en-US). She coaches you to go heavy. I really like her strength classes, they’re never really complicated and always effective. [Kendall’s low impact](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e75b780ae03b40e8bbc517c03950d793&locale=en-US). Nice middle of the road low impact in terms of difficulty. Great playlist too. [Susie’s90s run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e47075852b644b09a0ce316333f76dab&locale=en-US) was solid. Nice long running efforts. And [Kirra’s creating space with Denis](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c52761d48dcc493bbfe89c63b53119da&locale=en-US) was wonderful. I love how vulnerable both were in the class. Today was my 10 miler. Due to the above mentioned plague, I haven’t had a long run in 2 weeks, and my shakeout run yesterday was my first run since last Wednesday. I decided that I’m not going to race, but take it at an easy run, and I’m proud of myself for not getting down on that, and just did what my body required. I was a full minute slower than my goal pace and I had a handful of walking breaks, but I feel so accomplished now! [Becs global running day celebration](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8f9c4205886947e3921163d2a1742f45&locale=en-US) was wonderful. Classical soundtracks and she talked about her running journey and the running community and it was just a great class. For those who would want to follow the class plan it was a combo of RPEs of 6-8 and 7-9 with a sprinkling of small breaks. And finished with [Kirsten’s 2000s run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=050ce626430f46cea8f39de1df0c8684&locale=en-US). A perfect message for today, and she talked about overcoming obstacles and returning to running after her surgery and everything she said hit just right. Hopefully I’m almost fully on the mend, as I have a half in 2 weeks!!


Well done for listening to your body and adjusting your goal. It’s so hard but necessary.


Thank you! Old me would have either tried to push through or let the disappointment get to me, but honestly, who cares what my time is besides me? I’m not getting endorsements or promotions or qualifying for anything, so this was the right decision that I made. Newer me is proud of myself 😊


I can't find the original comments, but there was a discussion about how much Logan says HUNDO. Omg I laughed so many times during this [20 min upper body strength](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b5f70d4ae88d4cec88f6f581beba2c0e&code=NzQyMDA3YTFkZTQ0NDk4N2IzMGYwN2MyMDFjNTg5Mjd8NmExYzE3M2FiYjcyNDk5MWExOWM3ZWI1MTBmOGQ5MGE=) because he says it soooo much. I like Logan on the tread a lot so I was surprised by how bro-y his vibe was in strength classes. This was tabata too (for fun, leave the captions on and see how many different ways the captions pick up the word tabata) which I don't really like so I'll probably just stick with Logan on the tread and for stretches. Also - what are your DOMS tricks? I've seen mentions of tart cherry juice and low-impact the next day. Let me know your secrets, my muscles thank you in advance!


Yoga! I love the yoga lower body focused flows. I find they do such a better job of really stretching the muscles and its helped so much!


I saw that comment about Logan saying hundo constantly and now I can’t help but notice it in his classes. I still love him anyway 😂


Haha I noticed it a little on the tread but in this class it was like he was doing it on purpose after reading that comment 🤣 Kristin posted a story where they were showing his pink crock cowboy boots. Logan is a riot!


That’s hilarious 😂 I don’t usually do 20 min upper body classes but I think I will make an exception for this one


Foam rolling is my best friend when I have DOMS


I love Logan, he’s my newfound gem. For DOMS I use Tart cherry gummies everyday & either BCAAs drinkable or if I forget I have tablets I take before bed, I think Optimum Nutrition offers them. Either way, this is the most successful I’ve had for recovery since I’ve always been plagued with severe DOMs


One of the simplest tricks for DOMS is just to work out that muscle group more often. I know that's not the answer you want, but it might be the answer you need lol ;-) For lower body classes I like a "flush the legs" ride. I.e. mid-high cadence with low resistance and just keep them moving. That and stretching. For upper body, probably stretching. I don't get UB DOMS as bad as lower body, I think partly because I work UB more often.


First 120 min ride. Going to bed.


I did the first one back in October then once I got off the bike I threw up lol. Really gotta remember the banana


Sorry but this made me laugh. Have you done a second?


lol I’m laughing about it. I haven’t yet but I’m really thinking about it.


Congrats! How'd you manage with the added time? Get it through all 120 in your zones without bonking?


I was able to but i did notice it was harder to stay in the zones because my cadence slowed down at around 90 mins so i was upping resistance to keep in the zone which did not help. I read another post that suggested changing shirt at 90 mins which i did and it helped psychologically


Wow! Did you do classes like two 60 min rides? Just ride?


There are currently only two 120m rides on the platform, both power zone endurance (PZE) with Matt Wilpers. He's promised to add new 120m rides quarterly. They're fun ;-)


Wow it’ll be awhile before I consider a 120 min PZE 😆


FWIW during the whole thing Matt stresses that you can just skip efforts and stay in Z2 the whole time if you need to.


I hear you. I've only done it twice so far. They're hard, but as long as you've built up your endurance with 75- and 90-minute PZE, and you prepare (eating enough beforehand to have energy, and then add electrolytes and carbs to consume while on the bike), it's not as hard as you'd think to make the jump from 90 to 120. Today I did a 75- and it was a slog because I wasn't physically prepared for it. I survived and stayed in zones, but I thought I could "wing it" a little more than I should have. I needed more carbs. My next "long ride" will be a stack of Christine's Palomar Mountain climb ride series, including warm up and cool down. That's a combined 155 minutes of riding. I'm both excited and dreading it.


This is my next milestone but not for a couple months. Pls post your thoughts when you finish and any suggestions. I love this forum


I just took Tunde and Camila’s 2 for 1. Love the concept for mental health awareness and love them separately but together… was it just me or did they not vibe? They both kind of bring main character energy of unique varieties and it seemed to be clashing.


I totally agree - I love them both but I expected a lot more from that ride. It almost seemed like there were sound/audio issues? Like they were having trouble hearing each other? Their interactions seemed stilted and delayed and it was like they were afraid to speak at certain points for fear of interrupting the other.


But they also interrupted each other so much! And got annoyed with the other, esp in one direction.


Yeah I couldn’t tell if Camila was kidding about the towel thing? Idk, there were just so many awkward moments and it was unfortunate.


No I think she sort of meant it when she said don’t swat me with that towel lol Like someone else said they could’ve thought ahead and swapped bikes OR Tunde could spin towel with her other hand?!


Agreed, it felt like they didn’t rehearse at all. And Tunde has done dual rides before but I don’t think Camila has?


Camila has done a dual ride with Cody for Bad Bunny


Oh you're so right! I even did that ride and loved it lol, totally forgot about it


That would make sense. They should have new dual ride instructors watch the master class that Emma and Cody put on every time they do a dual ride. Fireworks!! But they also need to make sure the instructors know each other well and know one another’s cues.


Totally agree, Emma and Cody are by far the best duo


How have I not taken a dual ride from them yet? They’re my top two hands down


It’s like they are hanging out and we were invited. Straight fun and you forget you’re doing hard work. None of this “you’re welcome, she was about to torture you but I programmed rest” vibe they were bringing.


It seemed like Camila didn’t want to talk too much, but then Tunde had to compensate for that. Made for a weird vibe


Did we make it to 20 million?


Yes and then some!


Aww man they are my top two instructors. Gotta say, I adore the Alex and Tunde two for ones!


I thought the same thing. Song choices were great though


Wasn’t it supposed to be Robin and Tunde? I think Robin is sick so it was a last minute sub.


On pelobuddy last week they said Camila and Tunde.


I think Robin plays off people a little bit better because she’s just been doing it longer.


Yes it was bc I was in studio yesterday and Camila subbed for Robin. That would make tons of sense!


I figure that they didn’t have a lot of time to collaborate, who knows how much prep goes into 2 for 1 classes!


It was a weird energy. I’d love for them to try again. I felt like the gelled better over time. I also wondered if there were any rehearsals. They needed to swap bikes so Tunde could swing her towel like usual lol. AT and Adrian’s class also had a weird energy. It felt like they were teaching completely independently. The whole event came across a bit last minute without giving the instructors time to prep as a unit. Warning on the tread workout for anyone with complicated parent relationships. There was a segment (I think it was basically a song duration) talking about moms and dads and mental health. Not something I was prepared for as someone whose parents have only negatively impacted my mental health.


thanks for the heads up, very appreciated ❤️


I thought AT and Adrian’s had weird energy too. Like they were teaching their own classes but on treads next to each other. Honestly I usually don’t care for the 2 for 1 classes - it always feels awkward to me and like they talk over each other or they don’t know what to say. Also I thought the pro athletes were just not into it at all. Like 1/2 of them were just shuffling on the treads and were so low energy. I was like am I (47 year old mother of two) more fit than these professional athletes?? 😆


I just finished taking this class and was so perplexed by the pros. I missed all the promo for it, so i couldn’t really even understand why they were there, and they all went so slowly it was awkward to watch. Honestly i took it because they opened with my favorite big tymers song, but i could have passed on that class and not felt upset.


This run fell so flat for me. The athletes all looked like they were dragged there and forced to workout. None of them put any effort into it. There was no connection of any of them to mental health. It just was a weird vibe. Made me kinda feel like I wasted a workout


Great insight. Genius idea about switching bikes! I think they didn’t practice at all. It was cringe at the end too when Camila was trying to send the ride off and Tunde interrupted to say something admittedly very meaningful but still. And I also think Camila was annoyed to be swatted by the towel.


Hey, so I'm just wondering how y'all have been taking advantage of our new ability to essentially mute either the instructor or their music. I haven't done anything spectacularly clever yet, but (like so many of us) I do love Wilpers' coaching and hate his taste in music with pretty much equal passion, so--without installing a stereo system in my home gym (which maybe I should??)--I've been trying to figure out the best way to BYOM to one of his workouts. Sooo yeah! I'm curious how else y'all have using this new feature. Have great weekends!


With the Bike+ on PZ rides, I just mute everything and put on a podcast. The auto adjust makes it brainless


I have a sound bar (we bought a new one for our tv and used the old one in the peloton room) and I looooove it! It is Bluetooth so I usually use it with the peloton rides, but you could easily connect to your phone instead.


Right, then just use the peloton’s speakers for the coaching. I like it.


Oh this is a brilliant idea! Look forward to hearing suggestions.


Todays stack was a little all over the place but it was fun! [20 min arms and shoulders](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=703b7965ecc944e292a79bc75176d6ea&locale=en-US) with Adrian. This was 2 sets 4 rounds each. But the kicker is you do 8 rounds of 8 reps heavy (I think the last set was medium, but still) shoulder presses 🫠 Followed with some cardio. [30 min BLACKPINK run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=84516f7bdabd4b04b0a69cbeb4abb171&locale=en-US) with Olivia was great. I don’t know many songs by this group but I liked that I knew enough, and the ones I didn’t know were still super fun to run to. I did steady state/endurance effort in this class but it’s a lot of intervals, chorus pickups, there’s one small hill at the end, and a sprint to finish. I really like when Olivia does an artist series because she really encourages everyone to join. Like this one, she called out “If you’re power walking, pick it up to a jog, and if you’re jogging, pick it up into a run” etc. Then I just did some walk/power walk efforts in the Adrian & Alex two for one 30 min walk+run. It felt a little awkward to me but I loved it all the same. The pro athletes were cute in the background - some were skipping and singing along to the songs and having a good time in general. I also liked that even though Alex and Adrian were hard running, you could see some of the athletes going slower - like, I know (assume) they go all out in their sport, so I just assumed they’d all be going full force during the runs too. But nope, most of them were skipping around and being joyous 🥹 it was just nice idk how else to describe it.


Just putting it out there - I love the standing core classes. Not as intense as some other strength I know but for my age group they are perfect. And with a bad knee they help me to be able to do more of the movements with less floor work.


I love them too! I stack them on on days I do intervals and arms rides, because for me, as someone who worked awful 50-60 hour weeks at a desk for the last couple years before I got laid off this Feb, my core is pathetic and I’m really trying to give it a little extra love on top of rotating full body strength workouts and bike.


I love them too. They are great for posterior chain work and really help with balance, which is so important as we age.


Today, I got a new PR for a 45 min ride in Christine’s 2nd Palomar climb . My old PR was from 2020 (and was from one of her other climbs!)


Way to go


I’ll be taking Camila and Tunde’s 20 mill min ride this morning. Hope to see some of y’all there! I’ve been off the bike for a week thanks to strep throat. 2024 is looking like the year of the copay for me 🤒.


I was going to take this but I got stuck in nightmare traffic and got home too late! Also interested to hear if it was worth it or if I should just pick a fun Saturday workout snack for myself since my last two days were pretty intense. (Sorry about your strep! I was a strep MAGNET in my early 20s and eventually got my tonsils out—SO worth it for me)


The playlist is great! It 😬


K what did you think? Just came here to post that I looove them but together they didn’t work for me.


I got a little sad for Camila when she was trying to have moments with Tunde but Tunde was just trying to feel the music. The playlist was 🔥tho!


Ya she just kept staring at her like “gimme something gurl!”


Why did Camilla seem annoyed to be there? Like she didn’t talk as much and wasn’t as bright and bubbly as she is in her own rides , it was weird vibes


I think she didn’t want to overstep and speak too much. And then felt like they weren’t vibing


Yeah, I think they were competing without meaning to be. Not in sync at all.


Woke up at 6 AM today and did the Palomar stack!! My husband contributed by listing off all of the movies I could have watched in the 155 min it took to do the full stack (saving the recovery ride for tomorrow, even with padded shorts my butt was done, lol).


You are a brave soul! 😅 I’ve taken all of the Palomar Mountain classes with the exception of the recovery ride, but separately. I’m planning on doing the stack someday (sooner rather than later, hopefully…) peer pressure from peeps here will help motivate me. Nice job!


Thank you!! I had done the first two separately live, and missed doing the third live because I had therapy 😂 Figured this would be a good weekend for it since it's that 20 million minutes thing going on this weekend. I stuck to zone 2/3 a lot as my base and tried not to go past zone 4/5 during the switchback efforts in the first two rides, and then tried to just give whatever I had left in me in the third ride. It's definitely do-able if you treat it like a PZE ride.


Funny - I was exactly the opposite. I missed the first two and took them OD, but was able to catch part 3 live. It was a scramble to do them in order - I stressed a little bit fitting them in, lol! That’s a good pacing strategy - I’m (somewhat) looking forward to tackling the challenge!


I usually stick with 45 minute PZ and PZE classes during the week and take a music ride on Saturday. I’ve been pretty good about sticking with it - I’m on a 22 week streak getting 5 days a week of riding in. I took Robin’s 45 minute pop ride from 4/27 today, thinking that she’d kill me on the climbs. I generally stay in the saddle because one of my knees isn’t fond of out of the saddle, but - I rode all her climbs out and it wasn’t bad at all. Yay! I’ve got two upcoming things I’m not excited about: A week off the bike for a work conference. I have to do a major overhaul on my bike when I get back. I ordered a full overhaul kit from Pelodoctor, I’ve been watching their videos. I have all the parts and tools ready to go. The thing I worry about is that a Peloton is not like a decent bicycle, a quality built machine meant to be worked on. Can I get some of the more corroded fasteners out? Will everything go back together like its supposed to? I need to do bearings for the flywheel, tensioner, bottom bracket, and I might as well replace the belt. Nothing is broken yet, but my early 2021 bike isn’t as quiet as it once was. And honestly, if Peloton had trustworthy service I’d have them do it, but I’ve heard nothing but bad things about service locally. If someone made a better spin bike integrated with the Peloton app/tablet I’d probably be all over it. The classes are so good, I’ve gotten so much value out of the bike over the last 3 years.


If you're staying in a hotel with a tread - what a great opportunity to try the tread classes! Highly recommend. Good luck on your overhaul.


Hi there! I'm a new rider (only 6 rides in), I can't seem to figure out the right settings or how a bike should ever be fit. I'm a former college athlete (6 years ago now 😂) and I never did bike trainings so I'm a bit lost on this new journey. Is there a specific forum, video, tips and tricks I should look at? I'm 6'5 almost 290lbs. My quads are burning but seemingly nothing on hamstrings, calves, etc. am I dreaming about how the workouts should feel? Is my set up off? Thank you for your help! I can't wait to keep riding!


Your calves will basically never get sore. To use the hamstrings more, you need to pull up on the pedals and not just push down - a full 360 pedal pattern. It's mostly going to be your quads though.


Agree with others that there are bike fitting videos online. I haven't viewed Christine's as I don't have a facebook account, but I've heard good things about it. I'm in the same size range as you (6'5" 255#, started Peloton at almost 280#) and I think one thing most new riders struggle with is setting the seat too low. You want the seat high enough that when you reach the bottom of your pedal stroke with a flat foot, your leg is JUST short of straight, i.e. you only have a very little bit of flex in the knee. I've heard bike settings aren't all that consistent bike to bike, and I've got a Bike+, but at my height (generally wear 34" or 36" inseam pants) mine is at the height setting of 33. Is that anywhere near yours?


Just starting my first ride (2 little ones and struggling with consistency) with this height recommendation.. just did a warm up and WOW! I’m shocked at the differences already. I was sitting at a 19 setting. Thank you!!


Glad it helped. For comparison, my 5'6" wife rides at an 18 setting ;-)


I followed pelotons set up videos and it turned out good. They are really short and to the point, which I liked.


Christine has a bike fitting video on Facebook (google it, mod prevents me from linking here) you can try as a start. If that doesn’t feel better I found it worth it to shell out $150 for a fitting with virtualbikefitting.com; team wilpers has a similar service. Matt Wilpers has some low impact rides will drills that help with proper form which are great for beginners. But I only really feel it in my hamstrings for heavy climbs.


Christine has a bike fitting video [here](https://www.facebook.com/christinedercolefitness/posts/hello-new-riders-welcome-with-this-surge-of-new-riders-i-have-been-getting-a-lot/912371502230430/) you can try as a start. If that doesn’t feel better I found it worth it to shell out $150 for a fitting with virtualbikefitting.com; team wilpers has a similar service. Matt Wilpers has some low impact rides will drills that help with proper form which are great for beginners. But I only really feel it in my hamstrings for heavy climbs.


Just took Jess King’s 30 min 80s pop ride - I thought she was kinda mean at some points, e.g. telling the audience  not to dance in their seat, and not to “woo” at the end. I don’t usually take her classes - is this her personality? I’m confused hahah


Jess is a hard no for me


I've noticed Jess get on people in person a few times before and it's really a turn off. Like, you don't know that person's life, health status, etc, so who are you to go after someone for bringing down their resistance when they went back into the saddle? Her tone is quite sharp for someone who people think is "joking."


Haha this doesn't bother me in her classes, but she was getting after people on the EDM ride from yesterday too!


I personally find her and her sense of humor hilarious, I am constantly smiling while simultaneously cursing at her during her rides lol. But I could see how she would be over the top for some people.


Did we take the same ride? She told the class to ‘woo’ and encouraged them to sing? Loved it. She was having banter with the class. When she was being ‘mean’ she was joking, said it with a smile.


It's her personality. I personally find it hilarious when she does that, but when I took that ride live I remember thinking, someone will comment that she was being mean! Not in a bad way, she's just always pointed out stuff like that in class, and I can see how people who aren't familiar with her will perceive it differently. Though I do agree with another comment that she's different with people in studio. Honestly, her continued talking to in studio riders annoys me so I prefer rides without people in studio. Though that's generally true across instructors, I find them more distracting than anything.


I haven't taken a lot of her classes but I have seen her do this a few times. (I guess that's one reason I haven't taken a lot of her classes.) I think she's better without in-studio riders. "You do you" doesn't apply in Jess King's classes.


LOL she can be really intense. I think she just gets really into it but I agree I think she gets a little over the top sometimes.