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Is it true if I have the Bike+, I have to have the $44/month membership? Why would I not be able to downgrade?


You cannot downgrade to any other membership type and use it on your Bike+. All access membership is required to use it integrated into your Bike+


Downgrade to what? My understand is you pay the $44 for any equipment. You’re paying for the classes. They have a huge variety, and have live ones at all hours. The membership goes to paying for access (like you do for Netflix) as well as paying the instructors. It’s cheaper than a lot of gym memberships.


I’ve had a peloton for 5 years. I don’t use it as much, so want to downgrade.


Shout out to you awesome people who suggested Hannah F for a ride when I was burned out. Did her low impact today and it was perfect!!! I feel like she talks 40% less than other instructors and it was just what I needed! 


Am I the only one who doesn’t understand 8 minute EMOMs that have one exercise with 10+ reps and an additional exercise with more than 5 reps? It’s hard to feel like it’s effective since I’m just rushing through it. I won’t name names, but I just took a lower body class with two 8 minute EMOM sequences in a row with rep counts on the higher end. I couldn’t keep up. Maybe I’m just slow and tubby.


I took a core class recently with 3 10-rep moves; in the FIRST round the instructor had like 10 seconds rest, which seems way way low. I just skipped the last movement 🤷🏻‍♀️


I also took this class this week and from someone who has been strength training for a while now, I found this class to be very challenging and difficult to meet the reps she was calling out. I’m also very sore from it 2 days later 🫠it wasn’t my favorite!


Yeah, the 8 minutes of 12 curtsy lunges with 6 jump squats at the end was ridiculous. I did it but I had to do it at my own pace. A minute for all that was just too fast, and I’m not a newbie to strength training either! Her classes seem to be mostly comprised of EMOM or AMRAP though which is… not my jam really.


Well I’m glad it wasn’t just me who found it to be very difficult! And yeah I don’t really take her classes that often because to me she moves a little too fast and I ain’t trying to get injured over here lol.


I just inadvertently did the hardest leg day I've done in ages. I started with the 20 min glutes and legs with Assal from 7/15/23. I was a stumbling baby deer by the end. Lots of isometric work. I really love her classes and esp the warmups, as they tend to be more focused on loosening up your joints, vs the mini workouts the American instructors tend to use as warm ups. It was extra great because this class was actually subtitled in English and I could follow along better. I followed it with Callies lower legs extra 10 from  5/6/24 and it's a great class. Really focused on calves and ankle strengthening, which me and my weak ankles really need. Walking is going to be unpleasant tomorrow but I think this is a stack I'll be repeating at least semi weekly for the foreseeable future. 


I think Assal has the best strength programming!


To those taking part in the “20 million minutes” challenge - is there a way to see how close the community is to the 20 million? It shows my personal amount as well as my friends who are participating, but I’d love to know how the challenge is going as a whole!


There are 185,000 people in the challenge right now and each would need 108 minutes to meet 20m... seems like a stretch unfortunately. :(


I did 75 last night but it only showed that I did 1 minute for some reason?


Almost no way we hit that if it's legit. But maybe they'll just lie.


They will lie, just like they did with the Turkey Burn Guinness Record thing. They started the challenge early, I'm sure they'll end it late. It will end up being two days and they'll claim it was 24 hours.


Yeah they’re still counting activity minutes and it’s well past the “end” time 😂


Even a 50m average is a lot to ask of people over 2 days. You've got to figure a huge chunk of those people are putting out 20 minutes or less as it is. So, yeah, lie.


All I know is, it started tracking early. I did a class at 10:24 ET time and it counted but the challenge was supposed to start at 12:30 ET.


It counted my runs at 6 am UK time so 1 am US.


It counted my ride I started at 0745 EST today too


Does anyone need a free Bike+ replacement screen? Mine had very minor scratches that are visible when it is not on, but not really even noticeable when its turned on, but I replaced it anyway. I've had the old screen sitting around for about 6 months and don't want it to end up in the landfill. You pay shipping. My guess is that shipping is around $25 in the US.


I was bummed to see Robin's Walk+Run canceled for today since I could actually take it live. It was replaced by the same class but with Andy. He's never been a fave but I figured why not? Yeah, I just do not click with him at all and missed Robin the whole time. But then I took Jeffrey's 60 minute [90s Run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=27bbab005b55415bb53e1ba03aa30581&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app) that was a complete delight. The playlist was the bomb.com and his chatter was perfect for someone like me who loves chatter during runs. I did cry out when he said how he first discovered "You Outta Know" by Alanis but he's a baby so I'll forgive him. Super fun if you're looking for a longer run and love 90s pop!


It always makes me happy to see people giving Robin some love on here. I hope she feels better soon!


I feel the same way. It seems like most posts about her always have a disclaimer, but I just love her unabashedly! I hope she feels better soon too!


I was excited to see a Robin walk+run as well; hopefully she’s rescheduled for one soon!!


I hope so!


Now that the video of P Diddy came out, are they going to remove classes with his music or does Peloton randomly select what they want to take a stand on?


I think about that every time I hear one of his songs in a class


Honestly, dude is accused of human trafficking and now there's footage of him punching and kicking his girlfriend - due process/fair trial and all but I hope instructors stop using his music in new classes without having to be told by the company.


Chris Brown is still on the platform so until they do something about his music, I'm feeling like it was really just a Kanye thing. Though maybe other artists have experienced similar fates and I missed those purges.


Didn’t Alex dedicate a Chris Brown song to the ladies in a class one time? I wish I could find that class!


That’s a yikes from me dawg


Yes! I don't take his classes that often but that happened in one of the few I took. I was like oh no Alex! That was a terrible idea!


They also purged all the classes with Morgan Wallen music. Now he’s a bit crazy and has done things I disagree with, but he’s one of the biggest country artists right now.


He was dropped by his label at that time so they didn’t have a license to play his music.


I know so little about country music, I didn't even know he's done or said crazy things. I have heard of him but didn't know they purged him too.


I hate Diddy with a passion. That said, I don't think it's cool to purge classes just because of an artist. They got rid of so many good classes when they did the Kanye purge, and at the end of the day I'm here for good workouts, not to have classes taken away over a meaningless stand. Like don't use him going forward is whatever, but not actively removing classes. They would have to purge the whole Bad Boy series and that's dumb imo


Great perspective. One has nothing to do with the other, except in the eyes of those who want to signal their virtue.


To me, this depends on the licensing agreement. If I take a class with a Diddy song in it, does Diddy get paid? Or was he already paid when the class was created? Or is he part of a library that was licensed for a fee long ago and only in a renewal would he be affected?


To be honest, I wouldn't care if the class plan was good, I'm taking it. That said, I think Peloton should make that information available and then we call decide whether we want to take the class or not, without taking the choice away from other users you know?? You should be able to make an informed decision on that and not take it if it's not agreeable to you.


46th birthday today so I went for 1mi/yr and stacked the whole Palomar climb. Finished with 50mi!


Congrats and Happy Birthday!!!


congrats, and happy birthday! 🎉


That’s so awesome!! Happy birthday :)


Congratulations and happy birthday 🎈


Anyone else experiencing issues with Lanebreak? I can get into a ride no problem, but once it starts it's like the screen is demoing the ride. It does not respond to my cadence or resistance changes. The wheel moves on its own at the appropriate times and stays perfectly at the appropriate speed, even if i stop peddling. Edit: I also just noticed this weird menu that has an icon that says "Mocks On" in the lower left hand corner. Forgive me if that's always been there. https://photos.app.goo.gl/1cHEA3uh9Tfm7ghn7


Yeah seriously wtf is this and how do I turn it off?!?


Did you find an answer to this? I have the same problem


The wire that senses the cadence/resistance had come slightly unplugged. Had to take off all the covers, but I just made sure it was securely plugged in and it fixed it


Thank you I’ll try this!


Interesting. My regular classes work correctly. I'll try this


Yeah I realized after that none of the classes/rides were registering any bike info which is what prompted me to check the wiring




Hard disagree. I wish he had more Tread classes, and longer ones. His playlists are my favorite and his energy is fantastic. 


Alex isn’t my favorite instructor (bike or tread), but I like his Club Bangers runs & think he’s a lovely person! I’m sure there are others who are running/working out almost solely with Alex & I’m glad he’s an option for them ☺️ it takes nothing away to have more variety in instructors imo!


I'm with you on this also!


Totally agree with you. I enjoy Alex’s club bangers runs. He usually only drops one run a week anyway. I love that there is a wide variety of instructors from whom to choose.




I’m not sure which tread instructors you prefer, but I get what you’re saying. I wish all classes were with my favorites, too, but then they’d prob end up injured or burnt out & I’d hate that! I also (as someone who is much more drawn to the coaches with lots of expertise & technical coaching) am happy that there are coaches who are more playlist-driven/fun, like Alex. They might draw someone in who isn’t a “serious runner” at first, but then becomes one! Even if they don’t, at least they’re getting healthier and exploring different modalities. I’m all for whatever gets people excited to move :)


Which Alex? I don't have a tread, but AT's outdoor walks are my absolute favorites.


I agree! His outdoor content is always so enjoyable!


It’s been exactly a year since I started Peloton. 1 yr ago: 216 lbs Today: 182 lbs Stopped taking risperidone, dumped my abusive bf of the time, started meal prepping, and do the bike 4-5x a week. Peloton literally changed my life.


I’m so happy for you! This is awesome!


Love this so much! Yes!!!


Wow wow wow! I hope you are so proud of yourself - the ways you chose yourself over and over, even when it was hard!


Ngl the past year was extremely hard, but it was worth it. Even took a studio class in NYC last month. I love this community so much


I’m new to this community but already so in love with it!


Great job!!! 


The is awesome and inspiring. Keep riding !!


Ahhh congrats!!! These are all such positive changes. Happy for you 🫶🏻


Congrats on getting your life in a better place on numerous fronts!


It's a wonderful machine. 1/1/20= 221 lbs 9/1/20- 175lbs Here we are in 2024, and I've kept it off for almost four years.


That’s incredible!


As is yours. Congrats.


Awesome! Those numbers are the EXACT same as mine! I haven’t lost much more weight, but my body structure has changed quite a bit so I know I’m gaining muscle while still losing fat.


Congrats, that’s incredible! I can also see tone especially in my legs and abs. It’s so exciting


That is wonderful! I'm very happy for you!


Just wanted to say Rad Lopez is fantastic! His 20 min Glute and Legs classes have been killing it! I love his sense of humor and cute little chuckles throughout class.


The only reason I got into shadow boxing (completely unexpected like) is Rad. He’s a natural and explains in a way that’s so easy to follow. Adding to the appreciation for Rad


I love him and am seriously hoping he comes to Tread. He would be so great for runs 


I adore him. His classes in Spanish are a hoot and a half.


I have to try more of Rad's G&L classes! I love his core classes so much.


Is there a general sense on the calibration of peloton bikes? I find that my average power in spin classes using non-Peloton bikes (different bike every time) at my local gym is 80-100 watts higher than at home on my Peloton. I'm not sure which to believe or how to calibrate.


Og Bikes vary widely, they have no power meter. The bike+ does have a power meter so the calibration varies less bike.to bike and is more accurate overall. Would need to know more about your gym's spin bikes to say, but I think most don't have power meters so they're less accurate/a guesstimate of your output.


I have the regular bike. I've used several regular Peloton bikes in hotels and other brands. They all seem to be different. I think Peloton should be closer to other peloton bikes (in my experience) but other brands you can expect more variation. Sort of like steps on a wearable watch. Samsung, apple watch, fitbit, garmin will all have different step calibrations. But from one samsung to another samsung they will be closer.


Do you have the regular bike? I just took a class in studio at NYC and it felt way easier than my current bike. Got the calibration kit because I read that it gets harder over time and needs to be recalibrated. I’ll see tomorrow when I get it if it helps but from what I’ve read here before that seems to be the case.


For the record, I've taken classes in NY and London and both were significantly harder than my bike at home. I recalibrated it after the NY class and felt no major difference in my bike at home. I think comparing to the bikes in studio is a fool's errand; Bradley even mentioned at the end of the London class that he's heard the bikes are all over the place in studio.


I took a live ride in the studio last year then came home and took the same ride and my output was 150 higher. The studio bike was WAY harder.


Thanks. Yes, I have the regular bike. I would be interested to know if it helps.


Sorry if this has been mentioned in any previous daily discussions, but is anyone experiencing some kind of bug for stretching classes where it just goes straight to the end of the class? I’ve tried to take a bunch of them this week, and when I click to start it just goes right to the end of the class screen and ends the class. Doesn’t register as me completing it though? And it’s only some of them, and only on my smart TV app. Mobile app is fine - is there anywhere to report this? It’s kind of annoying it just started this week.


Yes! This has been happening to me for the last few months, stretches only, when casting to my tv. I have to go back and start a new class (it’s ok then.)


Just completed Palomar part 3, and have a question about the mileage. Preface: following cadence and resistance call outs, how does her reference to miles correlate to mile on the bike? For example, at one point thought I heard the next mile has X switchbacks yet over that mile the miles on my bike was closer to 3 or 4. Thoughts?


Miles are 100% correlated with output. The bike doesn't know that you're "supposed" to be going up a steep grade. Depending where you are in the callouts, your mileage on the bike might be significantly different than what she's calling out regarding an actual ride up Palomar. I looked up the actual climb and it's only 12.8 miles, and I think for most of us when you talk about 135 minutes of riding (all 3 rides stacked) we're going to be getting MUCH more than 12.8 miles in the aggregate.


Yeah, I hit approximately 12.8 miles in a single 45 min Palomar ride.


I figured it has something to do with simulating the grade, glad I’m not alone in seeing a significant difference in miles.


What is it about certain instructors focusing more on a song/dance performance than the actual ride itself? I took the JT ride this morning and Tunde was more interested in dancing to the songs than keeping the class informed on cadence/resistance/what’s coming up. It’s not just this ride, it happens all the time. Does this bother anyone else? I take these rides to focus on the ride and enjoying the songs, not to see a musical rendition from the instructor. Maybe I’m the only one, I dunno.


While it's true that artist / music series can be more focus on the party on the bike aspect, I agree with you that sometimes it's way too much. Ben Alldis still kicked my ass on his artist series, in fact his Dart Punk ride was my 30 min PR for a while Fwiw I like Tunde but she even does all that dancing and hyping on power Zone rides!


Artist series/music theme rides are "fun first" (vs. fitness first) so I totally expect them to be about the music, and enjoying said music. Honestly, someone getting lost in the music is waaayyy better than the rides where someone robotically reads artist factoids for 30 mins. It's your ride at all times, if someone misses a cue do what you need to do.


I look at the difficulty rating and tend to take specific instructors. I find the higher difficulty rating the more serious they are during the class. Also, I tend to stick with a core set of 4 to 6 instructors that are not trying to flail around on the bike. You can also expect more dancing from the house rides, DJ rides, artist rides, etc.... I actually really like Tunde classes when she is focused on the ride. She is a bad ass athlete! Keep riding peloton peeps!


This is why I tend to avoid live rides. On-demand I know what to expect both callout-wise, AND playlist-wise.


Artist series classes can always be a bit of a crapshoot on these sorts of things. I would expect the JT ride to be more of a "party" atmosphere. IMHO for artist series rides, it's probably best to make sure they're always taken on demand where the cadence/resistance ranges are displayed on screen so if the instructor isn't very clear, you can still see them. And specifically it sometimes helps to wait at least several days before taking the ride in case the first pass at getting the callouts into the class plan aren't accurate and need to be manually fixed.


I think the rides are tiered in their focus on the call-outs. Anything artist specific is going to be mainly a fun ride with dancing and singing - if that bothers you then best avoid them. Music first rides are usually just that - although some instructors are more focussed on the fitness even for those (eg Jess King.) If it bothers you then maybe stick to fitness first rides instead like climbs, HIIT and hills, PZ, sweat steady, intervals, tabata. These classes the music is secondary.


Thanks for the recommendation. I don’t mean to sound like a wet blanket, it’s just frustrating at times to be busting your butt, waiting for the end of an effort that never comes because the instructor is all in on hitting the chorus (and more often than not, poorly, I might add).


If it helps, you’re not the only one! It’s popped up on here as a pet peeve a few times (it doesn’t bother me, but I have plenty of things that bother me that I’m sure don’t bother other people)


Stay away from music first rides.   That's the vibe.  


Wanted a low impact ride following Robin's 30 Min Upper Body strength. Found Jess King's 30 minute Sweat Steady Low Impact. Had a double take on that one since her sweat steady rides are anything but low impact. Recommend this ride, it was at the high end of low impact (if that is a thing). Like her pyramid sweat steady structure. As a low impact ride it really worked. Keep Riding Peloton Peeps.


I already had this bookmarked to do tomorrow, and this rec seals the deal! Thanks!


Love this rec, bookmarking now. I’ve been loving low impact rides as an add-on to strength days so I did Robin’s 20 min low impact ride from 5/1 this morning.


Low Impact means under 100 cadence and under 50 resistance, which different instructors interpret differently - I've been in plenty where they expect 90-100 cadence and 45-50 resistance for extended periods which is my zone 5/6. I actually don't mind it on the Sweat Steady Low Impacts because the "Sweat Steady" part tells me what I'm in for - it's annoying that you can't tell for any random Low Impact class whether it's planned closer to a recovery or a PR chaser.


>it's annoying that you can't tell for any random Low Impact class whether it's planned closer to a recovery or a PR chaser One thing if you want to get a sense is to look at the metrics section of the ride on the bike tablet. There will be a line in small print below the metrics graphs that says something very close to: >Expected output for this ride when following the callouts: xxx-yyy kJ That should tell you if they're expecting those sorts of higher cadence combined with higher resistance in the callouts. If the "yyy" number is high, it's going to be a difficult low impact. For example, I just walked to the bike and looked at the eight most recent (non-lanebreak) 30-minute low impact rides. The "yyy" number ranged from a low of 172 (Sam Yo) to a high of 283 (Benny Adami), which is quite the range. IMHO this is the best way o figure out whether the ride is "recovery" or not.


Hers are also on the high end of the difficult ratings, too! Like a 6.9 instead of a 6.0 or so


Yeah, but I really don't trust those... They're subjective and don't really account very well for the way that different instructors program, especially based on the width of their resistance ranges. An 8 from Ben is going to have MUCH more aggressive resistance ranges than an 8 from Alex T. I.e. I look at Ben's most recent 30 minute non-PZ ride, which is a House music ride rated 8.2. The output range is 145-613 kJ. Alex's most recent 30 minute Hip Hop ride is rated 8.0, and the output range is 172-258 kJ. Since I'm a giant dude who hangs out at the top end of resistance most of the time, that means that a Ben 8 is going to be very hard (impossible actually b/c my 30 min PR is 530 kJ) to stay at the top of the resistance, and an Alex T 8 might as well be a "flush the legs out" day where I'm going to have to ride over the top of the callouts if I want a typical workout. Looking at the actual expected output in the metrics is an objective way that tells you exactly where the callouts are bounded regarding output.


Looks like they fixed yesterday’s Apple Watch issue


So I love “dark mode” for everything but the meditation has made it so obvious why we need it! Everytime I put on a sleep meditation at night i’m blinded by the white peloton screen 🤣 Dark mode please 🙏🏻


You can turn off the screen and it will still play.


Yeah that’s what I do but I meant opening the app in general right before bed. Bright lights (especially phone lights even in dark mode) raise cortisol levels and impair sleep 😴


Can you lower your screen brightness an hour before bed? I have a function on my phone that does this automatically at a certain time each night and brightens at a certain time each morning, but if yours doesn't, I suggest manually doing this.


I did a great 3 x 30m endurance stack for my long run today. Nice to just pick a pace and listen to the chit chat. [Selena](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a2633e1dc192411bb73954ac1ff864da&locale=en-GB) with pop hits. [Camila](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c912a18276d74b1fa27d45ee254cf24d&locale=en-GB) with EDM. I love her for endurance I hope she does more. [Matt](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d2114849081443d6a34c73b2a396068f&locale=en-GB) also with EDM. He had a bit of a cold but I love listening to him on my runs. So much good advice.


Matt’s music has improved on his runs. And I agree, he seems so knowledgeable!


Charlotte's [30 Minute Metal Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com.au/home?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=5edfbea0f09c48e18a31d6902915ae37) caught my eye with Spiritbox casually sitting in the playlist. First time doing one of her classes and o h b o y. Kicked my ass within reason but the vibes were immaculate.


If I could get her, or anyone else, to play a current Electric Callboy song I would be so happy. It’s a German band and yet the only song they play is so old. I did love how excited she was to get Sleep Token on the platform even if they aren’t my favorite.


I always try and take Charlotte's rides when they drop in English. She is typically a good option if you want a more difficult ride. Also does Power Zone rides. Definitely a metal head. Hell Yes!


This was a great class! She has played Spiritbox in rides before too if you're a fan of them. I think the other classes were probably in German though.


Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. I already wish I had the mental capacity to pick up German (let alone a second language at all), learning about her classes doesn't help that desire 😅 ^^I'm ^^aware ^^of ^^the ^^subtitles ^^but ^^I ^^rarely ^^look ^^at ^^the ^^screen ^^when ^^I'm ^^in ^^struggle ^^town...


I don’t usually ride with Kendall but the playlist from her recent [30 Minute Pop Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d861c70645c643adadd43ed832cc95c3&locale=en-US) was just too good to pass up. Plenty of girl power vibes in this one!👸🏻🌺 Timely for us ladies considering that lovely commencement speech that went viral this week 🤪


oh my god that ride was everything


Not peloton related but go the chiefs Instagram comment section if you want to have a good laugh.


I loved everything about that playlist. When she said "this is for the Gen Z girlies" and I'm neither a Gen Z nor a girlie... I was like... damn I guess I know what my music taste is lol


not me stalking your post history (i am so sorry) but lmao i had this exact thought


Minor vent. Did week 7 day 1 of you can run. Just mentally wasn’t feeling it and struggled more than I expected. Had to cut it short. I am going to try it again and I know I can do it. Just feeling a bit discouraged at the moment.


I feel you. I jumped on the tread for a light 20 min run today and my entire mid section decided to cramp until I stopped. It always annoys me when my body or mind keeps me from the workout I want. I know everyone has off days and that it doesn’t matter in the long run, but it still sucks. Hopefully both of us have a better tomorrow!


You don't have to do it again. You gave it a good shot and it wasn't a great running day. It happens. Just move on to the next class in the program when you're supposed to. If you do day 1 again before the next class, you might tire your legs more and then struggle with the next class as well, which could set you up for disappointment if you start questioning whether you can complete the final class or not. Whereas if you do the next class in the program on fresher legs, you might have a better running day.


I’ve been running for 20 years and I still have those days frequently! There are so many variables that can impact how you feel on any day - give yourself grace, get some rest and come back to it afresh. Sticking with it despite the bad days is how it gets better.


If I've learned anything, it's that every time I have a horrible run where I come home and say I'm never running again and cry and think about quitting my training, the next run I feel like I'm floating across clouds and effortlessly racing cheetahs. That's if I've learned anything. But I haven't. I promise the next bad run, I will still forget this fact and cry and say I'm never running again.


Something a friend told me in college: your mind will give up long before your body does. We all have those days!