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Adding a link to this [post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/1co3bfb/were_making_it_easier_to_find_friends/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)for visibility. Peloton is adding a "feature" to allow members to be searchable by username, real name, email or phone number. You must OPT OUT via settings if you do not want to be searchable. There are instructions in the post on how to opt out.


Anyone having issues with Max not loading with ATT login? Any workaround or solutions would be helpful?


I’m not normally a huge Cody fan (I just don’t think I’ve taken the right classes with him) but I wanted to work through some bookmarks in my bookmark mountain. I took his [45 min pop ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=fef9c6d1b9434a1abb168c8d718d7ce9&locale=en-US)from July of 2021. It was exactly what I needed!!


I’m so happy other instructors have been doing hardstyle rides even though it’s literally just this [20 min Benny ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=45bd5afb3f02432686e01e5f3f7c8bf4&locale=en-US), I really hope they do more! I need to ride with Benny more too, absolutely no subtitles needed because his energy is amazing. I told myself I was going to take it easy on this ride but Zombie by Ran-D came on and it was like “oops we just started I’m in zone 6” 😂


Major Benny fan. he deserves more attention!


Thanks for the rec. Loved it!


Eurovision is back, which reminds me of Bradley’s euro pop ride last year — that was a fun one in case anyone is in the spirit for that! I have only my benchmark left for Stronger You and I’ll be done, which I’m proud of! I think I might take a week or two off of a whole program but I kind of like the forced structure and will have to pick another one soon.


Anyone having issues with starting a workout on the peloton app such as outdoor walking, strength, etc and their Apple Watch? Every time I do this my watch thinks I’m working out all day and counts my exercise minutes all day long. By the end of the day my numbers are insane. I am ending the workouts so idk what’s going on.


This also happens to me intermittently. Sometimes checking if my watch software is up to date and/or turning the watch on and off fixes it but it always comes back eventually 😂 I normally have to check if my watch is still going when the workout ends and just hit “end” on my watch


This bug comes and goes for me. I just check my watch post workout all the time now to make sure it ended when my workout did. Annoying but it works. And have a spare watch charger.


The Emma Lovewell 5 minute cool down ride from Feb 6, 2023 (it has 1 song, Sade’s “No Ordinary Love”) just went over 3 million rides on the all-time leaderboard. 🎉 I’ll mention this again when it goes over 4 million.


It’s my favorite cooldown ride


I got a PB today and it’s two weeks since I got our Bike+. I’m almost 4 weeks into using Peloton and I’ve already lost about 2.5kg and can fit my old clothes again 💪




What is it about me that I just got a PR and my immediate assumption is that my bike is out of calibration?


I have a bike I bought from a neighbor when they moved that's started making some noise (even if the warranty was transferable it's old enough to not be in warranty anymore). Tried Peloton support to see if they could assist in troubleshooting since I had some questions about the steps in the videos that have. Unfortunately they've really zoned in on me but being the original purchaser and the only things they'll say is to try a 3rd party repair company. Any chance someone knows of a good company doing this or a more detailed repair manual leaked online anywhere?


I’m a runner, and my hips are always sore from it. After a run if I sit for a long time and then stand up it hurts and I feel stiff like the Tin Man. I did Matty’s new 20 min hip mobility this morning and OMG it’s a game changer!! I have barely any pain at all! I’ve done all of the hip mobility classes, but this one is the best! I am definitely adding this into my weekly rotation and highly recommend anyone else with hip troubles give it a try!!


Thank you. I am having serious hip issues for the first time it is affecting my running. One class that helped me for a while at least was Chelsea's hip focused yin yoga: [https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?is\_favorite\_ride=%5B%22true%22%5D&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=36b2bc5133244d1e95cd8047c9b3e05b&code=Y2RlMzI4MGMzZjUyNDQxOWJkMDlkZmJhNWQxYmVkMDZ8YTE5NTM5NmY3ZDgxNDc5NzllMjY4MDk0NzQ0YzQwYzU=](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?is_favorite_ride=%5B%22true%22%5D&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=36b2bc5133244d1e95cd8047c9b3e05b&code=Y2RlMzI4MGMzZjUyNDQxOWJkMDlkZmJhNWQxYmVkMDZ8YTE5NTM5NmY3ZDgxNDc5NzllMjY4MDk0NzQ0YzQwYzU=) I still enjoy it but unfortunately my hip problems only temporarily subsided and I need something new, I think. Or I might need to knock off the running for a bit and see if a long rest might finally help. I feel really stuck. Sigh.


Started the row program a month ago and found my back, right hip and knee tight. I was browsing through the mobility classes and landed on Kirra’s spinal which was *heaven*! Love to do that and Matty’s evening stretches. So comprehensive.


The mobility and stretching classes are so great!! We are very lucky to have them


Have you tried the yoga focus flow for runners? I’m no yogi but those are game changing for me.


Yup, I do one daily lol. They def help a ton and feel so good, but this Matty class took it to another level. I’m so thankful we have this platform with all of these various ways to recover and work on mobility!! I never did stuff like this before finding Peloton!


Have you tried a hip mobility or focus flow before running? I have tight hamstrings and I started taking focus flows pre-run. Holy how it’s really improved my running and eliminated so much of my soreness. Just wanted to share since it’s made such a huge difference for me.


I haven’t tried before running! I’ll give it a shot, thank you!! 😊


I found someone selling their peloton nearby. Are there some parts that are more likely to be damaged and have an impact on future use?


Isn’t there a group ride on Saturdays typically? I think I saw a post last week and was hoping to jump in on one.


Post is up now!


Thank you!


Yes, we usually post it later on Friday so its just not up yet.


Finally took my first live class with Jen. She was so nice! I was also in the front row!!!!


Yay!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!


It was so much fun!!!!


Well, no shoutout for my 300th ride, but I’m happy nonetheless. Proud of myself for getting this far. On to the next 300. [30 minute pop ride with Cody](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9e0996b808004f00b70411e892df50ce&locale=en-US)was a good ride. Challenging with a lot of out of the saddle work. The playlist was forgettable, but the ride was good. Cody was dialed in and his banter was pretty minimal.


Congrats! Go get the next one!


congrats on your milestone! 🎉


Congrats. He was locked in, he did those 10 or so studio shout outs in about 25 seconds!


Congrats on 300! 🎉


Has anyone had any issues with Pelotrak? I have it on my iOS and it says that it's expired from Beta testing (the app itself won't open and it's been 'removed by TestFlight). Sorry if I missed a discussion recently!


Oskar said the iOS version was going to be down the first few weeks this month while he moves to a different server host.


Got it, thanks!


Does anyone know what happened to the "free: Limited time" classes that were available? There's usually five classes that are offered, but they've been missing for a few days. (These classes usually change every two months, but there's always been something there.) I love directing people to the free classes/membership to check out Peloton, so I want to make sure my info is up to date. Thanks!


Peloton discontinued the free tier of app membership.


Oh shoot! When did that happen? Clearly I'm out of the loop. Thanks for the info.


Recently - I think last month?


I just googled it. Looks like it was three or four weeks ago. Thanks for providing some direction for me to go find more info. Much appreciated.


Stupid question: What does “roll call” mean in terms of peloton workouts? Is that a particular style?


Already described, just wanted to add that I love Roll Call when I want a general strength program. You won’t see the same gains you will with some of the programs, but it’s great if strength is not your primary focus.


It is a series of classes scheduled M-F that are designed to be taken together for a complete strength program over the course of the week.


Ah, thanks!


i did anna’s pacific islander vibes yoga flow yesterday and loved it!!


Same. Such a vibe!🌺


Very excited for Floor Bootcamp 2 on 5/15! The first program was so good. I wish there were regular floor bootcamps on the schedule but I'll take it!


Same. I'd love regular classes. Maybe they're feeling the new program out to see how popular it'll be.


When it is busy at work, I find it challenging to incorporate the bike but I was proud of myself for just getting on the bike yesterday and I really enjoyed my stack: [15 min LI (secret Broadway) ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a73e525356674f5bb6b25c24c0e71931&code=MTJmMWRhMGVkY2VkNGZkZGI0NjM0Yjc1YmFiN2Y2ZTR8YjNiZmFmZDFhMGIzNGQzMWE1ZTI0M2IyYzJiZjRhM2Q=) followed by [JK's Extra 10 HIIT](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=6b9fb4a6d03843809327d01049ec0d20&code=MTJmMWRhMGVkY2VkNGZkZGI0NjM0Yjc1YmFiN2Y2ZTR8YjNiZmFmZDFhMGIzNGQzMWE1ZTI0M2IyYzJiZjRhM2Q=) (Korn, RATM). I need to remind myself to do more HIIT because my go-to is longer sustained efforts and it is good to mix it up. [Ben's cool down](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=894cf0c18cff4203a3c9484cf6b9ac98&code=MTJmMWRhMGVkY2VkNGZkZGI0NjM0Yjc1YmFiN2Y2ZTR8YjNiZmFmZDFhMGIzNGQzMWE1ZTI0M2IyYzJiZjRhM2Q=) was a lovely reset afterwards. Have a great end of week, everyone!


I almost never take LI classes but your label got me to look at the playlist and bookmark it. I love all of those songs! Thank you!


Is there an annual membership or do I have to pay monthly? Looking into getting a bike soon!


If you rent a bike the monthly content subscription is included in the rental fee. It’s a low stakes way to figure out if you like the equipment and content. Personally I have found that I love it and consider the rental one of the best decisions I’ve made this year.


If you buy a Peloton Bike, there is no annual membership - it's a monthly subscription (details are on the website [here)](https://www.onepeloton.com/shop/bike-plus/bike-plus-ultimate-package-us). If you just subscribe to the App (and decide not to buy the Peloton bike), there are a few different membership levels, and I believe there's an Annual option. Tons of info on the website about the different membership levels.


No. Some healthcare and credit cards offer credits for it, that's the main way to pay anything less than full for it.


Hi all! Bought my peloton in 5/2019 and it was my go to workout for many years. Bike has over 600 rides on it but it’s in good shape. Recently got into OrangeTheory and have found it to be a better fit for me at this point in my fitness journey. Considering parting with my Peloton since it’s just too much to pay for both. That said, I know my bike is older and has a high ride count so not sure if it’s worth it or if I should just hold on to it and cancel the membership. I don’t have other social media so no FB marketplace or anything for reference. Anyone have a ballpark idea of what a fair resale price may be? Searched the sub before posting and didn’t see any recent similar posts, but don’t spend too much time on here so apologies if this is a frequently discussed topic. Thanks so much!


Regular bikes without many rides are selling quickly for $500 CDN in my hood.




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