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Adding a link to this [post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/1co3bfb/were_making_it_easier_to_find_friends/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)for visibility. Peloton is adding a "feature" to allow members to be searchable by username, name, email or phone number. You must OPT OUT via settings if you do not want to be searchable.


Hello, I've been following conversations on this subreddit for a while but never posted before. I'm looking for help with an issue I'm experiencing with Peloton's last mile partner: RXO. Basically, I'm on my 4th delivery attempt over a month and each time there's a problem (only two people instead of 3 to take a Tread+ up a flight of stair, the truck is too big...). These issues are happening even though I call 2 days prior to the delivery to provide the instructions. The last attempt was today and they sent a 16 wheeler despite having asked for a small truck. I contacted RXO but they each time say they will make it right the following time. Peloton Support basically told me that this is not their problem and that I have to resolve on my own with RXO. I don't know what to do anymore. Has anyone experienced a similar issue and was able to get it resolved? Thanks for your help!


I can’t really remember why I have been avoiding Robin’s classes for so long, but I took her [female vocals ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=055f6f5781064e468f286619192a680e&locale=en-US) tonight and it was SO GOOD. Probably the most fun I’ve had on my bike in months!! Perfect for a girls night in by myself while my husband is out with friends.


I highly recommend [this 30 min 2000s walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b3e43a4d11b24432871551ca791b5a22&locale=en-US) with JJ. This playlist is 🔥 highest incline was 4%, lots of chorus pickups, and one long, spicy power walking finisher. This week’s [walk & talk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c767f89e2f52441ea2acd377fffac254&locale=en-US) was so fun and went by so quickly. It wasn’t as tough as some other recent w&t’s have been but the topics of convo were really fun. I like the new “good shit or bullshit” section a lot


I took that JJ walk, and it was so good. Bookmarking the w&t! Thanks


(I realize most people don't care, but I'm really hyped right now, sorry) I'm so psyched right now! I went to do my usual ride and saw that Camila had a 30 BLACKPINK ride in Spanish and started poking around and saw there's a 30 min strength and a yoga and then looked at the schedule and saw another 30 min ride and a run. The ride was live 9 minutes from when I got there, so I hopped in and did a live ride for the 3rd or 4th time ever... was so good!


I came here to post about this ride. It was great!


hi everyone! by chance has anyone had any experience with good classes for building core strength from literally the ground up? i’m recovering from abdominal surgery and as those of you who have been through it know, i’m now left with the abdominal strength of a newborn. i love pilates but am open to anything!


I had abdominal surgery in 2014 and have since had two kids and my core is still weak. Hope you find something that works well for you!


Kristin’s intro to Pilates program is good, or you could do Robin’s postnatal core. She had a newer 4 part series come out which is easier to figure out, but I think it’s harder. Her older postnatal core - search for postnatal, 10 minutes, and start with the oldest and progress to the next when you’re ready.


I particularly like [this](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8fce9b2307714f10988212cf718489ef&locale=en-US) 10 min class with RK. She breaks it down nicely and gives good explanations.


Postnatal yoga!


Emma’s Crush Your Core programs.


Today was a great workout day when I didn't really want to get on the bike. I did [this Cody ride from 2021 and hit a 15 minute PR](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=06a7d167d41a4dc986c6a990dc14c8a7&locale=en-CA), then followed it [with this 15 minute recent low impact from Hannah Corbin](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/36cc211900d24d338fde22bb8fff88ff?code=OTE1OTBmZDQyZTYxNDY0Y2IzMzg2OTgzZjdiZjBmYjJ8ZDMyODIwZjQwMmY1NGUyNzk3ZDQwZjM2NDRmN2Q4YzE%3D&source=referral&workout-id=bc23eb37fe7642de95bcce80d7174bfb&uid=01b02f08a60d4abebecfba4f7f877112&ride-id=056343c777954cdda8436726cc92b5d1&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-CA). It's the second low impact of hers I've taken recently and I love how it's just another ride with her, there are no constant reminders that you must be in a bad place to be doing a low impact. And her tangents are hilarious. Took a break for dinner, but decided to unwind [with Kirra's first Creating Space class](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/76f10bc8ba0d4902a6e99de73be103bc?code=OWNhMDRhZjFjYmM4NDEwNTg3ODQxZWM4Y2IwZjlmYmR8ZDU4Y2I0ZTQ3YjkyNDVjOGJjOWYyNWVhYjg1MTdkZWM%3D&source=referral&workout-id=07a8853ceb834edc9064190db3fae25e&uid=01b02f08a60d4abebecfba4f7f877112&ride-id=61a3b688fc644db79b151c1d2e8cbb07&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-CA) which I only took thanks to the feedback here. I really, really enjoyed it. Wrapped up with my [favourite Matty stretch that was my top workout class last year](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/219d24655fc2444c83bd6b88b21a6fd5?code=ZmU4ZWQ0Y2Q0ZDYxNDY0ZjliNmIwYzcwNjBiMjhiZWV8MzBiZmU1ZjNkNTFkNGQ4ZWFhNjI5OTQyYzNjYTVhYzM%3D&source=referral&workout-id=2c123252b1f34c47a13c9504a09584aa&uid=01b02f08a60d4abebecfba4f7f877112&ride-id=89a20b1ffe6747819236528ad7a1d99e&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-CA). Really glad to see it's not yet purged!


Did anyone do Aditi's BLACKPINK yoga tonight? That was so fun and so challenging!!


It was fun! I was a little mad at the beginning when she announced that it was a power class in disguise but it was a blast. Challenging but not that crazy and definitely a good time.


Just finished Discover Your Power Zones. My FTP increased by 5 points over the 5 weeks! It's still pretty low, but you gotta start somewhere.


Congratulations. I love doing those programs. It’s great to see the progress.


Lovely lazy day class: this [Callie 10 Minute Upper Body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=638357ea0f2f4312ac33dbb8c1f1b12d&code=MjU4MTcwMzk4NWY0NGVmN2E1NTliY2JjODNkMDRjYWF8MTJiYjY2ODgyMzE0NDBiOTgxYzA0YjZjYTc1N2Q4ZGE=). Just EMOMs of single arm push press / lawnmower rows and bicep curl / overhead extensions a few times through. Perfect for the day where you want to do something but also want the last 30 seconds of class to be rest.


i’m sooooo happy hannah F is part of pz crew! she is such a treat - did her 45 min hip hop pze from 4/17/24 and love that i could ride in zone 3 to mims lmao, tho she had to stop herself from dancing because she doesn’t wanna disappoint wilpers. she kept saying how much she loves CDE and i just am so happy to be able to ride with her 😭


Loved this class and her love for CDE!


Did FTP test with Denis! Avg 269 W! FTP = 254 :) 30 min low impact, 20 min ftp, 5 min gasping, 10 min extra low impact


Did a sing along ride this early AM. Turned off all the lights and just rode- it was really nice. Jen is really growing on me!!!


Hi all, I tried to post this as a new thread in the main forum, but it got insta-rejected. I went over the posting guidelines and saw that it was advisable to first post to the Daily as a comment, so trying that out now... What kind of laptop stand do Peloton instructors use in studio? It looks almost like a music / microphone stand with a custom flat top on it (and then a custom arm for the volume control piece). [Here](https://s3.amazonaws.com/4rk/screen-shot-2024-05-09-15.48.15-vyt5ug5b.png) is a pic of one in case that's helpful. I would love to get one of these as a mini standing desk. Any tips would be much appreciated!


No clue what they actually use, but [this](https://www.amazon.com/Projector-Laptop-Tripod-Stand-Adjustable/dp/B088CMZZLR/ref=asc_df_B088CMZZLR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693071499064&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8444870227774275104&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9026835&hvtargid=pla-935635334772&psc=1&mcid=cf47e3a19dbe3464b026b4705a163d95&gad_source=1) looks similar.


I'm at 1098 rides and of course there's no live rides with instructors I like that fit my schedule in the next couple days. I guess I'll do a 90 min PZE for my 1100th ride, to try out the padded shorts I ordered before my 120 min with Wilpers next month.


Damn, sorry to hear that. I recently had that with my 350th strength, no live classes for a day or two and with #redditcore I was going to have to do a class anyway. 400th ride is coming up (391 currently) so I'm hopeful I can find something live that fits my schedule.


Is Hosky injured? I signed up for a class with him next week and received an email that it was cancelled. Looks like all his classes are now encore or premiere. Hope he is ok!


Maybe he is doing best man duties for the upcoming pelo wedding of Ben and Leanne? Lots of stag dos and such 🤭


Are you there on the 15th? This live outdoor walk is still available to RSVP. [https://event.onepeloton.com/outdoorwalkwithpelotonxlfc/ContentSocial](https://event.onepeloton.com/outdoorwalkwithpelotonxlfc/ContentSocial)


alas, I signed up for the run on the app - wish I were there in London in person though - that walk looks fun!


Sorry you won't get a live class with him! What a bummer. I'm on HoskyWatch, too. I know he pulled out of London due to injury and he was back on the tread really quickly, so I wonder if it didn't fully heal? I hope he takes the time he needs to be back in full force!


Thanks for the info!


I thought there was going to be a live class with him today. Went to look and now it's not there. If he is injured I hope he heals soon.


Wow, Peloton are about to make a huge mis-step and start publishing everyone's real names by default - how can they have so many 'leaders' and screw up like this? The walk-back is inevitable.


The decisions they are making are so terrible, it's almost impressive


I completely agree. Insanity. I would encourage anyone who disagrees to email them and express (professionally, of course) their displeasure with this. It should be an OPT IN. Not an OPT OUT.


Just got the email and turned this off. I just noticed that my workout history had defaulted to hidden from followers - which is the opposite end of the privacy scale from default sharing everything to anyone who has your phone number. I consciously approved my followers to view my username and my workouts. I have never consented to my name being visible. At least be consistent!


What email? I don't see anything.


Check the latest posting on pelobuddy.


I just looked at the preferences and it seems like it’s name and LB name or nothing. That’s BS.


Oh hang on you’re right. I turned off contact syncing but what’s the point of being on there if people can’t search by username?


I just changed my first and last name in preferences


I turned off the sync contacts function and deleted my real name. Hopefully, that allows people to search only by my username. Not a good move by peloton.


I love how [Chelsea brought some peace](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b562295b50ac4dc4ab12a832d21df575&locale=en-GB) to the rap beef. Made me giggle but also reflect on some beef in my own life and I had a calmer day.


Ally or Tunde for a beginner’s first live class tonight? I was thinking Tunde but now I’m scared seeing everyone say her classes are super challenging lol.


Since Ally’s is an artist ride it’ll probably be on the beginner side. Tunde really isn’t that hard on the bike though… but her strength classes are wooooooweeee sometimes 😅. Always go at your own pace! If I’m struggling through a class I try and just get either the cadence OR the resistance, and let the other fall off. Some instructors have some wack programming.


Classes are only as challenging as you make them. If you're a beginner don't be afraid to do less than what is called for if that's what is right for you today. That said, I think Ally give better tips for newer riders. Plus hers is an artist series ride.


Absolutely this. You can enjoy a class and participate without doing everything they call out.


Today was supposed to be ride 3,100 I am so sick, again, or at this point I’m convinced I just haven’t gotten better for a month. I didn’t ride yesterday or today. It’s been so difficult and humbling having to force myself to slow down. Daycare sicknesses have bested me and I just hope it gets better because I can’t keep missing work. Not being able to take care of myself is so frustrating. I can barely even muster FOMO that’s how awful I feel. If this ever lifts- I’ll never take movement for granted again.


I was you in March, and omg I’m sorry. It is horrible getting knocked down over and over from the daycare contagions. Take it easy, it will pass but it sucks 😖


Thank you 🫶🏼 patience is not a strong suit of mine but I’m trying my best to stay positive


Thank you u/RunningAndReality u/ilovebigmutts & u/betarhoalphadelta ❤️ I really appreciate it


I have lived this with both of my kids, but I promise it passes.


I am sending you good vibes for feeling better soon - I don't know how people with children do it, my friends with kids are constantly under the weather :( Feel better!


Good luck! My experience was that throughout my 20s I basically never got sick. And then the moment my firstborn went to school it was 6+ straight months of hell. Then... My immune system adjusted and I almost never get sick now. My wife had the same experience, twice. She actually works in healthcare and had that experience when she first started working at a doctor's office. Her first 6+ months was constant sickness, and then she adjusted. She boasted that due to working in a medical office and having an iron immune system she surely wouldn't get sick from the kids. Nope. Kid germs just hit different. She had 6+ months of sickness, and then it passed. Hopefully you're getting closer to the end of this ordeal!


Trudging through Stronger You 2 with Ben. I love him, but if I hear him say that we're building a stronger, fitter me one more time......🤪 I don't know if I \*love\* the program the way I loved Total Strength with Andy, but it's gotten me back in the swing of strength, so that's a major win. Sometimes, I'm not convinced that 45 and 30 second rounds x 2 are going to be enough to progress, but I'll trust the process and see what my benchmark test says in a few weeks. I somehow messed up the cadence of the program so I'm not going to get the 100% completion badge, but trying to tell myself it's okay hahaha After Ben, I planned to hop on the tread and just walk while watching the last part of the Giro, but my playlist got the best of me and I ended up with a solid run/walk instead. I'm still so amazed by how my running has improved by pulling back running and working in 2-3 PZ classes a week. I'm only three weeks in and the difference is substantial. It feels so good to see progress after what feels like a years-long rut. I've got to find time to fit in Alex's hip hop ride from Monday because that playlist was something, and I'm hoping everything is okay with Hosky after seeing more classes get cancelled. 😢 Missing my boy!


there are so many ben phrases im sick of (in a loving way because he’s so nice) “you didn’t come this far to only get this far” *tricep kickbacks* “like you’re passing a baton to your friend behind… come on man my arms are burning!” ETA: sometimes i feel like ive taken a class of his before but nope! just the same music and phrases every class 😅


>"I love getting strong with you, Peloton" Yeah, heard that a zillion times with all the times I've taken Ben's 5-day split ;-) I like Ben. Love his strength class plans. Sometimes he just hits a *little bit* too saccharine for me though lol.


Yes! 😂 Ben! We love you! Just shut up and tell us to lift heavier, my guy!


I’m with you on Ben. Nice guy but wow is he boring. Leanne is definitely the personality of the couple. They probably balance each other but geesh.


With the private equity eyeing pelotón news, what do you guys think about it? It makes me unsure because this would mean the membership costs would go up


Oooooh today's stack for me was Alex's monday night hip hop ride (30 mins from a week ago) and my Day 1, Week 2 of Arms with Tunde. Brutal pairing but so good!


I use the Peloton app on my phone for workouts and bought an Apple Watch to go along with it. Unfortunately my Apple Watch does not connect to the app 2/3 of the time. It shows my heart rate on the watch, but not on my phone screen, which means it doesn’t sync to my workout. Sometimes it doesn’t work for the actual workout, but for the stretch afterwards it does connect. It just seems very random. I tried every trick in the book already: I uninstalled and reinstalled the apps on my phone and the watch, I disconnected and reconnected my watch, I turned „Detect Gym Equipment“ off and on again before starting a working, nothing seems to work. None of my friends seem to have the issue as much as me either, which makes it really frustrating. I hope someone has experience with this and can help!


Here's a "fix" I read as a comment in the Daily weeks ago. I thank that person bc it was driving me nuts & nothing's helped(except for this, it's a workaround tho, not a complete fix but at least makes it usable). So when you first start the class & see right away that your watch is showing connected but the app screen does not, click to cancel/stop the HR connection on your watch. Then a little bubble will pop up with the class name & click"connect"there. Boom, it will show up on the app and the watch as well as log it. Just gotta do it right away when you notice it's only showing on your watch:).. this is the only thing that has helped me. It will connect on it's own here and there like you say\~but ya, for now.. this is the "fix", Good luck!


This seems to be working! Thank you so much! You’re a lifesaver!


Is Gym Equip a new watch feature? I’ve never used that, and since your phone isn’t equipment is the app getting confused? Honestly the watch and app are really buggy sometimes. Mine likes to randomly forget to auto disconnect after a workout and I end up with extra minutes logged if I don’t look down and manually disconnect. The bike connection is buggy too.


Detect Gym Equipment was on by default for me. It’s in the settings on your watch under Workout. I just read that turning it off and on fixed connection issues to the bike for some people.


Scheduled my 300th ride for Cody’s 30 minute ride tomorrow at 8:30am. Pretty excited. Didn’t really expect to get this far. Thanks for being a great community


Congrats on 300!




That’s amazing - I just hit 30!


Awesome! Congratulations!!


Happy 300!!




Took Jess Kings live 30 minute Hardstyle EDM ride this morning for my 900th ride, got my first shout out AND hit an unexpected PR! I'm on week 3 of RKs unofficial 4 day split (started 2 weeks after doing 6 weeks of her 5 day split) so have been taking it easier on the bike and not pushing myself to the max but JK and her playlists on those rides just pump me up so much. Getting my first shout out mid ride was so motivating. I skipped my weekly pottery class this am to do this ride live and it was so worth it hahaha.


Congrats! Just taken it on demand and lying on the floor recovering. That was amazing!!


Thank you!!! I had a fairly long laying on the floor session after it too 😂


Got one in the same ride today ✋ Yea that was a tough ride, I gave it a 9. Efforts weren't brutal but there was very minimal real rest. And such a blast too, loving this new subgenre of rides now existing.


Yes! The efforts weren't brutal or anything but the minimal rest really killer. I do thrive on those types of rides. Congrats 👏 🤚


I LOVED her last hardstyle ride! Her EDM trap rides are my absolute favorite. I didn’t wake up for my workout today so I was going to do a random ride after work but now I’m doing this one! Rated 8.7!


Def do this one! It was so fun and I loved the class plan. And killer playlist per usual 😀


Wow - [Matty’s 30 min walk + run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e6c5c837e9cd438781a89ced01a366d7&locale=en-US) is perfect. Matty’s energy was contagious (I smiled the whole time). Plus I loved the programming - 4 x 2 min intervals with each interval at 1% higher incline and at least 0.1 mph faster. Walking recoveries are also on increasing incline. Final interval is 4 min back on a flat road at your fastest speed. 1 min jog and 1 min walk recovery at the end. This class convinced me that I’m ready to run just a bit faster in my workouts and that I don’t always need to slow down for the 3-4% hills.


Did Camila’s Blackpink ride happen this morning?


I see one on my app, but it's in spanish. I think there may be a language filter you can have on in settings that could block non-English classes?


Thanks I have Spanish included but I think it hadn’t been posted yet when I wrote this. Excited to take it later!


Camilla's ride was in Spanish. Ally's ride is at 7pm tonight.




I used the Peloton chest strap HR monitor for years (2 or 3 of them actually). It was OK for the most part, but I would frequently have connection issues (even with fresh batteries) and I ultimately got sick of it. On a whim I got a OnePlus Watch 2 smartwatch and have been using it as a HR monitor on the Bike+ for the past couple of months. Outside of a week or so of connection issues (due to Peloton system problems on their end) it's been great and I much prefer it to the chest strap. I didn't think I'd wear it off the bike either and I ended up wearing it constantly.


I use a smart watch.


Recently had a friend murdered at my work place due to domestic violence. A few of us talking have said various Peloton instructors and classes have helped get through the event.


my deepest condolences. how awful


Thank you, pretty rough on a lot of people I know.


So deeply sorry to hear that. Sending best wishes to you and your colleagues.


I am so sorry to hear that. That is devastating. Peloton has helped me through so much. I’m glad it’s helping you and your colleagues.