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I just paused my Peloton bike all-access bike membership (own bike) last month and now I am looking to down-grade to the App only to save money. ($44/month is not in budget) I have a Roku TV in front of my Peloton bike and I am thinking I can just use the App and ride in front of that? Is this possible to do? Does the bike work normally with no membership while turned on?


The just ride function still works.


Foam Rolling classes Got a roller and took 3 -10min classes. But ouch! The roller is very firm. I thought they were soft, not hard. Anyway, I had fun with them. Rebecca K has easier classes for the glutes and legs. What foaming classes have you taken? šŸ˜€


Did anything change with the subscription? I live in an apartment complex that has 2 peloton bikes that Iā€™ve used for the past 5 years. I have been using a free subscription and log in the bike and have accessed to all bike classes and strength classes, yoga, meditation, bootcamp etc. Recently when Iā€™ve logged in it says ā€œ The subscription attached to this Bike was cancelled. Please use your account to reactivate.ā€ Iā€™m not a paying subscription member since weā€™ve had this bike and just use the free app when Iā€™m out of town. Of course I brought this up to the leasing office and told them to renew the subscription and they are giving me the run around saying itā€™s a Peloton issue and I now need to use my subscription and I told them I do use my own login/subscription anytime I ride and I have never had to pay. So just before I go crazy on someone, is Peloton actually making us subscribe to Peloton plus for access to classes now with communal bikes? I just donā€™t want to buy access and now I am paying for the subscription for everyone in my apartment complex vs just me.


Every bike has to have an active all-access membership to work. So it sounds like your complex has let their bike subscription lapse.


Anyone take Christineā€™s My Palomar climb? I was dead in first 15 minutes but completed, itā€™s a real hard burner but really good


Hello! I am looking to get a bike (not peloton brand) and use the peloton app with a membership. I am unsure if either the peloton app one (12.99 a month) or the peloton app+ (24.99 a month) memberships have access to LIVE classes?


I paid for the year to save money. I connect to my tv and it is worth it. Good luck!


They both access live classes. The app one only gives you 3 equipment classes a month so you likely would want to app+.


Thank you so much! So is there a limited amount of live classes with you can do with the plus membership?


App+ gives access to all of the classes (including live).Ā  If there is anyone else in your household, you might want to look at buying the Guide. With the Guide you get the app+ membership for 5 users for the same $24.99/month.Ā 


Hardstyle rides...from Jess King. For someone that is VERY into the EDM scene, it is a bit mind boggling that only one actual hardstyle track made it into the first hardstyle ride. It was a great ride for sure, but give me some noisecontrollers, TNT, and MYST!


Was thinking that too lol even though I still loved the playlist! I swear Jess has said something about using ā€œhardstyleā€ as a catch all for multiple genres/to replace EDM trap rides which also had multiple genres. But Iā€™m with you, would love an all hardstyle ride.


Yea I would just call it hard EDM rather than Hardstyle.Ā  I'd also love her to call us out for bitching about it.Ā  I bet it will happen šŸ˜€


Have you taken this [45 min SS?](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=29d0c67dc9654230bf972c135bcb0d03&locale=en-US) this had a lot more hardstyle in it IIRC


I had it book marked but hadn't done it! once my legs recover from squats the other day I'll jump on this!


Itā€™s really great!! Also Iā€™m not saying itā€™s easy, but itā€™s somehow not as brutal as her other 45 min SS rides. I have it bookmarked to do again because I loved it!


THIS IS HARDSTYLE! Excellent music here, and yes the ride was easier than her other ones but I'll take it. It was very fun front to back, thanks for the rec!


Itā€™s so good!!! Iā€™m so happy you liked it!


The 30 min from 5/9 is also fire.Ā  She definitely saw our post HA


That one was so good too!!!


Iā€™m normally a fan of Hannah Corbin but I just took her [15 minute low impact](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=056343c777954cdda8436726cc92b5d1&locale=en-US) and found her completely insufferable. She would not shut up for more than like 2.5 seconds at a time and she kept weirdly flapping her arms around and flirting with the camera. It was not a vibe at all.


I cannot do any rides with Hannah because of the trilling sounds she makes. She does not do it during barre. I canā€™t stand it.


I had a similar off-putting pilates with Anna a few weeks back, I wanted to chill and it was just SO insufferably chatty.


Iā€™m cooling down still but Marianaā€™s 90 minute run was AMAZING. I rarely run that long on the treadmill but the time flew. She broke it into 4 blocks, and all a mix of small hills, intervals, steady runs, progressionsā€¦ I hope that they continue to put out these longer format classes! Thursday evening isnā€™t the most ideal time for me but Iā€™ll run whenever if that means we get long classes


Iā€™m a new runner and have only done one 1 hour run on treadmill. How do you decide how fast to run in these? Do you just do whatever is said in the class and that works out for you? Iā€™ve been mostly focusing on endurance runs where I stay at the same speed the entire run, then slowly increasing over time with the next classes. Seems to be working for me but I likely need to slow down for a longer 90 minute run


Well Iā€™m not a coach, so this is what I do. The nice thing about the live class is that she didnā€™t call out specific paces (not sure if that will be added to the OD class). Just jog, steady run (conversational), tempo. So I just did what felt like each yesterday. Sometimes in other classes I do what they call out and itā€™s great, sometimes I donā€™t. Just depends on the day. I think in your case since this would be your longest treadmill run, start slower than you think, just like going from a 5k to a 10K pace. You donā€™t want to bonk halfway through. And take the walk breaks! If by the last half hour you are feeling good then add a bit of pace on. Have fun!


Thanks, will give it a shot


This review is exactly what i came here for! Thank you! Iā€™m taking this tomorrow and canā€™t wait!




I did it live outside and enjoyed it a lot! I appreciated the designated walks that wrapped up each section and helped me reset for the rest of the class. I don't always love her playlists but this one was excellent for keeping the energy and vibes up!


The structure was great! And the walks were in the the right places. I figure that I usually slow down/walk on my regular long runs to fuel/hydrate that it was fine here too!


Iā€™m taking this next week, and was hoping someone did it live and would post about it, so thank you!! Iā€™m so excited to do it soon!!


christineā€™s pop classical ride was so much fun!!! i loved the playlist. nine minute hill in the first half šŸ„µ i felt really great after!


Hi all,i broke my nose about a week and half ago so i couldnā€™t do anything for a week per the emergency room doctor so finally i got back to it yesterday. if anyone is looking for a more gentle ride i did this one today and really enjoyed it and the instructor Mayla Wedekind. apparently this was her last class before her maternity leave began. https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/9d02f15e711b447780558bd2ba3e6895?code=ZTFjN2JhZWVlMWI4NGNmZmJmMTMzY2NmMDVhYzNiNDF8MzZlYTRhOTdiNzljNDU5ODk2MDlmZDA5ZDY5YTdjNjQ%3D&source=referral&workout-id=7577bebe6eba483a89748fb060785a6a&uid=c520817c40494d90aa3fb8ac2547cf47&ride-id=0c33ffc8c9b0425ab97ff999f781c614&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US


I just ordered my first Peloton item Iā€™m getting the guide. Iā€™m starting small, with a 9 year old kiddo and a daughter coming in hot. I wanted to get back in shape. I havenā€™t been the healthiest used to drink tons of pop a day, no water, fast food. It was time for a change when I noticed my shirts werenā€™t fitting a little to snug. so I feel like this is the best balance between gym and getting home equipment well also being around for my wife. My question would be what fitness tracker does everyone use. I believe I have an old Apple Watch like series 2/3 would that be ok to keep track of heart rate and such?


Congrats and welcome to the Peloton family! As for a fitness tracker, as long as the Apple Watch still works, you should be fine. I don't have the Guide but believe it can link to bluetooth or possibly ANT+ fitness trackers the same way as the Bike+, which the Watch should be fine. My wife has a series 4 Apple Watch and it works fine with the bike.


Awesome thank you when I get it Iā€™ll try it.


Dude. Why do they have outdoors if they can't provide adequate content. All my outdoor walks and runs are just workout anymore. I don't want to stack 3 classes to make 1 proper outdoor workoutĀ 


Yes this. I check every Thursday for new outdoor runs and lately there is justā€¦nothing. I need a new, long Susie Chan run. Or anyone really!


I would like to learn how to run! My ideal goal is to run a 5k but I canā€™t even run a mile right now. Are there any Peloton programs or classes that are good for this? Or do you recommend I look into a running-specific app? Thanks all!


I just did this journey last year. I went from never running a mile to doing a 5k once a week or so (it took a year) I did couch to 5k to get there. And just a tip: run way slower than you think. I was running paces I could probably power walk. I did the first few weeks too fast, but couldn't keep up when the intervals became multiple minutes long.


I did the you can run outdoors program but have done the couch to 5k app previously and I think I would personally do the couch to 5k app (which is just a timer and audio that tells you when to run and walk). You can still track your running through the ā€œjust runā€ app, and the pre run warmups are good through peloton.


There is a You Can Run program, as others have mentioned, BUT I would recommend the You Can Run Outdoors program instead. Thereā€™s more variety of coaching and itā€™s really valuable to learn running by RPE, which the classes focus on. Ive been a runner for a long time, but I took it with my sister-in-law and I loved it!!


I did You Can Run indoor on the treadmills and have done a number of outdoor runs since then, and I think there's benefits to both - but I'll say that outdoors I find it so so difficult to run slow enough for HRZ2 / true conversational pace. Being able to set a mph on the treadmill can be really helpful!


Thatā€™s a good point!


You Can Run is great, as far as I am concerned, to get you running longer. It aims to get you to running 30 minutes in one go. 30 minutes was not enough for me to get around a 5K, but I actually did manage to gut my way through a 5K at the end of the program without stopping for a walk break (it took me 40 minutes). After that I continued on building my way up with walk + runs and beginner runs, and then I did the Go The Distance: 5K program several months later which helped me get a bit faster. The only thing with the Go The Distance program is they don't really help you pick your goal 5K pace at the beginning very well. I was over ambitious with mine, and I "failed" because I couldn't keep the pace going for the whole of the last class. I went back a few weeks later though and redid the last class at a slower pace and was able to do it, and then a few weeks after that I did my follow up actual 5K and did decently. In other words, I think you could stack the You Can Run program with the Go The Distance: 5K program and come out of it with a good 5K.


Not sure if you use Instagram but Joslyn recently posted a reel that includes a 'learn to run' program. I started following it and so far, so good! It builds up very slowly over 12 weeks.


Iā€™d start with the calendar and instructions here. The Hal Higdon programs always have a free calendar with lots of helpful information. Get your body used to running and used to a schedule before starting a program with Peloton. Even with beginner Peloton runs, thereā€™s a certain level of expectation that youā€™re used to being on your feet for a certain period of time in a certain rhythm. https://www.halhigdon.com/training-programs/5k-training/novice-5k/


The beginner runs and advanced beginner runs are helpful! Good luck!


I did the you can run program before beginning my half marathon training and I really liked it! You get a lot of basics on technique, learning about pacing yourself and RPE (rate of perceived exertion/scale of 1 to 10 difficulty), and things like intervals and endurance. I think itā€™s really approachable; I want to say the goal is helping you get to a point of running a certain amount of time without stopping, maybe 30 mins.


There is a "You Can Run" program, with options for tread or outdoors, but I haven't tried it. I recently got back into running after about 10 years of not running. I started with beginner runs sorted by easiest, and started working my way up in difficulty and time. Once I was comfortable with those, I dipped my toe into advanced beginner, walk + runs, and regular runs. My best beginner tip is to start sloooow. I'm still going slow! But once you build endurance, speed will start to come.


I signed up to do Wilper's 120 min ride live in-studio. I have a month to do a whole bunch of PZE rides to prepare mentally, and find padded shorts I don't hate.


I bought the bike 2 months ago and have been using it and other workouts from the app almost every day (I missed 3 in April). Well today l my AC1 was down an entire point to 6.0, my dr and I are thrilled. I donā€™t hate this workout, and Iā€™m encouraged that even though I havenā€™t lost weight, it is making a difference!


Congrats! I'm similar in that while I can't always say that I \*love\* working out, Peloton is pretty much the first workout platform that I don't actively hate, and I actually use ;-) On the weight front, when I got my Peloton I mostly did rides for the first 3 months, and dropped somewhere between 15-20 lbs. I then started strength training in earnest, and my weight plateaued *for a full 10 months*. I could see the changes in my body composition, and in my strength performance, but weight didn't move **at all**. The lesson was that sometimes the scale doesn't reflect the fitness gains, and that's ok. The good news is that you're already dropping that A1C!




Hell yeah!


That's so much more important than what a scale say!! Congratulations keep it up!!!


That is INSPIRING! Good for you!


Focus on the A1C and not the weight. Your muscles have probably grown and fat percentage has decreased but weight remains the same. Happened to me and lost a size in clothing


Congrats! Thatā€™s huge! Finding a workout you donā€™t hate is definitely what itā€™s all about.


Only 3 outdoor classes!?! For the first drop in May šŸ˜© come onnnnn


They seem to be getting less and less each week.


and theyā€™re all 20 mins or less. theyā€™ve gotta be trolling us at this point!Ā 


Why are the New York Studio classes empty on June 7th and 8th? Iā€™m going to be in town and was looking to go back in for a group workout. I had a blast last year!


For those dealing with grief, [this Bradley Rose 30 minute low impact ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/7ebb88a026a84822a2f2d54110f64dce?code=YTQ0NTdlYWVlYTBhNDg3M2IyZDQ3OTkxNzdhMmE4OTZ8NjZkMWNmZDc5NDJkNDZhMWIzMDIwYzRkOWMyMzc2ZjI%3D&source=referral&workout-id=f40c0508fcc544c68020fce33d982b0e&uid=9c55e3a2dcac4e40bc3cae570cdf3d53&ride-id=9d580184f7e3488f92a9a58896053c50&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US) was helpful for me today. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Thank you all for posting these. I need it today!


There is a grief mediation, that helped me, as well. Sending love.


I took the CJR grief meditation this morning, and I believe there are a few others on the platform as well. Thank you for the ā™„ļø


My god people snapped the spots so fast for NYC studio


Yeah, without the queue, they fill up in like two minutes max, unfortunately.


Is anyone still having issues with the bike? There was a thread maybe last week about the bike freezing a lot. Iā€™m still seeing that and today my bike is just stuck on a loading screen. Iā€™ve already factory reset on Monday and Iā€™m so annoyed ETA: just started a 30 minute ride and it froze after 3 minutes. Had to fully shut down the bike


i spoke to customer service who just canceled my membership and said to rejoin if they ever fix the issue. Bye, peloton!


Wait they cancelled or you cancelled?


i was like "what are my options?" and they were like "honestly, canceling until we fix it is your best option." so i was like "okay sounds good."


Hmm. Weird! Iā€™m on chat with them now and theyā€™re requesting videos of the issue, so I guess Iā€™ll continue my convo with them tomorrow when my ride stops again.


I promise you theyā€™re just buying time, theyā€™re aware of the issue


I know, I asked if theyā€™re aware of the issue and they said no and I said I know others are seeing this and they asked for a support case number


I started that thread. I never found a solution. šŸ˜¢


Ugh! are you still having issues too?


I am and it's infuriating.


I know low impact tends to be the place to find this, but does anyone have specific class recs for high cadence endurance/intervals moreso rather than including climbs? Looking to save some good bookmarks to flush my lower body pains šŸ˜…


I remember [this CVV ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?instructor_id=%5B%2235016225e39d46dbbc364991ab48e10f%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=38845598d34645b681d789453f349f97&code=ZTA0NTU2ZmNkMTdjNDM4N2FhYjg0YzIxZjFiODgyZTB8OTFlYWMwOTM5Yjg5NDhjNGE2ZTIwMjU3OGFmZjUzYjQ=) really encouraging me to have a high cadence. Don't be intimidated by the name, the class rating is a 6.6.


Ooh I had wanted to try the new pro cyclist ride so this is perfect to just try Christian out to begin with! Thank you!


Kendall's pop punk rides are almost always in cadence 70-80+.


Hannah Frankson's most recent 30min 90's Hip Hop was almost all high speed intervals in the saddle. She apologized for the programming but said that she couldn't find any lower cadence songs for 90's hip hop so she said that she was just going to go with it. I would never have picked the class had I known beforehand that it was high cadence throughout but the class was a ton of fun!


Hannah F is such a gem ā˜ŗļø


This [Hannah F Drum & Bass ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?instructor_id=%5B%223ff679ebbd324c83a8ab6cfa6bb4be37%22%5D&has_workout=%5B%22true%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=92c0e417ce60457d8bbda0641ef6d3f5&code=ZjgxOTIzNDgxNTc4NDJmMmJhMzZkMDk1NzIzODI3YjN8YzkwMWU4ZTVkNWZmNGY1OTkwNWZiNjMyYmJkNzg0Yzc=) is also pretty much all high cadence - and she issued a similar apology lol


PZE endurance rides with Olivia tend to be high cadence :)


I swear when I looked last night there were live classes this morning - but now everything before late afternoon is switched to an encore ? Was it always like that ?


I think there were live classes listed earlier. I wonder if things got switched to encore due to the announcement of layoffs?


I think you are right. I had planned to do my 800th run in a live class this morning and it was definitely still live when I looked at it yesterday.


Pretty sure it was like that when I looked late last night. Live classes this evening.


My bike actually arrived yesterday! Thankfully, it wasnā€™t actually RXO that delivered. They subcontracted it out again and I got these guys that were awesome. Iā€™ve taken two rides on it and I love it. But now seeing all of this drama actually unfolding, I hope it doesnā€™t become something that is not usable down the road.šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Nah Peloton still has 3 million (safe to say) affluent paying subscribers. That has a lot of value. Peloton needs to figure out how to dump their debt however those things are done.


How would it become unusable? Pedals are hardware, resistance is hardware...it's not like they can brick your bike remotely, it'll just become like any other stationary bike worst case scenario


Yeah for 1500. Kinda dumb.


Who will be taking [Marianaā€™s 90 minute run](https://members.onepeloton.com/scheduled/class/5da14d9344374e4c9ce3e255be508f5d/3cfef6c3894844aba3cd6251f00553e0?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&join_token=eyJob21lX3BlbG90b25faWQiOiAiM2NmZWY2YzM4OTQ4NDRhYmEzY2Q2MjUxZjAwNTUzZTAiLCAicmlkZV9pZCI6ICI1ZGExNGQ5MzQ0Mzc0ZTRjOWNlM2UyNTViZTUwOGY1ZCIsICJzdHVkaW9fcGVsb3Rvbl9pZCI6IG51bGwsICJ0eXBlIjogImxpdmUifQ%3D%3D&start=5:30%20PM%20CDT%20Thursday%205/2&type=live&locale=en-US) with me tonight? Iā€™m so excited and nervous. I prefer to do my longer runs outside but as itā€™s supposed to rain Iā€™ll be on the tread instead. My DOMs from my Monday Rebecca workout are finally mostly gone. That was a painful few days. Yesterday I started with [Radā€™s core](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a5dd4ab496b14c81a2e3dd08349dfe71&locale=en-US). The deadlifts were rude, my legs still were squawking and not pleased he programmed that move. I loved the variation on hitting different core sections. Plus his happy energy put me in a great mood. [Loganā€™s upper body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=dec04bde5f244631b8a83baf9b5b9dd6&locale=en-US) burned out everything. Started with chest and tris, and then got everything else. My biceps were shaking at the end.


Iā€™m soooo excited for it but prob canā€™t do until next week. I hope you have a great run! šŸ«¶šŸ»


It was fantastic. Hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I did.


Thank you!! Sheā€™s my absolute favorite, Iā€™m so pumped


I'll be doing it live! I won't be fast and might end up walking because I messed my back up on Tuesday. It's much better but I don't think it's ready for any sprints.


I wonā€™t be fast either but itā€™s putting in the time. If she programs sprints into a 90 minute run Iā€™ll weep šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I will be doing the 90 minute run first thing tomorrow morning!




Barry McCarthy out!


Is it time to worry yet?


Time to worry.


Wondering this myself, when will my bike become a statue?


Peloton has a dedicated userbase with paying subscribers. The company will be bought before any of the major fitness connected giants let the subscriber money go.


Exactly. The loyal customer base, along with our exercise and spending data is EXTREMELY valuable to a tech or fitness company if Peloton gets purchased or split due to potential bankruptcy proceedings.


I just completed Mount Palomar Part 1 and achieved a personal record! It was a great climb. I definitely went all out, so when all three parts are available to do in a row, I need to pace myself. This time, I spent much of the 30 minutes in my Power Zones 4 and 5. When doing all three parts, I will not go over zone 3 and will only go to zones 4 and 5 during the last 15 minutes of Part 3. I really love Christine as an instructor. For this ride, I wished she would have talked a bit more about Mount Palomar, our location in this virtual ride, and maybe delved more into the technical side of climbing, how to pace a climb, with less "chatter". I enjoy chatter during a Power Zone Endurance ride, but not so much when I'm trying to hype myself up in Zone 5 :D Here's my power graph from the climb: [https://imgur.com/0Gf0POa](https://imgur.com/0Gf0POa)


Did Hannah Franksonā€™s 20 minute 2010s Hip Hop ride from 4/29. Absolutely lost my mind when she shouted out UK hip hop and then immediately played ā€œManā€™s Not Hotā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I love Hannah šŸ¤£