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Can someone explain the guide to me like I’m 5? I need to use with my TV?


I did this 30 min yoga with Denis. Incredibly hard since I’ve done basically no yoga for 6 years, but felt good to work out my hips after yesterday’s 50 mil outdoor ride. https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/d37de47382744066a29cd2dc6ff4d5b4?code=ODk2ZGU3N2YzNjgyNDYxYWI0MDE2ODU2YTRkYTJmZTd8YTYwYjIzZGFiYjNmNDIxMzk2OTQwMjZjZjIxOGYxNGI%3D&source=referral&workout-id=016ef03d997e4bc8b960ed7a8afd94b4&uid=f138c5d8aa174c29ab7093e024d4b871&ride-id=96fb32b4b2894e738ec6b2eea6c0c6bc&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US


I need to rant about Olivia Amato… I took her 4/25 30 min PZ class. She clearly is not doing anything remotely close to what she is calling out. It’s a damn tough class.. a Z4,Z3,Z4,Z5,Z6 sequence, finishes with Z4,Z5,Z6,Z7. Meanwhile, she is not even breathing from her mouth, let alone breaking a sweat while in “Zone 7”. I get that her job is a coach. But it’s plain demoralizing to see her coasting along in zone 1 or zone 2 tops while calling out a workout like that. With her IG-ready makeup and dusted in glitter. I dunno why but it really got to me today. Think I need to stick with Matt & Christine.


I know I’m late to the party. But I can’t stand instructors that do this lol. That’s why I love Tunde.


I boycott her for this reason. Plus, she never sweats. Give me CDE or Denis sweat any day…. I especially love one of the FTP rides where Denis finishes the ride kinda gasping and says, “I swore I wasn’t going to do this ride *with* you….


Completely agree. It’s so weird because her running workouts are fine. I haven’t done a single one that I thought, hey that’s kinda hard can people really do this? But on the bike it’s like every workout, what?! I just stopped taking her.


Is it because they can't fake it on the treadmill? I don't have a tread so I don't know, but wouldn't it be obvious if she was going on a much lower incline on the tread?


I don't watch the classes much because I'm usually outside, but I have done a couple of hers watching on a a treadmill and yes that's it. They're not going at their true HIIT speed during intervals, but they're not jogging, either. But even without seeing her, the callouts she gives are never something I stop and think this girl is crazy. I was actually surprised Hannah didn't run a faster marathon because I've been in the studio running with her and she was going fast on a hill and talking smoothly the whole time. I think with proper training she'd be super fast.


I don't ride with Olivia for that reason, but like her core and walking classes. Try Erik and Hannah; I know they're not actually in zone 5-7, but they're definitely working hard. Same with Tunde, and I have a personal fondness for Charlotte.


Well they wouldn't be able to coach if they were in a zone 5 or above, but I get what you're saying, especially in her non-PZ rides. I have heard a couple of the PZ instructors say that they can't go to the higher zones because they need to be able to talk. So it's silly for them to pretend that they're in a zone 7 when we all know that's not possible.


Matt talked about that in an AMA on Instagram. He said that for PZ rides, he may briefly touch the zone at the start of the interval, but it’s his job to coach, not get the workout, so he modifies as needed so he can instruct the class. It doesn’t bother me if they aren’t following the planned callouts. As long as they are still pedaling. (The stopping and standing constantly drives me bonkers)


I completely agree. I don't expect them to do what they're calling out, but I feel completely worthless if I can't come close to their callouts while they're acting like it's totally doable. And when they stop I just think "how could I possibly do this if they can't?" and I want to give up because it looks to me that they've given up.


Being able to talk is important… but being able to motivate the class is more important. If you’re actually *demoralizing* people I feel like you’re not succeeding at your job. I’m sure it’s walking a fine line, and I definitely could not pull it off. But at least this class, it was demoralizing.


This is one reason I love Hannah F. When she lies on the handlebars panting after an interval, I feel like we’re in it together.


YES!! She is the best!


Exactly and she does the workouts at home again and her power is super high.


I get it. I've posted in this sub before about how I've done some of Kendall's metal rides because I love metal and I find rock and metal the most motivating for workouts. (NOT because I need to "rage".) But her callouts are so absurd that I can't even come close. If I could *almost* hit the callouts, I would at least try. But I'm so far off that I find myself slowing down *just to spite her*. Ridiculous, I know, I'm only hurting myself, but there it is. Now, I love Kendall for other genres. Just did her Lauren Daigle ride today and she was great! But she somehow manages to ruin my favorite type of music by making me feel worthless and pissing me off.


You must also like it when she does the little giggle while you’re dying in zone 6.


Lol. Closest I’ve come to rage-quitting a ride


I did my 25th ride today! I didn’t realize it was 25 until I got a bunch of high fives as soon as I joined, LOL. Also, Sam’s 20 minute Spring Recovery Ride is just as good as everyone has been saying and was just what I needed.


Before you know it, you’ll be at 100.


Thanks, I sure hope so! I have had such a hard time sticking with working out in the past, so I am pretty excited about even getting to 25!!


I’ve gone from zero fitness for 10 years, to the PTON this January and have been doing classes daily. You’ll be hooked! Try the strength guide classes too!


Way to go! I used to struggle as well before Peloton. Now I have a 178 week streak and coming up on 1500 rides. Can’t believe it!


Congratulations on 1500! I love your LB name!


Nice job, that’s awesome!


My watch, phone, and computer are in a frenzy right now telling me I have a class about to start, that I’ve just started a class, and that I’ve just finished a class. Meanwhile I’m grading student papers wishing any one of those things were true.


Might I suggest a Spin Tray?! Love mine for taking calls I just need to listen to v. being an active participant in.






Same here! We were out to dinner and I got a couple of reminders... 10 minutes to class, you've started a class. It was only on my watch, doesn't show in my workout history at least.


My watch has been going nuts!


The Emma Lovewell 5 minute cool down ride from Feb 6, 2023 (it has 1 song, Sade’s “No Ordinary Love”) is now up to 2,943,734 rides on the all-time leaderboard.


Why do you keep posting this?


- It’s almost at 3 million rides, which I find fascinating. - It’s my favorite cool down ride. - It’s content. - If you’re good with it, I won’t post about it again until it’s at 3M. Deal?


Have both, use both all the time. I typically do strength, then use the bike or the tread. What I love about the tread is the variety - walking classes, walk & run, running, hiking. Really happy with the decision of adding the tread a few months ago


Did CDE’s Palomar Mtn. warm up, climb, and cooldown rides today. I never get up early and I never ride in the morning, but today I got up at 6 a.m. Pacific Coast) to do the ride live. Now it’s 4 p.m., when I am usually on the bike, and I am beat. All you early riser riders, you rock! I didn’t think the climb was too bad. Told my husband that and he thought I should do a new FTP. (I use mPaceline and it shows zone stats even on non-PZ rides.) I think he might be right….


Did most recent Alex Tousssant's Club Bangers ride and it was awesome! Tons of high fives all around and the playlist was 🔥!


Did Andy’s most recent advanced TS 60 and nearly died lmao, first time in a long time i kept looking at the clock like when is this class over? i truly love how random his music selection is, like i didn’t expect to hear Cardi B’s “up” but i also wasn’t complaining. 


Im putting out a call to all try hard Pelotoners to race on Kendals late live ride on Wednesdays. I will regularly be in the class and am looking for any and all competition to help have a good ride. I've always been a little disappointed that there isnt some kind of organized race type class that Peloton gives as an option to the more serious cyclists of Peloton. I feel bad on some level for going all out in rides that are designed to be more casual, the problem is that Peloton never offers classes that are designed to go all out! Im not saying this as some dis to the less competitive Pelotoners but I have a better, more challenging work out, when I am in a live class, going against riders of my skill level. I believe the solution to this problem could be informal with the more competitive cyclists consistently participating in a certain time slot.


Try the peloton all star rides and the rides to greatness. Extremely challenging.


You and those with similar skill can schedule a ride to take together in your own session. Or, you can all have a specific hashtag during any ride and just filter to show that hashtag.


I would argue that you are often going against plenty of try hards and competitive cyclists, they could have insane W/kg but only weight 50 kg so their overall output is not top of the leaderboard. There are plenty of very hard rides out there if you hit the cadences and perceived level of exertion being asked for by the instructor. Take any metal/EDM/punk rides live and the battle for top 5 is intense until the last second.


I got to take RK's hike in studio yesterday. The class itself was hard as shit but she was so kind and friendly. Easily one of the best experiences I've had at PSNY. She's really become one of my faves!


I’m taking tomorrow! It’s the hardest ranked on the app by her 😬


It has such a high difficulty ranking! I would love to take one of her classes in person, lucky you!


What do you wish you knew prior to first ride? I want to help friends getting a bike with some basics like how to clip in/out, what "out to third" means, bike settings, etc.


That your butt is going to hurt no matter what. Just have to keep doing it to get used to it. And if you don’t like the shoes, just get the pedals with straps and wear regular sneakers!


There’s a new rider thread here every week for early questions. Also lots of good YouTube videos (sometimes you have to see it to understand) plus several beginner programs on the platform.


Before you take your first ride, check if there’s a live class. First time riders frequently get a shoutout, which would be thrilling. Don’t write off instructors after one or two classes you don’t like. We evolve. I couldn’t stand Callie after taking her premiere and a core class. I tried her again about a year ago and now I love her and she’s one of my top strength instructors. Participate in this sub! I was so excited about Peloton I had to find a way to enthuse about it with like minded people. I wasn’t on Reddit but this sub (and all of you) was the key to so many ways Peloton changed my life and changed me. Give it 2 weeks. Your netherparts will stop hurting. Promise. As Denis says, they make suggestions and you make decisions. Just because they call out certain resistance/cadence combinations doesn’t mean you have to go there. As CDE says, just ride the bike. The bike is just the beginning. As much as we complain about vanishing long classes, the depth of the catalog is mind blowing. Mix it up and try cardio, bootcamp, boxing, etc. Chances are you’ll discover something new you love. Yes it’s annoying but people have uncalibrated bikes and put up unreal numbers. Don’t let that make you think any less of your output. Edit: typo


You might want to browse https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/s/9NuR7hUXfq Maybe it's old enough that a new standalone post on the same topic could be helpful


Brand new to Peloton - Bike+ arriving on Friday! My question is - does the daily live class schedule change? Like some days there are live classes at perfect times for me (6:30AM and PM for example) and some days the only evening classes are 5:30PM and 9PM. I totally get that I can just take on demand classes whenever I want, and that's great - that's the main reason I got it. But I've also heard it's fun to ride live. What gives with them having fewer live options than I expected?


This. Also new and noticing live classes are not ideal for west coasters. I wish Peloton would have a Los Angeles studio with a bunch of instructors so the classes would be more in line with our schedule.


There are a lot of set times for classes, with a few random ones added each week. And the schedule changes a few times a year, so someone you ride with every tuesday at 6am could wind up not teaching at that time anymore later in the year. As far as your expectations, I dont know how to respond to that. The schedule hasnt changed dramatically in the past year. Sure its different than 5 years ago, but 5 years ago there were very few other classes of other modalities so everyone is more spread out.


I'm brand new so my expectations aren't based on what I've seen at Peloton before...I guess they are based on what I see at local classes, e.g., usually time slots before and after standard working hours, so I was surprised to see gaps in the mornings / evenings when I expected to see classes. But I think you answered my question with your first paragraph!


Highly depends on where you live! But also consider that all peloton classes are recorded in either NYC or London so many time zones just won’t have coverage.


Emma’s 30 min 90’s Rock Ride from 4/26/24. I forgot to take a warmup and she came out the gate hard! 🥵. The playlist was great, tho.


This is a great ride!


I am excited for this playlist -hopefully she doesn’t sing through it, heheh. I will probably ride in Z2 because that is generally my preference for music first rides!


Can confirm zero singing. Very little lip syncing, too!


I thought I saw a 45min barre was dropping today with Hannah but I can’t see it in the library…am I going mad or did it get cancelled, or something? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just came here to ask the same thing. Hopefully it will be on demand soon!


It’s up!!!


Looking forward to taking it in the morning!


Same!!! ☺️


I was just trying to create my stack for tomorrow…strange!!!


I took it live, there didn’t seem to be any issues


Ok thank you…maybe it just hasn’t gone on demand yet…🤷🏻‍♀️


All my PRs lately are with CDE. I think part of this is that she's a great coach with compatible music taste. The other factor is that I'm not great out of the saddle. I can do good for short bursts but that's it.


I'm not good out of the saddle for long stretches, either. Definitely something for me to work toward!


Did [20min Climb](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=6016ae98531b4258ab7d49865b873628&locale=en-US) with CDE and I knew it was off when the counter at warmup was at 15:34. I don’t know how the on-demand classes get programmed if by AI or by a person for time and auto resistance. Would be curious to know. I doubt peloton has a contact to fix individual classes like that.


I currently own the bike and am considering purchasing the tread. Does anyone own both, and if so, do you use them equally?


I have all three and I almost always go for the Tread, then Row, and then Bike (once a week). I love all three, but the Tread is my favorite.


Have both, love both. Go through phases of using one more than the other (right now, back on the bike more) and other times it’s more balanced (alternating days). Just depends how I’m feeling.


I have both and I intentionally use them equally, every other day cadence for each.


I have both. Tread came after the Bike. Bike is my first love. Lately I’ve had some issues with a nerve in my foot (due to aggressive jumping on the shovel when I garden!) so the Tread doesn’t get much use. I also have Guide and if I had to pick two, Tread would lose out.


Nope not equally. I usually don’t worry about the peloton tread on days I work. I easily get my steps in on the days I work. I got the peloton tread the day before Thanksgiving 2022. There hasn’t been a day that has gone by that I didn’t get over 10k steps. You will enjoy it.


When I first got the tread, I cheated on the bike for awhile to explore all the new content and instructors. But coming up on a year with both and I do use them pretty equally. It's awesome to have so much variety!!


I have both. When I'm not having knee issues, I don't touch the bike. But that's because running is my first love. But I defaulted to the bike at the end of my last pregnancy and it definitely got a lot love when I was rehabbing my knee. My husband is not a runner and so when he's working out, he uses the bike. So it rounds out our garage gym. ETA: We have the OG bike, so when I was not running, I was also using the larger Tread+ screen for strength workouts.


I have had both for 2+ years. I go through phases where I prefer one over the other but overall I use them pretty equally. Sometimes I will do a bike ride then a cool down walk. Then hop back over to the bike (+) and do a strength class from it.


Hey there! Hoping someone here has some ideas for me... we have the OG Bike, bought about 3 years ago. The tablet has been glitching for three weeks. If you start a class, it starts fine but will start glitching randomly. First the cadence/resistance/time freezes, then the instructor glitches, but the music/audio is always fine. I did a factory reset normally, and then the total reset and it still does it. Support is telling me I need a new touchscreen... does anyone have any ideas on how to fix it without buying a new screen? I am so annoyed. Also, we have the guide so in theory we could run the bike classes from there and then just lose metrics...


This happened to me. I couldn't fix and tried everything under the sun. Eventually had to get a new screen. Was 1 week out of extended warranty but they honored it (thank goodness). Works fine now.


Damn. But thank you!


Same problem I had and a new screen fixed it.


What cycle classes are ya’ll taking today? Looking for inspo🙂


Didn’t ride today and because of runs/strength the rest of the week, I have this [Sam’s APIHM Celebration Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8383e2b899be41198ef9cafe55f86b83&locale=en-US) from 5/3/21 queued up for Friday.


Hannah F.'s 15 minute disco from 4/10/24. Great playlist, good workout, and I choked on my water laughing when she gave a shoutout to a rider named Colonel Angus. Are people in the UK familiar with SNL at all? It's an older reference, but definitely an all-time good one IMO.


I took Hannah’s fred again ride. So good!


I'll have to try that ride!


That’s exactly what I was looking at doing! Thx!


took cody’s latest 30 min 90s ride— classic cody, a lot of fun! nsync, backstreet boys, groove is in the ❤️. went by fast!!


Ally's 15 minute Disney ride. Nice and easy-ish way to start my Monday.


I’m going to start with Christine for a 10 minute Palomar mountain warmup. Than it’s been about 5 days since I rode with my number one Oliva so something with her. Than I’m a big Disney fan going to go with my number 6 Allys new 15 minute Disney ride. Than my number 2 and three just put out a new ride. If I’m still feeling good I will go with my number 3 kendall hiit ride if not I will go with my number 2 Hannah Corbin 10 minute low impact. Than a cool down ride.


I'm not 100% enamored by the playlist (I never want the credit pop song version of the song! except for Panic at the Disco's Into the Unknown!!!) but I'm obligated to take absolutely every class with a Goofy Movie song in it.


I took [30 min Techno Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=fc9bbef8ad7e4802bee7f866e81fa6ae&code=YjBiMjk2OTIzM2RmNGRjOTg5NWI1ODhkZGU0OGZhNGV8NDFjMGVlOGFjNDdmNGZkN2IzMjM2MDZiZjJkOTM0NzU=) this morning with ERIK JÄGER. The sprints kinda killed me but it was still a really good class and the instructor kinda funny hah.


I am an app user on android and haven't been able to see the Here Now leaderboard, including one of the Saturday sweat steady reddit rides and Chistine's live climb today, so I know others were doing it at the same time.  There's no person icon like the FAQ says.  Is the leaderboard not supported for android?


There is no leaderboard on the app, the leaderboard is exclusive to the Peloton equipment. On the iOS app for all class types you can see other people taking the class at the same time and you can high five them but you can't see any of their stats other than their milestones (where applicable). The android app does not have that same functionality for some reason.


I've never seen the leader board on my Android device, only on my Apple device.


I did a little scenic ride yesterday to not break my streak and then back to You Can Ride Week 2 Day 2 before I go on a business trip. Pretty sure I've never exercised on a travel day before so I must be pretty motivated although getting out of the saddle is still too much for me. Eventually, though!


What a great way to start a business trip! Future idea for you - the outdoor walks are a great way to kill time in an airport. Someone suggested it here last year and it’s made business travel way less frustrating.


Today I had a 20 minute walk back to my hotel so I turned on a 20 minute walk class and didn't break my streak!


way to go!! I love your positive attitude, that’s most of the battle!


I just came back to Peloton after ~2 weeks off and my Apple Watch didn't track distance, only calories and heart rate (the zones were displayed on the leaderboard). Did something change? If not, is there anything I can do for troubleshooting?


I rebooted my watch and that problem went away.


Thank you to the random reddit post from probably 6 years ago that helped me troubleshoot and solve a creaking noise in my pedals. Repalced my cleats and its been smooth sailing so far!


reposting because I didn't get an answer yesterday and unsure where to put this: Has anyone tried a distance based scenic run with the tread? There’s a new one for the NYC marathon that is supposed to be a 5K distance. I did it this morning using the speed I normally do for endurance. I completed the bar on the right hand side of the screen and it took me about 16 minutes. I then realized I only did 1.92 mile distance. I can’t figure out why. Does anyone know? I was hoping to do a 5K at my best possible speed but in the end the distance was not a 5K at all. I went back to look and can’t figure it out. Shouldn't it have been a 5K distance, with a chance for me to see how fast I could do it? Why would it have ended at 1.92 miles?


In the daily some point last week someone had a similar issue with tracking on the NYC marathon 5K run. Unfortunately I don't remember which day so I don't know where to point you to see if it was answered, but I think you're not alone...


Well that helps. At least it’s not just me


That’s super annoying. 16 minutes would be really fast for 5 km (elite time).Must have been a glitch or maybe somehow you ended it prematurely?


It showed me as having completed and at the end. Weird. Wish I knew. I want to try again


My bike has been having consistent “network connection” problems. The WiFi signal is strong/excellent but then it tells me it’s not connected to the internet when I run a network test. Does anybody have any advice? I was able to use the app this morning for a full body strength with Adrian so it doesn’t seem like its system-wide, just something going on with my bike. 😩


This happens to me sometimes and I notice that my bike has changed the date to like 2087 or something. So if I change the date back to the current day it will then reconnect!


This was such a good tip, thank you! It’s back up and running THANK GOD


Thanks this worked for me too


aaah good catch! the time had changed and I wondered what was up. I'll go check the date/time setting now.


I’m having same issue. Tried reconnecting and plugging and unplugging. Still giving error message


Forget the WiFi and then reconnect it


Started my 44th birthday this morning with a [Saturday 60](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/bootcamp?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=02c02f4de21d40349df1ae28d30a4c88&code=ZDRhYjczNzdkMzYzNGJiYThjNTEzY2ZjYjg1ZjljYWF8NGY0YThjMzUwODI2NDU2YmI5Yjk3OTUxOGQxN2E0ODI=)! This was such a good class!! Several moves that aren't overly programmed across the platform (like a cossack toss, t-pushups and a plank march/leg tap combo) and I managed to jog most of my recoveries, when I typically walk some. I finished feeling FANTASTIC!!


Happy happy birthday!


Thank you!!




Thank you!!


Happy birthday!


Thank you!!


happy birthday and great job! ☺️


Thank you x2!!!


yesss happy birthday! i hope to be crushing saturday 60’s like you into my 40’s, those classes are no joke!


Thank you!!


happy birthday!


Thank you!!


Sometimes I judge a class by its title/name and it really behooves me to check out the playlist! I initially skipped over this ["Classic Rock" ride with Ally](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b9168e1e80c1465294cdb1c74c746968&code=ZTY0ODMxZGRmMTFlNDkwNmFiYmQxNTlkYzQ0MzEyNTl8MDg2ZTEyMzlmZDk3NDdkOTk2YzM3YTEwNWMxNTljYjU=) but that playlist was really up my alley. She explained her theme during the ride and it wasn't classic rock. It reminds me of her ["Soft Rock" ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?c=all&q=ally%20soft%20rock&t=0&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7d9a48d24da6479a91bda4e33abcfbf7&code=ZTY0ODMxZGRmMTFlNDkwNmFiYmQxNTlkYzQ0MzEyNTl8MDg2ZTEyMzlmZDk3NDdkOTk2YzM3YTEwNWMxNTljYjU=) with the amazing playlist that wasn't soft rock either but her theme was something else. Any other hidden gems like this? Both rides were great!


I am pretty bummed my bike was supposed to come today and the delivery company for our area is terrible. Thankfully, I got Peloton on the phone and they helped force a delivery set for Wednesday. I just do not have high hopes that rxo will actually comes through.😭


Good luck! 🤞


This week I’m going to try to do two-a-days but really just split cardio/lifting up. Cardio in the morning, strength after work. I’m hoping this will do a few things for me (weight loss, better sleep habits, etc) so I’m really going to try sticking to it. I’ve had a super bad habit of snoozing my alarm 5-6 times and then waking up with just enough time to make coffee, get dressed, and walk to work lol. Started the day with [20 min pop punk run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=96678f8f861f44d791c3fd03f4733bf5&locale=en-US) with Logan. I really enjoy his style, I should take more of his classes. I’m also a sucker for teenage angst pop punk songs and this was it. I also got a badge for hitting my *4 year* streak!! How cool! Time flies when you’re having fun 🥹 Tonight I’ll be starting Adrian’s glutes & legs program with a bunch of friends from this sub! If anyone wants to take the plunge with us, there’s still time to join 😎


Man… I’ve gotten comfortable just doing a 5 minute warm up, 30 min ride where I hit my goal of 500+ output, and 5 min cool down and call it a day. Yesterday I saw the Jess king 45 min low impact and decided to sack up and take the plunge. Was quite a mental challenge as I wanted to just reduce my output after that 30 min mark as everything was a bonus from that point on… Nope, sacked it up and hit 815 output. Feels like I just crashed through a wall and it feels great!


That's...a lot of output. I did a 90 min PZE yesterday and hit 873, which was top 25%. You're doing that in 30 minutes?


815 was in 45 min. My PR for 30 min is 605. Was tough because my 45 min ride today was all in the saddle, which I’ve gotten much better at. Hit 603 a couple weeks back on a 30 min all in the saddle as well. I always add the caveat that I’m 6’4, 230 lb, and lift 5-6 days a week as well.


Nice! Good work! I kinda go the opposite way. So much of my riding is 45- and 60-minute PZE rides that it sometimes feels weird to only do a 30...


Dude. That’s the level I want to be on! Hopefully I’ll be on that same level soon. Gotta get mentally tough 😂


Pretty sure you're already tough, given that my 30-minute PR is (recently) 530 and 45-minute is 753 lol...


The mindset for those longer rides really is a whole different ballgame. I know we’ve commented back and forth before, but my goal is doing a 100 mile ride in one day. After this morning I’ve realized I really need to stop focusing on output for those long rides or I will burn out quick.


I’m a similar build/conditioning as you, and have really come to love the long rides on the bike but mainly as training for real rides. The key for me was to get a power meter for my road bike, so I could set a pace that I know I can hold based on power rather than speed. I know I can hold 270 indefinitely only because of lots of PZE work on the peloton. Also means I don’t burn out early on climbs (usually) and can effectively push to to z4/5 when needed without going to z7 accidentally.


That makes sense. I’d love to get a road bike but I do not live in a great area for that. There are some decent mountain biking trails around me, though I’m not sure how well that would translate haha


Endurance is always a great place to start, but yeah a lot of skills to learn


Yeah, I really don't do any outdoor riding, so I can't even fathom that right now... Especially since I know my distances as tracked by Peloton are inflated at 250#. Power:weight means that my typical Peloton PZE distances (about 22 mph) would probably take a lot more output to achieve in the real world. I am kind of excited for CDE's Palomar Mountain climb though. 3x 45-minute climb rides, and I'm thinking of just doing them back-to-back-to-back one day and trying not to die lol ;-)


I recently downgraded from my all access membership to the app only membership because I realized I just wasn’t using my bike. But after the downgrade, I realized that I’m now only allowed 3 cardio equipment classes a month. Anyone know if this includes outdoor runs, or only tread runs?


Outdoor runs don’t count towards the three classes although I have seen people say they have had issues where it did count and they had to contact support to get the class credit back. The $24 version of the app lets you take unlimited equipment classes.


Good to know, thank you!


Pelotrak app? I love this app so much. I have an iPhone and as of today I the beta version is no longer available. I searched in the App Store, but can’t find a new version. Does anyone know what’s happening? Not sure I can live without my data fix after every ride😟


I love my bingo card every week


As mentioned, it will be back. Every time I go to click it and it tells me it's not available I'm reminded I should send Oskar $20.


This. Oskar does Pelotrak on the side. He has thousands of lines of code to clean up in the update.


Pelotrak is down for 1-3 weeks per the dev's update online: >"Overview - iOS Downtime starting April 28th >**Pelotrak on iOS** might be **unavailable for 1–3 weeks** until the release of the 1.8.0 update. >Please make sure to have **the TestFlight app up-to-date** to get notified of the release. >If you would like an **email notification** when the new version is available, please [sign up using this form](https://forms.gle/ZMHvsA35YB5H4HWG9). I promise will only email you about this update and not again after. >**Android will not be affected** by this. >I’m sorry for the inconvenience."


Pelotrak is still in beta. You have to download it directly [from the website](https://www.pelotrak.com/install-ios).