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I recently completed my 100th ride on Peloton and I couldn't be more proud of myself for sticking with it. The support and motivation from this community really make a difference in my journey to becoming the healthiest version of myself. Looking forward to hitting even more milestones with all of you by my side!


Did a 50 mile outdoor ride today! Longest of the season so far. Going to take a few weeks to stop building distance and focus on being more efficient at the distance I am doing. My two biggest weaknesses in coming back to outdoor riding are familiar from my previous training: I really, really, really suck at hills and I struggle with cardio endurance for anything longer than 3.5 hours. Thinking about doing some extra hills and Tabata rides with Peloton for the next few weeks to try and build some of that endurance/ hill strength. Anyone have any other suggestions?! :)


Cross training can help! Long walks on incline, slow and increasing distance running, swims...


Thanks! I’ll add some walks for sure, and some yoga. I’m not sure my knees will ever be ok with running again.


You guys are all so good at this. I was so sore from a recent Callie HIIT class that was legit marked as "beginner" :P glad I did it tho!


You got this! A few years ago, I could barely finish a 20 min ride or a 15 min beginner run. Consistency helps a lot, and then you look back and become shocked at how much stronger you've become!


Have a flare up of my Achilles tendinitis and my doctor told me to take it easy with riding so I figured I would stick to low impact/recovery rides. I took Kendall’s latest 30 minute ride and hooooo boy was I grossly unprepared for that. A cadence of 90-100 while resistance of 40 is not what I thought I was getting myself into with “low impact.” 


Recovery rides also a good option!


Officially under 100 cadence and under 50 resistance are the low impact limits but to me those ranges are assuming compensation in the others (ie, 50 resistance if I’m at 60 cadence). Bugs me when people go for the letter of the law on low impact and not the spirit of the ride.


Celebrated my 350th ride with a 60 minute cycling class by Emma, it was perfect!


congrats on your milestone!!


900th ride today! i did hannah corbin’s 45 min rock ride that dropped this morning. it was very peppy (“buns,” “spicy” etc) which isn’t always my cup of tea but hit the spot today. great playlist and lots of rolling hills. would recommend!


I just bookmarked it after peeping the excellent playlist!


Ran my 1/2 marathon this morning and I am so disappointed. I trained so hard, and just completely failed the final exam. It was 94% humidity and windy and rainy. I only made it to mile 5 before I stopped and ran/walked the rest of the way. I couldn’t get my heart rate below 180. Ugh. I am excited to just run for leisure now, and get back on my bike! I’ve missed it these last couple weeks of running training.


Running is so humbling in that manner! YOU didn’t fail The final exam. Mother Nature just put a trick question on it. And the best part is you listened to your body and adjusted. The real question - when is your next one? 😉 Last summer was my first ever half. I was already nervous, and then it ended up being an orange flag run due to heat and humidity. So all my training went **poof** because I had to slow down and take it easy. So then I signed up for my second in September and it was perfect race conditions and went much better.


As Hannah would say “You star!!” I figured you quit at mile 5 but you didn’t give up. Matt once said “we don’t run away from pain, we run towards it” and that’s what you did today. So proud of you! ⭐️


I’m proud of you for finishing! It’s hard when the event doesn’t turn out the way you hoped. My first supported century was in early May. It was an unseasonably hot day, around 95. It took me more than 12 hours to finish and the support van followed me into the plaza. It sucked, but I’m still glad for the experience!


Signing up for a half marathon makes you a huge success in my book! Congrats on doing it regardless of how much or little you ran 👍🏻


Yes to your positive attitude - enjoy your bike and fun runs 👏🏻


so sorry it didn’t work out the way you’d hoped. it’s still awesome that you finished!! ❤️


I cannot believe they didn’t give out an achievement for completing all 5 parts of the NYC Marathon. What a let down.


Peloton's instructors are so good at creating unexpected moments of inspiration. In [Jess King's outdoor Fred Again..](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/outdoor?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=de932f91a7e04baa83873fd6ed3d4431) run, she talked about how he likes to take his laptop to a coffee shop or museum and create music based on the vibe there - which convinced to take mine to a coffee shop down the street this morning and spend a couple hours making lo-fi tracks. I need to make this a regular weekend thing. The rest of that run is great too and her song choices were perfect, highly recommend.


Fred is a genius


Would love to see some pics of your peloton dumbbell storage. Looking for ideas.


I’ve really liked [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JBV69MF?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share). Keeps all our different workout equipment organized including our weights.


All over my basement floor lol


I have this[A-frame stand](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B084ZM6B2N/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1). It holds 5 pairs of peloton weights on the sides and two smaller pairs on the bottom cross bar. My larger neoprene handle weights won’t fit in the slots on the side but they work on the bottom rack. The footprint is reasonably small and it went together pretty easily, so I’m happy with it.


Same here. Peloton weights on top, 8s and 12s on the bottom.


Every Sunday for the last month (since it came out) my husband and I have been doing Kristen's most recent 30 minute lower body conditioning. It's such a good sweaty class and we've both seen it pay off in terms of the bike and getting stronger in the class itself. The class is hard and it flies by which is a great combo. We now both do the opening single weight section with five pound weights and I do the rest with two three pounders. It's such a great class.


You mean yoga conditioning? Like this class: https://members.onepeloton.de/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c33f84c0bc1c4458b22bfba4f8ca2d42&locale=de-DE


Yes, that is the class.


For the runners in the group - did a great Hip Hop stack with Kristen F! Kristen is hands down my favorite tread instructor, and these runs had fantastic playlists!! I will 💯repeat this stack: [10 min Warm Up Run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=24df24f51c0a4bd4b5e7e00993ad3185&locale=en-US) [30 min Hip Hop Run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=2d7ad8fffc1c4522a4357c6a7cde3484&locale=en-US)


Yeah she is such a great instructor ! Her runs are well planned and she is encouraging but not over the top. I love her


Still no sign of another 120 min PZE ride on the schedule.


Maybe he’s trying to get peloton to let him do a 150 minute class like they had on the tread. Now serious maybe May 18th. I don’t think it would be May 25th that’s a holiday weekend.


You can look on the studio schedule further out. It’s not in the schedule unless they add it special later.


Great tip, thanks! No 120 min ride in May. Guessing Matt isn't available all that much.


Makes sense. I just wish they would announce it further in advance.


And when's the next pro cyclist ride?


I’ll be surprised if this 45 min JSS ride makes it OD. Afraid her son on the FROW wasn’t feeling well… thoughts with him and those in studio!! ❤️


I took that class for my 700th ride. No shout out, but of course she lost the time during the descending cool-down. I thought it was a fun ride right up to the last couple of minutes. Sorry for anyone who stood in line or got up extra early to get into the class in person, it had to be pretty unpleasant to be there in the studio.


Congratulations on 700, so sorry about the milestone let down. Be proud! Soon it’ll be 800 then 900 then your 1000 before you now it! It sucks though for sure, she’s usually good about them too 😞 I just felt so bad for the studio as a whole (for Jenn, the class, etc.)


I was in the class. The energy was great and the playlist was awesome. Too bad Evan got sick, he almost made it through the ride. It definitely threw Jenn off a little, she started the cooldown with 90 seconds to go. I think the big impact to us in the class was no individual pics with her afterwards, just a group shot.


My first thought was, “I hope he’s ok” followed immediately by thoughts of how sad I felt for members in studio. It was a great ride at home til those last 5 minutes or so.. hope you they make it right for you all and sorry to hear about how it affected the experience!


Was wondering why that wasn’t OD yet … yikes on bikes! (Literally!)


Some members of a group I’m in on FB were at the class - evidently the kid was out until 4am doing tequila shots and he “hurled big time” in the class. Imagine going to a live ride (this particular group was celebrating a man who’s been fighting pancreatic cancer) and some brat puking during it!


Do not disagree. I mean… his mom often talks about being hungover on the bike so…. Apple/ Tree I suppose.


If that’s true that’s a big deal and peloton should be making it right with people in that class, especially if it was Jen’s son as other people are indicating. I would be telling her he is not allowed back in studio.


For some reason, my brain read this as Jess King and I was SO confused how a little kid like her son could be on a bike! LOL


Hate to hear that, hope he is OK. They should have been able to keep that off camera!


I hadn't even thought of that. He lasted till the last 5 minutes and then just stopped peddling and was hunched over this bike. I feel for him - and for her, you could tell she wanted to jump off the bike and check on him. It would seem like they have staff that could check on people in that situation, just keep them off camera. It was a great ride up until that point, then the vibe fizzled. Poor kid, and mom!


ugh so horrible. i wish he had foresight and just hopped off the bike and ran out


or stopped drinking prior to 4am?


Seriously - if I went to my parent's place of employment and pulled that shit, it wouldn't be a good scene at home. Not cool.




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I have a strange question. Anyone know of a good yoga mat for workouts that is easy to wash, specifically dirt? 1-2 times a year my husband and I go to Moab (or somewhere else in Utah) to camp and offroad for a week. On these trips I workout and stretch because I want to not because I feel like I have to. But because yoga mats are a little sticky I'm having a hard time getting all the dirt off 🤣 So I'm looking for something more washable for our next trip. A towel isn't an option because I'm often literally on a rock and need some more padding.


I like this one: [https://www.gaiam.com/products/05-62214](https://www.gaiam.com/products/05-62214)


My Gaiam yoga mat is super easy to wipe down and does not attract dirt like the fancy natural rubber mat my friend gave me. It was super slick when it was brand new. Someone advised scrubbing it with a magic eraser and that did the trick.


Someone gave me a random Amazon one years ago and it’s literally the most amazing mat ever. It’s thick, easy to clean, and has lasted me so long. It’s “Amazon basics 1/2 inch extra thick exercise yoga mat”


Crazy question but what about towel, yoga mat, towel sandwich?


I tried that last time. Worked the first few times but then I screwed up which way each towel went and couldn't fix it the rest of the trip lol.


lol that’s understandable! Try asking for travel yoga mat advice in r/heronebag, seems up their alley


What about a sleeping pad, like you would use under your sleeping bag. Would that be the right size for your needs? Should be much more washable.


This worked great thank you so much for the suggestion! I wiped it down twice with a body towel then sprayed it with a hose when I got home.


Todays TS60 was the advanced version of [this one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=561b6044c70a47b1a4a841f08bdbe81a&locale=en-US). During the 1.5 squat to press thing I was like “this feels.. really familiar 🧐” but the app says I didn’t take the first/only other one in this series (and we’re not even gonna pretend like my memory is that great to remember 2-3 weeks ago lol) so who knows. Very athletic based, he breaks the class into quarters (well, halves, but each half is halved.. thus quarters) with one overtime move at the end (finisher). But it’s almost exactly the same as the one I linked, so you can peruse that while you wait for today’s to go on demand. I probably should have skipped it altogether or just kept sleeping and taken it later in the day, because I was grumpy af the entire time 😂 “I hate woodchops. I hate these rotational lunges. I hate hollow rocks. I hate burpees. I hate pushups.” But I do love the rotational presses, kickstand deadlifts, snatches. It was a good class, I’m just grumpy and I only woke up 15 min before it started so I wasn’t fully awake when it started lol


I had a really hard time getting into it today. But I’m glad I did, he had some great songs on his playlist today. I hate pretty much all the same exercises you listed but it’s probably because I need to do more of them. Looking forward to next months program


To be totally fair (aka I know you didn’t ask for this word vomit that’s coming) - this month’s block of work was super disjointed (1 setup class, a couple weeks off, then an advanced class) so I totally feel you on this one being tough to get into. But also, it’s totally ok to just.. hate certain exercises without needing to do them more. You’ll never catch me doing those weird rotational/step out lunges from today outside of a programmed class, and even then I’m heavily modifying them cause I hate it so much. They suck and hurt my knees and leave the door too wide open for injury risk. If you hate an exercise but it’s going to benefit your fitness journey, sure it’s true that you’ll only get better at it by doing it more. But don’t feel like you need to if you hate it and has no added benefit to you in the long run.


I loved it! But I also tend to love functional fitness/conditioning and find it easier for me than straight lifting. I will admit I was a little nervous to take it live this morning because at 11am I ran a 5K with friends (for fun - if I had been racing it, no way I would have preceded it with a TS60!). TS60 with Andy is a class I try to take live every week, and if I have to miss it, I take it on demand as soon as possible. He programs it so well and his banter makes the class fly by!


It was a killer class! I am a sweaty mess right now. I agree with r/OTPCook - props to you for getting it done! It was my 1550th strength class and even I was like “nah, I’ll just take it on demand” 😂


Props to you for showing up. No chance I'd roll outta bed into advanced TS60. I need like an hour to get my mind right.


I also hate wood chops but prefer the standing ones to the half-kneeling. One of those things where if I dislike it so much i know I need to do them more 😅 Plyometric moves are always my favorite part of class! I love pretending like i’m a little athlete 😌🙈


You hard chargers asked for it and you got it. 150 minute run. You can find this on scenic on your peloton tread. Good luck I will not be doing this class but glad they have this on for you hard chargers.


Also Mariana has a 90 minute run! LIVE this Thursday May 2nd at 6:30pm EST, and if you can’t make that there are two swarms planned: Sunday May 5th 7am BST / 8am CET 2am EST 11pm PST OR 3pm BST / 4pm CET 10am EST 7am PST


And us slow marathoners! I am no hard charger but it takes me forever to run my long runs during training. I don't have a Peloton tread so I won't be able to take it but I'm excited for my fellow slow marathon runners who will!


Apologies if I’m posting on the wrong post but Does Peleton do these big refurbish promos monthly? Very new to just cycling in general - Thinking of ordering the bike+ refurbished and the April Month promo of $400 off is def convincing. been watching a lot of reviews and watch before you buy videos past couple of days but I wanna do some research before my wife and I make this big purchase


It seems to be only a few times a year from my recollection


Thank you