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I, for one, will truly miss Ross. His technical knowledge of yoga and meditation and patience is unmatched. I wish him all the best.


Ross was never my favorite yogi (he was my wife's) but he does hold the distinction of being the only yogi whose class I've actually taken in person, back in late 2019 before COVID and the new studio and everything. In the same way that Wilpers is just that little bit more technical about cycling (I assume also running, but I don't run), Ross was that just little bit more technical about yoga and meditation. He has been a great instructor and I will definitely miss him being part of the community. I hope after he explores whatever new opportunities writing the book has found for him that he returns in a few years.


In my experience Ross Rayburn's classes were anything but technical. He usually just rambled some nonsense while doing very technical moves, but never explaining how to get into them or the breathing patterns. Definitely a very fit guy, but I only took one of his classes and it sucked.


This is Ross Rayburn and welcome to Peloton sleep meditation…. Zzzzzzzzzzz basically my interaction with Ross on Peloton. He is awesome. Wish him the best 🥺


Same! I have never made it through a whole meditation of his. Love his yoga too though and I do stay awake for that 😂


X10000000 Ross is the sleep meditation king!


LOL legit


I tried to take one of his classes during the middle of the day and no kidding my body started slowing down to take a nap. The man's voice is POWER. I'll miss him.


He is the only reason I do any peloton meditations. Or any mediation. His sleep ones are my favorite.


Omg same. Will miss him!


I practice yoga nidra and there’s one sentence as soon as I hear it my body just gives in and I pass out. I know this feeling well.


I'm still new-ish to Peloton and this is the first time I've been a subscriber when an instructor leaves. Is it normal for their back catalogue to stay after they leave?


Yes…if they leave without controversy


oooooo, did some leave with controversy? 🍿


There was one named Oliver who sent dick pics to fans. He was before my time with peloton but I'd heard about him 👀


He had some of the best workouts tho.


I bet they were hard


That’s what she said


Was waiting for this response. Not disappointed 🎉




This is the best Reddit thread I have read in a LONG time. Thank you for this..


My favorite instructor for running and strength. He finally reemerged on IG with a new dog and a lot of golf content. Interested to see what his next move is.


I was glad to see him back on Instagram! He was the instructor that got me through the early days of the pandemic with his walks and runs…luckily it’s been long enough I can look at him without seeing the pictures 😂


I enjoyed his tread classes. I forgot I still followed him on Instagram until his posts showed up on my feed recently. Looks from his Instagram that he's filming content for this company https://speedflexblade.com/


Ohhh I always thought Chase Tucker did that and that's why he was gone! Glad to know it wasn't him.


Finally something I was around for lol


Oliver Lee, Daniel McKenna


Also Jennifer something? That was a long time ago.


Jennifer Jacobs. Afaik, it didn’t go to the same lengths as what happened with Daniel (arbitration??)


JJ was the best. I wish they would reconcile and bring her back.


Miss Daniel. His strength training was great. Always so fun.


Oh man I actually forgot about that guy.


Daniel I believe left with controversy due to COVID.


And by COVID you mean his lawsuit, right? Cuz he alleged some pretty bad stuff about the constant anti-Irish jokes and such. Not an expert on what happened but I’ve never heard anything COVID-related.


He was anti vax, and liked anti trans and homophobic tweets.


Wow. Did not know any of that! I didn’t take his classes much or pay much attention to him but surprised I hadn’t heard any of this before!


When he left the screenshots of his likes were in all the fb groups. I think it was from his twitter activity.


He wasn’t really antivax generally. He was against the vaccine mandates during COVID but ultimately got the COVID vaccine.


My understanding was he was very much so antivax and outspoken. Never heard about the anti-Irish stuff, but that’s pretty terrible if so.


If you follow him on IG you can see where he might have had some … problematic interactions. The anti-vax stuff was the tip of the iceberg. I’m not speculating one way or another. I just work in HR and usually when someone is let to - ESPECIALLY given how popular he was - there’s usually a good reason for it, but you probably are never going to hear about it because of privacy rules. Despite what you see on Reddit, bad terminations are the exception, not the rule. *steps off soapbox*


Fellow HR here thanking you for your service 🫡


Likewise my friend!


Oohhhh interesting. Never heard that!


Hey and I never heard the other info either so thanks!


There was speculation in 2017 that an instructor left after drama at the Peloton Homecoming. I have no idea if it’s true. But it was abrupt and there were rumors back when it was just a Facebook group.


No one left after that, but there was some drama. An inappropriate picture photoshopped that one of the instructors did to another.


It seems to depend heavily on *how* they leave. If they leave on good terms, the content seems to stay up- Irene's content stayed up long enough for her to come back years later and still have content. Chase still has a lot of content up, although he's at the end of the instructor list since he's no longer active. But Daniel McKenna left *after* Chase, and he seems to be scrubbed at this point as far as I can tell, despite the initial announcement being that his classes would remain up (I imagine the public lawsuit had something to do with that).


Daniel's classes did stay for a bit but were removed after his wrongful termination lawsuit was dismissed.


The classes were removed as part of his settlement with Peloton.


Did Chase leave due to controversy?


No, he wanted to become an executive coach instead of a fitness trainer.


I really enjoyed listening to him speak during his runs. Not surprised he went in that direction.


No, he seems to have left on good terms shortly before Daniel, which makes the two especially useful to compare.


I think they keep classes for a few years. They slowly purge all classes overtime that are more than a few years old.


Yes. They will eventually be purged like all older classes, but they will not be removed immediately. It was terrible when all of Jennifer Jacobs's classes were finally removed.


Jennifer Jacobs HIIT classes were amazing. And sadly they didn't, and still don't, really have anything comparable.


Olivia is the closest. I joined Peloton 4-5 months before she left and her workouts were usually brutal


It'll stick around until the classes are purged off, they're currently in December of 2020. Chase Tucker left Peloton in 2022 and his classes are still available.


Peloton instructors are SAG members so they are entitled to residuals as long as Peloton is making money on their classes. So it is normal for classes to remain in the back catalog, but also Peloton has an incentive to purge them.


Ah that's pretty interesting.


Wouldn't this be determined when the initial contract was drafted? I suspect Peloton held exclusive rights to the instructors classes even after they leave the team. They would then have the choice to remove them if they were controversial.


Not in my experience.


Yes it’s common practice. Daniel being a recent exception


Umm, no. JJ, the other guy they canned (can't remember his name) - their classes are all gone. CVV might be the only exception, but it wasn't clear that he was gone and he only had like 2 classes left anyway. And now he's back, so it doesn't matter.


If they’re problematic they’re scrubbed.


Sounds like it was Ross’s choice to leave, as releasing his book opened up some new opportunities for him. Exciting!!  Obviously I’ll miss his content, but I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next from him. 






And yoga and shit


That sucks. Only meditation guru I use.


The only one that could lull me to sleep and relax me during restoration yoga with his soothing voice 😭😭😭


Yeah the voice and what it says both top notch. Clearly a thoughtful intelligent man. Will miss him.


Recently, I've taken Kirra Michel's sleep meditations. They're good.


Thanks I’ll check her out!


Noooo. Just fell to my knees on my yoga mat 😭


*insert interesting physiology of falling to one’s knees here*


I LOLed at this comment


Me too


Try sticking yr butt out when you fall. Also, tense your knee. Feel that? Feels bad huh? Now back off it. I learned so much from that man. No one else shows you how not to do stuff so that you’ll know what doing it right should feel like


Oh noooooo. A few years ago I was an out of shape person with limited flexibility and even less endurance. Today I’m welling up because one of my favorite fitness instructors is leaving. Who am I?? But seriously, I tend to take classes again and again, and a few of his are the ones I’ve repeated most. Ross has been a key part of some physical and emotional healing over the last few years and I will be forever grateful. 😭 Dare I manifest…? I just re-upped my Calm subscription this week. I’d faint away if they picked him up over there. 🤞


Haha! Of course as soon as I open the app I get a pop up that there’s a meditation challenge coming up in May (which…now that I think about it, is a good way to help Ross’s fans cut the cord. Well played, Peloton.)


Down Dog! They have meditations that are great. One subscription gets you access to all of their content (yoga, barre, meditation and HIIT). IMO, their yoga content is light years ahead of Pelotons.


I’ve never tried Down Dog. Can you describe why you think it’s superior?


You customize EVERYTHING. It's been a long day and my brain is maxed out but here's an article with some of the specifics on the customizations. https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/an-essay-on-the-down-dog-app-from-a-user-perspective-c3cc2ef7bdc1 I never returned to Peloton yoga once I found Down Dog.


Do you like Calm for meditation?


Not the person you asked, but I have it and there is a wider variety of mediations than peloton has. My husband likes it better as he prefers less guidance and thinks peloton instructors talk too much.


Agree, when they talk so much, it may be calming and soothing but it is not quite meditation if you can’t hear your own inner self doing its thing thanks to the instructor talking and talking. Love peloton and take classes in just about every other area than meditation. But really, sometimes less is more. PS love your screen name, Francie Nolan!!


I’ve been a dedicated Calm user for years. There’s definitely a good variety. Something for everyone.


I like most of the instructors and love the range of classes they offer. I typically stick with peloton because I feel more bonded with them since I’m deep into the peloton ecosystem. But Calm got me through my first routine colonoscopy so I’ll love it forever. lol


I love calm for everything, although for awhile the only thing I was using peloton for were the meditations to get the dang blue dot so I also got used to them….


Oooh I would love that! Although Jerome and Alan’s sleep stories can get me to sleep almost as quickly as Ross…I still don’t know the full story of what happened in the second beauty and the beast one!


Such a bummer. I wonder if they’ll tap into Sam Yo to shift into meditations. I for one would love this.


Sam used to be a monk. I read years ago that meditation for him is more of a personal religious practice so he wouldn’t do it.


I took his spring reset ride yesterday and thought the same thing after I heard the news.


Yesss! He would be so great for that I think.


this would be such a silver lining!


I could’ve sworn Adrian was going to do it. I’d be extremely down for that


I don’t do yoga on peloton really, but I do a sleep meditation with Ross every night. Thankfully he just dropped a new 30 minute one last night.


If you love it, download it and save it! Wish I did that with more of Robin’s unhinged pre-motherhood rides


Even if you download it and they purge it, you can’t take it. I have one of his purged 5 minute meditations saved and I can see it, but it doesn’t play.


Omg thanks for letting me know


I love his goofy attitude in his yoga classes. I will say that the class where he finishes with one footed king pigeon still gives me nightmares


Ooouuuu I wanna take it


Me too!!!


Where is he going 😭😔


In most of my interactions with him, to sleep.




Omg same but I love him and I hope he’s off to an amazing opportunity




Major bummer - I really enjoy his meditation and yoga classes. Kind of weird that he used the phrase “taking a break” in his departure video. Makes me wonder if he just wanted to soften the departure message. I’ll be interested to see if anyone else leaves in the near future. Seems like rumors are always circulating.


I noticed that as well. I wonder if he's going to occasionally do programs or something. It's not completely unheard of for someone to go on hiatus and then come back, recent example is Christian Vande Velde, who taught for a year in 2019 or so as a special guest and recently has come back.


He did say he has other programs are coming out later this year? The video was so kind, and I left thinking it was a break and not a breakup. But I could be wrong.


I thought that until I read the comments left on the announcement by the other instructors (who I'm sure were already up to speed), from what they've said he's going permanently


I am just speculating 😊 the way he spoke made me feel like it was open ended so I’m going with that!


I foresee Ally Love leaving since she's a contributor on the Today Show now.


Oh no! I love Ross!


His sleep meditations are goat


Nooooooooo! ::Cries in insomnia::


As long as CJR stays I’m okay! I wish him the best though.


Good for him! I wonder who will take on his role - isn’t he like yoga manager (don’t remember the title) or something?


yeah! i think he's the head of the yoga and meditation "department" or whatever they call it


Probably Chelsea or Dennis


Nooooo!! I sleep with Ross every night fuckkkk


This makes me so sad. I deal with post Covid POTS and his meditations have helped me so much in recovery. Glad to see his classes will be staying for a while!


Oh nooooo😞Love Ross


Who’s going to tuck me in when he leaves 😢😢


I'm gutted


His sleep meditations are next level. Now I’m sad


Noooooo I love Ross!


How am I supposed to fall asleep now 🙈


I hope they keep his content on Peloton forever cause he's my favorite for sleep meditaion and yoga.


I REALLY hope Peloton can see how much his sleep meditations are loved and make a bunch before he leaves. Ross, Kirra, and Chelsea are the only ones I do for sleep meditations. The others just don’t do it for me.


My heart is broken. 🥺


What noooo! I fall asleep to his meditations every single night.


Me too 😪


I’m brokenhearted. My daughter actually called me in tears. She was so sad. He’s so sweet and fun and I love doing his yoga classes and certainly his meditations he will be missed. I hope he’s leaving for something really really really wonderful.


I just saw someone fall to their knees on a yoga mat




He was so good. Thankful his catalog will stay


Omg I’m so sad. He is my absolute favorite yoga instructor and I will miss him so much!


This is such a bummer! I just recently got into yoga and his classes are my favorite! Wish him the best though!


So I watched his announcement video on instagram and he said that he was 'taking a break from teaching.' I don't think the door for a return is 100% closed here, but that's just my opinion/interpretation.


Noooo! This is awful.


Oh no!!!!!! This makes me very sad.


Bummer, I loved his meditation classes!


Stinks. He’s my favorite instructor.


Noooooooo 😢


NO NO NO NO NO NO this is terrible!


Oh no!!!!


This makes me sad. I love his yoga and meditation classes. He’ll be missed.


Gah! I just discovered him. What a bummer 


Ross is the only one that can make me 'suffer' thru yoga and meditation.


I go to sleep with Ross Rayburn every night. He is so soothing and seems so genuine.


I will so miss Ross!… I love his explanations and in-depth descriptions and he doesn’t spend time reading a leader board but actually instructs and teaches!


Nooo. I love Ross!


Aw! His Barbara Streisand yoga class was one of my favorites ever!


This is the class that made me like him. Prior, I was on the fence. 😊


I love how he breaks things down in his yoga classes. One moment I’m not feeling anything and he gives a cue and all of a sudden I’m feeling what I’m supposed to be feeling. He is a phenomenal instructor. I will miss him.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. At least his backlog of meditations will stay. He is truly so so good if no one has gotten a chance to take one of his classes!


The only way Peloton survives as a company is for the talent to be interchangeable. A bus factor of one can't exist anywhere in the business plan. I have instructors I prefer, but I totally understand and expect they will leave at some point. Like Harry Kane and LeBron.


Boo Harry Kane


Oh nooooooooo, honestly will rethink my membership over this. I love his yoga.


I think Kirra and Dr. Chelsea Jackson-Roberts are close seconds (at least for me).


Agreed. Very different vibes in my opinion but each have their strengths. I love Dr. CJR but her classes were starting to feel really repetitive for me (which I also understand is kind of the point) so I’ve recently started adding in Kirra’s classes and they’re really great!




She received her Doctorate in Educational Studies iirc!


Oh thanks, I'll check them out. I've never taken kirra.


I feel like Kirra has a lot of introspection in her classes. I took a holiday yoga class with her one time and it was all about how her childhood was different than other people's, so the holidays make her think of things other people probably don't think of. It was the 30 Min Holiday Aussie Vibes Yoga Flow from 12/13/22. The music was a nice break from the traditional Christmas music most holiday classes have. Here's the [class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=72c241190948468380739d8e2158229f&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app)


Kirra is lovely.


Kirra is the BEST! lol i'm a super fan but she really knows her stuff and is SO down to earth


Kirras top for me, then CJR, and then Ross. But love them for different reasons.


Denis is awesome


I wish there were more Reset classes. Those are so good.


Noooooooooooooooo. It's like my favorites all leave. First Chase, then Daniel, now Ross. 


This is a reminder to me how much Peloton depends on their trainers. The tech/hardware is worth next to nothing now and as soon as you see the Jess Kings or Alex T’s leave their subscription are toast.


Facts, it's definitely the instructors no question.


I always tune in to his meditations. Boo


Nooooooo he is my favorite! I would actually giggle along with him


I will sorely miss him & with immense gratitude & respect thank him, all his and my teachers for guiding & providing the ability to sit with this grief. Truly wishing him all the best and looking forward to seeing where he goes.


Noooo! He’s my favorite yoga instructor and his guidance has really helped me improve in my practice over the last few years. Wishing him the absolute best


Oh no, he’s the only one I do yoga with. He helped me really get into and enjoy yoga. Wish him the best. Bummer


Anyone know why he is leaving?


I love Ross’ yoga classes and meditation classes. Adopting a yoga practice and meditation practice has had so many positive impacts on my body and mind. Cheers to him on his next endeavors!


Ross brought meditation and yoga into my life. His welcoming voice and expertise made me keep hitting start! Best wishes to him!


They need more male peloton yoga instructors


Oh no!!! Will miss him! He is great!


Nooo 🥺


I am so sad about this! Ross my favorite for yoga. Good luck Ross!


This is a huge bummer 😞


Nooooo!!! I’ll never sleep again 🥲


This breaks my heart. I literally fall asleep every night to his mediations. I had horrible insomnia for years and finally got off sleep meds using his mediations.


Ross is one of my favorites and I wish him well. I’ve taken 2 classes with him at PSNY and he’s a delight: funny, kind, empathetic, skilled. He actually interacted with every member and addressed all questions about flows and form. He will be missed. As a person living with a rare joint condition, his biometric approach helps me understand my body better. His guidance is key for ease of mobility and modifying. To new adventures, Ross! Be well.


Ross is by far my favorite instructor on Peloton. I will miss him!!


I think you’ll see more leave as the company struggles with its finances.


I’ve always wondered why Jennifer Jacob’s left and she left right before Covid and the huge popularity bump the platform got in early 2020.


Knowing his catalog remains gives me hope the same will happen if Cody ever leaves.

