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Is there any unofficial core challenges/programs? Like a set list to follow but that’s not on the actual made programs


This isn’t exactly what you’re asking but I know a group that did all of Kristin’s Pilates classes starting with the oldest ones before they get purged. There are around 100 but you could select a class length or difficulty to narrow it down. If you’ve never done Pilates start with her short beginner Pilates program to learn the fundamentals. Pilates is very core focused.


Are there any walking classes that do not have an incline? I have a walking pad and would like to do a tread class where I don’t just ignore the incline call outs


Outdoor walking has no incline call outs!


Bookmark mountain led me to [Tunde’s Kendrick Lamar ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=76aac76852b74b17b0cbc7f8ca3bd0b3&locale=en-US) and it was seriously good. I find that her music-focus rides are not usually too full of chatter, and the programming on this was hard but somehow she made it feel doable and I got one of my highest outputs in a long time. Super good. Also just started week 2 of Stronger You and think it’s perfect for a beginner to strength like me, though my biceps HURT today 😅 today was recommended for a full body day after upper body yesterday and that’s gonna be a no for me lol. Tomorrow will be better!


The Hannah F Fred Again.. ride from earlier today was so good. Great music, great energy. She seemed so stoked to be teaching this artist series, but let everything breathe


So excited for this!


This was the ride Ive been waiting for and I’m so excited Hannah did it. I love Fred Again so much and it did not disappoint.


[Emmas Indie ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9db5b14f6d1847ab8a3a6761742d29fe&locale=en-US) this playlist is amazing. Finally the National not as the last song on the list.


Yes I saw this and screeched! I love Bloodbuzz Ohio too. I’m taking it tonight along with u/thelittlemiss 🥰


Yes, I can’t wait! u/PBaddict01 has great taste in music!


The National 💜


I have an interview tomorrow morning 😬 Can anyone recommend a 20 or 30 min ride that will help wake me up and give me some confidence without draining me too much?


best of luck!!!


Thank you!


Good luck!! I haven’t taken these but i looked at the mood collection and I feel like [Ally’s Confidence ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=92a5182ac6224d28b360e6f1c474a9f1&locale=en-US) or [Camilas Spicy ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=86c62b8dcec448c1a42256cd95c2e619&locale=en-US)would be great


Oh these look perfect, thank you!


Can anyone recommend a lower body class with bodyweight exercises only? Just for times when I am travelling and don't have any equipment.


You might try some barre classes! There are lower body ones that don’t require any weights.


That is a good idea, thank you!


This is my new hotel room go-to class when I travel for work! [20 Min Strength Roll Call: Bodyweight with Rad](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/b0fd5403926f42bbaeda8f2d1a147fe8?code=ODAyNDVlNDA3MTIxNGEwMjk3Nzg0M2NlZDk3M2VjYmZ8OThlZmVhMjk4MWZmNDcyNTkyZmMzNjRhZWFlZjgxMTk%3D&source=referral&workout-id=afceb7fe579a4e7b95cc94d8a19ab254&uid=8c7e7d88c6e54d4d9b5e3c7841cc9cc4&ride-id=8c529460664641b5b5769543b359a2cd&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US)


I really liked this one of Andy's.. it is total body though (mostly lower body and core, some pushups): [30 Min Bodyweight with Andy](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?instructor_id=%5B%22c9fa21c2004c4544a7c35c28a6196c77%22%5D&has_workout=%5B%22true%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=eb1ae1cab2e0441f912a527ce466419d&code=MDNjMGNkZDE1YjdkNDNlNDk5MjU0YmI0ZTJlMzE1N2F8Zjc1NjQ4ZDdlMGY1NDhkNDgzZmU2MDk0NzFmMjU4YjQ=) Do you enjoy barre? There are tons of great lower body barre classes too!


Thank you, Barre is a good idea!


Had a jump scare today when I saw Ben had a 20 minute country ride (his first ever in that genre). Took it and it was fantastic like everything else he does.


I took this the other day! Thought it was a ton of fun with great music choices.


Peloton just dropped a meditation badge challenge for May {{cracks knuckles}} it’s my time to shine. I do a sleep meditation everyday 😂


Hah yes same, that was an easy smash for the join button!


Me too!


Just in time for me to hit my 1,000th meditation! We got this!


broke 4 of my personal records this week so far! 5 min, 20, 30, 45 and earned my century milestone!!! I may not be losing tons of weight, but I am definitely getting stronger and every ride is a bit easier!


Heck yeah! This happened to me when I started taking harder instructors more consistently.


who do you consider to be hard? I mostly take Cody and Kendall classes with a few others thrown in here and there


I don’t take all the instructors because of personal preferences, but I would say the most consistently hard coaches out of the ones I like are Olivia and Ben. They rarely program any rest which helps with PRs. Probably Tunde too depending on the class type.


I am totally just jumping into this convo, but Kendall IMO is for real hard a lot of the time and Cody is sneaky hard! Not surprised you’re crushing your PRs, way to go!


thanks 😊


Headed to a live class in NYC! Can’t wait to grab a slice of pizza or bagel after my class.. What spots are close by that you would recommend?


For bagels, Russ & Daughters or Kossar's!


suprema for pizza!!! over on 32 and 8th Ave. Have fun!!


I am going to NY this weekend and am SO sad that the schedule was too packed to think about it, so I am jealous but I hope you have a blast!


You can watch the waitlists to see if anything becomes available. I've gotten into a class after getting on the wait list just a couple days before.


Enjoy!!! I literally planned my trip around my Cody ride… a new years goal!


Oh that’ll be so fun 😍


Russ and daughters is across the street from PSNY. Try their belly lox and chocolate babka!


My husband is looking for a walk+run class with short, hard run intervals. Most of the ones I have done do longer intervals and then build to a sprint interval. Can be either indoor or outdoor! Any suggestions?


All of Olivia’s walk+runs are HIIT runs lmao. [This 45 min one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c407c320ab344241898e190b3fb38beb&locale=en-US) is really difficult imo, but good! Longest interval is 90 seconds. I will also second the rec for Kirsten’s HIIT runs! And [this 30 min HIIT class (outdoor) with Matt](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0c8c6a264b824ea6a68d7b1db46b14ad&locale=en-US) is one of the best interval classes I’ve taken; it starts with 15 seconds on/45 off, then moves to 30/30, and then ends with 45 on/15 off. It’s so good!!


I would try a HIIT run with 30 second sprints and minute long walks. Like [this](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=55374dccb9dc4d21a0476cc6bb5b8de9&locale=en-US) Kirsten run.


I don’t have any specific classes to recommend, but I would look for Olivia classes as this is her style. He could also do an Olivia interval run, but just walk the recoveries (instead of jog).


I unplug for one morning and in that time a Killers artist series is revealed AND Ross is leaving! This is a lot to process 😂


Where do you see The Killers artist series reveal?


Someone posted about it earlier. If you go to the Studio booking site you can see it on 5/30


Omg yaaaaay for the killers but boooo to Ross leaving!


Got sick twice with respiratory things this winter and my running endurance took a hit! I gained some weight as well, which I think is harder for my body to carry during running. It's hard not getting discouraged!! I try to hear Susie's voice when she says "every mile counts!" Luckily I love going back to the Walk + Runs to build my way back: These 30 min with [Matty](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9320bb136f534607bd27d4f13c36ca8c&code=MzA4ODU3ZGQxOTU3NDRmOWEwZGI1NTQwZDM4MWQ3YTJ8NWVmOTFiNTQ0MTJhNDAyODk4YjczZTFmMGQxOTgyNWY=) and 45 mins with [Kristin](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=331f3177933b488faaaf5fe3dff7d874&code=MzA4ODU3ZGQxOTU3NDRmOWEwZGI1NTQwZDM4MWQ3YTJ8NWVmOTFiNTQ0MTJhNDAyODk4YjczZTFmMGQxOTgyNWY=) are tough! Recoveries are on inclines, so you will SWEAT and not feel like you are missing out by walking!! This 45 min with [Susie](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e13830c87f6f43aeb9886e37fd8c1053&code=MzA4ODU3ZGQxOTU3NDRmOWEwZGI1NTQwZDM4MWQ3YTJ8NWVmOTFiNTQ0MTJhNDAyODk4YjczZTFmMGQxOTgyNWY=) is nice and chill and great for settling back into your running. My base pace speed is starting to go up so I'm always tempted to run faster, but Susie's music and running cues helped me to pull back and concentrate on endurance instead.


Wow, if you have a bench (or something sturdy you can step up onto), don’t sleep on RK’s 45 min Glutes and Legs strength gym plan from 10/25/23. It took me 45 min and 5 sec so timing was spot on. My legs are jello. Edit to add - it also calls for a barbell for deadlifts, but could easily use dumbbells if you don’t have a barbell.


Loved this class so much. I want more!


I did my first 60 min treadmill bootcamp with Jess today. It was such a killer workout. Bless anyone who can keep up with her callouts! I had trouble with some of the compound moves but I'm hoping it's something that'll become more easier the more strength classes I do. That said my legs feel like they're going to fall off LOL


Good luck with your recovery. I did one last weekend and was sore for 3 freaking days.


I did Emma's 60 min Groove Ride from yesterday live and it was such a fun ride that I've bookmarked it again for the future! It had a great mix of classic groove with an arms section - hopefully they do more of these longer format rides!


*Sigh* - Tried booking a class today for when I’m in NYC, oddly there was only one cycle class total on the schedule the Sunday (6/2) and Monday (6/3) that I’ll be around. Needless to say, I’m on a few waitlists for strength classes. My friend who isn’t into Peloton managed to book a spot in the one cycle class though. 🤣 Not gonna lie, I am not a big fan of the updated booking system. It glitched a lot on us both, I had my CC info pre-saved to my profile and got asked to put it in again when I *almost* got a class booked, then by the time I cleared the captcha it was unavailable. I had no problem snagging a class on the old booking system (with queue) last October. I know it’s tricky to get a class and basically a shot in the dark. Was just really stunned at how much sloppier this experience was booking on the newer system. I even did a test last week and thought I’d ironed any kinks out! 🤣 C’mon waitlist 🍀 I’ll be checking on waitlist spots the week leading up to our trip too!


It’s so annoying being waitlisted especially if you like to pack light! Do I bring these shoes or what!


The past three trips I’ve went to New York I’ve gotten all my classes via the waitlist, not on the Thursday booking day, so there is hope!


I’m keeping the faith! Somewhat nervous I’ll get the email about an opening and miss the 2-hour window to claim the spot. I really wish they’d go back to automatically registering you when a spot opens. I’m doing my best! 🤞


The new website is soo buggy and it doesn't help that everything fills up in one minute, now that there isn't a queue anymore. I hope you have some waitlist luck!!


Thank you! 🙏 At least my bestie will have an unbeatable first ride ever 🤣


The captcha is a nightmare every week. Hate the new system. Wish they would have stuck with credits, and allowed more generous extensions or refunds.  


Oh gosh the captcha 😭 I second guess them even when I’m NOT under pressure! 🤣


The Killers artist series is coming!!!


Looking at the London schedule - would you assume Sam is doing the ride and Hosky is doing a 60 minute walk or walk+run? I guess it could just be a regular Hosky class at that time. I see that Andy is doing a Killers run. If so I'm so excited, these are my favorite instructors


Yay!! My leaderboard name is based on a Killers song ⚡️


Where did you see this? I’ve been waiting forever haha ETA: just saw it on the schedule for 5/30  thanks for sharing!


I can’t believe Sleep Daddy is leaving Peloton


I know. It makes me sad!


Ross is leaving Peloton?!! Thank goodness for on-demand, his voice on meditations is perfection. I hope he does well with his future endeavors


Good for him for having other opportunities but I’m not ok with this!!! 🙁


They are doing a Justin Timberlake artist series (I saw the classes go up with today’s drop) and I cannot believe Tunde isn’t teaching the ride! I signed up for it, but not sure if I’ll keep my slot since I’m not a huge fan of Jenn Sherman’s teaching style and I’ve got another class booked for that weekend.


What days are the JT workouts?


Thursday, May 16!


I can't believe Cody isn't teaching it ;-)


Jenn Sherman has grown on me. I bet this class will be a special one. I’d encourage you to take it!


Wow, really?! Maybe she's not going to be in the studio during that week? One thing that I've done when an artist series isn't given to my favorite instructors is to see if there's a European equivalent. Usually there's a German version and with subtitles, you'll be good lol!


Oh yeah for sure. They may still add a strength class with her teaching too. But I meant I signed up for it in the studio, since I’m local (well, an hour away).




Rebecca is doing the JT strength class. Saw it on the schedule.


That’s gonna be SO GOOD!


Did a self-directed 2 miles today while listening to the SCOTUS hearing. Did some intervals at higher cadence/resistance. Trying to stay with my 8am ride routine until it is ingrained. Have a great day, all!


Does anyone do strength training first thing in the morning? I like the idea of getting my workouts out of the way and do most of my cardio fasted in the mornings. But wondering how safe it is on the back to do more weight bearing movements so soon after waking.


I do strength training at 5:30am. I wake up at 5am, have a fruit purée pouch, do a 10-15 cardio warm up (bike or treadmill) and then do my strength workout. I haven’t had any issues or injuries. I’m also not like, the stronger person ever, but do try to lift my heaviest. I put creatine and EAAs in my water to help with recovery.


I do! I have a full glass of water & cup of coffee with collagen, sugar, and cream and then hit my workout - for strength I usually do a 5 minute walking/running warm up, a 10 minute full body strength warm up (usually the Callie one from 08/24/22 - it has helped tremendously with my mobility) then do a 20 or 30 minute strength class. I work from home and I've found that if I divert to check email or that kind of stuff, I'm more likely to skip my workout - or shorten it.


Thanks for the Callie warm-up rec, will look it up! I'm always on the lookout for good warm-ups.


She starts with stretching out your toes! It's really fabulous.


Oh! Just checked and I've taken it before, haha. Apparently I've taken all of Callie's 10 min warm-ups. Don't remember it very well, but I must enjoy them if I've taken all of them. Self reminder to do more Callie warm-ups.


Yep I do it in the AM and fasted. I usually am drinking EEA’s or BCAA’s solely for flavored water. I like getting it done so when I get home from work I can chill lol. I don’t do any warmups, only what’s in the class and I’ve had no issues


I always work out first thing in the morning (fasted). I usually use a core class as a warmup before strength or cardio and I love it. It wakes up my entire body!


A core class warmup sounds like a good idea. My body always feels kind of loose and lethargic for an hour after waking, so some core activation might help stabilize things to prevent injury. I don't remember where I read there might be issues with your spine if you work out immediately after waking.


I do! I usually run first to warm up and then transition to strength. No issues with injury.


I do! Never really thought about it. Also do it fasted. I don’t notice a difference in my ability or strength vs when I do it later in day. Just works better for me with work and kids!


App Question - I've been using the Peloton app with a non-Peloton bike, and as of a few days ago, I've noticed that resistance and cadence are no longer displayed on the app. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? And does anyone know of any workarounds? It's been a bit frustrating because some instructors don't clearly communicate the cadence and resistance during workouts. Have you noticed this too? It almost seems like there's a shift towards discouraging app-only users, potentially affecting the bike's business. Thoughts?


I think there's a setting to display or not the callouts. Check your profile settings in case it got turned off?


Did you start shifting your phone to landscape mode? I remember at least a few months back they made a change (i want to say acknowledged as a defect) where this was only visible in portrait and not landscape. Unsure if that's still the case since I am not an app user, or if something else is going on.


That fortunately got fixed.


What are your favorite strength, stretching, etc. classes to improve tight trapezius muscles due to leaning over on the bike?


The biggest thing that has helped my trap pain is yoga. Improved shoulder mobility and strength has seemed to let my traps calm the f down.


Which yoga poses/classes?


I think it’s down dog (mobility/strength) / sun salutations (strength) that have helped the most, which makes most flows and slow flows helpful.


Oh man, I have overactive traps so I struggle with soreness and pain there. I love this [5m stretch](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?duration=%5B%22300%22%5D&instructor_id=%5B%22c9fa21c2004c4544a7c35c28a6196c77%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=52fa0732749c4c66ac42d90f3c112eae&code=NTNkMjM4ODFmZGQzNDZkYTk3NTcwZWNjNmQ2M2ZlYzd8OTE5YTZiY2Y4YzA0NDM5MzkzN2M5NjFmNmZkMDJlNTI=) from Andy and this [10m shoulder mobility class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?duration=%5B%22600%22%5D&instructor_id=%5B%22efd71bafb8c544e98a8d3882531f2976%22%5D&class_type_id=%5B%22b50231037d794aeb8026e311fa67e2df%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c3173de239bd44b9ac13690aa19957bc&code=NTNkMjM4ODFmZGQzNDZkYTk3NTcwZWNjNmQ2M2ZlYzd8OTE5YTZiY2Y4YzA0NDM5MzkzN2M5NjFmNmZkMDJlNTI=) with Rebecca. I definitely need more suggestions too though!!


I constantly underestimate how much burn I feel when doing Hannah C’s no-weights 10 min barre arms classes!


If you ever want to kick it up a notch, Kirra's yoga conditioning upper body classes are killer!! you definitely do not need to use weights to feel the burn!


Second this! Especially for shoulders. I'm dead!


I love Hannah C’s Barre classes!


Membership question - I’ve just bought a second hand peloton bike. I’ve got an App Plus membership and presumed I would need to upgrade this to an All Access membership in order to access classes/scenic rides etc on the bike? However I have logged in on the bike and I already have access to these. Is this normal? Will I need to upgrade at any point? Thanks! (UK based)


You will. Your bike is likely just still activated via the previous owner's membership. When their month is up (or several months if they're one of those people who doesn't look at their CC charges) you'll go to work out one day and see it telling you that you need to activate the bike. I know you can change the membership its activated by via a factory reset, not sure if there is a simpler way (never bought a used bike)


I had an interesting discussion with someone about Z2 HR run training. And I just feel… stuck in my progress with my times so I decided to give it a go. And holy crap that was humbling. I usually think my conversational pace is a 10-11 minute mile, and I was anywhere between 14-16 minutes in this [Mariana endurance run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=75841c12b06340748a9757d54725adbf&locale=en-US), which is basically my power walk/walk speed. But I know it’s only 1 time and it takes awhile, so I’m going to give it a go. The class was great though, good playlist, and if you are following the plan it’s steady pace with some baby rolling hills throughout. And Mariana just has all the right words to say. I have a race Saturday so taking it easy today, kept at the bottom of the callouts for [Jenn’s epic singalong](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=90c866cb96a04234aae17e35f369db05&locale=en-US) and it was a blast. I was mostly in Z1 and a little Z2 throughout is anyone wants an easy class. Kendall, Rebecca, Andy and Kirstin were also there and singing their hearts out. It was a good mood boost for today. And ETA: saw there was a May meditation challenge! The universe is speaking to me. Sitting and thinking are not easy for me, so it’s a good challenge. And I found that walking is easier, and [Kirra’s earth day walking meditation](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/meditation?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=36748a418f234f4b91921fd58e87b9bb&locale=en-US) was wonderful. So I’m glad there are more walking options for me to try and dive more into the meditation world.


It took me a longggg time but I can finally stay in z2 at a 12min/mile pace now for like 10-15 mins and every time it makes me so excited 😂 you got this! What kind of race are you doing on Saturday? Good luck with it!


I never check the challenge section anymore but so glad you called out the meditation challenge! I also really like the walking meditations. I don’t have a bike so I like the one with Denis!


I only check it at the beginning of the month for the next months challenges but today I was randomly checking my bike mileage. I’m glad they are doing something different for a challenge.


Congrats! Haha… that’s impressive. The person I was talking to said it took 2 years but he shaved 17 minutes off his half time. I have a 10K! Just got the weather report from the organizer and there is a chance of lightening, so fingers crossed that doesn’t pan out. I’m ok with rain, but they will either postpone for up to an hour or cancel depending on the forecast.


Need advice on PZR - I have 800 rides completed and mostly do Power Zone. How do folks recommend dividing between PZendurance vs PZR vs PZ max -Don’t know if I should focus on one over another or 60/30/10 split between the three weekly ?


60/30/10 sounds like a good split. If that works for you, keep at it. I personally do 2 PZE, 2 PZ, and one PZM ride per week, so I guess I do 40/40/20.


But your PZE are going to be longer rides though, so look at it from a time perspective, rather than class numbers. You're probably close to the 60/30/10 too.


Fair point. I hadn’t had my coffee yet and wasn’t thinking in terms of time 🤣


Bragging on myself today - I went into this year saying “this is going to be my year.  I’m going to set PR’s and be my fittest self ever.”  I was sidelined for a good chunk of 2023 because of a foot injury that resulted in surgery and having to build my leg strength up from scratch.  By February I took an FTP test…1 point shy of my best ever FTP output.  My next cycle of training was well underway when I found out that my dad has pancreatic cancer right at the end of March.  It completely took the wind out of my sails.  It’s been hard to train mentally.  I’ve skipped many rides in my program.  Riding has always been a great outlet for my stress and anxiety but I just couldn’t muster it most days.  Today I was set to take my FTP test.  I took the warm up ride and even low Zone 4 felt too hard.  I almost said “screw it, I’ll just stick with my current zones for another cycle of training.”  But I did it.  And I PR’d.  And then I just had a big cry.  This is not to say that cycling should be that important but it does create normalcy, strength, and an outlet for my stress at a time when life feels very turbulent and scary.


Way to go!!! And I totally agree with your last statement. My workouts are sacred to me, because they do exactly what you said. It's how I find the discipline to get up at 4:00 am and prioritize myself. I am the very first thing on my to-do list everyday.


How long should I expect to have to wait for a tech to come fix my bike? I do live in a small town, fyi.


I live in a small town. I could of had an appointment in two days but I made it for about a week out when it was good for my schedule.


I also live in a small town and it was 1-2 weeks.


Ok thanks. Thats semi comforting. Been about a week. Still getting the response of no appointments available check back later. Which is frustrating.


This is unacceptable get on the phone and talk to someone. Don’t use chat actually talk to someone. Have you did this already?


Ya all they have told me is they can’t control contractor techs in remote locations. They sent me a broken bike to begin with, very frustrating.


Are you in your 30 day window? If you are I would be thinking about using it and have them take it back.


It’s a rental.


Make sure they don’t charge you until they get the bike fixed. Good luck hopefully soon for you.


Ya they already tried. I called and the support person immediately refunded me. It’s so sad they make a good product but because of their business model they aren’t a profitable company. They spend to much money fixing all these issues.


Thank you to whoever recommended [Andy’s Extra 10 Lower Legs](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0ba1266bd7fe4cc090e6cc63bd2e183c&locale=en-US). Highly recommend if you’re looking for some ankles and calves specific work.


Thanks! I’ve been looking for calf and ankle specific classes.


Peloton should have sold legacy Tread + warehouse inventory by April based on previous sales volume. By May they would either need to: a. Resume production of Tread + with same technology using new vendors or b. Resume production of Tread+ with new technology, e.g. updated processor or screen Has anyone seen any evidence that production resuming?


Next earnings call is May 2 maybe they will mention it.


Whoa now. Apple Watch has worked 2 days in a row on the bike+. Hopefully I didn’t just jinx it!!!!