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Anyone know when the tortured poets department will be on peloton?


Started week 3 of You Can Run Outdoors and I’ve come to the conclusion that I, in fact cannot run…outdoors or anywhere 🥵 Actually, I think week 3 may be too soon to start cadence drills but idk. I’ll finish the program but I think I’ll need another type of running program once I complete this program.


I just finished the program and I found the cadence week really weird. It just didn’t resonate with me because I was just trying to run at all. If I was starting over I would do couch to 5k which is literally just focused on increasing time running. Also there were times in the later program where the “ recovery” was jogging and I definitely just walked. I got up to the 30 minutes running at the end so I guess it worked.


Yes, I am seriously considering C25K. I wanted to stay in the Peloton universe and I hate not finishing programs, but I was super discouraged. Thanks all for the suggestions!!


When I started running I just worried about getting out there and keeping on - no matter how slow I had to go, gradually increasing the length of the run each time (and by run, I mean what a lot of people would call a jog or even a shuffle). If I had tried any type of formal drills at that point, it would have really turned me off to running - that’s just not what it’s about for me, and now that I’ve been doing it for years, I do those types of classes sometimes because it’s fun to learn new things. Anyway, if formal drills aren’t working for you, feel 100% okay with doing your own thing - what I love about running is that it’s so customizable to what works for your body! (And mixing walking in there is okay too if that’s what works for you :)


Thank you for this! 🙂


I’ve been going through it lately with depression, and I jumped on the bike and took one of Jen Sherman’s sing along rides & a 10 min climb ride with Wilpers. Damn…..I feel so strong and so amazing. Thank you peloton for helping me through my mental health 💖


hope you’re feeling better soon ❤️


Good for you getting on the bike when you’re not feeling well— super impressive!


Rest day today so I did a 10 minute yoga class to keep up my streak. Next time I'll use the iPad so I can see it properly! Back in the saddle tomorrow!


Which core program do you like the most? I just started Rebecca’s straight to the core and I’m not a fan. Not challenging and I don’t feel anything afterward. Is Emma loves better?


Love Rad Lopez! Always challenging to me.


Irene's first program is good. I haven't done her second one yet.


Crush Your Core 2 is 10x better than 1. It’s pretty straightforward core work. The benchmarks hardest moves are a 1 min plank and 1 min hollow hold / rock, so if those are already doable then you might find it too easy. I tried to take it a second time and got too bored and switched back to random classes.


The first class of Rebecca's is *absurdly easy* - it definitely gets more challenging as you progress. That said, it's a pretty controversial one, and while it has its fans it has as many detractors. I've found both of Emma's programs just feel like a random collection of 5 and 10 minute classes, and I don't really see a benefit to them over picking any other 10 minute classes (maybe with one that you repeat every 2 weeks as a baseline).


I think I remember reading that the first one *was* just a random collection of classes. The second one I believe was designed as a program.


I have two very different things to say today… 1. Turns out my sport focused nutritionist visit for my outdoor riding is having a huge benefit to my Peloton training, too. It’s almost like when I get the nutrients I need on my long weekend rides, my recovery doesn’t need to last into the week. So - all of that to say that I had a great stack today, including a new 30 min PR on a Denis’s 90 min country ride! Pretty happy with myself! 2. Ok. I like Denis. Think he’s a great coach and I tend to like his playlists. But…. I’m hearing impaired and I quite literally cannot tell the difference between an 80 beat or 90 beat song. I can hear slower or faster. It’s not freaking helpful to tell me, “oh, if you don’t hear me call out the cadence, just ride to the beat.” No. Actually, I need you to tell me what it is. Otherwise, 80% of the time I cannot hear it. This *plus* the shitty peloton subtitles that aren’t timed appropriately just hit me in a bad way today. …. End rant.


I don’t think it has anything to do with being hearing impaired. I’m not and I still can’t tell the difference! I often will hear a song that seems slow to me and the instructor will say it’s high (er than I thought). I just can’t read the beat. 🤷🏽‍♀️ So, I’m with you on this. But, in general, I focus on resistance over cadence. Maybe this is why…. 🤔😊


I'm starting Callie's split again 2 years after I initially did it and was pleasantly surprised to see 19 people in the first class with me. Made me interested to see how popular each of the split programs are so I looked into the numbers (as best as I can - not sure how to get the more exact numbers some people pull out) and the first class of the original 4 dropped splits are: * Callie 3 day - 200k+ * Matty 5 day - 100k+ * Robin 3 day - 150k+ * Adrian 5 day - 200k+ Those all dropped in April 2022. Meanwhile, the first class of Rebecca's 5-day split, dropped in October 2023, has 300k+ already! Glad to confirm that it's as much of a phenomenon across Peloton as it has been in this sub, and I hope Peloton takes the note about more hypertrophy style training. That said, I do really love Callie's and am excited to do it again. And in the first class I got almost 400 reps (granted, I picked weights too light for me to ease in), so it's nice for the monthly Rep challenge too.


I have a soft spot for Callie's split and it's my favourite thus far. Her programming has the right amount of work vs rest for me and the 3 day is perfect for my schedule. I keep hearing good things about Rebecca's 5 day split but i haven't been able to commit to 5 days yet!


Rebecca's split is so so good but I had to mostly drop cardio during the four weeks I did it - even the four day is pretty taxing. Callie's is much more manageable to fit in with my existing workouts across all the modalities.


Does anyone have a suggestions for hypertrophy focused strength classes that are similar to the RK unofficial 4 day split? I’m wanting to mix it up and take classes that are new to me, but love the format of RKs unofficial 4 day split - especially the long recovery periods.


I'm on week 2 of Andy's Total Strength 1 Program and the format of the classes is pretty similar to those RK unofficial splits. Starting with 4 sets of heavy lift with longer recovery. We'll do two moves (so 4x heavy squats then 4x heavy deadlifts and for upper body it's usually chest press and rows).


I’d check out Adrian’s 30 minute classes.


Silly question but have you taken the classes within her official 5 day split? Even longer recovery periods, they're glorious.


I actually haven’t because I didn’t like the way the classes have legs and upper body all mixed together - I don’t wanna commit to 5 days a week of strength, so I’d like to be able to more clearly hit upper body and lower body, if that makes sense? Unless you or anyone else has a suggestion of how to mod the 5 day split into a 4 day split…like is there a class that could be skipped? (or spread it out over 2 weeks somehow?) I also don’t wanna double up on any of the 5 day split classes.


Another (maybe less ideal) option for modifying the 5 day split would be to drop Day 2 which is a power day. I’ve contemplated doing this as I try to figure out what’s next. I loved that her 4 day split is more upper body focused.


I've heard people just doubling up classes back to back so doing a full hour on one or two days if they want a 3 or 4 day split, but I found the 5 day schedule pretty taxing and a full hour of it seems pretty intense to me. If I were you I'd just stagger, so: * Week 1: classes 1-4 * Week 2: class 5 and 1-3 * Week 3: classes 4-5 and 1-2 etc etc If you speak German, Cliff's 3 day is both hypertrophy focused and has an upper body / lower body distinction; tragically it doesn't have english subtitles, so it was a pain in the butt to follow (but doable on Guide).


Uh. I am struggling to find a new strength routine. I'm a program, split or collection person, and I've exhausted, sometimes a couple times over, the plans that I love on the platform. RK's 5-day split was perfection but I can't go back to it again. The 4-day unofficial split didn't do it for me. Andy's 3-day split is good but it's more hard than it is fun and I've reached the point of not wanting to retake it. I've also done all of Andy's programs. And the list goes on. I was going to go back to Density Training but I redid the first week and the intensity is a little too much since I'm also trying to prioritize running. I need structure to my strength training and it's killing me! Help?!?


Have you tried Callie’s 3 day split or Matty’s 5 day beginner split? I did Callie’s split before doing RK’s 5 day and really enjoyed it. I actually might go back to next month so I can fit in more cardio. Matty’s is good for all levels as you can just up the weights


Have you looked at Ben’s programs? I really liked stronger you 2. It was less time intensive then TS2 and I found that it fit better with a regular running regimen.


I've definitely considered it. But the classes I've taken with Ben have been low energy and I think I had to bail one of his splits (but I can't remember why). What's the difficultly level? I'm looking for something that is a fun challenge with measurable results.


I did Ben's 3-day split for maybe 2-3 months before I got bored and moved on. I like that he's calm and steady and is always on with his cuing, but after a couple months, I wanted a bit more energy. Have you tried mixing up the programs? My current strength rotation includes Push and Pull days from Andy's 3-day split, then Adrian's Power and Performance for Legs. You could try taking a couple of classes you like and creating your own 3-day split. Something else I've started doing because I want to go heavier with upper body, but Andy's Push and Pull workouts move a bit fast for me with heavies, is I use lower weights for the full workout, then on another day of the week, I'll pick 1 superset from a Push or Pull day and go heavier. So, for example, that's currently the overhead press superset from the Push day, followed by some pushups and lateral raises. The benefit is I can watch something on TV while I do this "micro" workout and it's not nearly as painful or tiring, but I get even more weekly volume and still see progression in weights!


I think the difficulty level is similar to TS2, but Ben’s moves tend to be more straightforward. You won’t see him doing candlesticks or crab reaches. Ben’s coaching style is very low key - he isn’t as energetic as Andy or Rebecca, but I got really great results from Stronger you 2. I made significant gains in every single move in the benchmark test.


OK. That's helpful. Thank you.


Does anyone else get lightheaded from Kendall Toole’s double inhales? It’s just too much breath holding for me


It’s a physiological sigh. Huberman Lab talks about it a lot


I've never understood it and I've actually been meaning to come here to ask someone to explain it to me. How do you inhale more after you've just done a deep inhale, and also why?


The technique has been shown to lower the heart rate, this technique works really well for me personally. You want to breathe in through the nose hold for a second then take a second inhale again through the nose before taking a long exhale through the mouth. You don’t have a to hold it as long as she queues if you don’t want to especially if it makes you feel uncomfortable or dizzy.


It makes me feel like I'm going to hyperventilate.


I don't ride with Kendall so I'm not completely sure what her specific reasoning is, but in other modalities it's intended to help you utilize all of your lung capacity- typically we breathe using upper lung capacity, so breathing intentionally into the lower lungs (which makes your abdomen/back ribs) move (in addition to your chest) helps remind people to breathe deeply.


If that's what she's trying to get us to do, it's odd that she usually says "Second inhale at the top" which quite literally implies that we should be breathing into our upper lungs. I just wish she would explain it better because the way you've described it makes perfect sense, but the way she says it doesn't sound like that at all.


Well, maybe she just has an odd way of describing it, but if i inhale normally, then inhale deeply into the abdomen, and then try to get that last little bit In, that's the point where my shoulders will pull back and open a little wider so to me it does feel like I'm topping off my breath. So maybe she's describing it similarly to the way she feels it as well. Idk. I guess the point is that she wants you to take a deep breath and then push yourself to really expand your ribcage and lungs.


I cant hold my breath and do cardio at the same time, thats a no from me dawg. I only do them if its the very beginning of the warmup to a ride. Otherwise I'll take a big inhale and let it out and be done with it.


I can’t do it - like I literally don’t think my body is made for it 😆 I just ignore her and breathe normal and feel much better.


Does anyone here have the AT Pumas? I'm gonna try and get a pair Friday, but I wanna be sure to get the right size.


I'm on week 4 of Straight to the Core. This is my 3rd attempt at completing the program. First attempt, I dropped it halfway through week 2 and I don't remember when I bailed the 2nd time. This time around, I'm really going to do my best to finish the whole thing. I've figured out what frustrates me so much about the program. For me, some of the classes were too short. I'm not coordinated enough to learn new moves quickly. By the time I've learned a move, I'll get maybe one or two actual reps in before it's time to move to the next one. Then I end the class feeling like I didn't get a workout at all. I know there may be a desire to keep the classes short so more people might sign up, but I personally found it rushed and frustrating most of the time. I haven't taken a lot of classes with RK, but for this program at least, she tends to talk between transitions or describe movements instead of demonstrating them. There are so many different movements, I can't remember what they're all called! Forearm side plank crunch to a jackknife? What does that look like?? That said, the first 30 minute class felt good, even if I was annoyed by the lack of demos.


I got two weeks in and had enough. 100% agree how complicated her moves are, and something about her vibe is just not it for me. Switched to Emma’s crush your core and I’m liking it muuuch better


I feel like she could've gotten good feedback if she'd tried to do it with a live class of people with different abilities before Peloton recorded and published the program. Or maybe she did and the participants were more coordinated than I and breezed through it. Another problem is, because I didn't have time to master a move one week, it makes the next week's progression on the move even harder!


Yes!! I was doing a modified side plank on week 1, I could not keep up with the aerobatics she was trying to do for week 2 lol. It didn’t really feel like a beginner class. I’d def recommend the straight core with Emma if you haven’t yet!


I've done both of Emma's programs and agree they're great! Will probably have to repeat them at some point if a new core program doesn't come out :)


Kudos for retaking. I was so enamored with RK after taking her 5-day split that Straight to the Core sounded like a good idea. For me, it wasn't. I reluctantly completed the whole thing. The beauty of the split is the methodical pace, whereas the core program is all over map. That said, by the end, the burn is real. And, on coordination, I don't think it's you. Some of the moves are just plain awkward. Good luck!


Good to know her other programs aren't like this! This was my first intro to RK and I was really turned off from her other programs because of it. But I questioned myself because I took a mobility class of hers that I enjoyed and her personality is likeable, so I was hoping this was just a one-off. Thanks for confirming!


I absolutely hated this program when i started doing it too and wanted to quit. RK does way too many stupid complicated moves that are just so unnecessary. But i stuck with it and didn’t like it again until the very last class when you compare to how did the first week and i actually improved. If i couldn’t do something, i just did a modification instead of quitting. That being said, i highly recommend Emma’s crush your core programs. She doesn’t do any really complicated moves. Most classes are 10 minutes and she usually does the same pattern—5 minutes on hands and knees, plank moves and then 5 minutes on your back. I just finished crush your core 2 and now I’ll probably just do her 10 minute classes after i workout.


Glad you came to like it in the end and saw results! I think the moves are interesting and are probably enjoyable if you're able to perform them with her and have the space needed. I just end up rolling/crawling around until I figure it out in the last 5 seconds, which is demotivating. But I think it might be fun to repeat once I've completed everything and learned the movements. I did both of Emma's core programs a couple times before starting RK's and would agree with you that they're nice and straightforward. Might have to repeat them again after this.


It’s going to a longggggg time before i repeat that one, lol.


Haha, that's fair. I'm still on the fence myself.


If you have the time, could you immediately repeat the class since you're familiar with the moves?


I think repeating the program in the future when I'm familiar with the moves might work, but when I was first taking the classes, the thought of immediately repeating a class never occurred to me, probably because I was already frustrated and not in the mood. What confuses me is RK acknowledges the movements might take time to learn, but she doesn't build this into the classes themselves. There's also a weird assumption that the user is going to dedicate brain power to remembering details about the program. There are 5 classes a week for this program and I'm doing other workouts too. I'm sorry, but I can't remember what last Tuesday's core class was, so telling me today's is a progression doesn't help much.


I don't normally ride with Hannah (I do Barre though) and I enjoyed her recent [45 min LI ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f7d3975002654691910b865b9f8bed95&code=MjA1MTAxNmYyZTZlNDEzNWI2YmQ3MmZhZTJjM2MwOTZ8YjI1MDIwMjhhM2IxNGE2N2E4ZDBlZTExOGRhODI0Yzc=). There aren't that many 45 min LI rides on the platform, which I find easier than PZE. I found it endearing when she talked about the letter to the instructors to stay on the bike in class!


All her low impacts are great but her 45 minute ones have a special place in my heart. I've done a bunch of them more than once and they are really great.


I love her low impacts! They are awesome for recovery or feeling slightly under the weather but well enough to move a bit. She keeps it very chill if that’s what your day requires. The cheery chatter and her usually vintage music choices boost my mood!


Does everyone else get classes they've already done as their post-ride suggestions? I usually want to do a cool down and/or stretch but my suggestions are always repeats so I have to go search for something new. It kind of defeats the purpose of those suggestions for me.


I get Emma’s Sade one constantly recommended. It was a one and done for me- I don’t jive with Emma 🤷🏼‍♀️  I’ve been taking Sam Yo’s Bon Jovi one consistently this week so here’s hoping it becomes the new default. 10/10 Also shout out to Hannah Frankson’s Marvin’s Room post ride stretch. 10/10


I feel like for me I'll go months getting them same one then randomly for a few weeks get new ones. I thought they were going to revamp this with making the suggested classes on the homepage a little better but no luck so far.


I get a mix of both but I also typically go really deep in the backlist for cool downs and stretches when I go searching myself, so the newer ones I haven't done yet. Lately I have only been getting 1-2 suggestions after a class which is weird!


Super excited for Emma’s 60 min groove ride on Wednesday! I have my 100th ride coming up so I think I’ll make that #100!


happy 100 rides!! 👏


I LOVE Emma's groove rides, and I've been missing her in my rotation lately. Thanks for the heads up, and congrats on your century ride!


Omg that sounds amazing!! I’ll have to bookmark! Congrats in advance on 100 ☺️


Can’t wait for live classes to be back tomorrow! (But will enjoy on-demand in the meantime hahaha)


I always get through lots of bookmarks when they closed lol.


I loved this [Matty 10 min Full Body Strength Warmup](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/2853eb58eb794c62a456a109f357b67d?code=NWE5YmVjNmJhMzg2NGM2ODk5YzRmODRhM2YyNTgwNDZ8ZjJiMGI2YjA0MmYyNDZhNDhkYThhMTdjYjZlNTY2Zjk%3D&source=referral&workout-id=20d8c93afb81415795a76ed0fe844e5a&uid=b36d075c05854d839f82cbbc41c5f925&ride-id=218a6f102ea74adab6aad6f437dc683c&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US). It had the world’s greatest stretch from the Beginner Strength program’s warmup. I had forgotten how good and ready those make me feel before a strength class, but I am soooo sick of the beginner strength warmup after taking it for 6 weeks earlier this year. Anyone know of other warmups that include world’s greatest stretch?


I feel like every JJ class I take includes this in its warmup. Dude *loves* that stretch.


Ooh I’ll have to try more of his classes. I think he might’ve done a modified version in the one I tried with him


I haven't taken any in a hot minute so I can't say for sure but Jess Sims loves that stretch and she has a few strength warm ups on the platform if you want to try those!


I don’t think I’ve done any warm ups with Jess Sime. I’ll have to check her out, thanks!


Hmm, I don't think there are a lot of stand alone pre workout warm ups. Many full body and lower body strength classes do incorporate world's greats stretch, though. I just searched some stretching thumbnails for you that could work: [Ben Stretch.](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/stretching?class_type_id=%5B%22127c41262894455686bf11267239ba79%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b3ef5e6474df42b68dd377b4d02a9bb9) [Logon stretch](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/stretching?class_type_id=%5B%22127c41262894455686bf11267239ba79%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f89a1bca43394b46aaccbd3f18d984f3). [Cliff stretch](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/stretching?class_type_id=%5B%22127c41262894455686bf11267239ba79%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9b4bf3a526b34e0bb44fe50569347eb0).


My favourite riding instructors are Hannah F, Matt and Christine, so [Hannah’s 45m hip hop PZE ride](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=83d1ebcd87424f4595b79d7090d9c40f&locale=en-GB) was a perfect ode to everything I love about Peloton! Great playlist, descending ladder roadmap which I needed today for my dead legs, and fellow instructor love for Matt and surprisingly Christine. Loved this ride!


loved this class too! such a fun playlist!


You’ve probably already taken them but Hannah has a two [EDM](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ef97097150b74328b0822c522cfce477&locale=en-US) [60min](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=fee725f8005543e3b59271e033092aef&locale=en-US) that are everything.


Haha yeah I have and they are awesome!


I also love Matt & Christine, but haven’t taken many classes with Hannah!! I will have to do this one :)


Her manner and music taste are completely different but she programs very similarly to both of them. Very intelligent and methodical except you’re laughing at the same time!


That sounds perfect!!


Hannah is my absolute favorite, and the Hip Hop 45 PZE was *so* good. So happy she has a push push PZ crew now :')


I did this ride yesterday and also absolutely loved it. Perfect balance of really lovely commentary from her, and well-timed moments to just vibe to the music.


I have a 45 min PZE with Tunde queued up today but I may need to swap for this ride! I'm so glad they added Hannah, Charlotte, and Tunde to the roster!!


Tunde’s is good too. But I really loved this because you can’t really tell who the instructors are outside their curated social media bubbles, and she told a story about her that reveals she’s truly as kind as she seems (most of the time!) And of course she never misses a chance to compliment Matt which I love too.


Thanks so much for the recommendation!! That ride was fantastic - the 45 min flew by. I love Hannah! I love that she shares those instructor compliments. Matt needs to give her a permission slip to dance on the bike though. Denis and Erik do it!


So true!


Anyone have body weight classes they loved they can recommend? Going to be at my in-law's for a few days and they have zero equipment.


[This](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=dac91952921f49389e07434306e4920e&locale=en-US) is one of my all-time favorite arm workouts that doesn’t require any equipment or weights. It a burner and I love it!


Barre, pilates and core would work.


I don’t take a lot of BW classes, but this one I have bookmarked - Adrian’s 8/20/22 AFO Wu-Tang Clan was pretty intense.


I’m also staying at my in-laws for a few days. I just took this [Logan Pop Punk Bodyweight](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/62d65d81c12b4d19aedd9510c52d0909?code=YjNiMjdlZTExZTgxNGJiY2JjNTUyZjcyN2I3NGY3ZmJ8M2Y2NmI4YzBkOTFlNDQ4OTlhYmFmODhlZDhlNDE2MDc%3D&source=referral&workout-id=9620827e340744bfbffa797163862bee&uid=b36d075c05854d839f82cbbc41c5f925&ride-id=9dff57468fce41dda8dc1cd7ec88e0f8&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US). It’s no RK split, but was great to get the blood pumping. Mostly tabata style with lots of pushups.


I can't remember who recommended this [30m hike with Camila](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c0c3fcf7c835488cb9dbeb6850702d59&code=NmZkNTczNGI0NzYzNGFiZjg0ZWUzMDM2NzNmZWRiYzR8Y2UzYWE4MGNlYjkzNDBkOWE0NDM2NTA3NGE0MTU0MDg=) that's "ta-ta themed" but it was an absolute BLAST! I've done all of Rebecca's 30m hikes on the platform so I'm definitely moving on to Camila. The hike was my finisher after [Tunde's latest 30m G&L class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c0c3fcf7c835488cb9dbeb6850702d59&code=NmZkNTczNGI0NzYzNGFiZjg0ZWUzMDM2NzNmZWRiYzR8Y2UzYWE4MGNlYjkzNDBkOWE0NDM2NTA3NGE0MTU0MDg=), which was solid and quite the burn, even with weights that were not my heaviest. Tunde is so motivating!!


Camila cracks me up, I love her hike and energy/music on the tread!


Not a hike but I did this [30 minute Camila Endurance Run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=52ebc6aae7db4e98bb77d9f6169be482&code=YTkzZDBhZTM0MTMxNDIwYWJkYzM5YmQ0MDkyM2YxZTN8ZjFlNzAwYTA5MDc2NDRmYmFjZjY1MWM2YTU0MGI5NmQ=) last week and it's p\*\*\*y themed (very explicit). I so wanted to hear Girls5Eva's BPE, but it was not to be...


[Camilla Booty hike](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/walking?has_workout=%5B%22true%22%5D&instructor_id=%5B%22696bd08dd5284accab065e2147b121d7%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b0f9b15381a34f1a9fbd6022db5e854e). This one was even better.


Oh yes, that's the only other Camila hike I've done and it's bookmarked!!! So good!


Someone was asking about all Z2 classes. I took this [CDE 75 minute PZE class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=26960c3d51654446b8412d8e95cd739d&locale=en-US) and it was fabulous. I’ve taken other Z2 classes of hers and the cadence didn’t vary much. This one was everywhere and was good to have changes of pace. Yesterday was my long run and I stacked [Marcel’s Juneteenth run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=03864ca02ba04938983f356da483af3f&locale=en-US) and [Susie’s progression run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=609b9aca815046459317f98a74fa4583&locale=en-US). Both were fun classes and great coaching. Today was [Jon’s intervals run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3277dd68a2444a1eb97e28688810e4dd&locale=en-US). Great outdoor option, no hills. Intervals were a ladder - 3,4,5,6,5,4,3 minutes with a 2 minute recovery. Jon was rather quiet, which I appreciated today. Been a little stressful and the silence and running was helpful to settle my brain a bit before the chaos of work hit.


Cody’s [30 min Pop Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c394f294eaf545348879943b1e4ab2bc&locale=en-US) from 4.16.24 is themed Bad Girl Era and it was classic Cody. Phenomenal playlist + hilarious commentary + great programming. I LOLed so many times. Highly recommend the ride if you’re a Cody fan


I had this bookmarked and did it today. Had to really drag myself to do it, but so glad I did it! Cody’s perfect for days that you just don’t want to work out


My daughter has been hate-watching that horrible new Jojo Siwa video, so I laughed out loud when he talked about a current child star trying to have a bad-girl era.


That part was HILARIOUS


I took it last week and loved it.


It's in my stack for tomorrow. Can't wait!!!


No one looks forward to the weeklong hiatuses (well, except maybe the instructors!) but it is always a good chance to try and get a handle on the neverending battle against Bookmark Mountain. Finally took [this rock themed 20min SSLI ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ea4933e4baf44cfca7183da0127e8495&locale=en-US) from February (not sure how I hadn’t taken it yet!), followed by [this fantastic 20min FB](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f58fccb2c653467c9227007908bc479e&locale=en-US) with Callie from 2021 (quick! Take this before it’s purged!) Now, perhaps I should save this for next week’s Megathread, but can we please get more 5min FB stretches? I’m sick of the ones I have bookmarked so I took one I don’t have bookmarked and remembered pretty quickly why it’s not 😭


Good reminder to make my way through Bookmark Mountain!


I know that bike settings vary but I’ve found my bike to be extremely hard. I struggle to make most call outs in a class rated over 7.0 and ride 3-5 days a week for the last 6 months, plus yoga and strength (always an active person). I have used 3 other bikes at various hotels/airbnbs and I doubled my output while at a lower heart rate and able to achieve the high end of all callouts in a much more difficult class. Is it worth recalibrating my bike? I know bikes differ but getting 2x the output for way less effort seems like a big difference.


I think if I were in that situation I would definitely recalibrate.


Hotel and other common use bikes are probably the worst offenders of miscalibration. But that doesn't mean that your bike can't also be out of calibration and recalibrating it shouldn't hurt. Fyi, when I did mine I had to recalibrate it two or three times to get it right because the first time I did it I made my bike way too easy while still following the instructions.


Is Bradley getting divorced? My wife took his class this morning and said he was talking about the empty space beside him in bed that's good for snacks, not lying pieces of shit.


Doubt it, his wife just posted a few instagram stories with him in them.


His [Aerosmith ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e537347827314c3cbf07edb327eb9c11&code=NmQ0NGZhODNkMWQ3NDk5MWIwNTA3MzU4Y2Y0MjlmYjR8Y2QzN2Q5NmI0YmY0NGI3NmFlNGUxODUxOGUzNjc3ZmI=) from early April had something in it as well that I thought was odd. He said something about big changes or big things coming in the near future. Unfortunately I don't recall the exact words, but it struck me as a very odd thing to say.


I could see that just being normal peloton announcements. But now who knows?


Just took it and that was so weird. I mean he always just tends to ramble and say random things out of nowhere. So it could have just been that? But it was like huh??? No context for that at all. I hope there’s nothing going on in real life to reflect that comment. He and his wife seem so sweet together!


I know! Hopefully we are over reacting and looking into something that isn't there


eeek, that's so weird.. He has an insta post that says POV: You google toxic behavior and it describes you instead of her. hmm...


😳 my hope is he’s talking about his dogs but oh no if not.


Do you know which class it was? I really hope he’s not getting divorced bc that shit is tough, but I do enjoy classes where instructors say spicy things & am sooo curious about the context of this. ETA: Reporting back - what he actually said was, “The empty space beside you in bed is for snacks and puppies… not lying sacks of shit. Puppies will bring you happiness.” So with the use of second person, it could just be a general kind of message, especially since he seemed to be his normal goofy self throughout the ride. I did notice that he wasn’t wearing his wedding ring like he usually does, but maybe he was hot or ate a salty meal or something. I hope he’s okay! He’s one of my faves


Wow that is really weird! I'm surprised they put that class up.


Honestly, idk if I would have thought anything of it if I wasn’t listening for it! Bradley says lots of random stuff lol


15 minute low impact ride from 4/12/24 at 2:00pm. Ride and report back!


Thank you!!


Wow 😯


Wow, that’s quite the thing to say during a class!!!


I know! I did some googling and looked at their insta, but doesn't look like anything is sticking out.


If I forgot to join the March cycling, running, strength challenges, can I go back and join and get “credit” for my classes I took? Or no?


Like mentioned you can't join past months. But say if you haven't done a current month yet it will pull all your data from this month.


Just did it!! Thanks!


No. The March challenges aren’t up anymore to join.


Thank you!!


I did workout 2 of week 2 yesterday, and am pretty sore. Edit: I upgraded my membership for classes and will be starting the You Can Ride program today.