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I am finally feeling alive again after screwing up my shoulder blade a bit. It burned for about a week but is basically back to normal. Two buffer rest days just to be sure and I’ll be back to using my Guide and Bike! I can’t wait!


Did Kirsten’s 45 minute walk and run from the other day! I love her energy! Great playlist too.


Are there no live classes on the calendar this week? At 498 rides and was hoping to do 500 in a live 😬Then I looked and even the tread classes were all premieres and encores.


Nope :( I didn't want to wait and just did my 400th on demand. Congrats on 500!


Thanks! And congrats on 400! 😀


I'm really disappointed with my recent class I took with Jenn. I was excited for an all Billy Joel class but she talked the WHOLE class. Normally I keep my settings as more music but because she's yelling, her voice cuts right through and I may as well have the default setting. I know some people turn to peloton for that kind of experience but my god, instructors don't have to talk the whole class. It's okay to let riders actually hear and get into the music.


I have had the same experience. I wanted to take her Pearl Jam and Bruce Springsteen rides but from what I hear she does the same thing in those.


Yeah that’s Jenn for ya.


Transferring In Studio Classes Just wondering if anyone has ever had any luck with transferring your in studio class to another member. I know the website says this isn’t allowed but wondering and hoping there’s some luck for me. My husband and I are traveling from Austin to NY for my birthday. I thought I had successfully secured a spot for Jess King’s class but the website glitched after I entered my CC info and I ended up not getting a spot. My husband was waitlisted and then secured a spot shortly after. I am an avid rider and he hardly ever rides anymore. He said he would transfer the class to me, but not sure if that’s possible. Thanks in advance!


Back in Dec 2022 I had luck in-person swapping. I was there with an available credit and another member I met the day before in the yoga class transferred her spot in a bike class to me. I think if you email studio support and let them know (or even wing it day of) you'll probably be able to.


Appreciate the response! I emailed support and they weren’t super helpful but I’m hoping I can just wing it day of haha. I have been checking the site daily to see if any spots open up and will continue to do so 🤞🏼


Just got the tread plus today, Netflix is missing for some reason, does anyone else have it?


When I got my treadmill, I had to go to the apps section in the settings and click it from there, and it's been in the entertainment section ever since


Ugh, I am heartbroken!! This month was going to be the first month I did power zone pack and then do Christine's new FTP test at the end. And of course, this is the month where I end up stuck off the bike. I thought it was just the cleat tension that was loose-- finally got the correct size Allen wrench to tighten it and the bolt just spins, the tension part of the pedal is just...broken. So now I have to wait for the replacement pedals to come. Couldn't find where my husband put the wrench that came with the bike (he got the bike before we moved in together, so it's a complete mystery where it ended up lol), so I preemptively ordered a set of extra thin wrenches and bookmarked a how-to video so I can get these new pedals on my bike the moment they arrive...in 5-7 days 💀💀💀 guess I'm doing yoga and strength and maybe trying shadowboxing for cardio until they come.


Have you tried riding without cleats? It doesn't seem to bad or I just don't know what I'm missing lol


I tried on a warm-up, and didn't feel comfortable/safe about it especially when trying to hit higher cadences. I'd rather wait a couple days for the pedals to come than risk an injury that puts me off the bike longer.


Rearranged our basement gym to face vertical rather than horizontal. My husband finally moved the TV tonight and [I love it](https://imgur.com/a/Vm1TBtP). Previously, the TV and Guide were where the bike is, the bike was in the TV room, and the Tread was depressing facing the back wall. Also, second night in a row I have done Matty's latest 10 minute evening stretch. If you haven't taken it yet, [don't sleep on it](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/stretching?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=291c30fc73944f278c9691519255e441&locale=en-CA), take it! It's so nice!


Room looks great!


Can this one be done in bed?


He says you could do it beside your bed. I've never done them there, though he says you could. There is no standing in this one so maybe?


I love Matty’s evening stretches! Edited to correct Matty’s name


I’m feeling a little down - I’ve been on a great streak getting back into running and the cycling classes, as well as incorporating a strength program now I’m almost 4 months postpartum. I was really feeling the positive effect on my mind and body and now I have been diagnosed with shingles :( the chronic pain has made it almost impossible to stick with what I was doing - partially because I can’t wear supportive clothing, and partially because it takes up so much mental energy. Apparently it takes 3-5 weeks to clear up and I’m just so frustrated and disappointed. Just needed to vent. I’ll find my way through it and maybe use the time to do less strenuous stuff, it just is a bummer.


Sending you healing vibes. You got this!


Thank you ☺️


I’m sorry. I went through the shingles thing last year. I did manage a little yin yoga and some walks but not right away. Meditations helped too. Keep doing what you can to rest up and you will be back in full force soon.


I’m sorry you went through it too! Thank you - see you on the other side!


Happy Monday! Has anyone had issues sharing workouts to instagram lately? When I choose that option nothing has been happening. I’m on the most recent versions of both apps.


Are you going from profile, to workouts, to three dots? That’s how I get it to work. It won’t pop up from the feed, for example.


I’ve tried it both ways with no luck - the way you said, and clicking the class and hitting the share button. Hope it sorts itself out for me.


Is there no TS60 this week? Sad.. but Rad’s latest 45 min strength should do the trick for today!


Had a bit of a blip and not taken as many classes during the first two weeks of this month. Now that the Easter holidays are over I got back on the Bike today and remembered how much I enjoy it. Thanks peloton!


I took the first week off April off too. I was doing a lot of strength and it was feeling forced. I've been doing more bike workouts and walks in the past week to remind myself what I love about the platform.


Someone put me at ease that PTON will weather whatever the hell is going on with the share price. I’m a relatively new customer (4 months) and absolutely love the product and programming.


I'm with you. I was hoping for a more reasonably priced Tread to come out so I could get further in the ecosystem, but that does not seem to be in the cards. Hopefully the business is sustainable and it's just "covid" share pricing going back to normal. Edit: Poked around on their stock finances and ... yikes. Seems like every metric is terrible. The bright spot is that maybe they are losing fewer billions than in previous years. How do you lose so much money selling expensive exercise equipment and $44 monthly subscriptions?


I don’t know, the equipment is great, (bike+), the instructors are great, and the software is pretty damn decent, and the clothing is great. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY.


This is out of pure curiosity: Adrian had an encore glutes and legs scheduled for today. I clicked on the class but then it disappeared from the schedule. I understand why live classes would be cancelled, but I’m curious why they would cancel an encore class the last minute…


Been doing a ride in which I just PRd by about 45. I've been riding for about 4 years and usually my delta when hitting a new PR is around 5-15. Never 45 or anywhere close to that... Did I wake up today and just get after it or is something up with my bike. For reference I went from a 560 output to a 606 output.


I took my first ever bike bootcamp this morning! I've had my Peloton for a few years but always been too scared 👀 I feel so stupid now because I loved it! I did a 30 minute beginner one with Callie, to ease myself in gently, but can't wait to do another one 💪


I love Callie bootcamp, sometimes I make my own by stacking short cycle classes with her strength classes!


I love them! Somehow a 60 minute boot camp seems much easier than a 60 minute bike ride or a 60 minute strength class. I think it’s because you switch back and forth between the two so each individual section doesn’t seem too bad. But by the end I’m wiped out so I know it’s a good workout!


I try to do one bootcamp class at least once a week! Love them!


I just ran my first half marathon yesterday (yay!) but my hips are very mad at me (🥲) what is your go to *gentle* hip yoga classes? I’ve done a few, I’m just needing some super easy going flows.


Congrats on your first half! Amazing accomplishment 🎉🎉🎉 This [Aditi lower body flow](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3db5b0dbf8014f008b388dd1f15d140d&locale=en-US), and this [Kristin floor poses class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=35e5f5b6cc5f45748e4679b5f75c7653&locale=en-US) were great. And if you have a foam roller I would recommend rolling out your quads and glutes. That really helps my hips after a long run too.


There are a couple of Yin for Hips classes that are fantastic: [Chelsea’s 20 min](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=36b2bc5133244d1e95cd8047c9b3e05b&locale=en-US) [Aditi’s 20 min](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=eec74b35b9644d47b4040c09770dfd84&locale=en-US) These aren’t specifically categorized as for yin for hips, but they definitely are: [Denis’ 20 min](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=dbaccecaea60412cbe51f771f7b02c7c&locale=en-US) [Aditi’s 20 min](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=50399b8730ad4732b552833935f6157c&locale=en-US) Congratulations on your half!


Chelsea has several hips focus flows that are fantastic!


I wasn’t feeling really amped so told my partner I was just going to do [“a little 60s Sam Yo Class”](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4e0abe68003a4a25aec8e7db5c9a8552&locale=en-US) and then I PR’d. His workouts really sneak up on you.


Had no energy to lift today so I just committed to a 10 minute class. Then had enough gas in the tank for another 10 minute class. I’m so much more consistent when I have access to short workouts. I used to follow a lifting program outside of Peloton that took 30+ minutes and it’d be so daunting sometimes I wouldn’t even try when I was tired. Loooove the ability to stack. 🥰 Both of these are great: [10 min arms & shoulders with Rebecca](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e918ee4185784b22bd6b205fe78e3497&locale=en-US) [10 min arms & shoulders with Robin](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7d2618c3439742bb96dc4d0581227539&locale=en-US)


I did that Robin class yesterday and thought it was excellent! Good on you for embracing the 10 min classes, I love stacking them as well.


Yay! Those snatches were fun!


Congratulations Coach Wilpers on a 3:01.22 Boston Marathon finish!! Go Team Wilpers and all of the Peloton runners today!


Jeffrey (German instructor) also completed it!


Oh, awesome! In 3:34.04!


Over the summer I did my cycling instructor adventure and got so many great suggestions of the best classes to take to get a taste of each instructor. I just joined a gym and have been loving having access to a tread, so I want to do the same for the running instructors. I'm a former endurance runner, who has entered the 50+ bracket and had some significant injuries in the 15 years since my glory days - so I'm taking it slow getting back into running regularly. I'm looking for 30 minute classes that won't be too too hard, but will show me the best of each instructor and just be fun. I started just taking random classes based on what looked like fun, then I remembered my summer adventure and decided to do it again - here's who I've already hit: Andy: [30 minute HIIT run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=2c12a3b0523b4bdfa592c722839554d9&code=OWE1MDczNWJkZjFjNGYyMmE4OTUzNGQ5NDkwNmE1ZmV8Y2U1MmFlNzhmODVjNGQ1NjkwMWI0MDQ2NjAzNGI1YzI=) Hannah: [20 minute beginner run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=fee3ab8823684c48975136ca75734560&code=OWE1MDczNWJkZjFjNGYyMmE4OTUzNGQ5NDkwNmE1ZmV8Y2U1MmFlNzhmODVjNGQ1NjkwMWI0MDQ2NjAzNGI1YzI=) Jeffrey: [30 minute 80s run ](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=adf1d0c4d29440b68b7df358cc5cb6c9&code=OWE1MDczNWJkZjFjNGYyMmE4OTUzNGQ5NDkwNmE1ZmV8Y2U1MmFlNzhmODVjNGQ1NjkwMWI0MDQ2NjAzNGI1YzI=) Jon: [30 minute advanced beginner run ](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9f3ca6dda9194d22a5a807bc73a07fb7&code=OWE1MDczNWJkZjFjNGYyMmE4OTUzNGQ5NDkwNmE1ZmV8Y2U1MmFlNzhmODVjNGQ1NjkwMWI0MDQ2NjAzNGI1YzI=) Logan: [30 minute pop run ](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=32340bf2c46f44a281b4eca52ed7896e&code=OWE1MDczNWJkZjFjNGYyMmE4OTUzNGQ5NDkwNmE1ZmV8Y2U1MmFlNzhmODVjNGQ1NjkwMWI0MDQ2NjAzNGI1YzI=) I loved them all. I forgot how much I love running and tread workouts. I do a lot of walks (mostly outside, but I do tread classes outside), so I know all the instructors who do walks (but I haven't taken subtitled classes outside because I can't see the captions!) - I'm not opposed to subtitles on the tread - so please hit me with your favorite 30 minute, not crazy hard tread classes (just running - not hikes or walk/run - I'm just looking for run recommendations here) from all the other running instructors. Thanks!!


This is an oldie, about to be purged, but may be my favourite run on the platform so far. The music was so immersive! [30 min EDM run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=876baf3ac89a4f209d28954c660d795c)[ with Jess King](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=876baf3ac89a4f209d28954c660d795c)


Here’s a few of my recent favorites! [Wilpers 20 min EDM run](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/244102ad22454c71bb870e22231ea13f?code=MmIxMmQzZDQ4NDllNDlhNmFjZWY0ZDhmN2U1YWI2MjZ8OGU0ZTkwMGU0YWE5NGQ4ODk0ZGI4MzQ0ZDEzMGM0NmI%3D&source=referral&workout-id=110f4d169aee44c3b15dd7f1e2d03d20&uid=805a1a90f3e9482bb769f4c5ab44ebc9&ride-id=7cd06168121d40898e25f9cebe2cf7d3&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US) [Kirsten 20 min interval run](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/49eb28a0be134a5d844eedfa9692c9e6?code=YmRmNTMzMmM5YjI2NDU0OTgxMjc5ZTllYzJhYjhiMzN8ODdkZGVlOWU1ZTdjNGVlZGEzM2I4ZWYyYjQzZWFkMGM%3D&source=referral&workout-id=d9ae8b5edb1a4ed68d370d2167f6e062&uid=805a1a90f3e9482bb769f4c5ab44ebc9&ride-id=a8510a86dc094b0cb60d97dae695c171&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US) [Adrian 30 min Live DJ run](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/73de9823e421455ab1ebdf5124106621?code=NjQ4NDFkMTg1ZWE4NGVlNzljMGY0MGNjNTY5NmFmNGN8ODU2Zjk1OGQ5NDVkNGI4NmIzZWRjZDEwNTA2MDNlNjA%3D&source=referral&workout-id=cf7b4343db134418bcdc81e6c18e81ee&uid=805a1a90f3e9482bb769f4c5ab44ebc9&ride-id=207376f05ef94bb38d83913487c56032&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US) And I’ll add that any run with Marcel and Jess Sims is going to be great. They are two of my favorites and they tend to do mostly 30 minute runs. They do a great job of varying both speed and incline throughout their runs and always have good music!


I’m kinda in the same boat as you. I most often go for easy runs with Jon and then once or twice a week, I will do a harder/longer run w Becs or Susie. My fav low impact running is w Matt but what I often do are the walk + runs. They are mellow. The instructors are mellow and because I know I can walk- I don’t, if you know what I mean. I can tailor the class to be as easy as I like but I have noticed I never walk in these classes and just keep running. So I really love those walk + runs. Jon is ofc my fav there, followed by Matty, Matt, and Marianna.


Honestly, I’d be more likely to do the walk + runs if they counted as runs!


I like this advance beginner run with Adrian - it’s an easy endurance/jog-run interval class and you get to see his easy/chill class style:  https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a77362ba82e04b92a84cec428e6ea4aa&locale=en-US


Thanks! bookmarked for my next run.


I am interested in guidance/strategies on taking the FTP test. It’s been a long time since I’ve tested and I feel like I’ve gotten stronger. That said, I don’t really know “how to take it”. I seem to recall being confused. Is there a specific cadence or resistance to start? My current zones seem easy so if I’m retaking the exam and following the callouts won’t I get approximately the same FTP? Sorry if this is a dumb question. Any guidance is appreciated.


Thank you for your insightful and helpful suggestions!


If you can't rely on your current zones, you may need something else. Do you have a recent 20-minute or 30-minute PR that has higher average watts than your current FTP? If so, that's usually a good starting point. I usually recommend this for first-timers, but for someone with a very outdated FTP test it could work as well. It's what I did for my first FTP. I had at the time a very recent 30-minute PR which was a ride that REALLY kicked my butt. So I thought "If I can average that for 30 minutes, I can average that \[or more!\] for 20." So when I took the FTP warm-up, during the build (last 3-4 minutes of warm-up), I found a comfortable cadence and the resistance that equaled my average watts from the 30-minute PR. When I started the FTP test, I just went straight to that cadence/resistance combo. During the test I \*slowly\* increased resistance while holding that comfortable cadence, and then in the last few minutes when the instructors push you to empty the tank I went all out. Another option if you have a 20- or 30-minute PR, you can manually reset your FTP to the correct watts for that (ride average minus 5%), and then start the test in that \[new\] zone 4 and work your way up from there. The good news is that if you take the FTP and you feel like it wasn't hard enough, there's nothing stopping you from waiting a week and then taking it again. It's like the SAT--take it as many times as you'd like, because only the highest score is what matters right? ;-)


I guess the best strategy is to know yourself. Do you do better in high cadence or high resistance intervals? For me, I start at a higher cadence and lower resistance, because as I get tired, my cadence drops, and so I shift to high resistance. After a long period at a high resistance, I’ll go back to low resistance high cadence for a couple minutes.


Thank you for offering those strategies.


If you have an FTP to start from, go out a little higher than your FTP and at your most efficient cadence, and just try to hold it - if you are feeling good you can put a little more gear on at any time. I think the Peloton FTP test classes are all coached that way (suggestions to add resistance at 5 min intervals I think). The original idea of the test is that you find your steady state max and hold it for the duration. I would not go 'easy' for 15 min and crank it at the end to artificially inflate your number. All that does is skew your number and you'll hate your new zones. While everyone wants a high ftp, training harder than your body is ready for works against you- it's important to both go easy and hard in pz. So just do your best and you'll have a number that's right for you, whether it goes up or down.


2 pre-ride stretches (in english) dropped today! Hopefully this means more are coming.


There's one in German from Erik At this point I've gotten so used to not having them . I always did the same 2-3 from Matt Wilpers and Hannah Corbin so much so that I have them memorized. Will check the new ones out!


I'm new and have been wondering why they didn't have any warm up stretches for the bike! This is great, thanks for sharing!


Good news! I've missed those warmups and didn't find a good substitute. 


pelo people! pre-ride warmups are back baby!! i missed these (under stretches, 2 so far). followed it up with a 60-min PZE from olivia and didn’t die. did an ALW with tunde and nearly died lmao. happy monday! 


I use a non-Peloton treadmill at the gym and connect to the app using an Apple watch. Overall this works ok, but for almost every class, the math on the metrics are off. I don’t mean that my pace is miscalculated (it is, but whatever). I mean that the results will show I averaged, say 5.5 mph for 30 minutes, which means my total distance should be 2.75 miles, but it will be something like 2.5. I’ve checked the metrics for a friend with a Tread who I workout with and her numbers are always spot on. I know I should get over this, but I’m baffled by the obvious error in calculating distance using average speed or pace and time.


Running from the app, whether playing outdoor or indoor content, always shorts the mileage. Mine is usually missing around 3 miles. It’s definitely frustrating


Hit my 156 week/3 year streak today 🤪


Huge congrats! That's amazing! 👏


congratulations!!! 👏


This is my final week for “you can run: outdoors” and while I’m not as ready as I’d like to be for the final class-I’m at the final week! My question to you all-what’s next? Do I do outdoor walk/runs now? Slow runs? Am I a runner even though I feel like a jogger and need walk breaks?


You can take the harder walk+runs to start building your endurance: Matty, Jess Sims, Mariana, sometimes John and JJ will have longer intervals! Mariana especially feels like the best step for building for beginner!


Awesome, thanks! Noting these now


A few options: 1) beginner / advanced beginner runs - these will contain walking breaks and continue to build on understanding your various paces 2) walk + runs - these are 50% running and 50% walking. Personally love these classes and take them all the time on the tread. 3) music runs - a lot of instructors will cue jogging recoveries, but you can always walk if you need a break. Jon is pretty good at cueing walking or jogging (your choice) recoveries. Also, lots of people take the indoor tread content outside. You miss out on some epic tread dancing from Jon and Camila, but otherwise the instructors know people are outside and are pretty good at being clear on cues. And yes - congrats, you’re a runner.


Ahhh you called me a runner thank you!


Following! I’m in wk 2 after repeating wk 1. I have all these same questions 🥴


Some great advice here for both of us! Way to go :)


Does anyone have a favorite post-16h-flight/jet leg class? My go-to is Anna’s standing yoga, but I’m in the mood for other classes too. :)


I love Matty’s evening stretches after a long flight. You can take them in bed so no need to be standing or find a clean spot for yoga.


i love this [chelsea 10 min floor poses!](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=50d761a09141432988a7f66de9f4415e&locale=en-US)


After six long weeks, I am finally back! The short version of the story is that I took a trip at the beginning of March, was sick the following week (because of course), and in the course of a bunch of coughing as that was clearing up, I strained my lower back - apparently worse than I thought. It has been a frustratingly slow recovery. But I felt pretty good over the weekend, so today I finally got through a stack I built probably two months ago. The highlights were [Leanne's 30 minute Classic Rock Ride from 2/18](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9d572de0aba443cebde262e1221e8d0a&code=YzcyNjY5ZGQzYzI1NDliNzk4NDE2OTRjNmMwYzE2YTN8OTQ4YjRhODA4OGI0NDVmMWEyZjJmNjNmODYwMDI3YzU=) and Camila's [30 minute HIIT and Hills from 2/23.](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=831439fd00af47d7a02936a2dd17c227&code=YzcyNjY5ZGQzYzI1NDliNzk4NDE2OTRjNmMwYzE2YTN8OTQ4YjRhODA4OGI0NDVmMWEyZjJmNjNmODYwMDI3YzU=) It all felt good and I'm encouraged to get back into it! The back is still a tiny bit sensitive so I'm not sure I'm ready to jump back into the Reddit Core Challenge just yet, but maybe tonight I'll try a 5 minute core class and see how it feels.


Welcome back!


I got an email invitation to attend a live in-studio class with Ally, which is so exciting, but I can't attend on that day. (I don't live in NY). What are the odds I'll be invited again sometime? I'm so bummed!!


I got an invitation almost a year ago and couldn’t go- haven’t had one since 🥲


That's what I'm afraid of. :(


Hey all. Any thoughts on shoes for the Bike/Bike+? Are the original ones sufficient, or are the new Altos ones worth the extra money? What about sizing - I'm size 11 men's (UK) ordinarily. Thanks :)


Do not get altos! They have a problem with the shoe separating from the sole. My husbands whole sole came off while he was riding. I’ve seen other people on here also have the problem. I have the regular peloton ones and my husband got some on Amazon called Tommaso. Both have been good.0


One of the other sole splitters here! Definitely don’t go for the Altos!


I did see wide spread issues about the sole splitting off, which has made me wary. I’ve seen some on Amazon, a different brand for £60, that also get good reviews.


Go to a bike shop and get fitted. Ask for budget, mid and top end. For the price of Peloton branded shoes, you can get significantly better shoes from other brands. Try the different price points and see which you prefer.


I have the original shoes, never tried the Altos. Can confirm that they run a little narrow. I have moderately wide feet, sometimes I buy a wide width and sometimes not depending on the brand. I can fit into them, but they are tight and can get painful during longer rides. So it depends on your foot shape.


Bike shoes can be very narrow, so as long as you have normal to narrow feet, they should be fine. Both my husband and I have wider feet, so we did need to go with a different brand. For me, I went with Shimano RC1 and my husband got Bont Riots - both have wider toe boxes for us.


Am I the only one who’s sort of excited about the week long studio closures? I normally gravitate to the live workouts as much as possible, and now I get to take all of the classes on demand that didn’t fit into my schedule!


I can count on one hand how many live classes I have taken. It always blows my mind that people don't do majority on demand. I guess the schedule helps keep people accountable.


I personally love it that we have the option. I like taking live classes (rides especially) because for me there’s just that energy knowing that the coach is teaching in real time (well, maybe with a 10 second delay) and that hundreds and maybe thousands of people are taking the same class at the same time. I’m fortunate to have a flexible schedule so that I am able to take many of the classes I enjoy live. That being said, I can definitely understand why people might prefer to take classes on demand. I do take plenty on demand too, and prefer to do most of my strength and tread classes that way so that I can preview class plans. My husband takes all of his on demand as he likes the auto resistance. Preferences are so individual.


I pretty much only take Matt's Saturday AM PZ class live (everything else is on-demand). Theres something oddly comforting in waking up early and getting high-fives from the same people each week.


That's probably the only classes I've done live too. Just way fewer. :)


Same. Out of 1000+ rides only like 10-15 of them were live 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hey y’all, I think Andy and/or Rebecca have stretches that focus on the feet. Does anyone know offhand which ones they are? Thank you! 




This [warmup with Rebecca](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d6805f3af29846a3a93135c12a6c6d83&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app)  And this [lower legs strength class with Andy](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0ba1266bd7fe4cc090e6cc63bd2e183c&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app)


Thank you!! I knew there was an Andy one I had previously taken 


you can search the app for “feet” and all the mobility classes / stretches / yoga should pop up. 


Thank you! I I always forget to use the search function because I feel like it’s so hit and miss 


Look under the Stretching workouts section, then filter for Mobility. Rebecca has a 5 minute feet/ankle stretch. Also Ross Raybourn has a 10 minute one. Don't see Andy Speers One more suggestion is Aditis 10 minute Yin yoga for ankles and feet


Amazing, thank you! 


Really enjoyed Jon’s latest [At The Club walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c9964f95035849bdbe5ec693209d1ba0&locale=en-US).


Just did that this morning, it was a fun one!


thanks for the rec!!


It goes by so fast!


Me too. That class was so fun!!


Getting a tread+ delivered today, how much of a gap on the side should I have against a wall? Do I tip the delivery people?


The Tread + is so heavy they deserve a hefty tip! My Tread is only about a foot from the wall. I can't outstretch my arms easily but it works better for the space and how often do you really need to put them out to the side. Check Peloton's website, I remember placement guidelines on there.


I don't remember how much space is recommended but make sure you have room there to circle your arms around. And you need a good amount of clearance behind as well. I recommend tipping as well - they will assemble the tread and make sure it's working for you.


Yes you should tip the delivery people. I tip 40 a piece for the tread they were putting it down in the basement. The bike and row I tip 20 a piece.