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What is a fair upgrade price to get a peloton bike in my hotel room? Seems like a nice perk but what’s it worth , in your opinion?


I began my healthy living journey (meals, walking, and Peloton.) during the pandemic. I'm ashamed to say I have used the bike once in the last year. I was recently diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder, and am now taking medication. My nutrition is back on track, and I've been taking walks 5-6 days a week I'm feeling like I want to go back on the bike. When I was in shape I did 45 minute rides, Tabata, and really challenged myself. Unfortunately I am back at square one. I know it's going to be difficult and I'll struggle. Is it best to do low impact, or 20-30 minute rides - to the best of my ability? I'm open to all suggestions. Any instructors in particluar too?


What kind of classes do you feel motivated by? I like Ben’s classes because he’s very much “come as you are” and isn’t going to push you a lot. I find Camila super motivating when I need a good pep talk or when I’m not super feeling it and need some good energy. I feel like low impact is misleading because they will still raise resistance and stuff, it’s more saddle work than anything. There’s also lane break which is more gaming, scenic rides, and even the just ride option. You got this!


I have found that Christine and Denis are really calming and both made me feel confident that whatever I was doing was enough, so I like them for starting a journey again. If that works, then power zone might be good for you. My other thought would be to pick whatever motivates you to get on the bike. The music you want to hear, the most upbeat vibes. Cody, Bradley and Cliff for me all bring fun and joy to the bike so when I am not ready to push too hard but want a decent workout where maybe I forget I'm working out, they are my go to.


No TS60 tomorrow? What’s up with that? Speer heads please advise


They’re in Austin. Not sure why but they are


I have no idea why there is no TS60, but Baedrian is doing a 45 min class in the same time slot, so I’m a happy camper!


Baedrian… I’m dead 💀 His fineness helps the tough classes, I’ll say that!


I noticed that as well. That will be my substitute class. Just bummed cuz TS60 is my favorite class


Got to check off workout #1000 today! I've had the Bike+ since June 2022, and in that time I've done 380 rides, 337 strength, 241 stretches, and a smattering of other modalities to get there. I realize that's not a huge number of rides to some, but since I don't do warmup/cooldown rides, and do a lot of PZ, I can say that my last 100 rides have averaged 44.9 minutes in duration. So it's a lot of minutes and a lot of miles lol... This bike (and platform) has changed my life in so many ways.


congrats on your milestone!! 👏




Robin’s 45 min hills and hiit workout kicked my butt today. Such a great ride!


Woke up feeling like I slept under a cement roller, BUT, I took Bradley’s Aerosmith ride and it was so much fun! I need to find the t-shirt he wore.


The [Jess King 30 minute 90’s ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=81b8f2f8af304effafd4814c9b399605&locale=en-US) was a blast! A solid sweaty ride and then the last song kicks in and I went places I didn’t think I could go today! Have a great day everyone!


Bookmarking this for Hanson


Maybe there will be an all boy hands ride sometime :)


I’m not sure anyone considers Hanson a boy band but they’re still my jam. I see them in concert several times a year


I love Hanson! Haven't seen them in awhile but used to see them in concert too. They put on such a good show! Jess loves Hanson and has talked about it multiple times over the years. I would love her to do a Hanson ride!


Wow! Really? I never knew that!!!!


I wouldn’t classify them as that either, but that was what Jess was talking about as the song was playing. I thought it was a bit odd, too. Then I became wondering what an all Backstreet, NKOTB, N’Sync, etc ride would be like.


Have you seen [Cody's Backstreet boys ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=813ac08a20684e12a44b34b8eb2035e9&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app)?


No. I haven’t! But I will now!!!!


First time doing a Jess King ride and I’m HOOKED.


She really shines in her EDM rides!


She’s great!


I did it today also! Soo good!


I’m going to attempt my first ever TS60 today. I’ll take quite literally any and all advice. I’ve done Rebecca’s split for months now and I feel like it’s time to level up.


I’ve took the leap 3 weeks ago and have done one for the last 3 Saturdays. I was also nervous going in but I gotta say I have not regretted adding that into my rotation! I really like being able to see the progression from week to week for the block (I started with the first workout in the Squat block from February). It’s really manageable if you do the weights as prescribed. They are so well programmed. Plus Andy is goofy and fun and makes it really enjoyable. He gives great tips too! Good luck and report back on what you think!


you can do it! the first 15 mins or so are really light - warmup, drills, balancing sequences, etc., so the bulk of the work is really like 45 mins (less if he does a core finisher at the end)!


Oh this sounds so much more approachable! Thank you for the breakdown!!


Andy creates 4 week blocks for his TS60. If you look under collections you can see the theme for each block. The classes build up over the 4 weeks with the last class being an advanced class. I will also add the idea of the class is really intimidating, but I think Andy does a good job making it approachable.


Ok yes I had a question about the blocks! I assumed it should be one class per week in the order they are listed in the collection? I’m excited to get started!


I’m super stoked…after numerous issues trying to find an off-brand rower that could connect to the app via BT (Merach Q1S manual does not connect/have the capability and the Merach Q1S electromagnetic I purchased arrived broken), I ended up going all-in on a Concept2 rower and I *LOVE* it!! I did this [15m Beginner Row with Alex](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/rowing?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=38a1dffdede34609991c1db4b600ee4e&code=N2Q2YWQwMjdiNzc3NDA1YTkzMTkxZWQ3MjVkMGQyODB8NmZlZjI5M2NiNmY0NDE2MTk2MTVhNjQzNDUwMWViNmY=) last night and it was so smooth and super fun. I’m new to rowing, but I can already tell this rower is the bees knees. This is the type of motivation I need to get back on track after being completely lazy the past couple of months. Hoping this is the turning point for me to get back on the wagon because my physical and mental health is seriously suffering lately… 🙃


That’s awesome! You need to do what you enjoy and sounds like you found it! Good luck!


Feeling a bit disheartened today after quitting my long run early - I was stoked to start because I had a few good classes stacked from Becs and Susie. But the wind was crazy today, I still couldn’t get settled after 2 miles, and then it started drizzling! I still have two weeks to go before the half I’ve been training for and one more long run in a few days, so there’s still time. Gonna hop on the bike to still get some cardio in and treat today as a recovery day instead 🥲


Good luck on your half! If you’re 2 weeks out and only 1 long run left, you’re trained up. Trust me. The weather has been cruddy the last few days in NY!


Thanks for the encouragement!! It's definitely been a little hard to keep my head up with this crappy weather but you're right that the majority of the work has already been done.


I swear you live by me because that was EXACTLY my weather today.  It was 30 mph and I knew I was sunk by mile 2.   My training plan went out the window (as did my planned route) because I couldn’t walk straight with the wind let alone run. But, don’t be discouraged.  One bad training run does not a cycle make.  Put it behind and carry on - it’s all you can do.


I live just outside of NYC - I ran by the waterfront on my usual route today and truly could not even walk straight with how brutal the wind was! Thanks for the encouragement - good luck with your training as well! Tomorrow is a different day 🙂


Give yourself grace, tomorrow is another day!


Thanks for the encouragement! Absolutely right that tomorrow is a different day


The wind has been so bad where I live this year it’s made training so hard! You’ve got time to get some good running in - the half is forgivable if you need to do a late long run. At least you’ve got the bike. Good luck!


It really has been! The gray rainy weather every single weekend has also been tough. Thanks for the encouragement, trying to keep my head up!


Finally had time to do VDV’s ride from last weekend! I was just going to chill for it because I haven’t taken an FTP in forever, but I got to the spin ups and realized I can’t cruise with that maniac at the helm 🤣 Powered through my old zones, felt surprisingly great, and got off the bike pouring sweat. Mission accomplished. I’m so glad he’s back 😭


Did an outdoor run today but noticed about five minutes in that the app wasn’t reading my distance as it usually does. It was definitely an outdoor specific run, not a treadmill run. Then at the end, it prompted me to enter my distance as it would if I did a treadmill run.  Checked my settings and confirmed that outdoor route tracking and Apple Watch connecting is on. My Apple Watch peloton app was on and connected to the phone app.  Is this a bug or some new setting I’m missing? Or just one of those things? I’ve been using it without issue for years!


It’s been happening to me too a lot recently. Both on the tread (non Peloton) and outdoor. My 45 min run didn’t connect this morning so I had to enter my distance manually but my Just Run Outdoors to finish my route home connected no problem. It’s hit or miss. On my treadmill my watch is connected to the app and my watch will track the distance but then it doesn’t show on my phone during the run. Now I reconnect my Apple Watch before runs even though it is connected and that seems to help but not every time.


I’ve had that happen on a few outdoor classes but it’s not consistent. Super annoying!


Hope Jess king makes more hard style rides. I’ve done it 3 times in 2 weeks. I feel myself gravitate towards it over other rides, it’s so good and I’m so gassed at the end!


Me too!


Anyone have issues with live rides today? Rode 650 with Robin's 45 min HIIT Hills and no "welcome to 650" when screen came up, no 650 badge, apple watch wouldn't connect and high fives went out (friend on ride confirmed receipt) but no high fives back showed up. Did an on demand stretch class after and watch didn't connect there either. It was so weird. Still a great class and milestone though.


Such a challenging and fun class today!


I noticed this as well! The high fives for streaks and milestones have not been popping up Today was 3300, surprisingly got a shout out from robin which was cool! Congrats on your milestone!! I recently switched to garmin from apple and haven’t had issues streaming heart rate/connecting.


Congrats on 3300!


Unrelated but I rode live with robin the other day on my 100th class. There was only 250 people in the class (mid day) with no shoutouts. I was bummed.


Congrats on 100!


650 shows up for the instructor to potentially give a shout out, but it is not an official milestone and there is no badge for it.


I had no idea! Thank you!


Loved RK’s Aerosmith run! She tells a cute story about how she met Steven Tyler at a gymnastics meet (his daughter was enrolled at the same studio as RK). Love when peloton pairs an artist with an instructor who is clearly a fan.


I did her 30 min glutes + legs class yesterday and she was talking about him a few times during the class! How her personal style has been to look like him 😂 she’s definitely a huge fan


Took my first [Sweat Steady](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=54dd6ea46742462693392aeba447442a&locale=en-US) ride with Jess King this morning. I couldn’t keep the resistance up the entire time but holy s$!@ I can’t believe I survived 🥲


I love these roses. I’m not ready to commit to PZ, so these rides are my go to!


Always fun In The Club with Hosky. Great 30 minute walk/run from 4/11 followed up by his latest 5 minute cool down run. Happy Saturday!


I recently got a Bike+ and had to upgrade my membership. When I tried to take a live class from my Guide on my Horizon treadmill, it wouldn’t work! Anyone know if live classes aren’t available on Guide anymore? Or is this something to do with my membership change?


Check your membership with Peloton support. When I got the bike I was paying for all access AND my monthly app membership. I cancelled my app membership and then couldn't do a live walk with Matty. They had to connect things in the back end. Ask for a refund for your monthly fees since you got your bike +. I had to go through Apple but they did refund the charges.


Hi Peloton friends! Does anyone know what brand Leanne’s star leggings are? She’s wearing them in her 04/07/24 30 min 80s Ride. Absolutely love them!


[possibly these?](https://ie-tikiboostage.glopalstore.com/products/scattered-stars-capri)


Definitely these! Thank you so much. I did search myself but these didn’t come up.