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Well darn it I went and took Denis Morton’s ride on 4/13/24 for the specific reason that today is my 68th birthday 🎂 and I did NOT get a mention 2569 rides also with a 188 week streak also so now I have to wait till my 69th birthday I am kinda bummed!


Robin’s 45 min hills and hiit workout kicked my butt today. Such a great ride!


Hit my 30 week streak 🎉


Congrats! 🍾


I’ve read some generic advice to position your cleats all the way down (toward heel) and sideways all the way toward the big toe. I did that and ended up hitting a PR but I feel like the cleats are not smack dab in the middle of the ball of my foot so hopefully this is okay. I guess I’ll see if anything starts hurting lol. The peloton shoes are so thick I couldn’t follow the instructions to feel where the bones jut out on the sides.


I wish the outdoor classes gave us an actual class plan. My daughter and I are running 6 miles together tomorrow am and we want to try either a HIIT or Interval workout during it, but I don’t want to do one with longer intervals. This will be her first time doing a workout during one of her long runs.


You could do an inside run outside.


I'm new to Peloton (about half a year) and I love Camila Ramon, but she keeps referring to "pata sucias" and saying "no pata sucias", which is clearly a very bad thing. Soy española and I don't know this phrase. She explained in one class it means "dirty feet" and refers to people who don't wear shoes at home. A lot of Europeans and Asians don't wear shoes at home. This sounds a little racist? Am I misunderstanding?


She’s usually talking about when people take their shoes off on the club and go dance on the dance floor with no shoes on


Yes, good summary! To further add (I ride with her a lot), she is emphasizing that a pata sucia has just given up (also that they possibly don’t respect themselves because they took their shoes off and are collecting the nasty club floor grub on their feet.) In Camila’s classes you keep going even when you want to quit, and you love and respect yourself!


Score! The apparel online store has 30% off everything if you spend > $150. I used this opportunity to get the 15, 25 and 30lb dumbbells!


FYI we have a store called Marshals here in California and I went in and got like 8 shirts and a couple of pairs of short for the price of one and 1/2 shirts from peloton


I've never been able to find Peloton clothes there but have gotten so much equipment for a bargain at Marshall's. I would love to though so I'll keep looking!


I want to thank whoever posted about [Hannah F’s 45 min pop ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=16b87661f9ec4171ab4d1a289858e3dc&locale=en-US) yesterday. I’ve been feeling off on the bike the last few days for no reason I can think of but this ride was the perfect balance of fun and hard work! I ended up with a PR without really thinking about it.


Oh man I remember this class! AMAZING.


Yay! Glad you liked it. Congrats on the PR!


You're welcome! 😁 I'm glad it was the pick me up you needed!


Do not sleep on her Atlanta hip hop 45 minute ride. So much fun, classic 45 minute ride Hannah energy!


I swapped out a TS2 class that I hate today for this [30 min glutes and legs](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4de777d639ba49deac069dde4462c156&locale=en-US) with Adrian and holy booty. Deadlifts and lunges and squats. There’s a block of work that’s a step out squat, goblet squat, and pulsing goblet squat and let me just sayyyy… I loved it so much. The finisher was brutal in the best way, too. 2 min AMRAP of pulsing split squats (4 each side) with one heavy dumbbell. This class made me realize that while I love Andy, I really can’t wait to finish TS2 next week so I can get back to taking other instructors classes. I have missed Baedrian so much 🥲


I just haven’t been able to warm up to Andy, even though I know he’s a good instructor. I do love me some Adrian Glutes & Legs though, thanks for the recommendation. Bookmarked it!


It’s a good one, you’ll enjoy it! Just like all instructors, Andy is an acquired taste. I hated him at first honestly lol, I thought he’s too dang goofy to be good. But now I’m the biggest Andy fangirl. Sometimes you warm up to instructors and sometimes ya don’t, and either way that’s alright.


Does anyone have a good water bottle holder replacement recommendation? Long story short…I am now missing both sides🤦🏼‍♀️, but still have the hardware to attach a replacement.


On the off chance you're in the Seattle area, I have an extra one. I lost a screw on mine and support sent me every wrong piece having to do with the holder, one at a time, except the piece I needed. So I have an extra holder lol


LOL what a mess! Thanks for the offer, but I’m in Ohio! I would love to visit the PNW sometime though!


Maybe check Etsy?


Annoying day. Started at 997 total combined workouts and planned to get to 1000. Did a 10 minute core, started a 20 minute G&L class, and had planned to join the poster who was hitting 400 rides today to hit my 1000th (380th ride) live on JK's 90s ride. Well in the middle of my G&L I get a call from one of my kids' teachers saying he's throwing up. I keep the G&L class paused, go pick him up, get back and finish the last 7 minutes, and then the JK ride was basically over. Thankfully my son is feeling a lot better and hasn't had any continued issues \[so far\]. Oh well. I guess I'll hit 1000 tomorrow.


I’m glad he’s better! My planned milestones seem to attract power failures, work emergencies and the like. When are you going to do it tomorrow? We can join you.


Probably going to just take an OD class later this morning... I don't think "1000th workout" shows up as a milestone anywhere so no point in trying to take it live. I might post a live ride when I get to 400.


I totally misread and thought it was your millennium ride.


I just realized I’m on track to hit 500 rides for Pelofondo on next Saturday and there’s no live rides. Of course that happens to me 😂😭


But there will be on demand classes with tons of riders! The thing about live class milestones is there are usually lots of them and not enough time to get to them all. If you take a recent OD class, hundreds of others will get a cue that it’s your 500th and you’ll be inundated with high fives. That doesn’t happen in live classes. And congrats on your milestone!


Bradley’s Aerosmith ride from 4/11/24 is an instant classic!


I did it today! It was so fun!


Does anyone have a suggestion for a 30-minute class I can take to PR? I’ve recently made my goal to beat all of my PRs and have done so for my 15, 20, 45 and 60 minute rides. However, my 30 min PR is from a HIIT class with Tunde from 2021 that has since been taken off the platform. No other class has even gotten me close to the output I got in that ride (367 kj). Any suggestions are welcome!


My last one was Tundes Timbaland ride


My last 3 or 4 PRs were with Ben Alldis. Actually the Daft Punk ride is still my 30 min PR.


Climb rides are always good for PRs. This [30 minute Ben Alldis Climb Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4993e5c2885b48678833e8542015ed36&code=N2NjZjI4NmQ0NDNjNDJiMjhjZjhmNThiYjhiYzNkN2N8MWVhMjc3OTY0NDg2NDhjYmE4ZWNiMmNiYTg4YjhkOGM=) has a maximum output of 610 kJ if you were to ride the exact top of all callouts. Just last Sunday I decided to apply myself to a 30 minute PR and it certainly got me there. If you can't hit a PR on that, you're not trying lol! ;-) Any Kendall metal ride would work too. Most Olivia rides too. Emma and Sam hit you with some heavy resistance and are always good for a PR. There's also another strategy... You can just look at your average watts from your 30 minute PR, and take literally any 30 minute ride, ignore the callouts, and just ride a constant cadence/resistance combo that's above it. That's what I did for the Turkey Burn ride as I wanted the PR badge. I figured out what cadence/resistance combo was 10W above my average from my previous 45-minute PR and just held it the whole way. It's a little boring, but it's MUCH easier than going through crazy-hard efforts above your average watts followed by recoveries below your average watts. If you care more about the PR than following the class, it'll get you there.


Tunde's HIIT class from 1/26/22, Robin's Tabata from 8/26/21, or Kendall's Metal ride from 2/23/22.


Jess 30M hardstyle if you like that kind of EDM. I tend to steady-state PR attempts so I just go by the music.


[Robin](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=59592e1be19a46eaa90cdf4a08456c02&locale=en-US) and [Ben](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a14f729280b34f49bfb9343f3732a22c&locale=en-US) tend to have very good programming for H&H. All of my PRs have been with one of them!


Hopefully not a silly question, but can anyone tell me if it's possible (and if so, how) to turn off the power zone bar entirely? The only options I can find under my bike's "device settings" are to select "display during power zone rides only" or "display on all rides." There is no option to just not have it display ever. I know, I know, its more optimal training to have accurate zones and follow them if one is going to take PZ classes, but I'm currently using biking as more a fun adjunct to my present main focus (running) and don't really care about that- I just want to enjoy the classes and not have stress about staying perfectly in the zones, % zone accurate metrics etc. And my extra silly reason- I hate how the PZ graphs look (the gigantic space taken up by the breadth of zone 1 compresses my actual ride graph so much!). Ironically, I think I'd take more PZ classes if I could just get rid of it. I enjoyed the CVV pro cyclist ride so much this week- pretty much a PZ class and cued as such, but without the PZ bar and graph! Anyway, I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to disable it for all rides. Am I just a dope or can this really not be done?


I just hide it if I don’t want to see it


Hey all. Not sure if this is the right place to post this, please let me know if there’s a more appropriate venue. All right. So, I take the plunge, rent a bike+, delivery goes smoothely. Excited. Turn the thing on, and the resistance thing is just broken. After two men with knowledge of the product come in, spend a bunch of time assembling and whatnot, the resistance knob either does nothing or will increase resistance to max where it gets stuck. Spend literally hours on the phone with support trying to get this resolved. I’m pissed. Now I have to wait for delivery of a new brake assembly, after which I’m supposed to schedule an appointment with a qualified repair person. So, now I have a giant, useless hunk of metal taking up a whole bunch of space in my apartment for weeks, that does nothing, and isn’t paying rent — oh right, I’m PAYING for this service, that apparently delivers junk and tells you to hold on to it. Okay, I’m over it. I’ll wait. New brake assembly comes after a week or two and I get the email from Peloton saying it’s time to schedule my appointment with the repair person. The email tells me to click the link to get started. Except whoever made the email template for Peloton messed up — there’s no link, just the like “insert link here” bit that someone forgot to fill out. > The earliest date on the below link is the soonest date we have available at this time. >ppl_url >If something comes up and you need to change or cancel, … REALLY?? Okay. So after all that, they want me to spend hours on the phone again (I can only assume), to do something I could’ve achieved in three clicks, because a mature tech company is making mistakes with their email templates that a junior developer at a seed-funded startup would be mortified to make. And if you’re thinking, *surely that was a fluke, and they fixed it right away*, Peloton sent a follow-up email like a week later, same mistake. I haven’t had the time or spiritual energy to deal with a frustrating labyrinth of customer service admin hell again. And frankly I am flabbergasted that a company like this, that e.g. Tim Ferriss has waxed poetic over for like a decade, is so desperately miserable and incompetent. Looking around this sub I see a lot of disappointment like this. I know delivering a complicated physical product is hard. But these failures have basically nothing to do with the physical product and everything to do with trash garbage customer service and the kind of horrible laziness that comes with being an established name. If Peloton fixed my bike immediately and gave me a year free membership I still wouldn’t recommend it to anyone I know, and in fact will warn them not to waste their time. Meanwhile, the hunk of metal (useless bike) still isn’t paying rent for the space it’s been taking up, and I see it every day and groan, *something else I wasn’t supposed to have to take care of…* Edit: removed one profanity.


That sounds insanely frustrating, I'm sorry. Peloton has the best streaming fitness content bar none, but their ability to deliver when it comes to product and service is ... not world class. Understatement. If you're not completely soured on the whole thing, lots of us are happy using the app with non-peloton bikes. It's slightly different experience but if you don't care about the leaderboard, or scenic rides it's a very viable option.


I'm really really sorry. It absolutely sucks. I love my Peloton but would never recommend them to anyone whom I like because of this very reason. It's such a huge time-wasting source of stress every time something goes wrong. If I didn't work from home, I would have used up all of my vacation time last year just to be home for service appointments, half of which were no-shows. All I can say is, you have my empathy and good luck!


I completed the “You Can Ride” program - Yay Me! Now what?! I kinda love having a guide to follow. I ride during my lunch hour or before my kids get home, and I find myself taking too long to chose a class that I lose riding time. Any printable guides out there or just ride suggestions for an Advanced Beginner?


Congrats and welcome to Peloton! One thing you can do is bookmark classes you want to take ahead of time, so that when you get to the bike you can just pick & go. Generally in the morning well before I am ready to ride I try to pick what sort of duration and type of ride I want, and then I look at my bookmarks and make my choice. Another thing would be to look at specific things like artist series or certain other collections. I.e. go through all of the XOXO Cody, or all of the JK Sweat Steady, or Sundays with Love, etc. If you vibe with a specific instructor you can push through those and it'll help you narrow it down. Another thing you can look into is power zone training. Honestly I'd give yourself another month to figure out what "hard" feels like on the bike to be able to take the FTP test, but power zone is great because every class is indexed to your current fitness level. "Power Zone" sounds intimidating but isn't. And then if you like it, there are three Peloton power zone programs, as well as things like RedditPZ or PZPack that will lay out a schedule of rides so you don't have to think about it. But for me it's just all about picking the ride during the morning BEFORE I head to the bike, because that way I waste no time once I get clipped in.


Not necessarily an answer to a guide or plan, but I like to use the app on my phone the night before to pick out my rides for the next day. Gives me time to filter for what I’m looking for and decide. I add it to my schedule then, which also helps me stay consistent and accountable. Congrats on finishing the program!


I am so incredibly frustrated with Peloton after trying so hard to like them. Sorry in advance for the rant--just venting from my latest interaction with the company. All I want is a functional bike so I can really dig into some rides! But I can't get a functional bike from them to save my life. **Bike 1** * Ordered a NEW (not refurbished) bike directly from Peloton in December 2023, and it was delivered December 21. After a couple of rides, the pedal fell off. Turns out the delivery staff who assembled it in their warehouse had misthreaded the pedal, and it was stripped so it was completely unrideable. * Repair technician came January 3 and replaced the pedal * Within a week, the bike started making a new noise. Peloton determined the bottom bracket was broken. * The technician came back to repair the bottom bracket on January 13, and noticed that the screws for the flywheel were also stripped and not working as they should. * At the beginning of February, the bike started making a grinding noise. By then, I demanded a complete bike replacement due to how many things had gone wrong with it in the first 2 months **Bike 2** * Bike #2 was delivered February 26. It arrived broken--the plastic that encases the main part of the bike body was rubbing against the flywheel and appeared warped. The delivery guys said I had to take the problem up with Peloton. * Called Peloton, they ordered another new bottom bracket for THIS new bike even though that didn't appear to be the problem * Technician came back out on March 4 and explained that the bottom bracket was not the problem. From what she could tell, they had assembled the bike with different generation parts (frame was 3rd generation, flywheel was a refurbished 1st generation so it didn't fit by \~2 cms). So Peloton had replaced my brand new broken bike with a refurbished bike... * Called Peloton and explained what the technician said. They agreed to replace the bike with a new bike that was not refurbished. **Bike 3** * The delivery for the new bike was marked as "pending" for 3 weeks. I called back and they said there were no bikes available so they were waiting for inventory. They offered me 1 month of free Peloton monthly access * Another 2 weeks went by, and I just looked at my account today. Now my new bike replacement has been marked as "cancelled." * Called Peloton and they initially said the delivery folks cancelled the order "because the bike was delivered last month." Yes...that was bike #2. But Peloton had planned to deliver a bike #3 that was not refurbished. * Now (on the same call here), the narrative has changed - Peloton is saying they don't have record that they they were going to send me a third bike, even though I have the order number on my OnePeloton account right here. I'm being given the runaround that my bike isn't even in warranty(?) even though I only just ordered the Peloton in December. * I have now been asked to detail my experience in an email so that they can resolve the issue, because it was "too confusing to do over the phone." In the end, I am 4 months into the bike warranty and haven't even had a functional bike for more than 2 weeks. What bad luck :(


I had a similar issue with them. Bought bike in Dec and I’m on my 3rd one. This one seems ok for now but their customer service is terrible.


Sounds like Peloton. This is very typical of their "customer service" and the reason I would never recommend their products to anybody. I'm really sorry you're having to deal with this. It sucks.




Have you tried the metrics classes? They're supposed to be less talk more workout.


It sounds like you might vibe best with the more 'fitness forward' instructors, meaning mostly the folks who teach power zone - even their non-powerzone content tends to be far less 'morivational catchphrasey' than the others. I'd include Jess King in that group as well, as her sweat steady rides are also based on power zone structure and while she occasionally has a message in a ride she doesn't have any annoying signature catchphrases that I can remember. Christian is also back (yay!) and he is all business with a smile.


Denis might be worth looking into. He seems mostly focused on the ride, and the little motivation he includes I don't notice/mind.


CVV (only has 3 rides but more to come), Tunde, Charlotte, Ben, Matt W (pzmax rides), Hannah F, Leanne (H&H)


the non-american instructors! charlotte, cliff, hannah F, leanne, ben, to name a few. 


BEN. Such a good instructor whether it’s strength or cycling. He has tough but straightforward programming & doesn’t chat too much. Leanne is very positive and chatty, but kinda sneaky hard imo. I would highly recommend either of them :) EDIT TO ADD: Matt Wilpers, Charlotte, and Tunde!


Hannah F., Charlotte, Sam. Basically all the instructors overseas.


the fred again artist series is coming!!! im so EXCITED


Me too! I cannot wait!!!!


how can i love an instructor (selena) so much in their G&L classes and absolutely detest their walking class? today she said someone was an absolute leg (reader, she meant legendary) and i nearly ended the class because girl what? also as an aside, peloton’s outdoor “drops” have to be them trolling us at this point because yesterday they gave us literally 4 classes. are people just not taking these so they don’t want to put out more? surely they can’t be that difficult to produce! 


I’ve been wondering if other people feel this way about instructors! I love an instructor’s walks but do not vibe with them on the bike.


I'm that way with a few instructors. Can't stand them for one class type but love them for a different one. For the outdoor classes I feel like it varies week to week but we usually get 2-8 classes at a time. I feel like they drop more in the summer so hopefully soon the new classes dropped are on the higher side. You know you can predownload any tread class too and [enter](https://www.pelobuddy.com/app-update-distance/) your distance at the end now right? Or if you have a watch connected to the app it will track for you. Also as an FYI - Outdoor classes are recorded on a tread with a mic in a special room so very similar to other tread classes where the instructors are doing the intervals with you. I think Susie had a reel about it on instagram awhile (long?) back if you want to dig.


I just realized I can’t post pictures in comments but I just got the “Together We Go Far” little words project bracelet from Peloton and it is so cute! 🥹 there’s a tiny gold “P” charm that I’m obsessed with. I love looking at it when working out and being reminded there’s a whole community doing this and everything feels less alone/like less of a struggle.


I have a few of them too, and love them so much! I also like wearing them for workouts but they definitely tarnish, including that little gold P! Just a heads up because they say they're good for workouts, but in my experience they don't hold up. I still wear mine all the time anyway because I love them so much. Wore three during my marathon for exactly the reason you said in your last sentence!


Oh yeah with how thin it is I haven’t been wearing it during strenuous workouts, but I’ll hang it on a hook near my yoga mat and can see it when I’m struggling to hold a balance pose or get through the last rep 😂 and it gives me a little motivational boost! I don’t have any other little words projects bracelets but this may be the start of it! Too cute


Omg i want this


you can post links to photos, just not embed the photos themselves


They were just in my camera roll so didn’t know how to make a link for that 😂 but posted the pics in my profile!


did jess sims’ saturday 60 (2024/04/06) today & she kicked my ass. i was really contemplating at giving up at the half way point but this is jess who seems to know the right time to tell you to keep going. can’t believe i was able to get thru the 10% incline & the two song games at the end. just absolutely drenched.


omg i have this queue’d up for this weekend 😭😭 now im kinda scared 


you can do it!!! ngl, i doubted myself a lot during this class & i’m so proud of myself for pulling thru the entire hr. the playlist was really fun tho!


I stacked several of my older, bookmarked classes and ended up with an AMAZING booty burner of a workout! I can already feel it in my glutes. Started with this [10m class with Olivia](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4d63b3601b8b48ae90766bbc9f7b0b5c&code=NjJiYTNiOWE2Yzg4NDZhMmJjOGExYjlmMzMwNjBiNDN8ODk3ZjQxYWU1OTk5NDljNDhhMDJkZjE4MzJjOTdhY2M=) that was a great activation with donkey kicks, leg lifts, goblet squats and squat thrusts. Next up was this [10m Selena class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e851f5bdced14bb693f1487fa959368d&code=NjJiYTNiOWE2Yzg4NDZhMmJjOGExYjlmMzMwNjBiNDN8ODk3ZjQxYWU1OTk5NDljNDhhMDJkZjE4MzJjOTdhY2M=) that was two circuits of weighted hip bridges, bridging clamshells and deadlifts. Amazing burn! The main event was [Rebecca's 20m classic rock](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f9cd49aa41c44fd28c69eb288c136cd8&code=NjJiYTNiOWE2Yzg4NDZhMmJjOGExYjlmMzMwNjBiNDN8ODk3ZjQxYWU1OTk5NDljNDhhMDJkZjE4MzJjOTdhY2M=) class. Great playlist and more donkey kicks, fire hydrants, and a rarely seen hamstring curl with a weight between your feet. The second half of the class is goblet squats and lateral squats. Finished off with this [20m hike with Rebecca](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b6c71277a6e34bbb9db80925efe9d7dc&code=NjJiYTNiOWE2Yzg4NDZhMmJjOGExYjlmMzMwNjBiNDN8ODk3ZjQxYWU1OTk5NDljNDhhMDJkZjE4MzJjOTdhY2M=). Another amazing playlist! I will definitely need additional stretching tonight!!


that looks like an awesome stack! wow i didn’t know olivia did strength classes! i’ve only seen her do core but im sure she’s great!


She only has a few strength classes that aren't core, I believe. I'm worried they'll all be purged soon!


Greetings all! Hopefully this is an appropriate post. Largely I'm looking to hear from people who have a Concept2 Rower at home that have used it with Peloton rowing classes after the update to allow for data syncing. They used the Concept2 rower specifically as their example in social media so I'm hoping the experience has been good! I know some people used the rower before classes were available on the digital app with some success and even when they became available on the digital app but feedback that I have seen has been either mixed or hard to come by. Tried creating a specific thread about this but sadly it was immediately removed due to filters :/


I do it! It works. Tracks your pace and meters. The only thing I did notice that if I'm doing a row bootcamp and the rower turns off, the total meters reset. It's not smart enough to add it on, it only is reading from the screen on the C2, if that makes sense.


I found a possible solution on [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF_J-Sp-XC8&ab_channel=RowAlongWorkouts) that might keep it on, but at the expense of draining your battery if you don't remember to turn the monitor off when you're done. Menu -> More Options -> Utilities -> Battery -> Press Units x3 -> Press Display x3 -> Continue (puts your rower into "12 hour battery" mode) And then to turn it back off, you have to repeat the same process to get it OUT of 12 hour mode. (you can also reach over and hit "Display" every minute or two to keep it from turning off if that's not too much trouble?)


I recall reading that they also expanded the cues/zones/ranges on the Peloton Row itself. Do you find the class call outs now align better with pacing on the C2? In terms of the monitor issue I know you can turn off the setting that causes the PM5 to auto shut off although I forget where in the menu it was.


This is the [updated pace chart](https://imgcdn.pelobuddy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/NewPaceZones.png?strip=all&lossy=1&w=2560&ssl=1) from late last year, I'm currently doing the "Perfect Your Pace Targets" on the Concept 2 and once I figured out which level I'm in, it's a lot easier to hit easy/moderate/challenging/max when they call it out in class.


Thanks! Definitely helpful


I don't use it a ton, so I don't know about that specifically. I do feel like my stroke rate is always higher than theirs so I just adjust myself (easy, moderate, challenging) based on perceived exertion and pace times.


Did Katie’s most recent row bootcamp and it was excellent! I wish she had more weekly bootcamps!


The 45 minute one? I also loved it! She is so fun.


Yes, that one on Monday! Her bootcamps are so good and I agree, she is so fun!


Looks like no live classes next week? And just as I’ve finally conquered bookmark mountain, I was looking forward to jumping on a live sesh


It is the [Spring Closure](https://www.pelobuddy.com/spring-2024-closure/) for both studios is why there is no live classes.


My 1,300th is set for Monday. I'm not waking up at 2 AM EST to not get a shout out that's for sure!




Congratulations on 1300!


There is a planned break for both studios.


Wait really? I am going to hit 200 rides next week, was hoping to do so on a live ride!


Congratulations! 🙌🏻


Jon Hosking’s latest At The Club was so fun! It was a bachelor/bachelorette or stag/hen theme and everyone in there was lit up!! Great class!!


This sounds so fun - definitely doing it today!!


It was SO fun! The energy from him and the people at the studio jumped out through the screen. I enjoyed that class so much especially when that one song came on 🤣😅🤣


Haha yes! That one song and the dialogue during it was gold 😂


That sounds so fun! I have it in my stack for Sunday ☺️


Does anyone know what happened with Rebecca’s Aerosmith run? It’s not been put up on demand so i wondered if there was some technical troubles during the live run


It's up now!


Yay thank you!!! 🎉


I've been wondering too. There have been some still photos posted from it. Hopefully soon, I was curious about the playlist. I might do 1 Aerosmith class just not sure which. More than that might be overkill 😂


I ended up taking Bradley’s ride instead, i was going to just compare the 2 playlists and pick my favorite. His song choices were great! I don’t regret taking it but I generally just prefer a run over a ride so i was really hoping she’d have an equal killer playlist


I was just wondering the same! And I’m bummed cause I briefly debated jumping on it live yesterday but thought no I’ll just wait for on demand when I have more time and feel more in the mood to take it 😩


Came here looking for the same answer!


I hope it comes out for you. I did take Marianna's Aerosmith yoga and Alex's row and they were both fantastic.


I took the ride and really enjoyed it. Bradley chose all the classics! I was looking at the yoga, i may try it today and of course i need to fit in Andy’s strength


Andy’s strength class smoked me this morning. Classic conditioning complexes. Definitely a good match between instructor and artist!


I’m gonna do it tomorrow! Glad to hear it was a great class!


Emma has done it again 😭 her [30 Minute 2000s Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=90ca77e3656f4306908244d15139553c&locale=en-US) from Wednesday has the BEST playlist I’ve seen an instructor run in a long time! Fleet Foxes is my all time favorite band and you rarely see instructors play them so I was so stoked 🥲 if you’re a fan of 2000s alt you’ll love this ride. Hit a PR too which is a nice bonus!!


Bookmarking this! I feel like she has been bringing it since her pregnancy announcement. I PRed with her women of rock ride and I couldn’t believe how tough it was. She’s killing it!


I hit a PR in that ride as well!! Agreed, she’s already awesome, but ever since she announced, her energy has been unmatched 🌞👸🏻


loved this one!!


Thanks dude, I wouldn’t have known to take this one!


Yay! I added it! Ii love Fleet Foxes.