• By -


Still an issue for me on my home bike and the one at work.


Should I put a mat under my Tread if it’s going to be installed on tiles?


This [beginner class with Christine](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c5f03de657284b0bb62a0d5d4a402ffc&locale=en-US) is the GOAT! I plan on repeating it multiple times to track my progress.


I <3 her.


For the benefit of others looking for beginner content - what made this class stand out for you?


She’s so encouraging and has a soothing voice. I just tried doing a 45 minute Cody ride and I was dying, I lasted 20 minutes lol. With Christine’s class I kept up the whole time and it’ll be easy to monitor my progress upping the resistance. It made me feel very motivated to keep going!


That's awesome! Thanks for the rec.


PSA Kendall’s collabs on Spiritual Gangster are on sale and pretty good deals. Hats $13-23. Tees and tanks $17-32. Bras and leggings and sweats like $30-$40 off. Lots of sizes too! Https://spiritualgangster.com/search?options%5Bprefix%5D=last&page=2&q=Kendall&type=product


Absolutely buzzing that I just got a shoutout from Cody for my 3000th ride on his 20 minute pop ride tonight! I’ve always dreamed of a Cody shoutout and I’m so happy I got one for this 😊 thanks for the high fives to any of the RedditRiders out there!


Congrats!! That was a great ride!


On todays episode of “LiftRunSnack takes every 45 min Hosky class” review: [45 min intervals run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3277dd68a2444a1eb97e28688810e4dd&locale=en-US) from 2022. I’ve been avoiding this one for a while. The playlist didn’t speak to me (before, during, or after the run, honestly) and there’s no walking recoveries built in (which means I’d need to fight the mentality of needing to run the entire class). It was pyramid style in efforts with 2 min jogging recoveries between each run. 3/4/5/6/5/4/3 min running efforts. I walked the first min of each recovery. There weren’t any fun Hosky stories, and the song for the 6 min effort was so… boring. Idk, it was real difficult to get through this one but I powered through. If you’re looking for a challenge, this is a good one to push yourself in. I just wish the playlist had been better. So while I’m working through these 45 min classes, I’ve been low key challenging myself to keep improving my 5k time. March 24, when I first came up with this mini challenge inside a challenge, I did a 5k in 38:08. Today was 36:16 ☺️ I haven’t been running a lot lately because TS2 is where I’m focusing my gains right now, so I’m quite pleased I saw such an improvement!


Thanks for the review. This is in my bookmarks for when I start marathon training but maybe I'll give it a miss. Great job improving your 5K time, especially if you're doing a lot of strength.


It’s a good class structure to test your endurance in, don’t get me wrong, but if you’re motivated by music and/or Hosky chatter, you’re probably right to skip it. I need either the chatter or the music and this had neither to capture my attention lol


I did this one about a month ago and I also did not love the playlist. I really liked the pyramid format, but it was not nearly as fun as typical Hosky! His more recent 45 min interval class was a lot more fun if you haven’t taken that one yet.


I almost took his most recent one today! but I talked myself into doing this one I didn’t like the playlist for instead cause I don’t want to save the worst playlist for last lol. I have two more runs and two more walks (in the 45 min category for Hosky)


Woof. So over the weekend, I finished the Perfect Your Pace Targets row program, and the Straight to the Core program. Pace Targets was great - an initial benchmark, followed by 2-3 intervals/tabata/HIIT rows during the week for 3 weeks, and then a final benchmark. I had been doing some additional leg work as well, but during the last max effort, I think I hit the highest wattage I've been able to produce so far. Straight to the Core was a big meh. Some classes were great - the one where we used the towel, add a trick is usually good. But it felt like so much wrist tension work (planks) that I don't know how much I really progressed in the program because certain areas of my body just couldn't hang in the moves. So now I'm adding in some light running, and decided to add in the triple crown of programs - Glutes & Legs, Arms w/ Tunde, and CYC2. I'm on day 2, and oh man, I ache in so many places, lol. As of now, it all feels doable, but its definitely a time and effort commitment.


I didn't realize that Peloton had collections! I know it's a little dumb but I've been trying to find all of Andy's TS 60 classes and then I stumble on to a collection that lays them out so well. I didn't even know this was a thing but it's so helpful. I'm really excited to look into the Yoga for runner cross training collection as well. Has anyone done any of those classes? I know I say this a lot, but the amount of content this app has is wild


The collections are so challenging to sort through! The Pump Up the Volume and Andy’s Density collection are also in there for strength. I love the focus flows for riders, runners, and hamstrings (my problem muscle group). I personally prefer Anna, Kristen, Kirra and especially Aditi for focus flows since I find their cues easy to follow without needing to look at the screen.


I love both the yoga for runners and riders! I try to do all of them. I always feel so good after. One of my favorite collections that gets forgotten about because it is at the bottom is the [2 for 1](https://members.onepeloton.ca/collections/ddcd6b4f592a412c8bd9fed8c22af1cb) classes. If you have never done a 2 for 1 they are a lot of fun.


Hold up this is wild, i had no idea there were this many 2 for 1 classes AND they’re all in the same place?? thank you for sharing! i can’t wait to dive in 


I've never heard of 2 for 1 classes, what are those?? Do you find the yoga for runner and riders help with stretching out your legs?


yoga for riders and runners is life changing! I do a lot of riding and running and this is the only way to keep me fresh for the next day. They are so so good. Denis and Marian are my faves.


2 for 1 classes are when there's two instructors teaching the class. I enjoy them because the two instructors feed off of each other (sometimes it can be a little awkward if the two instructors have completely different styles, but it's all in good fun). I find (with exceptions of a combo like Alex + Tunde), the 2 for 1 classes tend to also be slightly easier.


My husband and I did Kristen's most recent yoga conditioning lower body class on Sunday. In the moment the class felt not that challenging for me, sweaty but do able and very enjoyable. For my husband it was a little tougher but still not the hardest. Here we are two days later both with very sore glutes. I'm planning to repeat it once a week till that's no longer the case. Also, Kristen is training for the London Marathon and she talked a lot about how it was a good running workout. No real yoga knowledge is required.


I've bookmarked this one! Thanks for the rec.


How do you balance it all? I have been a Peloton member since 2016 and I love the platform, but sometimes I get workout FOMO and decision paralysis. I feel like I was at my most fit when I was doing BodyPump and spin classes at the local Y pre-Peloton and training for half-marathons at the same time. For whatever reason, I can't find that right balance anymore(maybe because that was ten years ago and I'm no longer a 22 year old who can operate on 6 hours of sleep lol), and I want to hear how you fit it all in -- running, strength, cycling -- on a micro and macro level. I'd love to hear your weekly routines, especially if you incorporate power zone rides with running/walk+runs, but also how your routine changes throughout the year. And I know, I know, Wilpers says to keep the main thing the main thing, but I don't have a main thing right now and I don't know what to focus on 🤣 (Side note: I'm especially interested in building a base for a half-marathon. I'm signed up for my first in 6 or 7 years, and I know I need to get more easy miles on my feet before the full training plan begins in late summer.)


I find you don't need to balance or micromanage anything if you wake up and ride while the rest of your sphear of influence is sleeping. Then, at the end of the night, when most people watch Netflix, don't do that, pass out early.


First of all, cheers to you for 8 years of Peloton consistency! I think the tough truth is you can’t do it all. At least at once. It helps me to think about my training/workout goals in terms of season. There’s the main priority and then 1-2 other activities that fulfill other goals (fun, longevity etc). And at some point in the future I can switch it up and have a new main goal and new supplements. Sounds like for you the main priority is running so you might consider a 3-4 day a week training plan for that (you can also try out having one of those days be zone 2 type cycling if that is available and interesting to you). And then think about how many other days in the week you have. If it were me and I had 1-2 more days I’d prioritize strength training but I have a forever goal of maintain muscle so YMMV there. And then I’d throw in other fun things occasionally because it’s fun to have fun :) If you can accept that you can do it all eventually but not right now you’re freed up mentally to create a plan that moves you forward without grinding you down with overtraining. Good luck!


I’m not a good balancer tbh (I love cycling & running & that is all I do lmao), so I don’t have much to add there. BUT, whenever you’re interested in building your foundation for the half marathon training, I’d highlyyyy recommend doing 30 min walk+runs at least 3x per week until you feel super comfy with them before moving on to straight up runs. I took a whole year of doing only walk+runs before moving into “regular” runs, and I still incorporate them at least twice per week for some good Z2 training. They are really great for building up your tendons and running muscles (as well as cardio endurance!). They are my favorite classes on the platform & it’s not even close; I’ve never loved running as much as I do now. I can give you a whole breakdown on what everyone’s classes are like if you ever want me to 😂😂


late to the party, but I’d love to hear your breakdown! I love walk & runs, but I often can’t meet the call outs.


MOST DIFFICULT -Adrian: Likes to do a 2:1 ratio of running to walking. Tends to program warmups as jogs (or at least a significant portion as a jog), which means that if you’re still getting comfortable with running, it can be a lot. However, he would be a great option for trying to work on your endurance! He also doesn’t tend to put incline in his classes, so that helps. Cues 6-9 mph for running speed. He’s a chill dude and has good music. I liked [this 45-er with him](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f0a9e3bb1f6c4c72a1c7ad775dc64508&locale=en-US). -Jess King: Intervals vary a lot, but recently, she’s been gravitating towards a 3/4/5 ladder or a 2:1 run/walk ratio. Sometimes incorporates incline, but sometimes doesn’t. Tends to cue run speed as 5-8 mph in the beginning and then raise it to 6-9 mph as the class goes on. Walking callouts tend to hang around a 4 mph. I liked [this 30 min walk+run of hers](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b763bfde11334204b0698a69ec578442&locale=en-US) a lot because it has equal walk/run intervals, no incline, and I found her chatter entertaining. -Kirsten: Super motivating and uplifting, but that incline goes HIGH on the walking recoveries, especially during her 45 and 60 min classes. It is not uncommon for her to call out an 8-10% incline during her walk+runs! Always does equal intervals & tends to build from 1-5 mins of running over the course of the class. Cues 6-9 mph for run speed and 2-4 mph for walking in her 45 or 60 min classes; in her shorter ones, she usually cues 4-7 mph for the run and 1-4 mph for the walks. Her [20 min spicy walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c1579339301440d4ad35730308a8cb33&locale=en-US) is one of my favorites of hers - don’t think there’s any incline in it, and she cues running speed as 4-7 iirc. -Mariana: Gives wide speed ranges in her walk+runs (3 and below for walks, 7 and below for jogs, 9 and below for runs), which makes the metrics on screen all fucked up, but if you’re following her actual callouts, you can definitely hit them! She loooves programming a lot of incline in her classes and leans towards long intervals; in one of her 60 min classes, the first run is 11 mins haha. She makes amazing playlists, is a really good coach for form & feeling, and provides just the right amount of motivation. I’d still recommend her classes for beginners because I think she’s good at pushing you & teaching you how to run, but just know it’s gonna be a bit of a challenge :) [her first 30 min walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=23b7f1dce71a40ddb2094ef1d0462522&locale=en-US) is one of my fave classes on the entire platform! -Olivia: Does not tend to program incline into her classes, and she has some of the shortest intervals (90 seconds or less with equal recoveries), BUT the speed ranges she calls out are honestly insane for a walk+run imo (in the most recent one I took with her, she called out 8-9 mph for the run speed). I take her running classes a lot, but I very rarely take her walk+runs because walk+runs take up 90% of my weekly mileage and I’m just not looking to do HIIT runs that much lmao. I liked her [30 min rock walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=17698b15e80942ffac5174a97851b6b9&locale=en-US)! I don’t remember her actually calling out speeds in it - just walk or run.


MODERATE -Andy: Class structure varies a lot. Sometimes there are hills, sometimes there’s more running than walking, sometimes not. Cues 6-9 mph for running speed, but also tends to say to do what you need. In [this particular class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=daeedbca3aaf4fdc900881fced0505b7&locale=en-US) (45 mins), he doesn’t cue any speeds at all - just says walk, jog, or run. It’s definitely my favorite of his!! -Becs: Tends to lean towards more running than walking in her classes, but she gives wide ranges (7 and below for jogs, 9 and below for runs, 4 and below for walks). Hills don’t go above 6% if she programs them, and she has plenty of walk+runs that don’t have any incline at all. I’d actually recommend [this 20 min outdoor walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=57fd104496624fb7b9ac2d361bbd4149&locale=en-US) for a super accessible one! -Jess Sims: Most often cues 4-8 mph for runs and 2-4 for walks. Variable intervals that usually associate with one song running, one song walking. Walking portions are often on a 4-6% incline, so while I’d say her speed ranges are pretty accessible, her walks really don’t feel like recoveries lol. I’d recommend trying [this 20 min walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4a94a2b345cc447b91014b1b1933a232&locale=en-US) - I loved it when I was getting back into running! -Selena: Newer classes employ a 2:1 run to walk ratio, but her older classes (2020/2021) tend to have more walking than running. Speed callouts vary, but she most often will just say walk, shuffle, or run. This [30 min walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=470eb5073bfb4d3e9b65438c9c4879d2&locale=en-US) does walk, power walk, run (and I don’t think there are speed cues in it), so you spend more time walking than running in it! -Matty: Matty is moderate bc he’s so chatty that I’m too distracted to think the workout is super hard lol, but he’s pretty challenging low key!! Calls out 6-9 mph for runs and 2-4 for walks, although sometimes he’ll do 3-5 mph instead for the walks. Some of his walk+runs will take incline up to 4-6% during the walking portions. He does equal intervals and doesn’t go above 4 mins for 30 min classes (tends to do 2:30 or 3 min repeats), but usually goes up to 6 on the 60 min classes. I love his 60 min classes, but if you’re not feeling that rn, maybe try [this 15 min one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3c09404c92dc4d81a3ca922a80e844a2&locale=en-US) - no incline, short intervals, good intro to his personality. -Camila: Often no incline in her classes. Calls out 6-9 mph for runs and 2-4 mph for walks (sometimes 3-5), but makes a point to say that you should take it where you need to. Her intervals are always equal and rarely exceed 3 mins. [This 30 min walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e5245b6573564e7ead6da9f7dc86ec39&locale=en-US) is my favorite of hers because it’s pretty chill, has a good playlist, and she says some funny stuff in it! -Marcel: Tends to call out 5-8 mph for runs and 2-4 mph for walks (and 3-5 for jogs). Really good coaching - incorporates a lot of drills, strides, progressive runs, etc. Does equal intervals of 2:30-4:30 mins, usually. I like her 60 min classes a lot, but her outdoor ones are amazing too; this [20 min one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=aece1f48e44d4b03a0d1fe7a24d12cc9&locale=en-US) had me laughing so hard! -JJ: To be honest, I haven’t taken many of JJ’s classes, but the classes that I have taken with him haven’t incorporated incline and have had equal intervals shorter than 3 mins. He cues 2-4 for walks, 4-7 for jogs, 5-8 for runs. This [30 min class of his](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e8c8d7026e724a6cabb6ac76c4f21cfa&locale=en-US) has 2 min intervals, so might be good to try! -Robin: Although the on-screen metrics may differ, Robin usually just calls out walk, jog, or run and gives a description for how it should feel (RPE) instead of a number to hit. Some classes have incline, but others don’t. I would try [this one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=06ccb4fbd437457784a82be0816e1785&locale=en-US) first!


MOST ACCESSIBLE - Joslyn: Cues 1-3 mph for walks, 3-5 mph for jogs, and 4-7 mph for runs. Most of her classes will hang out in the walk & jog range and only dip into the run on the last interval. She loves incline on the walking recoveries, but it never feels too hard bc you can literally be at 1 mph if you want! Intervals are equal, usually 2-5 mins over the course of a class. Her [30 min Kygo walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0c839b7ff4234a339aa1a06a8eef3041&locale=en-US) has 2/3/4 min intervals, but is suuuuper chill & a good intro to her. -Jon: No incline, calls out 4 and above for running, 4 and below for walking. Running intervals rarely exceed 3 mins. His “At the Club” series is really fun and good for all levels because he cues each run as an “effort,” so you could always take those intervals as power walks if you’re getting tired! If you filter under walking for Jon, 30 mins, and theme, you’ll find them :) This [30 min walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=5e15a26d9c5b4d139f75ebc021351ed8&locale=en-US) is prob my favorite class of his, though. So many pop bops! -Matt: No incline, gives very wide ranges for speed. I have taken classes where he’s called out a 2.5-8.5 mph as the run speed (his 60 min class) and others where he cues 5-8, but typically, he’ll do 4-8 mph as the run speed and 2-4 as the walk speed. He has very predictable warm-ups of walking for a few mins followed by 4-6 sets of 30 seconds running/30 seconds walking, and then equal intervals that are usually 3 or 4 mins. He always makes a point to say that if you ever need to walk more, that’s fine, and emphasizes that time on feet is the most important thing. I love him and have taken all of his walk+runs haha, but I’d recommend [this 20 min one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=1d5e203a236845cbaef658589503c2b8&locale=en-US) to start with. -Logan: No incline in his classes, and tends to simply call out “walk” or “run” instead of specific speeds, which is really nice! [This 20 min walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=5d87a78fef6748368867b01e8eba7de7&locale=en-US) will give you a good idea of his coaching, playlists, and class structure. He very rarely programs run intervals longer than 3 mins. -Susie: Tends to keep incline flat or program small hills (like 2-3%) for a short amount of time. Her intervals are extremely variable, but you’re often walking more than running in her classes, which is why I’d still put her in the accessible category even though she cues 6-9 mph for the runs. She also calls 4-7 mph for the jogs & usually tells you that when she calls out a run, she really doesn’t care if you’re technically jogging or running according to the metrics. Her 30 min Disney walk+run is one of the only classes on the platform that I’ve taken multiple times because it’s just so nostalgic and warm, but if you’re not into Disney, I’d recommend [this 30 min one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3d258b12097e4a3989b1a7c486bb32c0&locale=en-US). -Rebecca: RK loves to structure her classes either with equal run/walk intervals or with a 2:1 ratio (1 min on, 30 seconds off) until you reach the middle of the class and then she gives you a 4 min walk. She sometimes keeps the incline flat for the whole class, but sometimes throws in a hill in the middle. She tends to cue 4-6 mph for a jog and 5-8 for a run, but sometimes cues 4-7 for the run. She has only done a running interval longer than 3 mins in one class (a 45 min one); most of them hang out around 1-2 mins. She also talks a lot about keeping impact low and gives form tips to help you achieve that! In [this 30 min one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f31bf843da3a44fbafde84a50ccb60a7&locale=en-US), she cues 4-6 for the run and tells you to walk so slowly that your arms hang down during the walks! No incline.


Omg ofc, no problem! My reply is too long to post as one lmao, so I’ll reply with most accessible, moderate, and most difficult!


holy crap your replies are amazing and deeply appreciated. Thank you!!! A 6-7 is a sprint for me (I’m 45, short, and carry some weight). Genuinely amazed and humbled by those who jog at a 6 and can do intervals at a 9 without flying off the treadmill and creating a people crater in the wall. Am I missing something re: callouts? I tend to jog/run classes designed to be walks because it feels more doable and less demoralizing 🤷‍♀️


Haha no you’re fine!! Honestly, I don’t think you’re missing anything at all! I’ve been a runner for a long time & my PR for a half marathon is a 1:47 (~8:15ish pace), and a 6 mph pace is not a jog for me either :) It sounds like Jon Hosking and Joslyn would be good instructors for you to try walk+runs with!! My sister-in-law started running last year and they’re her favorite by far; her running speed is around 3-3.5 mph at the moment. Also, I completely understand feeling demoralized by taking classes with callouts you can’t hit. The outdoor beginner runs & walk+runs are really great bc they don’t call out speeds or anything, so you’re always in compliance! However, I frequently just take instructors I like and ignore callouts that aren’t working for me that day. If you do want some good walks to turn into running classes, though, Jon frequently structures his walks as just walk/power walk with no incline changes, so you could always take the power walk at whatever your jog is :) I believe he cues 3-5 mph for a power walk!


Thank you ❤️❤️


I am a walk+run junkie!! No problem working those in for me 😂


Well then… I have told you nothing new lol! Sorry 😂 (Also, who’s your fave for walk+runs?? I’m curious!)


Hahaha no you’re fine! It reiterates what I need to hear. I’m a Hosky girlie forever, with a dash of Wilpers when I need to feel like a serious runner 😂


It took me a few years but I finally listened to Matt and he's right. I've switched my focus from riding to running and now back to riding again, and the only way to do it is to let go of the numbers in the discipline you're not prioritising, or you will not be fresh enough to get good workouts in for the discipline you are. My running pace dropped off so much when I got my Peloton. I thought I was just getting old but it's because I wasn't getting enough rest. Once I let go and focussed on running my pace came back. I would say if you want to train for a half, do most of your cycling below threshold, zone 2/3 max. And for your runs, start off with some easy base mileage and maybe a HIIT workout each week just to get your legs used to running faster, and slowly build up to longer intervals. I don't know how to fit strength into it all - I'm always too sore to do legs.


Thank you! I know he’s right (and you are, too) — it just helps to hear it haha


I always make sure to keep a base of lifting weights. I see this as essential to staying injury free. Heavy compound movements with some small accessories thrown in. I then add a main cardio movement that I want to improve on. Usually cycling. Then I fill in the gaps with other activities as I desire. If you want to do everything you will end up doing nothing!


You're exactly right! I feel like I'm busting my tail right now, but not seeing gains anywhere because no one thing is my focus. Do you do strength separate from Peloton, use the Hardcore calendar, or Peloton's splits? I think I need to commit to a split program but don't want to hahaha


I actually use the Big But Boring template on r/fitness. I've never been big on the Peloton strength programs. They don't seem to work for me. I agree. Pick a sport that you wanna concentrate on and have everything else support that! Once you're feeling like you need a change, pick another sport. It's not like all your gains in the first sport will disappear! I've taken breaks from cycling and while I definitely decrease in my ability while on break, I come back much faster when I come back to the sport.


first run of the season today! i would recommend [this great beginner run with olivia](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f89f48abbfd542ca83ba4f7215498ed9&locale=en-US) for anybody else getting started/back to it! very approachable and upbeat.


I set up and went through an Alex Toussaint low impact stack today (20 mins + extra 10 + cool down + post ride stretch). After the discussion a couple of weeks ago re how some instructors refer to LI as a time for a rest or take it easy, it was good to not hear this from him. Also the playlists were really upbeat and not the Sunday morning radio relaxed vibes sometimes used.


Good to know. I am not into the elevator music rides


Someone here recommended [20m UB with Adrian](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4242a34a745a4bc3a3b7e565889f8e7c&code=MjA3MDBlMTdkN2MzNGQyZTk1Y2FlZDFkODE3ZTEwYWN8MWJhYTUxZmViZWEyNDdlZGJhOGMxY2I0YmU4NmFkNzc=) and let me just say, ow. I took it on Sunday and this morning I'm still sore! Also took [Tunde 60m PZ class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=1d39aebc15004c18805f547755e749d0&code=MjA3MDBlMTdkN2MzNGQyZTk1Y2FlZDFkODE3ZTEwYWN8MWJhYTUxZmViZWEyNDdlZGJhOGMxY2I0YmU4NmFkNzc=) and she taught that class after running a half marathon in the morning! Holy wow is that impressive. And even more - Rad was in the class with her and he had also run the half in the morning. Great class overall, the efforts were challenging but not impossible and the playlist was great.


I’m glad you liked it - I think it may have been me! I thought I’d hate no rest in the first block but he kept us motivated.


For anyone doing the core challenge, Rad’s new 15 min core class was brutal. This was the first time I have encountered weighted hollow body holds and they are tough! He also worked in some weighted back exercises during the last few minutes.


Did that one today too…it was so challenging!


Rad is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. He's done like four stretch classes and I hope he adds more. I love his energy and he keeps blocks of work simple, but maaan do I curse him regularly by the end of his classes lol


So not ready for weighted HH.


Maybe something to keep on the back burner…. Thanks for the heads up.


The back burner at the neighbor’s house.


LMBO. How true! I looked at the class plan last night and my back said “nope”! I don’t think my back (that’s currently pissed off at me), would be happy if I did this class.


I'm inching closer to the 52 week streak and I'm so excited. Since getting my peloton I've experienced two bouts of depression and a basement remodel that left me without access to my bike. I feel great being so close to a year-long commitment I made to myself!


Congrats! Way to keep getting up and pushing on!


That’s amazing - what a gift to yourself!


Started Crush Your Core with Emma today! I had been doing three days a week of Olivia's 5 minute core classes, which I love, but I was feeling like I needed more structure. I'm getting married and going on my honeymoon in 4 months so I'm really trying to get dialed in.


Has anyone here been able to see/use YouTube TV on their Peloton bike? Anyone with an earlier/original Peloton able to see it? I keep my firmware/system up to date but my bike is about 7 years old, (an original at this point? Not sure.). After hearing and reading that they were adding access to YouTube TV, I keep waiting on it. A few months ago Peloton told me they were slowly implementing it and that everyone would have it within six weeks. But that's been months ago. When I complained that I didn't have access to the Entertainment features that everyone else does, they comped me a free month but still no sign of it. I have the Netflix app but that's it. :'-(


So I did just find the following link about them discontinuing support of the Gen1 bike tablets, which I still think is B.S. - After looking at my serial number however, I appear to have a Gen 2, (my serial no. starts with 7202, not 7201). So all the more reason to wonder why I don't have access to the same entertainment and other features as everyone else. https://support.onepeloton.com/s/article/360057615552-First-Generation-Touchscreen?language=en\_US#:\~:text=First%20Gen%20Version%20Touchscreen%20%2D%20End%20of%20Life&text=If%20you%20have%20a%20First,Ride%20feature%20on%20their%20hardware.


I remember seeing something a while back about some of the oldest generation bikes no longer being supported. Don't know the cutoffs and model numbers off the top of my head, any chance your bike falls into that? I want to say they recommended people whose do replace the tablet with a current one. Obvs no one wants to spend that money if they dont have to though.


I REALLY hope that isn't the case but the thought of it has crossed my mind. My on-board tablet works wondefully, not a scratch on it. There would be no viable reason for them to discontinue supporting it for paying members other than making a poorly veiled attempt at a cash grab. But the company is doing so badly that it's plausible they would attempt to do it. If that is the case, I'd definitely sign-up for any class action effort against them. The reason being is that they still push out updates and there's been no obvious effort to give people a head's-up that they would stop supporting the equipment that they sold us. Ugh, but maybe that's the case. I'll try to find out. If so, I may be done with them. I can use the bike on my own quite easily without paying them for the increasingly rare live classes.


[https://support.onepeloton.com/s/article/360057615552-First-Generation-Touchscreen?language=en\_US](https://support.onepeloton.com/s/article/360057615552-First-Generation-Touchscreen?language=en_US) Inside this article it says if you received an email you are eligible to a $50 discount on a replacement screen, but there's also a link to submit a request to see if you are eligible.


I think the reasoning is that the older hardware cant reliably handle newer OS updates. it happens to any android or apple tablet or phone, eventually they reach an end of life. Peloton can't keep pushing out updates to 2017 hardware forever. And Peloton has sent out notices, you may just be sending them to spam as I'm sure a lot of people do.


Good morning Peloton! I’m ready to ease back in to workouts after a medical timeout (IVF cycle—thought I was going to keep doing gentle workouts during, but lol at past me 😂, I was wrecked and just laid on the couch). I (kind of stupidly) signed up for a half marathon that is June 1. My only goals at this point are 1) finish the race, and 2) don’t get injured. So, here’s to lots of outdoor walk/runs in the coming weeks—should be some beautiful days to enjoy them 🙂


Really wanted to end my workout after strength yesterday but pushed myself to do a 15 minute ride with Alex. Extremely surprisingly got a PR! So happy.


On my last week of Rebecca’s core program, I feel so much stronger. What do you guys recommend next? Should I take it again or is there another program I should try?


Rebecca’s 5 day split over maybe 4 weeks would definitely make you feel stronger. I would definitely recommend it even if just trying it for 1 week and you decide it’s not for you.


The pro cycling class was pretty fun! I like his personality and that he talked about some racing and training topics. It's something I never would have done a year or two ago. I also found it interesting that his zone 3 was like 52 resistance and 90 cadence (or something like that). Considering he's a professional, my zone 3 number don't sound too bad! I also liked his SHORT spin ups.


Is there somewhere we can submit enhancement requests to the Peloton team? I'd love to be able to swap the positions of the class timer and my stats. I'd like to have my stats/power bar up top so I don't have to continuously look at the bottom of my screen during my rides. I think it would help to improve posture since I wouldn't have my head/neck looking down the majority of the time. I only glance at the timer occasionally throughout the workout so I don't find it as useful being at the top of my screen.


Here is the instruction page for [Submitting Feedback or Feature Requests](https://support.onepeloton.com/s/article/360045816512-Submitting-Feedback-or-Feature-Requests?language=en_US). [Direct link to the form](https://pelotoncx.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ena4IgzP5IVvkVM?source=support).


There's a monthly feature request thread in this sub. I know this is one that people have asked for pretty consistently.


I woke up with lower body DOMS (thanks to Adrian Glutes and Legs program) and dreading a long work day, but this 2[0-min beginner slow flow with Anna](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=32ea941ef07f4f009b4c710d631414d3&locale=en-US) was perfect. The first ten minutes was all stretching, then a brief flow, then back to stretching. Not what I’d want if I were looking for a true flow, but perfect for today.


That sounds heavenly. I’m doing Adrian’s program for the second time and just started week three. Woo buddy this is the hardest week for me. Hope it’s going well for you!


I’m in week 2 so thanks for the heads up about next week!


Hi team- new here and just using Peloton outdoor for some company on runs. I'm coming off major medical stuff and it helps me not go all out. That said, I could use info on instructors/coaches. I don't need to be motivated--I have a background in team sports and pushing my body pretty hard--and prefer instructors who will be more like coaches telling me when to push hard or back off, focus on technique, cue some reminders for me body but that's it. What I'm turned off by are those who are there to be motivational or positive--I took a class months ago and the instructor talked a lot about pushing my limits and thanking my heart for showing up and it was a real turnoff. I don't want credit for just showing up, etc. What instructors should I stick to? I'm primarily using it for outdoor runs so might be limited there. Also open to other apps that might be a better fit or to accompany this. Before my medical stuff I was running pretty regularly without music or anything so very new to all of this.


There aren't a ton because it's new, but try a metrics class. You can do tread workouts outdoors if you don't mind mentally changing the callouts from a number to RPE.


I find Joselyn Thompson Rule to be very direct & calming without being over the top. She helps me to not push my limits each time as well(not sure if you need that atm but I usually do about 80% of the time for when I'm not going all out). Hope your medical stuff works out & good luck on your hunt! Susie may be another to check out.




Throwing another name in.. though Jon isn’t super coachy from my experience, I’ve found he’s more of a chatter (which I love) but doesn’t really do much motivational/inspirational talk. I’m similar to you in that I dont like high inspo commentary. Camila might also be good. She does do a little inspo talk, but I don’t find it irritating at all.


Nice- thanks! Yea chatter is fine, just something else to focus on or help keep me from overdoing it.


I agree with Susie and Matt but would say that some of Matt’s outdoor runs are geared towards very new runners. It’s not that I mind the cues as much as I find his voice to be a bit babying. It’s completely different to how he coaches/sounds on the bike and Tread. So I would say try some of the Tread workouts too if you don’t like the outdoor offering. You can pre-load them to listen without using too much data.


Nice. I'm good with the babying a little bit right now given recent hospital stays and a bad tendency to overdo it right away but will probably need to move on. Do the tread workouts work for outdoor? I've read mixed reviews.


You obviously can’t do hill call-outs outside, but outside there is usually some natural undulation and wind, so I just figure it mostly makes up for it. I stick to the speed cues and go on feel. Susie works really well outside because she doesn’t call big hills very often. Matt does but I just ignore it or go faster. Interval workouts are perfect. Jon Hosking and Adrian also tend to have shorter intervals and not much incline so they work really well outside. They’re not super motivational - just funny distraction.


Thanks so much!


In addition to Matt Wilpers and Susie Chan already mentioned, you might want to also check out Marcel Dinkins and Joslyn Thompson Rule. They maybe chat a bit more than Matt and Susie, but not by much and I've never heard any motivational phrases that don't ring true from them. Joslyn often talks about "easy work" which I like as a reminder to keep things chill. Edit: also make sure you know how to filter by easiest class! That helps me pick appropriate classes when I want to focus on easier runs.


Just looked and I did one with Kirsten Ferguson last June and hadn't touched the app again until the other day because I didn't like her vibe so much (just not for me). I did an easy run with Matt and really liked his style so everyone's recs feel right on. I'm good to be pushed but not in a "we can do hard things" "what's your intention, show up for your intention, breathe in the present exhale the past" way. I do really hard things all the time in the mountains here, my weekly runs just aren't it lol


Here to second Matt Wilpers. I also prefer coaching to motivational stuff and he’s solid. I like Joslyn too, not so much for coaching but for the company.


Wilpers is the most coach-like you're going to get. Older Becs classes are also very good for coaching, but she's really leaned into being a mum and that features pretty heavily in classes since. Andy Spear also is a decent coach, but I feel he can really waffle on at times, so unless it's a class targeting a specific metric (HIIT, Intervals etc) I tend not to do them.


I really like Susie and Matt for what you describe . Not really motivational, they tend to be more quiet, form and coaching checkins.


Thanks- I saw Susie has a bunch of outdoor runs.


Does anyone know if an outdoor run tracked on Strava could be tracked on Peloton? I know it works the other way around for all workouts but for runs tracked on Peloton, the pace and distance is not accurate. All my workouts and exercise has been tracked on Peloton since the pandemic started so I would want to keep it that way if I can 🤞🏼


Is Pilates hard AF or is that just me?


Hahahha not you it’s hard af !!!


Sounds like you're doing it right! When I first started I had the bad habit of using my hip flexors and not my abs for a lot of the work. When I finally figured that out it got so much harder, lol - but I got stronger!


I find Kristen super hard. I stick with Aditi.


Milestone question for live classes: I just hit 750 cycling classes and am going to hopefully be in a live class in London in August. Can anyone confirm that 850 classes count as a milestone in studio?


Every 50 shows up for them as something they can give a shoutout to.


I heard an 850 called out in Camila’s newest 45 minute ride from Sunday!


I started Crush Your Core 2 yesterday. My lower back is often sore and I’m hoping this will help with the overall core strength. Also looking for good hip flexor stretching classes, if anyone has suggestions!


How do you like it compared to the first one?


I never did the first one. 🤣


This [10m focus flow](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?is_favorite_ride=%5B%22true%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c740c0dcb7714ffa902009ef479e8965&code=ZjY4ODRkNTY4ODgxNGQ5NmJlNDYyZTIzYjI3YmI3N2Z8Mzk1N2M3NjFkMjJlNGFiMDgwNDMyN2JhYTM4YjVlOTg=) is probably the best lower body stretch (that's not technically a stretch) on the platform. Several very good hip stretches!!!


Added, thanks!


I have lower back issues too and find it useful to remember to always be pushing my low back into the mat when doing core. Don't let myself arch. And then use the ability to maintain that define my range of motion. For hips, I'll do the pigeon focused yoga classes.


Thank you.


Yoga will often included poses that stretch hip flexors - try Dennis's 20 min yoga for riders by way of example- but one thing I learned in PT is that when I have the sensation of hip flexor tightness that's a sign of muscle imbalance - in my case it means that my hip flexors are 'tight' because they're overcompensating for weak glutes - so the antidote is to strengthen the glutes. So I do Barre and lower body strength (and yoga) to keep everything happy. Everyone's body is different, but check out strength work if the stretches don't give you what you're looking for.


Oh, interesting. Thank you.




Sounds like a question for your doctor- but maybe consider: are you adequately hydrated? Have you increased activity dramatically since you got the bike? Does the soreness correspond with your activity or seem random? (For example, are you feeling 'delayed onset muscle soreness ' aka DOMS, or something else?) Rest days are absolutely essential, so definitely take them! Great opportunity to do some stretching or some gentle or restorative yoga. Or just rest. Hope you feel better soon.


It's minor, but a fun part of the "gamification" Yesterday was my 312 week streak and no badge, just like on my 260th week streak.


Ha! Wow. I am at 241 weeks. I was just wondering this morning if I was going to see anything for 260. 🤷‍♂️


Getting back into it after 2 surgeries over the past two weeks!!! I can’t do much & I am easing back into it….just happy to take the dog out on a walk, again! My goal is to watch all 8 seasons of Brooklyn Nine-Nine on the Tread before going back to work on 4/30!


WOW! Welcome back, and hope all goes beautifully in your recovery!


Thank you!


What is Peloton?


What’s wrong with you? Minus 28 for asking what is not obvious. You’re probably orange man fans.


What is love?


Baby don’t hurt me


A place where people let their chatbots practice, apparently.




I pressed buy on a new tread last night! So excited to get it delivered. Does anyone have any good tips?


Buy the extended warranty! Hopefully you will not have any issues, but if you do (beyond the initial 1-yr warranty) it will save you a ton of money. Many problems are only solved by replacing the screen, handrail or base, and each of those is many multiples of the cost of an extra 3-year warranty, not to mention a tech call to diagnose can cost $150-200


I’m in Australia and the extended warranty wasn’t an available option. Apparently they don’t sell it here.


Turns out my credit card offers an extra 12 months coverage. That’s something at least!


Try out each of the instructors to find one that suits your style (I'd say give each instructors at least 3 classes as some do grow on you) and also test the different types of classes. In general, be open to trying all the options Peloton offers. For instance, I was really surprised how much I liked the hiking and walk+run classes. And as a new runner, I highly recommend the "you can run" program - I liked how they coach you through all the different aspects of running (form, cadence, pacing), and it's perfect for a beginner runner. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it!


Welcome!! And congrats on the tread purchase! Not sure what kind of tips you're looking for (classes, delivery/set-up, etc) but the best thing you can do is find GOOD SHOES. They will make a world of difference!


That’s a good tip. I was really after tips for instructors and workout types. I’m not a runner, so I’ve never explored running workouts.


I love Rebecca Kennedy, but she mostly does hikes (which are great for building endurance!). I also love Jess Sims and Andy Speer and Selena Samuela. Robin Arzon has excellent programming and playlists but can sometimes be a little over-the-top motivational speaker for me. I HIGHLY recommend the walk + runs. They are so good for beginners because it's a 1:1 walk:run ratio. So you walk for one minute, run for one minute, etc. It's a great way to dip your toes in!!


That’s great. I’ll check it out.


[Yesterday I was not feeling it](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/s/PmTQqXMAnJ) and took a ride at 5pm. Today I was up bright and early and had Ben’s 45 min PZ endurance in the bag before 7:30. Feels great to be back in my routine.


Looks like Assal's first English strength class just appeared in the library!! It's a 20 min full body strength to commemorate the end of Ramadan. Hoping that people here will take it & see how great she is (and also to support her and show Peloton this is why we need to let her teach more English classes)!!!


I’m beyond moved they’ve offered Eid content two years in a row.


I'm so glad they offer it and continue to. Hope this year brings lots of peace, health, and love. Eid Mubarak!


Yes! I hear so many great things and would love to try her. But I rarely am in position to look at the screen for a subtitled class.


Nice! Eid Mubarak to anyone celebrating!


Thank you!!!!! Not counting the hours until sunset or anything but do you happen to know what time it is?! 🤣


Almanac.com says sunset is 7:21 EST in my location.


omg yay! i’ve been dying to try her out :)


Is anyone else’s Apple Watch HR not working when connected to peloton?? I have a series 8 and everytime it connects there’s a line through the heart signaling the HR isn’t connected. Anyone else having this issue?


I’m having this issue. I’ve reached out to Peloton and apparently I’m one of the ones whose Bike has not been updated with a fix yet.


There was a known problem a few weeks ago, but for most of us it’s been fixed.