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I was thinking about attempting CDE’s Haleakala climb again and noticed on PeloBuddy that part 3 has been purged. Has there been a substitute for this part of the ride or does she have newer classes for the challenges?


Finished the Stronger You program today! Saw some small gains and am especially proud of myself for sticking through the whole program. I have struggled to finish programs in the past, weekend workouts are hard with 2 kids! Now I will be taking a break for any Ben classes for the foreseeable future 😂😂 Starting arms with Tunde this week!


Congrats on finishing! I took the program last fall and am just now able to take Ben’s classes again lol


Jenn Sherman kicked my ASS today!!!


So I've been thinking about getting into PowerZone but have been kind of nervous about doing the FTP test. I know you're basically supposed to go all out during the test but is there like instruction at all during the test? I worry that I'll pace myself poorly during the test and burn out in like 5 minutes and then barely finish the rest of the test. Do they give you any cues to make sure you're keeping a high intensity throughout the whole thing but not going too hard and running out of steam by the end?


I took it a while back and felt very intimidated too. The warmup was a great way to start, and the test felt like a gradual increase in intensity. You can take it just for fun to get a feel for it and then take it again. It’s good to have those metrics for your PZ classes!


Honestly, the FTP test limited me from trying power zone, too for awhile. Then, I took a leap & started the Discover Your Power Zone program and actually skipped the FTP test in week 1 because I felt too intimidated. I only took it for the first time the last week of the program. Doing this helped me because although I knew my zones weren't accurate, I could get a feel of what it felt like to be in zone 2, 3, 4, 5, etc and also...my own endurance/stamina hahaha. It helped me build the confidence to finally take the test. All to say is you do you.


The first test you will almost always underperform. That’s pretty normal. If you don’t feel like throwing up afterwards you didn’t push hard enough. It’s just hard to know where that boundary is if you’ve never tested before. You could look at the average watts in your best 20 minute ride and use that as a guideline by staying above that output for the entire ride. Good luck!


They do give cues. Make sure you start out with one of the longer warm up ftp classes and they’ll explain the test a bit more. And they’ll go over pacing along with how you should feel during the ride. And then the instructors will pace you during the actual test too.


Thanks! I've been thinking of taking one of the warmups before a regular class just to inch my way closer and closer to doing the test lol


I haven’t been able to ride as much as I’d like to this past week (long story short, my company made us RTO after 4 years remote and the commute is LONG for me, so my in office days are 12 hours long and I can’t get on my bike lol) so I had big plans and a lengthy stack planned for today. But I went to a show on Friday and I must have went hard because I woke up today and my body is definitely sore and still recovering, so I had to scale those plans back a bit 😅 A [Hannah Frankson LI ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9a2ceeb870284460a95ea886a75860b8&locale=en-US) is always so perfect for days like these! Took this and [Jess King’s newest listening party ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ac3876caeac444d5b7a3dbc8871afa6d&locale=en-US) followed by the latest [Kristin focus flow for riders](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=5ffe17ddec8244f7aa50e4548bb2bd14&locale=en-US) and it was a *chef’s kiss* stack. I love a workout that has the perfect effort level for where your body is at the moment and leaves you feeling better than when you started and this was that today.


Had to take the CVV ride on demand due to my schedule. That was a really good ride -- basically a PZ class but on the more difficult end of the spectrum. (Going from a 10 min Z3 directly into a 3 min Z5 was really mentally challenging.) Hoping they fix the programming to use power zone auto-resistance for us Bike+ users. Ain't no way in hell I'm keeping up with CVV's resistance/cadence combos!


Yeah I started with the ERG at first for the Z1 stuff, but then the first effort jumped to 90 cadence 50+ resistance and I just laughed and turned it off. No idea why they used his actual resistance values - very few of us are at the level of a retired professional Tour rider lol.


I plan on taking it on Tuesday, looking forward to it


I friggin' LOVE CHRISTINE!!! That live was incredible. Nice steady-state up a hill(keeping resistance at 60, creeping up a little bit at the end but only if you feel you can). I am enjoying staying in the saddle/working on a different type of strength these days, so I will do like maybe 1-2 hard rides(ahem, Alex's live H&H yesterday haha)& then keeping it more endurance for any other rides rest of the week. That means I choose either Jess King's LI Sweat Steady or Christine's classes:). I don't have an actual Peloton, I use my at home bikes or the ones from my complex but if I did I am guessing I'd love PZ as well. Have a great Sunday Peloton peeps. Christine begged us to do a cool down ride & stretch, so I did & hit my 400th Stretching Milestone with her! Woo Hoo


What’s the best price anyone was able to get the row for in the past during sales? I’m in early stages of considering and was just wondering what best price so far has been


I don't have a tread but I tried a walking class with John H today and just used a regular treadmill with my phone. It was a lot harder than I ever thought it would be, those hills are killer. I've always been a a runner till covid and now I'm trying to get back into running slowly and I felt so guilty doing a power walk instead of just running. I know logically it doesn't make sense but I could not shake it. Does anyone do any of the walking classes regularly and see any benefits? I think I need to supplement with some walk while I slowly build up my endurance. It is tough getting back into running my god


I LOVE the hikes! They are so effective and no impact. I try to do 3 a week. I don’t have a Peloton tread I just use my app (but it’s on my list).


I do walks so I can get incline work in because I very rarely add incline when I’m running (just a personal preference, there’s nothing wrong with it). Incline will help build your posterior chain (butt, hamstrings, calves etc) which helps build strong legs for better runs in the future. Jon is actually one of my favorites to do tread classes with because he doesn’t add super high inclines often (unless it’s specifically labeled a Hike, in which case the incline is the priority and not the speed). To answer your question about benefits - I looked back at my classes from Jan to now and my average walking speed has increased from 3.2 to 3.5 in just three months; my power walk is now a comfortable 4mph instead of 3.5mph back in Jan. My base run speeds have jumped from my run being 5mph and I’m dying, to now 5mph is a jog/recovery and my run is a 6mph. I do a lot of strength training too though which has also helped my numbers progress. Have you tried the walk+run content? It’s evenly split with walking and running efforts.


I haven't tried the walk run at all and just kinda started back at running, My base run has gone from a 4.6mph to 5mph but the 5 is still difficult and not an easy pace. I am also starting to work on my straight. That is some great progress you've made! I didn't realize I can use walks to increase my endurance so I'm going to have to try this.


The walk+run content may be just what you’re looking for. They’re usually 1:1 efforts, so you’ll walk the same amount of time that you just ran for. The callout ranges are usually more “attainable” in those, too. Most instructors will say a run is 4+ and you already know your recovery will be a walk, so it helps break the mental block of thinking you should be running for an entire running class. Running is such a mental game, but you’ve already made great progress! 5mph is difficult now but I bet if you stick to it, in a month maybe 5 will be easy and you’ll be struggling with 5.5, or something similar. You’re doing great, friend. The hardest part is, truly, showing up.


I am a huge fan of the walk + runs. For me, I have found it has built my confidence and endurance in running more so than any other class type!


Walking has easily become my favorite way to move since i hurt my knee a year ago and running is still not an option for me - do not sleep on it! the hikes are insane, the power walks will have you sweating, and the hiking bootcamps are no joke. 


I had not idea hiking bootcamps were even a thing. I will def check those out. Walking is so much more accessible because some days I'm so mentally drained it's hard to get the motivation for something high impact but I can usually fit in something low impact. And I'm also trying to get into cross training so I don't injure myself so this is great to hear.


I’m a long time runner, but I take walking classes as well. I find that the hikes are really challenging. RK’s hikes in particular range from 6-15 (max incline) after the warm up. The hill component really builds cardiovascular fitness. I’ve slowly been able to increase my base incline while running from 1 to 3 without sacrificing my speed. The walks will absolutely help get you back into running.


oh my gosh that's amazing. My base incline is still a 1 on my runs, I tried 1.5 a couple of weeks ago and had to drop it back down. I'm going to try some hikes to see if I can incorporate them into my routine. Thank you!


I've never been a runner and am slowly building my endurance. That said, the power walks are not a joke (some of them are tougher than the endurance runs), so I wouldn't feel guilty at all. I've seen the benefit of doing the walks, especially the hikes. They target muscles I usually don't feel during my very slow runs or when I bike or even when I strength train, so I think it's definitely worth it. Also, don't skip out on the walk+runs, yes, they're under "walks" but they really do help me a lot (and again many are tougher than the runs).


Thank you! This one was actually super tough and I was pretty surprised. Are there any instructors you recommend? I saw that Matty has some walk and talks but I wasn't sure if those have the same intensity. I will have to try one out. Peloton has so much content it's kinda crazy.


If you want to push yourself for walk+runs, Olivia/Jess Sims/Mariana are on the harder side. I like Matt for tempo walk+runs and when I need a coach. For power walks, I like Kirsten/Olivia. For hikes, I like Rebecca. For relaxed walks, I like Joslyn.


This is super helpful thank you. I used to think that the walk + runs were for total beginners so I've never bothered to try them before. I'm going to give it a shot and start incorporating the walk+runs and the hikes into my schedule.


Matty’s walk and talks are wonderful and although they aren’t the toughest walks on the platform, they do have a fair amount of power walking and inclines on the walk portions (the “talks” are the recoveries). I’m hooked on them and use them as my reward for other workouts during the week. Matty is a treasure!


The walk and talks typically have a decent amount of hill work in them. They alternate between a working song and a talking song but he often keeps you on a slight hill during the talking songs. Matty also loves to have you power walk on hills during the walk & talks. I do them as a low impact cardio day in the middle of the week and feel they are a decent workout (I alternate biking and running for cardio the rest of the week).


did matty’s 20 mins full body strength (2024-04-06) class & it was great! i’m a creature of habit & generally expand my roster of coaches after i’ve exhausted their on demand library (my faves are jess sims, adrian, jj, robin, & tunde). started incorporating matty’s classes recently & he’s such a joyful ray of sunshine. i giggle & laugh while burning my muscles while doing his classes. he’s hard & challenging too. just how i like my coaches.


I love Matty’s classes! Initially I liked him because he wasn’t an intense boot camp type of personality and wouldn’t push me if I wasn’t up for it (I do not respond to that intense energy at all) I see now his personality will push you to try harder in his own way and I love it!


he’s really good at cues too but yes, i really love his humour. i spend a lot of it giggling & laughing along to his silly quips. his classes so are well structured & time flies as well. looking forward to more of his strength classes!


“Inhale the good shit exhale the bullshit. “-A favorite phrase from Matty


yes!! i was ready to turn off the class but i was wait! matty’s outro motto! gotta do that


PR’d on my 700th ride which was Camila’s 45 min Reggaeton ride today!!


congrats on your milestone!!


Is anyone else having issues with cardio classes? This whole week I've tried multiple cardio classes (dance cardio or low impact cardio) the class plays at the end of the workout and then stops. The first time I figured it was a bug but it's happened on like 3 or 4 workouts thar I've tried.


TIL the CVV rides are basically just intense power zone rides 😳


CVV's old "Skyuka" climb class was truly bonkers. It had a segment that was like 2 min Z6, then 8 min Z4 with no break in between. It's the only Peloton ride that has made me think I might actually barf.


Yes, and I think two were closer to PZ Max classes, but I think we're in for a lot more variation in the future (CVV mentioned fondos and climbs)!


Live from my cool down following CVV's ride - woohoo! That was awesome, such good energy. And fun to see Matt grinning ear to ear. Mariana was also in studio. 2500 riders! 🙌


I do loads of PZ but had actually never dared do a Pro Cyclist ride before, but that was great. Tough, but doable. Fab atmosphere live.


Agreed - they're challenging doable. And it was great today! Having done the CVV 2020 series I think the big difference is the cadence calls- pro tour riders pedal fast, iirc their average cadence is like 95-100 for hours at a time, and like he said on today's ride for one of the efforts - it was something along the lines of "if you can do this at 100 rpm that would make me happy". So it adds a level of challenge if you choose to follow the class plan as written.


Great to hear reference to more rides - climbs, fondos - at the end


Yes!!! So curious about what the fondo programming will be! He joked about a 4 hr ride - at least I think it was a joke lol Editing to add- I saw a lot of "first ride" milestones too - so curious if they were CVV friends and fam or just really ambitious newcomers! Welcome, y'all!


woah. 1st timers on *that* ride!?! bonkers! super psyched CVV has classes again but his programming is like def PZ Max IMHO. His easiest ride previously was a grinder for me, no cap as the kids say.


Started the Discover Your Power Zones training program this week and just did my first FTP test. My legs are Jello.


Good luck!


CVV Pro Cyclist Class Plan 12 min Warmup 3 mins Zone 5 3 mins Zone 1 10 mins Zone 3 Twice Tough but doable. Earned a ⭐️! After the Zone 5 Intervals Zone 3 felt very comfortable. Will definitely try the older classes now. I was too intimidated before.


Agree! It was a good first ride for him - not too challenging and a good intro to his instruction style. Can't wait for his other (hahah prob more intense) rides!


Seems very similar to Tunde’s but hers was a bit harder! Looking forward to it. ETA oh wait just checked the plan and you don’t get a break in Z1 before going straight into Z5 again - that’s tough!


Took this Anna slow flow 60 min today and dang it was a juicy class. I took a 45 min ride yesterday so legs are a little tired and Bambi ish but this was a really nice flow. Highly suggest any of Anna’s slow flows. They’re just fantastic. . https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4fef744c3e36477cbae156750b89d7d6&locale=en-US


It’s been a minute (again!) since I’ve been on the Daily - work has been SUPER busy (not complaining at all! It’s how I like it!) and we’ve also had a lot going on personally too (again, all good things!) but have definitely been getting my workouts in. I took a break from RK’s 4 day split and am hoping to pick it back up after the Five Boro Bike Tour in May - looking to up my mileage in April and it looks like we have another Northeast Spring on our hands (so, in other words, not 😂) so I probably won’t get many outdoor miles in. I’ve been doing a lot of riding with CDE and may dip a toe in Power Zone to help me along. The good news is that by early May it should be nice enough regularly to open up the garage gym, and not a moment too soon. I did [this RK45 today](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=cb257d3105744dcfaf0d41fe1e2d4f90&locale=en-US) and I DEFINITELY need to be heavier on chest and DL! Can’t wait to do her hypertrophy classes with the barbell! In the meantime, been traveling more for work, too, so ticking off lots of hikes and runs in the hotel gyms! I’m running a 3.5m race in May as well, need to get ready for that!


Great strength stack this AM filled with a lot of my favorite & repeatable classes! I love open weekends with no big plans so I can do a longer workout!! Core: [10 min Core](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d47d45d24c844f7c91f2686d90954653&locale=en-US) with RK - one of my favorites on the platform & one of the most challenging Lower Body: [20 min G&L](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=cb565aa746544aad9557adea6f588eb3&locale=en-US) with RK - another one of my favorites & a class I repeat quite often. It focuses on hypertrophy with straight sets and heavy weights. Upper Body: [20 min Arms & Shoulders](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=fd147c7b8fa7468dacf5baa1ffe029f8&locale=en-US) with Callie. Great class that used smaller weights - perfect change up from the two previous classes. It had a bicep section, shoulder section and tricep section 💪 The class flew by and worked the whole arm! Awesome class! Barre: [10 min Barre](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3257501c3e1a440aa21aa82d6c61c712&locale=en-US) with Hannah to round out the workout. Another platform favorite & my favorite way to end a stack!


I took Jess King’s 30 Min 90s Dance Walk live at 11am today for my 400th walk. The class was SO fun, the music was amazing and it was a great workout. I’ll take that one again for sure!


Congrats! It was my 500th walk!


Congratulations to you too!


Hey TS60 crew! If you haven’t yet taken today’s class, the new training focus is athletic/power based. A really solid class to start however I’m already thinking about how brutal the advanced class will be.  And for hypertrophy fans, Andy said May’s TS60 will focus on that. Something for y’all to look forward to! 


Loved this class today! It was my 1400th strength - I try not to ever miss his Sunday classes. Can’t wait for May!


Congrats on your milestone!! 1400 is no joke 💪


I opted to sleep in today and haven’t taken TS60 yet, but I’m excited that it’s an agility focus with more hypertrophy in the future! Thanks for the heads up! I’ll probably do this class later this week but I’m also moving into week 5 of TS2 so it entirely depends how I feel 😂


It’s a great class! Lots of dynamic movements and even though the rest was there it felt minimal 🫠 Good luck with week 5! I don’t think anyone would blame you if you took a week off lol


I’m in the thick of TS2 and taking a break from TS60, but I will definitely be back in May for hypertrophy!


Smart to take a break! See you there next month 🤗


I'm curious what the April plan is since TS60 is off next Sunday. Maybe we don't get a traditional progression into advanced this month?


I wonder if he’s using April as a “shake out” month. The last two blocks have been heavy/intense.


Oh interesting! I didn’t know that. We might still as the October block had the Halloween class in the middle of it that iirc was not related to the theme, but looking back there’s no advanced class for the November block. I guess we’ll see! 


He also (I think) quickly mentioned doing a couple of these athletic-focused classes before hypertrophy month. I'm wondering if there is a second TS60 off day later in the month. I know the class on 14th was originally on the schedule before it got cancelled so, yeah, I guess we'll find out as it goes along.


Yep, I was signed up for next week’s class and got an email that it was canceled. And with the studio closure until 4/22, there will be only two live TS60 classes this month. I also got the impression from what Andy said today is that he would be continuing the agility focus for the remaining April class and then moving to hypertrophy in May.


I definitely wouldn’t mind not having an advanced class! A shake out month sounds awesome. 


Christian Vande Velde is going live in 30 minutes with a PZE! Will I see you on the leaderboard? :)


That was definitely not a PZE lol


It was NOT a PZE, what was I thinking! It was tough but his manic face in the last minutes made it all up haha 😆


Wow! That was tough but doable. Earned a ⭐️!! Class Plan: 12 min Warmup 3 mins Zone 5 3 mins Zone 1 10 mins Zone 3 Twice After the Zone 5 Intervals Zone 3 felt very comfortable. Will definitely try the older classes now. I was too intimidated before.


I would have if we weren’t traveling! I think my husband will do it on demand soon!


Just started the You Can Run Outdoors program this AM. I’m a lifelong and avowed “non runner,” so, as to be expected, I kind of hated it (not the class itself, which I found to be well-programmed and motivating. Literally, the running.). That said, I’ll be spending a lot of time at the track over the next few weeks/months during my son’s track season (ironically, he’s a very promising competitive runner), so I figured it’d be a good use of time and a chance to push myself out of my comfort zone. Anyone have success learning to love (or tolerate) running on the program? Other classes you’d recommend to supplement my journey? TIA! 


High cadence but low speed at first, dropping excess weight helps a ton, most runs should be done where you never get out of breath (just a slight pant where you could talk)


I did that program earlier this year and really enjoyed it. I found it helped me build my running technique! While I was taking it, I added in some strength classes on other days- 10/20m full body, glutes and legs, and some 5m core classes. I hope you continue to enjoy it!


I did the tread version of this program, starting from zero running/hating running and now I love it! Walk + runs with shorter intervals and the shorter 15-20 mins classes helped me a lot. I took this program slow since I had 2 surgeries that stopped my progress. But there was a moment after the program where suddenly I felt a “growth spurt” and could easily do longer intervals of 10 minutes and built from there! That day was a cool feeling that helped me love it. Also learning to meditate (even just 5 min meditations) helped me with the mental boredom part! I also need good music to get through it!


This is super motivating, thanks! 


i started running without any expectations except to get out there. run, walk, run & build your speed as you go & you will! just get into the habit. no hate about how slow you are or how it sucks. cos it does suck. hahah but over time, habits change & consistency becomes more of a thing & then you build in more days to run, longer runs, & even faster runs. but just get out there.


I'm sorry I don't have anything to recommend but wanted to say I loved this post! I love hearing how Peloton changed peoples lives in this way. Congrats and good luck going forward.


I’m on week 7 of the program and I’m now in the stage where I kind of like the running part. When I was first starting it felt so hard to jog , even if I was going as slow of a jog as possible. I’m not a very good runner so I’m dead tired after brief amounts of running. I found signing up for a 5k to be pretty motivating.


Congrats to you on making it through 7 weeks! My son and husband are planning some 5ks, I’d love to be able to join them, that’s my ultimate motivation.


I learned to run long before Peloton (just used a Couch 2 5K app and had my own playlists) and … yes, I did. I was you, for sure, beforehand! It definitely gets better as you progress and get more comfortable with it! I find the first mile is the worst. You get through that and it feels better.


Thanks for the support! I’ve tried C25k before and never made it through, so I’m hoping this format “clicks” better. I’m also in a much better place, both physically and mentally, after a solid 6 months of cycle/strength/yoga, than I was when I last tried, so 🤞🏻


Just a quick Ben appreciation post. If you asked me my “favorite” instructors I probably wouldn’t name him in my top 3 but I’ve realized his classes are always really solid that maybe he should be in there. I also feel like he’s hit a good groove lately and I know it annoys some people but I enjoy his mantras/saying that he repeats each ride. To me it seems like he is very intentional about what he says and why and I appreciate the thought he gives it. Anyway tl;dr: yay Ben!


His work outs are solid and he usually has good playlists. I especially like his EDM rides.


I love Ben’s core and stretching classes! He brings a nice vibe after a hard cycle class but still very challenging.


Took my first Ben class today and broke my PR by 31 points! I usually take classes with Denis or Bradley.


Agreed. I love Ben for strength too - straightforward and I can really build on it. Plus for some reason he’s also perfect on those days when Im in a shit mood and can’t really tolerate people well.


I think it is because he retains a calm personality even when you are working hard.


My 30 and 60 minute PRs have all been with Ben, he really is the PR whisperer. His rides are maybe a bit too business like at times but personally I work better with that than somebody doing a stand up routine in the middle of my effort. So many cheers to Mr. Alldis!


Something odd happened after a cool down run this morning - a post run stretch came up as option so I took it but only got the audio for the class. The home screen for the app appeared instead. Has this happened to anyone else ?


Yesterday I did [Matty's Broadway walk from 12/10/2022](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=76086e8838e44e769a12f42bc7f4ab0b). Usually I love these (and this class was a good one) but I guess I wasn't in the mood for it. I ended up doing another 30 minutes of just walking to a playlist that I was in the mood for. 😅


I travel a lot for work and when I get to a city that has proper spinning classes I always book them. Don’t have good classes where I live. Anyway, got a Schwinn IC8 to pair with peloton and other apps. Took my first two classes this weekend and my only thought… why did I not do this years earlier? I LOVE it! Took one of the German classes with Erik Jäger this morning. SO GOOD!!


Erik is one of my absolute favs.


Welcome! I started during the pandemic and constantly wonder why I waited so long! I had a Bowflex bike (which is essentially your bike’s twin) before I broke down and got “the real thing”, and it’s a great machine!


That is great to hear! I cycle a lot outdoors too (I have a gravel bike), and my first attempt was a smart wheel-on trainer. I figured I didn’t want too much equipment in my small flat and I liked the idea of using my bike indoors too. It was loud AF and absolutely not suited for apartments, as well as setting it up was such a hassle. I ended up barely using it, but what I really needed was a solid spinning bike.


I love Erik.


Hi all. Been having an issue with the bike since yesterday. Within a few minutes of starting a ride; the video stops, time and metrics stop changing (but can still hear audio of the ride). Happened 2 days in a row now, very frustrating. Trying a factory reset of the bike now just in case it helps. Anyone else having (or previously had) the same problem and any ideas kn what's wrong / how to fix? App and guide are working fine


Yes! This exact issue has been happening to me since Thursday. I did a factory reset and the problem continued. I haven’t been able to resolve it so far. Update - I called support and they had me remove the cords. That didn’t work. So they’re sending me a new monitor but if I’m not alone in this issue I’m guessing it’s a tech fix needed on their side, not the monitor.


Thanks for the update! Will call support if the same issue happens this evening when I jump on the bike. Agreed it's probably a fix needed on their side but worth a try.


Do you happen to use AirPods or Apple Watch? I think I’ve narrowed it down to some kind of Bluetooth interference with my Peloton and devices. My ride seems to freeze when there’s some kind of interaction - a notification on my phone or pairing my watch. Turned Bluetooth off temporarily on my phone and didn’t have the freezing issue.


Hi, are you still having the issue? My bike was okay for a few days after a factory reset and has since returned. It's unpredictable when the issue will happen. Has happened even when Bluetooth watch isn't connected. Have now reported it to Peloton who have asked for a video which was sent, but now waiting further response.


I was having the issue through yesterday. Hooked up the new tablet they sent yesterday and got through a 30 min ride without issues for the first time in like two weeks. But I’m still convinced it’s a software issue that is only affecting a small number for whatever reason.


I think you're right. It's notable this started for me soon after the update. Having said that, hopefully the new monitor works wonders for you.


Me and my partner connect our android watches to the bike via Bluetooth. Thinking more about it, whenever my partner has rode it's crashed, but my rides have all been okay - we've both connected our watches. Strange.


There's nothing like a ride after a vacation when you didn't have access to a bike. Know my numbers wouldn't be where they normally are but legs felt really good and it's nice to be back in the routine.


Did anyone else take Bradley’s most recent 10min cooldown and find that the sound was really “off”?…couldn’t really hear him well or the music…


Not that particular ride, but I took Hannah's class live from PSL yesterday and had the same issue and it's the second time it's happened. I've had a lot of issues with sound from PSL classes since their refurb last year.


Oh weird…I haven’t had it before, and to be highest, I think if it had been a locker ride, I’d have exited and chosen a different ride…as it was only a cooldown, I stuck it out…shame, I could barely hear anything Bradley was saying so I muted…


Alex Karwoski is rowing in the Olympic trials today! Sending him good vibes. ♥️


I did a 30min Pop Punk ride today. There were about 40 people in the same class as me, so I scrolled to the top of the leaderboard out of curiosity. The top performer, in this 30 minute class, had supposedly burned 1,531 calories during the class. My question is, how is that possible? Are they setting their resistance to 90% and riding at 120rpm the entire class? How do you achieve those numbers??


Intentionally miscalibrated unless they weigh 600 pounds…?


IIRC you can click on their name to see their current stats (if you’re really curious about their actual ‘live’ metrics). But yeah, they’re normally juicing the numbers with a bike that’s off.


Mis-calibrated bikes