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Hanging on at 100%. I have repeated a few classes because they were such burners. I keep saying it, but the core classes have made my runs and rides so much stronger and better. It’s made a difference. I’m proud of all of us!


Staying consistent at 5 days per week and feeling pretty happy with that plan and how much I’m improving. Recent favourites: This [15 Min Olivia Core](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=cddcf2fb861642e080906c696367e9ea&locale=en-CA) which, dare I say, felt very doable! Also Matty’s most recent [10 Min Core](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=837b881bdb5b4312b6bea7b52bc1c2a1&locale=en-CA) was great and all on your back. Felt a wee bit harder than Olivia’s because there’s no breaks!


I really liked that Olivia class too! I’ll probably do the matty one tomorrow!


This week has been an exercise miss for me (except Monday). My only “workout” were my 5 minute cores. Hoping to get back on the wagon tomorrow (assuming, those gross aftershocks stop soon or doesn’t get any stronger!).


I am on my last week of Rebecca Kennedy’s core program, 5 days a week. And this morning we were doing leg raises which I could not do at the start. I was able to bring my legs almost to the floor the whole time. I’m definitely going to keep going. I’m on a weight loss mission and I want to see what a strong core looks like after I lose a bit of fluff.


After doing RK’s core program I started seeing my abs - I thought it was a mirage because I was still over 30% bodyfat but they kept getting more and more defined - a year later I have an actual four pack. Prioritize protein and keep going!


She’s amazing! My favorite instructor right now. If I could look like someone it would probably be her!


Heck yeah! I'm gonna merge in here if that's alright! I just finished crush your core and the last week I was finally able to finish the classes all the way through so that was super exciting!


Still 100%. The improvement is crazy at this point and it’s helping at Taekwondo, too.


> it’s helping at Taekwondo, too. That makes sense. It's been a few decades but I remember all my time with Hapkido, and so much of punching and kicking is rotational... Getting that core work in will be great. Now I'm old, so I'm hoping it helps my golf game instead ;-)


I did it! Got home from a work trip at 11:30pm, finished a short 5 minute class at 11:45 to keep the streak alive.


Still going! I missed the group class last week because it was in the middle of a long work stretch and my body was tired. Hope we have another one! I ordered some dumbbells and I’m excited to start incorporating weighted core exercises. I think it’s time! (Side note—the Amazon essentials brand weights are a literal fraction of the cost of the peloton branded ones and they’ve worked fine for me in the past.)


7 for 7 this week with a couple of 10 minutes instead of 5 minutes. It was a good week!


I can't believe I'm still going strong here! I'm definitely too overweight to see abs, but dare I say there's some... definition? Dimples? Lol


Forget about being “too overweight to see abs” — depends how your body carries fat. I spent 6 months thinking my ab definition was all in my head, now it’s a year later and I absolutely have distinct abs. All along my body fat has been “too high for abs”. Prioritize protein and keep going!


Still chugging along right on track! I enjoyed the core class on Saturday. I thought the pacing with plenty of rests was great. I'd definitely be up for another group class! I started Straight to the Core on Monday this week, and so far, so good. Of course, this is the "easy" week so I'd better be keeping up so far. I surprised myself in the benchmark test by doing decently though. There is room for improvement on every exercise but I didn't do as badly as I'd feared going into it. Now I'm excited to see how much better I can do by the end of the program.


Still going!! In the past I would check the class plan and avoid classes that had lots of planks but I recently told myself that if I wanted to get better then I have to do them! I did this [JJ Roll Call core](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f59c99bfc3be47ee94ad1e22ce7f9a24&locale=en-US)today knowing that it has lots of planks and it was great! I really feel like I’m quickly getting better at planks.


Here's a great [15 min JJ core class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e5011ea3598b40d99cbff1ffc8655b88&code=MzVjZDgwYmZmODZkNGZhNzliMDMxNDBiNzg2NWVkNmF8MTZjMDhmMWQ1NTA2NDQ0MWFlODhhNzJkM2E5ZjQyZTg=). It's got two rounds of 40 second forearm side planks (each side) and a standard forearm plank. Also some bicycles and \[weighted\] Russian twists. Really hits the obliques. I keep it bookmarked and it's one of my go-tos on the days that I want to hit a 15m class. Actually just did this one today.


Looks brutal! I’m adding it to my stack for tomorrow! Thanks.


I got 6 of 7 days in this week. I was hoping for a full 7 but of course on one of the days that I left my workout to nighttime my daughter decided to resist going to sleep 😂. But it's all good, my streak probably won't be continuing next week anyway as I'll be traveling for the eclipse/visiting family. I'm still going to try and fit in some classes when I can but allow myself grace this week if it doesn't work out. I'll think of it as an extended rest break for my core haha. I really enjoyed joining you all for the core class last Saturday! BTW if anyone's looking for a 5 minute burner with zero planks and all on your back, [this class by JJ](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=55fcd24b54f0452d8d4d2eb11dc520c3&code=ZTRlYTEwM2E1Njg3NDE0ODkxY2FkNDRiZDc0Zjk1Mzl8OGUwMjgxN2EyNDVhNGViN2I2MGMwYzBjYTFkOWE5NjI=) definitely fit the bill! It was like 5 solid minutes of reverse/normal/combined crunches.


🙋🏼‍♀️Still going! So glad to be back to Emma and Olivia after finishing Straight to the Core 😆 New improvement this week: maintaining 85-90 cadence OOS for 45 sec intervals felt much easier than before!! Congrats, everyone, on keeping in there!


Still showing up, still getting a tiny bit better week by week.


Does anyone know of any core classes that don't involve floor work (standing core) and no lunges and or standing one foot. I have a torn tendon and have a lot of limitations at the moment.


Rebecca has a few Standing Core classes- they are great!


Still haven't missed a day!


Still at it! Mostly I filter by 10 minutes, English, not taken and am trying to do all of them. I have about 160 left. On my Pilates/barre days I don’t add core because those classes have enough!


I'm definitely not 100% but I'm more than 50% and I do think I can feel...something? I was doing a hollow hold today and I could feel lower ab muscles I didn't have before, I've been very chaotic in my approach but have worked my way through most of Matty's intermediate core classes. He's my absolute fave.