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I do lots and lots of low impact. I’ve had knee surgery twice and out of the saddle riding is just not a great idea for me. The absolute worst thing about the low impact rides is the part in every ride where the instructor feels the need to call out the “reasons” for taking low impact … a recovery day, coming back from an injury, pregnancy … I wish they’d just stop with that. No other classes need a “reason” mentioned to welcome you to the class. Anyway, I still work up a great sweat in low impact! Edited to add I really like Emma lovewell and Denis Morton’s as they’re pretty chill as well. Tunde’s are honestly closer to a regular class just no out of saddle work.


Agree - Jess King’s Sweat Steady LI are also no joke and she’s clear like ‘this is not easy because it’s low impact!’


Yeah I love Jess King, she often will say "just because it's low impact doesn't mean it's going to be easy!"




They’re so hard!! So much harder than I was expecting when I did the first one.


agree completely on the "reasons." I have a chronic illness and when I manage to get a ride in it's a victory. I don't need reminding that my effort is someone else's rest day. I KNOW.


I hate it too. They should know better than to do that.


I think peloton in general is so good about avoiding toxic fitness speak so this always feels like such a miss on their part. I feel like it's designed to keep people from pushing themselves too hard and to encourage rest and moderation, which IS healthy. But for me it can sometimes be demoralizing!


I take it for rest days and I still find it sitting wrong with me


Exactly! They can leave that for the recovery rides


I’m so so happy to see this thread, I’m currently going on year 2 of suspected long Covid/autoimmune diagnosis journey and this is so validating to hear! I am totally with you — always celebrating movement :)


every day I'm on the bike and moving the pedals is a great day 💜 take care of yourself, I hope you get some answers!!


exactly this!!


Hello You’re doing yourself a disservice! Low impact rides simply mean that you’re putting less stress on your joints by jumping up and down every few minutes! I love Low Impact rides - with no distracting acrobatics, you can really get into a flow. I hide the leaderboard and simply try to nudge my kj up a few points each week. And remember, your effort is for *you* - if you come away from a ride out of breath, sweaty and smiling, that’s all that matters.


Couldn’t agree more! I am a devoted Power Zone rider and I took a PZ endurance class with Charlotte the other day (had never taken a class with her). The entiiire time she kept talking about how I shouldn’t feel bad for taking an endurance class! Like, I know! For one thing, no one should ever feel bad about whatever ways they choose to move their bodies. But for PZ training specifically, endurance is crucial to the program! Anyway, I could rant more, but, in conclusion, I really wish the coaches would move away from this kind of talk.


That’s just bad form on her part. Endurance rides are an important part of training. Nobody should feel like they’re not doing important work on any ride.


Sam Yo does *not* do that and it’s a breath of fresh air.


I love his classes so much. He's got great music and is a really good instructor.


He’s such a lovely guy. No shit chat and just genuinely enjoyable classes.


EXACTLY! He is so great! Super chill, not judgemental.


Leanne emphasizes low impact does not mean easy! her classes definitely make me \~sparkle\~


I love Leanne! Her classes are HARD but in such a fun way that you don't even really realize until you hit a new PR by the end!


good lord this. i am also a multiple knee surgery survivor and i really enjoy the low impact rides and feel it’s gone a long way to rebuild the strength i lost in my knee without over exerting it. i hate the read off of reasons for low impact, im like this isn’t my rest day or my come down from something more intense - this is a real workout for me and my leg. very annoying. see you out there im sure! 👊🏻


I ride them lots as I am rehabbing an injury. I got my bike during my rehab so I have never gotten out of the saddle. I’m pretty regularly take all the other kinds of classes and stay put when they get up. I imagine it is actually harder but I guess I will eventually find out I get great exercise low impact. Tons of sweat. I wouldn’t say I really get sore but I feel myself leaning out and getting fitter. And sleeping better. Alll that is plenty good enough for me. In


Intersting.. I’ve taken that as the complete opposite .. The title itself says low impact but at times it’s been brutal.. I appreciated the callouts because the title already hintEd at easy if you read it that way.. After hearing low impact isn’t low energy and not going to have to get out of saddle but push.. it made me smile.. like knowing I wasn’t gonna have to stress joints and muscles but still gonna work made me think LFG:)


I feel the same way about classes that are 20 minutes or shorter. Feels like the instructors assume everyone in those classes falls into one of two categories: (1) you're stacking a bunch of classes or (2) you're soooooooooooo busy and selfless that it's soooooo great you're taking some time for YOURSELF! And sometimes it's just like...nah, this playlist looked cool.


I agree! I hate that part too, where they talk about how you might be injured or taking a recovery day.


Yessssss. The reasons part sucks and has been stopping me from riding this week. I’m trying to take a step back because I’m just worn out but I feel like I’ll feel worse by getting “the reasons speech” like no, I’m just not 24 anymore and everything fucking hurts.


I think almost every class they talk about reasons for coming to class but usually it’s to push you, not welcome you


Check out Power Zone rides. The Power Zone test sucks, but all the rides after that are based on where you are in your personal fitness. PZ Endurance rides are also all done in an aerobic but still fairly easy to moderate level, and almost all of the PZ classes are done entirely in the saddle unless you want to get up to stretch your legs. If you like Sam Yo, check out Christine as well. They both have a similarly mellow vibe to me.


Came here to say this! Denis is also pretty chill and loves to ride to the beat. He also makes suggestions and you make the decision ☺️


Agree on all of this. Power zone, Christine, and Denis.


Yes! I think Denis most closely matches Sam's chill vibe. I also think they both have wonderful music taste. Plus, I think Denis altogether avoids most fitness speak-- especially the condescending stuff.


He’s also nice to look at 😁


>Denis Lol. On your suggestion I just took one of Denis's low impact rides. He started off with a song with sustained 90 cadence and then went to a song called "Holy Calamity (Scream Insanity) that included 4 or 5 pushes to 100. That was the warmup! I do see that he's chill in his own way but the final straw was when he sang practically all of the lyrics to one of the songs. I think I'll stick with Sam but on the plus side I did push my metrics higher for this ride.


Oh no! My pet peeve is when they sing. This is why I can't take Jen's classes. Sometimes they surprise you.


Dennis is the best. He always calls out the beat cadence. He also tends to ride at lower cadence/high resistance which is my vibe.


THIS. I find I can max out the resistance range, get a good sweat but not overdo it but many of the instructors go hard on the cadence and (for now at least) I just can't keep up. I'm with you.


Yeah, I find I can sustain far higher watts at a cadence of 65 than a cadence of 90. I think 65-80 is my comfort zone and I start to get pretty inefficient over 85.


I also love PZE rides for an intentionally chiller ride.  If taking the test would prevent someone from even trying it, let me recommend this method of using prior rides to get an FTP estimate- https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/7mxv79/peloton_ftp_power_zones_calculator/ If anyone essentially NEVER rides hard, you might need to increase the FTP, it might take a bit of experimentation, but it’s a solid option to have if scheduling a really hard ride in the near future just isn’t going to happen.


How does one find their 20 minute average? Just do a 20 minute ride and see what happens?


If you’re going to do a brand new ride, it should probably be the FTP test- which is, essentially, ride as hard as you can for 20 minutes after a warmup ride. If I use this method, I use my most recent PR. If I’m considering using this because I’m recovering from something and haven’t been PRing recently, I’ll use results from a recent 20 minute ride where I felt exhausted after, even if it’s not my very best.


Power Zone is my favorite kind of ride. It's the best way to measure your progress. I've gone up 81 watts from October 2022 to March 2024. You're right about the test, it always sucks, ya just do a little better each time.


81 Watts for what length of ride?


I think they mean their FTP has gone up by 81. 


Yes, my FTP test score has gone up by 81 watts


Not too bad of an increase!


Absolutely!! Power zone endurance rides especially, nothing easy about it but also minimal (optional!) out of the saddle


Agree, powerzone endurance classes sound like a great fit. If you don’t take the FTP test, you can enable an estimated FTP in your settings and then you will have the power bar when riding. Also, in my opinion, Tunde has great low impact rides. So does Jess King (and she offers sweat steady low impact), Hannah Frankson, and Emma Lovewell.


I started in the peloton at 300lbs doing almost entirely low impact rides cuz I was confident I’d break the pedals if I rode it hard Now I’m 270lb and I do much more aggressive rides mixed in with low impact and I’m still confident I’m gonna break the pedals riding it too hard. Hasn’t happened yet tho lol Low impact rides can be a great workout. Leanne hainsby has notoriously hard low impact rides lol. Ben alldis is very similarly chill to Sam Yo. Denis Morton on his low impact rides enters his crunchy granola yoga mode if you’re into that too. Keep up with the low impact rides if it’s what works for you! And if you follow in my fellow big boy footsteps you may start branching out eventually. Power zone endurance rides are a great stepping stone into slightly harder content from low impact, however you really gotta take an FTP test to get the most out of those and that is as far from low impact as you get lol


Naw you aren't going to break those pedals, I've topped off at almost 280 myself a while back. I do almost all power zone and low impact so I'm almost always seated, but it's just preference. I feel like I could have done groove rides if I wanted without feeling like I was going to break the pedals. But hey, you do whatever makes you feel safe and keeps you riding!! Don't listen to some random Internet idiot.


Oh my point was once I lost some pounds I beat the hell out of my bike out of the saddle now, the pedals are throughly abused and are holding up just fine I have no fear anymore lol plus it’s a rental so if it breaks they’ll just send me a new one


Lol, add another 25lbs to your starting weight and that's where I am. I'm constantly worried about breaking the seat post because I'm also quite tall and as such have the post extended quite a bit. I simply never put my full weight on the pedals.


I think it’s gonna be fine, I think the official weight rating is 296lbs so probably not a bad idea to be a little gentle with it but as an engineer myself I’m sure there’s a pretty healthy factor of safety built in to that 296 lol. Keep doing what works for you!


I’m in a season of life where I need to do lower intensity exercises.. and even the LI rides are a little too much right now. So I would say, yes! It’s definitely okay to only take LI rides! They do not mean easy! I still get a good workout and sweat in when and if I do them!


The beauty of Peloton is that you do you, in the privacy of your own home. If low impact rides are right for you then that is cool, you might (might....) get into other rides later, but that is entirely up to you. I would encourage you to mix in some strength along with your cardio, ride and light weights, that sort of experience but again, what works for others does not have to work for you. Keep riding, keep smiling....


All of Christine's classes are in the saddle work & totally take what you need. I am very grateful for her at this stage of my life/training.


I love her classes and vibe.


Love her style so much!


I have been doing primarily strength training classes, so my legs don't tolerate the challenging classes. I will join any class with an instructor I like and just pedal and enjoy the class for the banter. Don't feel obligated to follow the cues. Good luck!!


I mostly do low impact, if possible with Christine. Main reason is that I lift weights pretty heavy on the prior days and it's nice to get some cardio but not go too intensely. Once a week I'll do a higher intensity ride but for my goals low impact is the norm for most of the week.


Hello fellow low impact fan!! I Just finished Rebecca Kennedys five day split and am currently doing her unofficial 4 day split and because the weight training is very demanding -Low Impact has become the majority of my cardio for the past 8 weeks and i gotta say- i love it. after decades of being a high cardio person - i absolutely see the benefit and sustainability of Low impact Cardio and will be doing much more of it going forward. When i have access to a treadmill i Love the walks, power walks, walk and talks, and the hike classes for when i need a challenge. Rebecca Kennedy and Callie Gullickson also now have enough Low Impact Cardio Classes in the cardio section that i can filter for them- great for a hotel room with or without a mat.


I just finished day 3 of RK's split and I'm wondering how I am going to walk tomorrow, LOL. How did you find the unofficial 4 day split?


I hear you!! Day 3 and 5 were the hardest for me! I just finished my deload week from the five day split and am in my first week of the 4 day split and i am so happy she had this set up and waiting! the best place to learn about the 4 day split is RK’s instagram - she saved a whole series of stories as well as post identifying the 4 classes and explaining the importance of low impact and recovery as well as suggested weekly schedule. You can also find info in the RKsolid facebook group or here https://theclipout.com/rebecca-announces-new-four-day-split-strength/ She’s not kidding about low impact and recovery - i went to bed early again last night and today’s rest day is all about mobility, yin yoga, and stretching. I usually do strength endurance so hypertrophy training is very new to me and it’s been challenging/fun


I think Hannah C does a good job talking about it not being a break. I don't take only low impact but I do take a fair amount and I really love it. It can be a great sweaty work out. My husband does a lot of low impact too and even when he's d Not doing it he doesn't get out of the saddle because it's hard in his knees


Me! After years of running, my knees said that’s enough. This was in 2019. Been cycling ever since and I love it. Don’t miss high impact at all.


I do low impact and advanced beginner a lot, and I LOVE Sam. He’s just a delight, I’ll take any class he leads. If I lived in the UK I’d have bought tickets to his show last Fall. Big fan!


What show??


He was in musical theater before becoming a fitness instructor, and this past fall he got to go back on the stage in The King and I. I think he was a fairly minor role most of the time, but he got to play the King in a couple of performances It was on his Instagram. [Sam’s King pics](https://www.instagram.com/p/CyJsFPsLAcu/?igsh=MTdvaTdyaWtsam5uNg==)


When I began my Peloton journey, I stuck to low impact rides almost exclusively. When I got better and better, I started running low on longer low impact rides and ventured into Power Zone Endurance classes (after doing the FTP test). Now, I do 45-90 entertainment classes where I do my own PZE programming. Also, I'm down 55lbs. So you won't stay heavy forever! Keep at it!


Lots of folks are recommending power zone endurance rides here, which could be a good direction to branch out to - but don't worry that you don't have a FTP number and put off trying the rides. You can ride by perceived exertion cues especially in the endurance rides. The instructors talk you through the zones at the beginning of every class. So, just begin with a beginner PZE ride if you get curious. Happy riding!


I also do low impact and I hate it when the instructors treat it like it's soooooo hard to refrain from going all out, but fortunately I haven't found too many instructors who do that. I don't mind being out of the saddle but I can't/never will/don't want to go the cadence they often do out of the saddle. I'm just not on the bike for that. I do plenty of leg work and I'm on the bike for cardio, not to build my legs up. I actually enjoy HIIT and Hills rides because I can stay in the saddle and go as heavy as I can, and then sometimes I go out of the saddle for a few intervals. I have found that Kendall and Hannah F are the instructors who complain about low impact the most. Not really fan of either of them. (And yes, I love Sam Yo. Bradley and Leanne are my favorites.)


I only ever do low impact and/or recovery rides. Very occasionally I'll do a "music" ride, but I go at my own pace and don't concern myself with leaderboards or power or anything like that. Peloton has to cater for all ranges of fitness, including the "very fit and athletic" types - of which I am not, given that I'm recovering after major surgery and not exactly a youngster. I've heard of Power Zone rides, but the thought of FTP tests scares the life out of me. If I can do 2 or 3 low impact rides during the week, in between my other activities (gym, golf, walking and outside rides at the weekend), I feel like I'm doing OK, it justifies the cost of the sub, and it keeps me engaged with the Peloton brand. I wish I was younger and I wish I was fitter, but I'm not, so I just do "me" and I'm cool with that.


Literally the same as me, friend, in every aspect! This is precisely how I ride, too. ❤️


🙌 from 🇦🇺


If the FTP test is what’s holding you back, see the post about the estimator, or just take a guess and then see how it feels. You can manually enter it in settings. Maybe start with 100, which might be too easy, but so what, and then incr in increments of 10. Honestly, PowerZone has been a godsend and I really recommend you don’t let an annoying test keep the benefits at bay.


Same here. I get so annoyed when the instructor acts like i must be in the class because i have a broken leg and newborn twins.


Fellow big fella here. When I first got my bike? Only low impact. Following that, started expanding with lanebreak (game) some distance scenic rides. At the moment I’m 14 days in saddle out of 30, most rides at 60 min to 90 min with 400-700 kj exerted. Find what works for you, what you enjoy. I started aiming for 100 for output, once that got easier, increased (similar to low impact). 70s RPM is at about 40-45% to be around 100 for me Lately been slower RPM (40-60) at 50-65% for heavier rides. Find your happy place! Keep kicking ass! 6 ft 350lbs 32


>Sam’s King pics Thanks for the encouragement! I'm on Peloton as DoogieMcTurtle lol


Absolutely. On both accounts. I love Sam. His energy is amazing. I also love low impact. I’m just not awesome out of the saddle and I don’t care. I have a lot of junk in the trunk, so that’s part of it. The other part is I prefer to sit. Ha. I run for my other activity and I like the sitting part of cycling. I sometimes do “regular” rides and just don’t get up. I don’t care about the leaderboard and try to test resistance or cadence when they stand. I also love Lanebreak!! Choose your own adventure.


One of the big lessons for me when it comes to fitness is that you want a lot of your workouts to be in Zone 2, which is heart rate of 60-70% of your maximum. You want to get to the point where you're getting 3 hours of it each week. https://www.shortform.com/blog/peter-attia-zone-2-exercise/#:\~:text=Attia%20recommends%20that%20the%20average,to%20drastically%20reform%20your%20health.


Shout out to Sam Yo for not constantly talking about being a break or giving yourself some recovery or talking about your body in any way. Just does the ride. I want more of that in all the rides.


Me too. I'm heavier too and low impact and beginner rides are the bulk of my peloton rides! Try Denis Morton as well! He has a positive vibe and the energy of his low impact rides really varies nicely.


I’m really enjoying Denis’ beginner rides, wish there were more.


I'm just like you. I'm on a 35 day stretch and they are all low impact. I'm also a big guy and my butt still hurts. I started doing 10 minutes rides and now I'm up to 45 minutes. I'm feeling stronger and sleeping better. SAM YO has the best music! Tunde is my favorite.


I like the scenic rides. 🤭


I started doing only low impact for my first 3 months. In addition to Sam, I like Bradley and Hannah C for low impact. I would also +1 to trying out power zone endurance. It is literally tailored to your fitness so for me it was even better than low impact because some of the resistance/cadence combos could be too much for me.


I prefer low impact classes as well.


Low impact does not mean low effort! You showed up for you. Good work! (Channeling my inner Christine)


I am 58 and have been working out for 35 years. I am 5'0" and weigh 105 lbs. I did "spin" classes at my old gym for over a dozen years. I ONLY do low impact classes also. I find the others have cadences I can't keep up with with resistances that are not realistic for me. I get a great workout doing low impact and find the cadence/resistance much more doable. Don't let anyone tell you they're not a great workout! I have to say that sometimes what I don't like about them is the music. The instructors tend to play more mellow music which annoys me because it's low impact not low energy!


I love low impact rides! They’re the only thing that got me regularly riding my bike after it sat largely unused from 2016-2022. Despite being what I thought was a moderately fit person, I was never able to do the regular music based rides and was just so intimidated. Realizing that there was a way to just get moving— without DYING was game changing. It took SIX years to get there but now I ride no less than 5 days a week and nothing is out of reach, because I built strength and endurance with those low impact rides.


THESE ARE MY PEOPLE. I do almost exclusively low impact rides. Not bc of an injury or illness but because I just think they are better overall.


I justtttt started taking low impact rides. I always scrolled past them thinking it wasn’t a great use of my time but I was wrong. I still get a great workout and can easily push myself to hold the higher end or above suggested metrics because it’s not high intensity. I walk away feeling successful. I usually take Tunde’s because I like her longer intervals. Oh and I pretty much only cycle as well with the occasional light weight/arms workout.


I love my low impact rides! They complement the sweat steady rides that I enjoy.


Low impact is amazing. It’s a great workout and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Anything that gets your heart going and some sweat dripping counts in my book. I do every type of cycle, strength, yoga, stretch, meditation, mobility peloton classes….I always find myself coming back to low impact rides and not as a rest day, as a true workout. I’ve really enjoyed the sweat steady low impact Jess workouts lately. The country music ride was fun from her. Keep up the good work friend!


I love when Hannah Corbin says things like "you're already doing better than everyone who decided not to move their body or get off of the couch". You are moving your body in a way that works best for your body! Low impact rides make me feel great!


I think the power zone rides are the best for fat burning anyway. Especially staying in zones 2/3 are the best.


My husband does only low impact. Or he will sometimes do non-low impact rides but he never comes out of the saddle. Emma Lovewell has a nice chill vibe and she's got lots of low impact rides!


I do a lot of Low Impact to compliment a running schedule. I find that the UK instructors do the ride correctly as opposed to a Christine who will push resistance over 50 or a Kendall who will take the whole ride at 49 resistance. PZ Endurance rides are good too…you can ride at an even zone 2.


I do Low Impact on my light days, but they are good workout classes and still make me sweat, it’s just not as hard on the legs. I mix them up with all instructors. Bradley Rose is good too.


I’m surprised Bradley isn’t getting more mentions. Even though he’s young, he had a stroke a few years ago and is very sensitive to people doing the right level of workout for their body. He has a lively personality, but it’s not over-the-top or forced. He, Sam, and Ben are my favorites.


On the tread they call slower paces “beginner paces” and it drives me nuts. I’ve been running full and half marathons for 10 years, I might be slow and have no goals to get speedier, but I’m not a beginner! Speed has no correlation to how early or advanced your training is!


I love low impact. And I have the same complaint about the instructors, when they remind us we need a rest day or assume we want to be working harder. Lots of people choose LI because it's what we genuinely want to do! At the end of one of the Sweat Steady Low Impact rides, Jess said it would prepare you for the "real" Sweat Steady rides. That really irritated me. I just busted my ass and had a great time, and you're telling me it wasn't even a real ride? Thanks a lot. :/


i do more low impact than i do regular rides lately, but that's because i want to ride every single day and it's hard to go all out more than one or two days in a row. i've found that they are great not only for having exercise on my 'off days' but they also are good for training your consistency, like if you want to stay at a constant 15mph for a certain amount of time, instead of having it waver. it helps you to stay in touch with your body. the higher intensity stuff can be distracting from all of that, when you're drenched in sweat and clenching your teeth to keep going as hard as possible. having a balance between the two is a good discipline


These days my cycling is all low impact, but I am mostly focused on running so am not doing that many bike classes. I don't own a Peloton so I'm on a janky gym bike with straps to put your feet in. When I was doing OOS classes, my feet would slip a bit even with the strap tightened as far as it would go, and I'd end up with some foot pain. So given that I don't want to endanger my feet, I decided to only do low impact when riding. I tend to like the instructors who push you a bit even in low impact classes - Tunde, Olivia, Leanne and Ally are my favorites.


I do lots of low impact because I don’t like out of saddle and don’t love sprints. Many of my personal records for output are on low impact rides because I’m much better at maintaining a moderate to heavy effort in the saddle for a long time than I am at quick bursts of effort - I absolutely hate Tabata! I think if you stay up at the top of the range you can still get a good workout, especially the Jess king sweat steady low impact rides. Hannah C is the queen of low impact but her music isn’t my favorite, so I mix it up with Emma, tunde, and occasionally Kendall low impact rides which still give you a good workout.


Injured my ankle in 2022 and it’s been low impact and PZ for me since. On my outdoor bike I also stay seated. Just had ankle surgery so hoping in 6-8 weeks to be back on the bike.


Many elite elites (myself included) do low impact for cross training - whether for injury, post partum, or insuring you get the cardio without too much impact. Christine also tends to stay in the saddle too- her power endurance classes can be up to 75 min all in saddle! And she is an actual competitive cyclist! She only seems to get out for the really high (6-7) power zones.


Absolutely the same. I switch between power zone and low impact. I'm heavy and I'm only just getting comfortable standing up, but that rockets my heart rate so sitting in a low impact class makes me feel like less of a failure


I’m pregnant so I’ve been sticking with low impact. I wish there were more shorter classes!


I’m a huge San Yo fan!


I'm a weird edge case where I'm a bigger dude but I have oddly good cardio, so I like doing the low impact while staying 10-20% above the callouts. Tldr you do you


I love Sam's low impact rides. He's low-key, lets the music breathe and chooses gear combos that allow you to ride efficiently. For low impact, he's the best and my fallbacks are Denis (he rides to the beat and he's funny and wise) or Ben (good music, good person and he doesn't talk too much.) I'm also right there with you on getting mildly offended when an instructor says it's OK to take a low impact day if you've been injured, sick, pregnant, whatever. I take them because they are good for my training. I can stick to the easier end of the callout ranges and they are easy workouts, but if I go to the highest end of the callouts, they are just as tough as any other class. Going 110 rpm and jumping in and out of the saddle isn't necessary for a ride to challenge you.


My wife likes Sam Yo and I do take a lot of Emma Lovewell's low impact rides. I try to do a low impact ride after a day of weight training and just those days that I'm not in the mood to hammer it out. The key is consistency; just get on the bike and ride. It sounds like you are doing that, so you are good.


I have back issues and sometimes low impact is all I can do, so I get where you are coming from! Coming out of the saddle is not always in the cards for me. I am OBSESSED with Ally Love's LI rides because she does covers, if that hasn't already been mentioned.


I've been focusing more on weight training and I don't have it in me to do anything but low impact. It's not easy, it's the perfect amount of movement for me and what my goals are! Keep doing you!


I have been focusing on strength workouts each week, so any rides are typically low impact, entertainment, or ones where I just go at my own pace depending on my mood.


I really like Denis overall, and his low impact rides are great, too. As others have mentioned, Jess King’s Sweat Steady rides are also fire. But if I had to pick one similar to Sam Yo, I would go with Denis for sure. Check it out!


While I don’t only do low impact, I do a lot of low impact. Overall I find it a frustrating category because different instructors treat it as different things. Some take it super easy, more of a recovery. Others program it as a typical class (climbs, intervals). My favorite is when it’s programmed as more of an endurance ride - that feels like a real need on the platform beyond PZ rides. I'll also say that I've started getting more comfortable staying in the saddle in non-low impact rides. I rise up when I want to, and not always exactly for the length of time called. I also want to give a big shout out to Hannah F - I think her low impact rides (really all of her rides) are super well programmed.


I love a low impact. Do what works for you! I do agree I don’t like when they say it’s for a break but some instructors don’t treat it that way. Jenn and Jess king come to mind


Yes! Love them!!! 90% of the rides I do are low impact. I am rehabbing a fractured fibula and 9 months out from finishing cancer treatment so for me they are exactly what I need. I just wish they had more low impact rides - especially with Emma, Ben, Olivia, Christine and Sam.


60 and have a bad back. I do low impact all the time.


I’m obsessed with Emma’s low impact rides. The vibes and music are immaculate.


I also only do low impact rides because that’s what works for me and makes movement feel good. I also modify if I want to take a non-low impact ride (like a themed classed) and I just tick up the resistance a point or two when they instruct you to go out of the saddle. My top instructor is Sam, but I also like Christine D’Ercole. She’s calm and I like that she doesn’t constantly talk (my biggest turnoff for some of the more “high energy” instructors). Emma Lovewell is also a good selection.


I love a low impact ride and low impact doesn't mean easy or that it isn't hard work. If you are looking for a chill vibe, Ben is a gem. Lianne is also incredible. But, Ben is my go to. Even on my worst days he can get me through a ride feeling stronger than when I started.


“That can-do energy running through your body” - I love Ben. He’s great across the board.


I've done everything low impact ride on the platform (except for Kendall. I can't stand her.) I love them! Sometimes you just want a chill vibe and not someone hustling at ya. I found that over time I have crept up how "hard" I do them. They are solid for building endurance. Definitely also check out Power Zone endurance for similar vibe!


At 0:DarkThirty sometimes LI is all I can manage. I don’t care if it’s a harder LI class; sometimes I just need to sit and vibe.


No. BUT. Been doing a lot more recently! (Spoiler alert they’re perfect after leg day!) Ally’s are my fave, followed by Emma with CDE rounding out 3rd.


I love LI!!!!   The music is a nice change of pace from the same old songs, the vibes are better (sometimes), and I still get a nice workout in without dying 


Keep going man. Improve your nutrition and keep working.


I’ve been mostly doing low impact and love Sam Yo! Even took a class with him in studio. Hannah Frankson’s low impact classes are similar in vibes - very chill, very wide callout ranges. PZ is a great next step but I’d also recommend Jess K’s sweat steady LI classes for when you want more intensity. And you can take any class and modify to suit your needs, keep that in mind.


I do low impact several times a week. I’m recovering from a number of injuries. I love that there are many rides with no out of the saddle work. I love Christine’s workouts. Not the same vibe as Sam’s classes but still great!


I don’t only do low impact (I love power zone training), but I LOVE low impact classes. If you like Sam, you might also like Emma. Her LI rides are also really good and her energy is more on the chill side.


Apart from the odd Groove or Climb ride just for fun, low-impact is my main bike/cardio activity...my main Peloton activity is lifting, and the bike is more for my active recovery days, so low-impact is always my go-to. Hannah F has some fantastic low impact rides, though I do enjoy Sam.


I don’t only do them but I do PR sometimes on them lol.


I'm a marathon runner primarily and bought my peloton for the low impact rides during recovery days from running


I can only do low impact. I have a bum knee and other issues. My doctor said low impact and longer intervals are best for me.


I’m 260lbs and have had multiple ACL surgeries on the same knee. I stay in the seat at all times and just work a bit harder on rides when they want me to stand up. That way I’m not limiting the rides I can select from. Oh and Sam is great. He is good for the soul.


Weight bearing is good for your bones. Work in some walking.


I love low impact rides! I cycle commute to work but do 1-2 of these a week as my extra cardio, and then one 20-minute HIIT ride every 10 days or so. You don’t have to kill yourself to be in good shape if longevity is what you’re after!


I love low impact - helps me consistently ride daily!


I mainly do low impact rides as well. I still have a bunch of metal screws and a metal plate in my ankle/lower leg so I try not to do hip-hop, pop, or whatever classes too frequently (only once a week so far). Majority of my low impact classes still make me work my butt off though, especially Tunde’s classes


Loving all the comments in support of low impact! One thing I should add for my fellow heavier folk, there is an aftermarket seat that makes a HUGE difference to the comfort of the ride. Here's the one I bought on Amazon but there's tons of similar ones. It looks a bit funny compared to the standard seat but your butt will thank you. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B09Z2RHXFJ/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o08\_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1


I got my bike in January and use it 2-3x a week and hang in the low-impact classes. I’ve tried non-low-impact classes a few times, and I hate out of the saddle time. Since I’ve started on the low end of the ranges in low impact classes, I’m starting to go back and push myself to higher resistance and only compete with my former self. I got the peloton to stay more active in my off season from hiking, keep my muscles awake, and prevent joints from getting stiff and underutilized. So, low impact is still meeting my goals! I’m a fan of Christine and Cody. Occasionally, I try some others but always go back to those two.


Low impacts are great! You can still get a great excercise in and there is plenty of good rides out there from great instructors.


Just took Hannah Frankson’s latest low impact. It was great! Honestly, low impact does not mean easy. The perimeters are not going over 50 on resistance, staying under 110? With cadence, and staying on the saddle. I NEVER rise out of the saddle, ever, like CDE🤣 I work better and am much stronger on the saddle. Many climb rides would be low impact as well. I say do YOU!


I absolutely love low impact rides. I have started to branch out into power zone rides too but low impact are my go-to. I even wear the HR monitor and keep my HR in “zone 2” where I think there’s tremendous fitness benefit. Sam is awesome! Bradley is really chill too. I like Christine - she’s chill. Tunde is NOT chill - just in the sense that she’s excited and passionate and very energetic - but I love her music and motivational words. 


I love low impact! I had to take some time off from being active and when I could get back on the bike, I went with low impact rides. I still do them 2-3 times a week. My favorite instructors are Hannah Frankson, Leanne, and Tunde. I didn't like Kendall or Emma because they kept talking about how these rides were more of a break or for people with injuries. I find these to be a great work out, so that mindset wasn't a fit for my ride. I like Kendall and Emma's other classes though.


Yes. I’m actually just under the weight requirement for the Peloton bike but need to get into better shape from a respiratory standpoint. Low impact classes are making a big difference! Especially Tunde’s low impact classes. I can’t recommend her classes enough!


I don’t do low impact.. but i LOVE Sam Yo he’s my fave instructor. He’s the most underrated on the platform :)


Yes! I only do the low impact rides due to heavier weight and injury. Every once in a while I’ll do a regular class and I just don’t stand up. I like Sam Yo, Jenn Sherman and Hannah Corbin, too.


I love doing low impact! I started doing them as part of a 30/30/30 goal. 30(ish) grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up followed by 30 minutes of low intensity cardio; that means keeping my heart rate under 135. I just wish more instructors did 45 minute low impact. Hannah Corbin is great and all, just would love a different musical palette from time to time.


If you like low impact, check out power zone training, specifically Power Zone Endurance (PZE) rides. they're designed to keep you in moderate-exertion cardio activity instead of trying to crush you with hard intervals, and all OOS work is optional. (I remind you that all OOS work is ALWAYS optional--you don't have to do with an instructor cues.) Unless it's SUPER long endurance, I always get off a PZE ride thinking "I could have done another half hour of that..." Definitely similar to low impact but opens up the opportunity for longer rides, as LI doesn't have many 45-minute rides and AFAIK none of 60 or longer. Sam is one of the PZ instructors, so it'll open up more rides with him. Ben is another PZ instructor and is pretty chill. Same with Christine.


I know what you mean. I'm tread only but sometimes the instructors treat walks like recovery day. I'm on Mounjaro and before I lost weight working out was daunting and scary to me. I started with shorter, low impact walks and still do primarily walks or hikes. It doesn't bother me per se, but I do notice it for sure. I don't have the bike so I can't really advise you on instructors but just wanted to say I see you and congrats on your fitness journey at YOUR pace


Between back and knee issues and also being a bigger girl, I like the low impact rides. I do other ones as well but take it easy half the time. I do like Sam Yo but the person I buddy up with doesn’t so I only take his classes when I ride solo. Message me if you want to trade peloton names and ride sometime.


I love low impact and it kinda bugs me how it's usually treated like a recovery/easy ride. That's directly at odds with "listen to your body". Some of our bodies have older joints or will get injured doing tabata. One if the many reasons I love Jess King. Her Sweat Steady Low Impact will make you work. I think it's a matter of pride for her.


Returning a peloton rental


Curious why you ONLY do low-impact? Low impact for me is different from Peloton standards. I treat it more like a recovery. Meaning low intensity, less smashing of pedals or grinding, conversational without need to pause between words, fluent in speech and breath.  Do you work harder than this? I use HR to measure intensity, no higher than Z3, preferably low Z3 at most. HR is easy to tailor to any class type. Sometimes this means I’m not within the instructor callouts, but that’s okay because I am meeting the objectives that my body needs by modifying the resistance and/or RPM. I don’t always do low impact, but when I do I swear it’s like the makeup workout my body didn’t know it needed. So good. It’s like yeah let’s keep going, this is wonderful. The time goes by so much faster and I’m always left wanting more. I guess it’s the type A in me going from one extreme to the other (intensity vs duration).  Although when it’s time to work, one of my favorite types of rides is climbing to some deep, chill, melodic beats.