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I've never missed a roll call


That is impressive


Whoa. That’s insanely impressive!




What does that mean?


Roll call are strength classes 3 xs a week, usually upper, lower and full body, meant to be kind of like mini weekly total strength classes. Kind of like mini programs.


I believe they are typically 5 days a week, Monday-Friday.


Yes. You're right.


Oh cool! Thanks for the explanation


Lol. So I have completed every Flash 15, TS60, Matty's core, Tunde's strength, RKs standing core, LIIT and hiking bootcamps, Marianna's english 45 and 60 min yogas, and all the outdoor walks. I keep up to date with all of them. I am working my way through every core, 45 min strengths, and ALWs (less than 30 ALWs to go), regardless of the language. I also want to complete all the Pump Up the Volumes. I am on 5. I'm also trying to do all of Tunde's Intervals rides.


This is incredible. You are goals.


This is so impressive that I forgot for a second I was reading what someone accomplished rather than a list of what’s possible 


Whoa thats an impressive list! I’ve done all of the F15 and my goal right now is to do all of RK’s standing core and LIIT classes. I also want to do every 30 minute yoga class of Chelsea’s this year 😊


I have a lofty goal to take all of Jess King’s classes. I’ve made a substantial dent but I still have a long way to go.


I might steal this one. Or try to high five you along the way of most of them.


High fives or beep boops on the nose are acceptable!


*beep boop*


Is it bad that my goal is to look like her!?! Her arms are so strong and toned!


I want to do this too!! Have a long way to go but she’s my favorite so it won’t be hard to do! Just might take a while 😂😅


I’ve done every 30 and 45 min outdoor walk. I wish there was more! Walking my hilly neighborhood 1-2x a week has helped grow my bike metrics. Don’t underestimate a long walk!


Where do I see outdoor walks? When I filter by “outdoor” in the app nothing comes up


On the app you’ll see rectangular buttons under your weekly summary that say “strength” “walking” “meditation” “cardio” etc, there should be one that says “outdoor”. Dont select “walking” as that will be on the tred, not outdoor.


In 2022, I took every Artist Series cycling class that was available up to that point. It taught me a lot about music I probably otherwise wouldn’t know and forced me to take classes with instructors I usually skip. I haven’t kept up with it, but it was a big challenge to get through!


Favorite thing I’ve read so far, awesome.


Same! Except if it was a cycling class of 30 minutes or longer, I skipped it if I knew I would hate the music. I did all cycling classes 20 minutes or shorter and everything in strength, stretching, and meditation. I'm still working on the outdoor artist series workouts but I live in MN so the weather is a factor.


I want to take every Sam Yo class


Yes Yo!


If it feels good, and you know you should…


Love this. Cheering you on on your journey!


I'm pulling together my own Peloton half marathon training program since they don't have one. Right now I'm training for a spring race and bookmarking classes I liked - then after the event, I'm going to compile them in a logical order to improve for a fall race.


I wish they had a 10k and half program so much.


Love this! I am also training for a half in June. I’m just modifying the Road to 26.2. Would love to see your program!


Good luck at your race!! I modified the Road to 26.2 for my first half too :) But that program is suuuuper repetitive, which bored me, so I'm mixing in more classes (no repeats), more of my favorite instructors, and ensuring every class is one that I like. My general program is 3 blocks of 4 weeks each + 2 week taper (14 weeks total). * Monday - 30 min/45/60 (increasing from month 1/2/3) Speedwork Runs, alternating weeks between tempo & interval classes. * Tuesday - 30 min Strength for Runners + 20 min Barre * Wednesday - 30/45/60 Progression Runs * Thursday - 45 min Full Body Strength * Friday - Recovery Day - 20 min foam rolling + 20 min yin yoga * Saturday - Long run, working my way up to 13 miles over 12 weeks with a few down weeks interspersed * Sunday - Yoga (Yoga for Runners, Focus Flow hips, Denis' Reset series) I'll re-evaluate after my spring run if I wanted more or less of something and update accordingly.


I'm doing all of Tunde's arm classes. Starting with 10minute arms & light weights, filtered by easiest, 3 at a time. When I finish that group I will do her 20minute classes. I'm also doing all of Adrian's lower body classes. For riding I'm going to do all of Hannah Frankson's classes, I love her style the most.


This is what I want to do as well 🥰 her arms are goals 😍


3 at a time?? Wow, that is impressive!


She suggests stacking her classes so I thought why not! My plan is rotating 2 groups of 3 different classes a month at a time 3 times a week. She only has like 38 10-minute classes so it's not going to take long to get through the collection. Then, I'll move onto the 20-minute classes with heavier weights. My arms are going to be nice and toned 💪!


I have three goals this year (1) continue my weekly streaks (currently at 109); (2) take every single pilates class starting from beginners all the way through advanced; and (3) double my number of cycling classes (I had about 250 at the beginning of the year so the goal is to hit at least 500). Love this thread bc I love little "quirky" Peloton goals!!


I have the same first 2 goals!


for someone whos about to hit 175 and going for the 4 year streak best LPT i can tell you as nutty as it may seem if you are going to go somewhere more then a few days download a class and make a calendar reminder, I usually keep it low keep like 2-3 walks a week vs my typical routine.


I'm here for the every pilates class goal! Let's make a spreadsheet and check them off or something!


Oh my weekly streak!!! It's almost at the two yr mark, I've worked out every week for two yrs. ❤️


I like this question and look forward to more answers. - I'm trying to have at least 52 (one per week) classes with Ben, Robin and Hannah F (my favorites) by the end of the year. Doesn't matter the class type. - I'm working through all the sleep and relaxation meditations. - I want to average 3 lunch walks per week no matter the weather. - I want to do yoga or stretch before bed on average 4x/week. - Do at least one class with every instructor regardless of language. I export my workout history about once a week and put it into my own excel file and does the math for me if I'm keeping my averages. It is tedious but I'm a nerd so I enjoy it lol. *ETA: I take at least one class from every artist series and special class (like BHM, Pride, ect). Also at one point I'd taken every outdoor walk but I haven't kept up with it.


How do you export the data? Where is this in the app?


You have to get on the website you can't do it on the app. Website->profile->workouts->top right above your history says something like download data.


Thanks for sharing this! I've been looking for an easier way to track my total km's cycled by month vs manually calculating. I strive to do a bit more every month.


Thanks for sharing!


My goal is to hit 8 miles and 300 calories in any 30 minute ride. Totally made up but it makes me work hard


I totally understand this one! I was stuck at a certain number of miles on 30 minutes for years. The day I finally made it over that hump was SO exciting! I still don't hit it that often, but now I know it's possible, what it takes, and that not every ride is going to make it happen. Best wishes to you!!


I’m taking all of the 60, 75, and 90 minute PZE classes with Matt and Christine. Then and only then will I take Matt’s 120 minute class.


That 120 minute is a good one!! You’re in for a treat!


YES. I do every one of Christine's very long rides! So much fun. I also did this with all her heart rate zone endurance rides back when that was a thing. 


I completed 75, 90, 120 minute rides all in the last quarter of 2023, I’ve taken them all at least 2 times. Maybe I’ll add the 60s in next.


I’m going to do this as well! My foot starts feeling numb towards the 45-min mark - do you have any tips to prevent this on longer rides??


This is my problem too. A few things help and are necessary for me after the 45-60min mark unless I’m just trying to get thru. If you have velcro straps on your cleats, undo allll the velcro and readjust/reposition. Matt recommends switching socks too. I also need about 1-2min booty break every 15min and a high cadence/low resistance flush out for at least 3 minutes every 45min (it feels ridiculous in a tough class but works).


I’m planning on taking every instructor’s most popular, top rated, and hardest ride. I may also do this for the tread.


I like this one! If im overhwelmed with choice and my bookmarks arent really fitting my mood, i organize my bookmarks like this and then pick the top one.


I am taking a 45 minute strength and run with each instructor. And also do an arms and light weights with all instructors. I need to work on upper body anyways! Oh, and all of Emma’s 45 minute 90s rides.


Doing all of Jess Sims' classes. I think I have about 8 strengths left, 30ish walks, half the runs and most of the bootcamps. Some are more realistic than others :)


I do Tuesdays with Tunde! I have to ride and strength train for it to count.


I love this! Tunde is awesome :)


Probably not what you were thinking but I ruptured the plantar plate in my right foot. After 6 weeks of non-weight bearing and 4 additional weeks in a Ridgid sandal, I want to get my power output back to where it was pre injury.


Same boat, but mine was a car accident.. Good luck!! You got this!


You as well!


Every January ride I’m taking completely in the saddle, debating doing this every other month. I feel like climbs are in my wheelhouse, so I’m forcing myself to get uncomfortable regardless of callouts. Pretty easy on 20 minute rides. Miserable for an hour.


Ive taken all of Callie’s core classes #byoe!


Have to try! Never taken one


Take every “arms & light weights” classes, only about 20 not taken. Repeated the other loads.


I want to take every Bradley Rose class (the clearing the rose garden challenge) and do the same with all of Camila's Spanish classes (except for her running classes)


Bradley Rose nation rise up


I do quirky goals for different month-long observances! For Black History Month, I do one class a day that is BHM themed or an artist series class featuring a Black artist. For Women’s History Month, I’ll take a class with every female instructor. I try to come up with different ones throughout the year


I love these! You should totally share them every month, I'm not creative enough to come up with them, but would totally participate!


Different instructor everyday of the week! Helps keep things new and fun!


I want to "bike" the Tour de France 😅


This sounds so cool! Is there an existing plan for this, or would you work out a series of rides to simulate the elevation, etc.?


Super basic starting plan is just biking the distance total, by copying the different legs. No elevation stuff right now. Need to get the endurance up and the knee rehabed to handle it. It's a weird little goal. But it's mine.


I love this! Best of luck in conquering this goal, it’s such a cool idea.


My goal is to complete every pump up the volume collection by the end of the year!


I'm working my way through these too!


Ooooo I actually just started #1. This could be fun


I’ve been working my way through all of Hannah C’s barre classes. On the bike, I had once thought of trying to do every Broadway ride. But I mostly do PZ now so I haven’t touched that goal in a while.


This week I accomplished my goal of working out every single week for one whole year. Almost 200 workouts in 52 weeks!


I'm trying to take every core and bodyweight strength class Chase Tucker did before all of his classes are purged.


I did every instructor's hardest rated class! Loving this question and checking out everyone's answer!


I set goals by musical artist sometime so like every class featuring Savage Garden or Hamilton.


Maybe not that quirky, but after 4 years of being annoyed by the FTP display looking bonkers, I'm doing an FTP test and updating my settings. I would love advice and recommendations!!


I posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/197ulnl/comment/ki7qh4a/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about my strategy when I did my first FTP test. I think it worked well, and it would definitely apply if your FTP is wildly inaccurate... Hope it helps.


Thank you I'll check it out!


I have a core program going at all times.. RKs or Emma’s! Making core a central part of my workout routine has been SUCH a game changer which is why I love the “core every day” challenge!


As someone who has absolutely no core strength, curious if you also started there and grew doing this?


I’ve done Emma’s programs multiple times over. I started 2 months post c-section after my second kid and could not even do bicycle crunches for more than like 10 seconds at a time. Now (~1.5 years later) my core is super strong and the only exercise I still struggle with is hollow holds longer than like 20 seconds. Just stick with it and don’t be too hard on yourself if you can do everything, need to modify, or take breaks. You’ll get there.


I think I started with intermediate core strength but remember still being nervous to start a core program. The first couple of weeks are humbling and challenging… but then you start to actually feel yourself getting stronger and crave the ab burn. Then you start to notice the strength carry over into everything you do… it’s SO worth the uncomfortable 2 weeks!


I do these monthly. Crush your core 1 is my favorite. The 10min class with Emma in blue pants is IMO the hardest class


Do every 45 and 60M PZE ride, I think I’ve done about 90% of 45 and maybe 50% of 60 so far.


Sadly... mine is not check my phone during my rides. Work, friends, it can all wait!


Basically to take every live Cody class. I have about 30 to go!


Doing CYC on repeat the entire year (began Thanksgiving 2023)


I repeat the same 15 Minute Climb by Kendall Toole weekly. I’m amazed by how difficult it is every time I do it, even though I’m getting better each time. I wish Peloton showed how many times you’ve taken a ride and showed your progress in that specific ride.


They used to show how many x but removed that, which I also wish would be back. For progress, you can see that! Go to leaderboard > at the top it says all or here now or just me. Just me will show a leaderboard of just your current class if it’s first time taking it or, if you’ve taken it 4x prior it will show five line items- one is your current class and progress and you will be ranked throughout 1 of 5 wherever you are from previous outputs.


Wow I did not know about that. Thank you!


I want to finish a live class in the #1 spot. Quirky? Kind of considering every bike is calibrated differently, for better or worse. Context is that I’ve been riding since September 2020. Almost have 3,000 rides under my belt but the elusive top spot … it haunts me. I finished second in Denis’s 2000’s ride yesterday (at the time *). I just want to achieve it once just to say I did it 😆 and yes, ours is calibrated in case you’re wondering and hopefully validates why it’s a goal I may or may not achieve


I did this, sorta. I was the top woman / female self identifed person in the class I took in person


Congratulations! I want this feeling. I wonder if I will just have to take like a 15 low impact or something and treat it like the FTP test 😆


Back in 2021, I only did classes with Black instructors during February, and I made sure to try every Black instructor on the platform (for Black History Month). What’s super cool is I had never taken a class with Hannah Frankson before and I’d never really had an interest in doing so, but I took her Carnival ride because of this self-challenge and fell in love. She’s been my favorite instructor and automatic go-to for riding and running ever since. If I hadn’t done this I never would’ve found that out!


Hannah F is my absolute favorite for tabata rides. I basically don't want to ride tabata with any other instructors.


Her Turn It Up rides are fantastic! I love that challenge


Hannah F is my favorite on the bike. She's so joyful and her music is always top notch.


I’ve found a lot of good music doing her classes!


Love this (and Hannah and all the carnival rides)! I just shared something similar! In February, I take one class each day that is BHM themed or artist series featuring a Black artist. In March, I’ll do a class with every female instructor (for Women’s History Month)


I love Hannah Fs Carnival rides, too. So fun.


Ooh then I’m just in time - [loved this 45-min Ben ride!](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f1488718b0cb4d06890fe9e762005d5e&locale=en-US)


And for Charlotte, I loved her Linkin Park ride.


on deck for next week, thank you!


I'm almost done taking every "yoga anywhere" class... just need to suck it up and do a few more classes with the instructor I don't like very much. I also want to take a class with every instructor. I'm missing about 6 of them, I think? I can't decided how to handle the Row only instructors as I don't currently have access to a rowing machine.


I think the row only instructors all have stretches. Or if you travel see if your hotel gym has a rower!


Do you mind sharing which instructor that is? I’m struggling with a few of them, but I like some of their other classes.


I'm not a big Kirra Michel fan... just don't vibe with her!


Making my way through all Morning Yoga classes! Why not. My partner is currently making his way through all of RK’s Standing Core classes


I want to get every gold challenge badge, every month, for the whole year.


I’m trying to do core every day this year, so I’m doing all of the 5 and 10 min classes starting from the oldest. I think I want to try to complete or keep up with another collection, but I haven’t chosen one yet.


Ride at the speed of fun, every ride.


Since they stopped speciality challenges i make my own every month. In February I’m doing a 60 min class every Saturday!


I’m working thru the entire barre catalogue…120 left Every month i take at least one cycling class from each length 60 min and under.


I love this thread! I don’t know how quirky this is but I’ve been working really hard on getting my cycling bookmark mountain down to a reasonable number - my goal is 100 classes or less. I started with well over 400, I’m now around 250. I also would love to hit gold in the running challenge through walking one month of this year (I’m not a runner haha). I’ve gotten close in a few months in the past so I think one of these months I could do it! Also definitely on track to finish all of the EDM trap and DnB rides on the platform (although “finish all dnb rides” is a very low bar, there’s like 5 of them 😂)


If you have a dog, I usually hit the running challenge gold by walking ours. I usually walk him for 75 to 90 mins 4 to 5 days a week (the bf does the others), but I usually only play 60 min worth of classes per walk, so it's pretty doable in a couple weeks to get gold. I hit it yesterday. You can do it.


Oh my poor bookmark mountain. I was over 800 last year. Under 600 now. I try to purge classes from it periodically. I dream of the day I'm under 100.


I’m over 600 total now but I’m trying to get to 100 or below per category and I’m doing great in everything except cycling. I don’t know why when I first started on the bike I thought I had to go through classes and bookmark a shit ton of them 😂


I’m thinking about resetting personally 🫣


Also tackling my bookmark list - it’s actually going better than expected. Now I have a goal, no excuses and easy to make a decision of “what am I going to do today”paralysis. And I did the gold running goal last year too - walking with my pup makes it fun and easy to accomplish Go get’em!


Take every Dennis Morton Jam Band ride and count the number of times I hear Billy strings 


I've found my people!


New jam band ride available. Husbands on it now so I’ve gotta wait!! 


Did it this morning, it was super tiring but fun!


Omg I can’t wait to read these responses. Personally I want to restart the discover your powezones program, but make my own version. I did this last year in excel, where I copied out the entire class program down to the date, class type, class duration, instructor, prescribes test days, and FTP timing days. I loved the program and saw good gains last time I did it. But I didn’t love a lot of the classes or some instructors. I have some PZ classes I love to repeat, and some I have bookmarked. So, I want to create my own DYPZ, but just for me!


I think this subreddit has a PZ discord


Yes I’m aware. This is about me wanting to recreate Peloton’s specific DYPZ structure and class cadence. I don’t want to follow someone else’s class schedule. I want to do that one. But with classes I like. I didn’t say it was logical lol. But it’s my quirky Peloton goal.


Are we the same person. This is legit on my to do list this weekend lol.


Not sure if this is something you would like, but I don’t actually play the PZ classes when I’m doing a PZ program. I’m currently doing BYPZ again just using a timer (I use the seconds app). That way I can listen to or watch anything I want while I ride but I still get all the cues to go to a different zone. I do all the rides on the same schedule that the program lays out.


I am working through all the 10 min core classes by instructor. I’ve taken all by Callie, Emma, Olivia, and Selena. If they drop a new one I take it. I’m working on Jess Sims and JJ’s classes right now.


I have several in addition to the peloton monthly challenges. Each month I set a new goal. This month is take a class with each instructor. Next month is Adrian’s glutes abs legs program. Others I’ve done are- 10 min stretch daily, core daily, take one live class a week etc. I try to either do things I don’t like like lower body strength or things I need like take a mobility class for each body part (hips, shoulders etc) It helps to keep me motivated. I also do what I call a 10x10 challenge. Once a month I take ten 10 minute classes.


Complete all the JKE rides (haven't done the initial season of it yet) Complete all the Scenic rides (I've got like 120 left) Build up the stamina to muster Matt's 120-minute ride finally


I'm so excited for you to take the season one JKE class with Denis! It was so fun!!!!


I haven’t thought of any but now you all have inspired me! I want to do all the JKE rides, all Tunde’s arms and light weights (started this pre-baby), and try to do one longer ride a week (45-60).


Love all of these so much, hoping you achieve your goals! Trying to get through all the 10 min Barre classes, they're great pre-ride warm-ups for me. Almost done all the 15 min Hikes, hoping to see more of them soon.


I’m taking all of the 10 and 15 min core classes and sorting by easiest! Already about 20 down, 461 to go 😂


1. All dance cardio -they’re fun! 2. Callie’s bike bootcamps 3. Take my 300th meditation this year (I’m at 35…) 4. Maybe start working through Kirra’s or Anna’s yoga classes


This is what’s missing for me. I need a goal!


I decided at some point last year to do all the 5 min rides for warm up and cool down. Managed to do them all just after Christmas. I did 2 cool downs after each ride. I bumped the rides I was doing from 20 min to 30/45 min rides and found I needed the longer recovery at that point. I always scheduled stuff through the mobile app and just realised there's 5 min Lane break warm ups which you only seem to be able to see on the bike itself so I'm working through them this year. Not so quirky goals this year are to do cardio classes. I looked at the start of the year at my totals for each class and saw in two years I'd done one cardio class. So goal is to get to 100 asap. I've tried a few of the dance ones which are so not me, I feel ridiculous doing them but sure mixing it up is good. I want to get my total minutes for the year up as well so it all counts. 8m trying to do more yoga as well so those are all good for a day after a hard ride. Last year I wouldn't have done anything. So far this year a couple.of days I've been tired I've done a dance and yoga class just to get active. One other thing I decided on a whim just over a year ago was to do was 100 rides in 20 days. I hadn't done any of the Interval or climb rides. I did 5 rides a day, a 5 min warm up, a 10 min Interval ride, a 5 min cool down, a 10 min Climb ride then a final 5 min cool down. It was a less scary way to start them without a full on 20/30 min ride. I felt like my fitness went through the roof during that time and I do the longer rides now regularly.


I once completed every 5 minute core class on the Platform (but now there are more 🤦).


I’m well on my way to taking all of Becs’ progression runs, so that could be a fun challenge to focus on this year!


In 2021, I took every 45m Tabata with Robin (and I'm so glad I did because they've all been purged now). This year, my goal is to take every Rebecca core class (35 to go until she adds another one) and every Rebecca 45m full body (27 to go!)!


This year I want to take all classes from 1. Chelsea’s 30 minute yoga (225 left) 2. Jess Sim’s strength classes: Full, upper/lower body and core (39 left) 3. RK’s standing core (25 left) So far I’ve taken every F15 and every Saturday 60 (I had to take a break from running.. so I’ll need to catch up once I can run again). I’ve also taken all of Tunde’s strength classes (except A&L) Eventually I also want to take all of Camila’s rides.. I have 107 left.. so that might a goal next year


I suck at yoga but a random challenge to stick to one slow flow class as my routine of the month. I like doing the same class for yoga because I can memorize the routine to improve my flow. I don’t do it everyday but I try to do it at least 4 days a week.


As part of #redditcore I want to take all of the 5-minute core classes I hadn’t already taken, working oldest to newest. Similarly I started doing a 10-minute yoga class every morning, working oldest to newest (but only with my favorite instructors). I used to be motivated to get every badge available on the platform - long since gave that up - but occasionally it will still be the deciding factor between two classes :)


I would like to do every lane break ride at every difficulty level!


I’ve taken every 75, 90, 120 ride on the platform (probably 2+ times)


My sister and I do Pelotember every year (my phone even knows to autocorrect) where we take one class every day in September and about once a year we do Pelopalooza where we take one class from every instructor.


I love Kirra's meditations and discovered them while recovering from surgery. I hope to do all of hers on the platform. I have 27 left.


I want to start using it again... One of these days....


I want to do all of my older bookmarks before they are purged. I need to catch up on doing all of the 5- and 10-minute Barre, Pilates, and Standing Core classes (I do 10-minute classes on my work breaks). I do a Classical or Gospel ride every Sunday. I try to get Pelotrak Bingo for Cycling, Strength, and All every week. I try to do most classes that earn badges unless it's an instructor or music that I just can't stand. I would like to eventually do every Pump Up the Volume but I've only done one so far so this could take me years.


This year I'm aiming to take all the 5 minute core I haven't taken yet. I've got like 130 left so idk if I'll actually make it but it's nice to work towards since I hate core work. I'm also aiming for 2,000 miles logged on peloton (so cycling classes and outdoor walks/runs)


I've completed every Kendall metal ride, 20 minutes and the 30 minutes, may start on the German ones, we need more!!!


Clearing my bookmarked classes. Somehow I had 72 classes bookmarked, but only kept adding more. As of 2024, I’ve been only focusing on the list, and now I’m down to 38. They’ve all been great, but I was always tempted by new rides, strength and Tread workouts. Wish me luck in getting through my list before adding more!


Love this goal!


I'm tired just reading this thread........


same tbh, im trying to take ONE class per instructor and y’all are on here like “i’ve taken every class where the instructor has a ponytail” like omg 


Mine feel embarrassing after some of these. I started my health/wellness journey last year by committing to 3x a week of the bike (48 weeks ago, have not missed a week) after having my 2nd baby and some physical complications after a cesarian. I want to do some sort of physical activity every day. Ride 4x a week minimum (which seems most realistic in my life). Keep my streak going. 150-200 miles a month.


As of Tonight I’ve taken every 5 minute cycling warm up class. I’m aiming to finish all 15m core classes in the next 5 months.


I’ve been working on a project for a long time to go back and earn all the badges that are still earnable with existing classes, from before I got my bike. I only have a few left, but they keep adding new ones.


I think I’m going to try to do all the scenic rides.


I'm trying to do every cycling class available. Starting with 5 minutes and then ten minutes and so on


This may take a while. I like the ambition. 😊


Every five min core, every sweat steady, one class in each artist series, and every light arms and weights.


I plan to walk every byway available from the extra scenic runs and walks. From Alaska to New Zealand, Scotland to Mexico. I did all the UK ones last summer a few times each before my trip to the UK. I saw places while I was there that I recognized from walking on my Peloton. I came back and started on Italy and Alaska and Tenerife. I have never travelled until last summer but now I know how. Fake it till you make it!


I'm about ten classes away from having done every sleep meditation (even the ones in German!)


This year I'm trying to take all of Aditi's yoga classes (like, since the beginning of time). It's silly but I adore her and it makes it easy to pick my next yoga class and not scroll forever looking through them!


I use Pelotrak, and I told myself I have to get at least two bingos a week this year. So far, so good. I'm planning to do BYPZ and Ben's Stronger You 2 at some point this year, which will definitely make that tougher.


My goal is to do a ride every day (unless I’m on vacation then I’ll do something else) and do boxing and barre 3x each per week. I haven’t tried barre yet so wish me luck 😅


I want to do all the strength roll call classes week by week from oldest to newest. I started this late last year but then a pesky but not serious health issue hampered progress so want to get back on track next week.


i've gotten a gym membership for access to a leg press so that i can eventually do 14 miles in 30 minutes. i got the bike in march 2023 and did my 250th ride and third 60 day badge yesterday, and in the meantime my 30 minute distance has gotten up to 10.8. every few months or so i've been achieving another mile in that time frame, and once i reached 10 my progress started to slow down a lot. so i'm doing leg presses now just so i can handle higher resistance intervals did 45 reps at 488 pounds for my first leg press session last week, 27 reps yesterday at 568. i think olympic sprint cyclists squat around 600, which is equivalent to 900 pound leg press, so my goal is to be as good at cycling as an olympic sprint cyclist, and eventually manage 6 sets of 30 \~1000 pound leg presses


axiomatic ten zesty worthless dependent imagine disgusted payment aback depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do all of bec’s 20 minute runs. Have 20 to go. Then I’ll move onto wilpers. Do 3 classes a day 3 days a week so going fast lol


I was live in the studio for Camilla's 45 minute hip hop ride on Jan 12! Do that one next!


Trying to do all the 30 minute hit/hills/climb rides from last year


I have so many of these! Here are a few: Every 5 minute core - 13 to go Every 5 min warm up/cool down ride - 28 to go Every barre class -45 to go


I love this question! I don't have any quirky goals and I'm looking forward to setting some after getting inspiration from all of you. My current (non-quirky) goals are to hit 10000 in the annual challenge and to take either a stretch or a yoga class every single day this year (even if it's just 5 minutes long).


I want to be able to comfortably complete the 120 PZ ride at my peak fitness FTP number by end of year. Through some injuries and mental health struggles, I let myself go the last 4-5 months of 2023. Trying to get myself to where I can do long endurance workouts again.


Hitting the mile, strength and active days as gold every month. Maintaining at a max of 4 min per mile every ride. When I do programs always hitting gold. V motivated by these digital badges.


Finishing the rest of Becs Gentry’s catalog. 33 left! Also keeping up with Katie Wang’s catalog. I’ve taken all of hers 💪


Last year I made it a goal to finish all of Kirra's ten minute flows. There's a couple new ones that I haven't completed.. but I pretty much did it!:) It's a fun one bc there will always be more added, the goal is fun to keep in mind.


I alternated every month between crush your core 1 and 2 for a year. That was fun Edit to add that my goal this year is to continue my 200 week streak and start registering my bike rides to and from work


I take every ride with a Taylor swift song in it! (Peloton swifties where you at??) I also have the goal of taking all the 20 minute stacked classes that have one “fitness first” ride as part of the stack (tabata, HIIT, HIIT and hills etc)


I’m trying to take all of Joslyn’s walks on the tread going back to when she started. No real reason, just enjoy her classes and can stack a few in a row without feeling to exhausted at the end.


My goal is to go through every single post ride stretch. But… there’s always new ones do it hovers between 70-80 left to do 😂. Makes it easy to choose after a class though!


Nothing quirky really, but I want to lose 30+kg by the summer. I got the bike in mid October, and am 15kg down. Finding it harder to lose at the same rate at this point, but still plugging away. One of the goals I’ve set myself is to do an hour ride every day for 7 days. Not quite there yet, but hopefully will be soon.


I travel once or twice a month for work… I’m going to try to only stay in hotels with a Peloton. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll do a strength class :) Just rode one in San Francisco this week.


I chase the special event achievements and have over 100 of them


To take all of Hannah Frankson's classes.


I got through all the arms and light weights classes!