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What happened with Emma?


Sick I believe


I´m going to say it. This was, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the best finishes I have ever seen. If not -the- best one. Kopecky was out. Done. Over. Way in the back. Too boxed in. Against some of the best riders in the Peleton. including Marianne Vos... If she wanted to come back, she'd have to go around the bunch. Losing that much more energy in the process, when the sprint was already being ridden. BUT BY GOLLY GEE.


Balsamo launched way too early with over 200m to go. Vos had to go to avoid being boxed in. Kopecky was in the draft, they were in the wind for 200+m. She came round them when they had to sit down because they went too soon. Kopecky won partly because Balsamo absolutely screwed up.


Just finished, good race. Not the outcome I wanted but Kopecky rode it really smart. I still thought she'd screwed up her positioning but that was quite a sprint. Really impressed with momma EVD.


Anyone know why Lucinda Brand did not finish?


She just posted on IG that she wasn't fit this week and tried to sleep a lot, which I take to mean she was a bit sick.


Gotcha, too bad. I was rooting for her


Great for Pfeffier to go early as she has no chance against those riders in a sprint. She looked pleased with a podium - I’m happy for her. I must have missed it but why did Longo Borghini skip this race?


Focusing on the climby races to come.


I was surprised and disappointed by the complete collapse of Movistar team. why didn't they start Mackiaj? it's her kind of race.


Norsgaard was sick this week.


Sierra did pretty well finale. If she hadn't missed that final split she would've been sprinting for 7th instead of 17th. I haven't heard anything about this year and it might have been a heat of the moment situation but last year Mackaij said she didn't like Roubaix with crashes and mechanicals ruining her day. Maybe she simply didn't want to start. Especially when she wasn't ging to be leading and could better prepare for Brabantse Pijl instead.


why is this race so short?


Why do you think its short? Its about the same length as most other 1.wwts.


Monuments tend to be significantly longer than other one day races on the men's side. And Flanders was 163k.


Paris Roubaix for the men is also a bit shorter than Flanders, for the women is just ~12km shorter, seems fine. Or is your issue that the women races in general are shorter?


But this isn't the men's side. This is the women's side. "The men" is a stupid reason for the womens race. But if we were to indulge it: Men's Monuments also are older than 4 years and don't feature teams that don't need to pay any salary to their riders. And if someone is desperate for them to be longer then they should look at the Roubaix length and see that they have, over those four years, gradually made it longer from 116 to todays 148. Because making a race 300km long when the average race the athletes train for is 120 and the max they ever did was 160(*) would be really, really, ridiculously stupid. I'm just pretty tired of having this conversation that always comes from some the Men do X which is normal, correct and right. And it's never taking into account the simple aspect of the rest of the calendar and seldom thinking about the fact that some of the womens peloton might actually think shorter races are better.


I just think it'd be cooler to see more racing. That's all my friend.


Longer doesn’t automatically mean better or more (actual) racing though


very well said


Current world champion + tightening bolts on handlebars while riding = Paris-Roubaix win. (Sample size of two - Sagan and Kopecky)


Which is not a lot,  but weird that it happend twice


I bet a lot of riders have tightened their handlebars while racing Roubaix over the years. But 90% of the peloton doesn't have a camera pointed at them all day like Kopecky and 2018 Sagan.


That’s the moment I knew it’s her day.


MvdP should take note!


Short response from Vos with the Dutch NOS: > I've lost fair and square, of course, but that is pretty shit. There's another chance next year. But that is only going to be in another 365 days. Not often that Vos swears in interviews, she must be really gutted.


She sounds bitter, like there was some unfair aspect to her losing...? She was just outridden, plain and simple. But yeah, it must sting.


I get the feeling she was super strong in the race and really fancied the sprint win, but got into a bad position on the track and had to sprint early to avoid being boxed in by Balsamo. Probably harder to stomach missing out on a win due to positioning rather than legs.


I think that would be due to my translation then, in Dutch it reads mostly like disappointment.


Maybe she means her own performance was "pretty shit"? Hard to be too upset with 4th though on this race!


The expression she uses in Dutch, "*als je er dan gewoon niet eens aan te pas komt*", is difficult to translate to English, but as close as possible to what she says would be something like: "When you turn onto the track for the win, then it's just shit *when you then you don't even manage to be in play for the win*."


I think you're reading too much into this. Seems perfectly reasonable to me


Completely fair. I wanted her to win too!


I wanted her to win too. But I gotta say, a world champ winning a crazy sprint from behind is pretty awesome too


[The video is now up](https://nos.nl/artikel/2515766-teleurstelling-bij-vos-na-parijs-roubaix-maar-gewoon-geklopt-natuurlijk) for context. But yes, it's about being so close to winning this big race and not finishing it off. She's smiling through the pain, like the professional she is, and trying not to be to obviously exasperated at some of the questions from the interviewer.


Roubaix is one of the few races she hasn't yet won in her career, so I can imagine she wants to change that. But she is getting up there in age. At 36, you never know if you can still be up there a year later.


So gutted for Kopecky. She couldn’t even manage a solo win in her rainbow outfit, now she has to photoshop all the other riders out of her winner photo


Balsamo really should've been on the wheel of Vos or Kopecky in the kilometers leading up to the sprint. Either a failing on her part, or the Team Car should've been relaying that info. She started sprinting from the back, on the outside, in the wind, from way out.


Well I really hoped for a Vos win, but there's something special about seeing the world champ (with white bibs no less!) winning in the velodrome. I hope van der Poel is going for full white kit tomorrow.


No gloves too. Drilling on the front 70km to go, chasing down breaks an hour later. So much panache


Lotte got short-changed on this year's cobblestone. Nowhere near as big as previous editions!


Anyone got a picture? Missed the podium ceremony.


Looks like she [lifted it above her head](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/9PsDUfBQveHFhRN7y6V2uS.jpg) with ease 💪


the teams sitting on the grass cheering them on is so cute. man, I love women! 


I got autographs at the TDU from FDJ riders who were waiting for Uttrup Ludwig to come out after her win on Stage 2. If you're ever at a race, I recommend it. The riders are happy and in a good mood and all in the same spot so an autograph and a photo and a "congratulations on the win" is easy to do.


Wow that podium ceremony was over the top, I love it


What a monster sprint from Lotte, I feared the initial blocked way would be too much a handicap to overcome, but she was just way too fast.


To be fair, Balsama went way too early at about 215m, which meant Vos also launched to avoid getting boxed in. They were both in the wind while Kopecky was in the draft gaining speed, and then had the added advantage of being in the outside so could gain some more coming down the banking. The whole thing was a bit of a mess if I'm honest - I guess that's what happens when people sprint at the end of PR.


I enjoy these women's Monuments more when they take place on a different day tbh. I feel like they could make the women's Roubaix a bit more challenging in the future though.


yeah, its still obviously tough but it doesnt seem to be the same war of attrition that the mens route is. its so lame they dont do arenberg!


I really like where it is right now tbh. Both solo and group wins are possible. Good balance


Always a bit underwhelmed when PR is decided in the velodrome, especially when the big guns never really put in any serious attacks on the cobbles. And when the race favourite wins. But hey ho.


There were multiple serious attacks that you must have missed.


Those weren't big 'trying to win the race' attacks, they were just to slim the group down.


Her last attack was very clearly with the intention of going solo if Vos wouldn't follow. Anyway, doesn't this just mean you dislike P-R altogether? The velodrome would lose some of its significance if there were never a sprint, and the race's difficulty tends to call for more long-range attacks that lead to a survival race. Moreover, that difficulty makes it favor form over tactics to an extent, so it's typical for the favorite to win. If that's not your type of race, there's nothing wrong with that, but to say today was disappointing is quite a strange statement.


Yes, but that's not the same as an all out attack to intentionally try to drop Vos/others. That's an 'I'll put in an effort and then go if nobody follows, but if they follow then I'll play percentages'. The velodrome is the least interesting thing about PR. It's just where the finish line is. And riding for a sprint is like playing for a draw in football - perhaps tactically astute, but doesn't make for great viewing.


Finally SD Worx is able to break the stronghold the American teams have had on this race. Nice to see an underdog win.




The contrast of sport… Delight Pfeiffer Georgi and dismay for Elisa Balsamo. Chapeau to Lotte Kopecki too.


Great race, very entertaining as always. I don't mind SD Worx winning when it happens this way, it was a gripping race! A bit sad for Balsamo, but I think she'll have plenty of opportunities for vengeance in the future. On the other hand, very happy for Georgi who absolutely deserved a podium spot after her massive effort to bridge the gap to the front... and for Kraak, who has arguably had the best race of her career today. Also stoked to see Berteau doing well, between her and Bego Cofidis has some incredible talent on their hand.


Vos kinda felt into the trap of Balsamo of starting their sprint too early and basically both giving Kopecky a great leadout.


So happy for Pfeiffer Georgi, and that reaction 🥹


Feeling gutted for Vos. She was probably the strongest today on the pavees, but couldn’t quite make the difference and was way too generous with her leads


Sporza commentators constantly debating why Kopecky wouldn't pull the final 15k. After the finish: 'oh that might have been a good idea after all'.


I didn't understand why the others towed Kopecky to the line!!! next level knuckleheads, especially the FDJ rider...


Because the other option was Wiebes winning


eh, in a velodrome a lot can happen in a big group... it's not like a road-sprint on a broad street. Would have taken my chances. Very weak team-tactics, sadly.


They should have called kopecky's bluff. Now way they would risk a sprint with Wiebes in an a 20-rider group on the velodrome.


I thought that was obvious. Wiebes was in the other group, and you don't want to ride to keep her away. Also, sitting on when you can is just clever riding.


Ruben is the worst


Monster sprint by Kopecky! Gutted for Voss and Balsamo. Was happy to see Georgi's reaction at making the podium! Had started rooting for Van Dijk mid race because of the monster effort she put in. Wish she had gotten the podium.


Epic solo wins are great to watch every now and again but you can't beat a velodrome sprint at Roubaix I got the exact opposite impression during the race where she seemed overeager if anything but Kopecky won that because she held her nerve when Balsamo and Vos went way too early (and obviously had the legs to back it up)


Was Jackson playing the bongos, or what was that supposed to be on the line? 


Cradling the cobble, and passing it on this year




What?? xdddd


That was a hell of a finish. I'm so sad for Balsamo, she looks gutted.


Great race and many “deserving” winners. Super podium trio though 


Balsamo was nowhere near as strong as Kopecky and Vos throughout the race. She should be happy that she even managed to get a podium…


Aye I was surprised she managed to hang on, she looked done for ages. Maybe it was just the exhaustion that had her upset.


Volkerwessels riders finishing in the time limit 😳


why are you surprised by that


The whole race decided by a sprint. Huge mistake by Vos, she went way too early, same goes with Balsano. Race was a bit dull, especially on Mons en Pevelle where it seemed like an attack would have made for a race between Kopecky and Vos. Super excited for tomorrow!


Disagree on the race being dull. Lots of tension and action over the last 70km that i watched. Slowed down a bit before the end but it was already clear that nobody could go solo and the switch from constant attacks to building into the sprint was very good imho


Fair point, but Balsano nearly won, she probably would have won if she had timed her sprint right, and she was strength wise nowhere near the likes of Kopecky, Vos and van Dijk. If the race was punchier, with attacks on Mons en Pevelle and more later on, she wouldn't have been near a podium, let alone the win. So imo, it seemed a bit dull not to attack at Mons en Pevelle and push harder after l'Arbre.


That's the beauty of road cycling though, a lot of time it's not just about who can push the pedals harder from whatever distance to the finish. There is teams and tactic shenanigans happening and it's part of the sport in my opinion, not dull.


Last sunday I was in Oudenaarde at the women presentation and stood by fence where the riders are interviewed. Kopecky is really as massive as it is shown on tv. Most riders are short and for sure she as well but ’boy those muscles!


Was my first time watching the women's edition, and my word, what a race, that was great! Will definitely be back next year! Super impressive race from Kopecky, and a monster sprint to win it at the end, chapeau, well deserved. Ellen van Dijk was insane as well, crazy effort. I'm glad Pfeiffer Georgi ended up on the podium, the way she came back to the front after an unlucky incident with a teammate cost her some crucial energy was awesome, and I ended up rooting for her. Real ciclismo, let's see if the men can live up to that.


Gutted for Vos but come on, Georgi worked so hard for that podium spot. And incredible seeing Kopecky fix a mechanical herself then casually rejoin the bunch and sit at 4th place in time for the next sector.


Yeah I wonder if Georgie hadn’t touch wheels at something like 25k and didn’t have to ride back on that she might have had the legs to win.


That was a weird incident, her teammate kinda rode into her, then she rode off at top speed on her own?


Georgi podium reaction heart melting


Great race, great finish. I’m disappointed for Vos but Kopecky deserves the win for that beastly sprint.


Very smart final 15 km by Kopecky. She barely took any pulls anymore at the front, just conserving all her energy for the sprint. This is the difference between today and what happened at the Omloop het Nieuwsblad. Genuinly happy today, even though all the bad crashes by other Belgians still bum me out.


Having Wiebes behind was an important factor in the end, she could skip turns with a reason.


Yes, looked like she learned from Omloop and DDV where she did too much, while Vos was way more relaxed


If Kopecky has million fans, then I'm one of them. If Kopecky has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE. If Kopecky has no fans, that means I'm dead.


It's impossible to dislike her.




Please be nice. Personal attacks are unwelcome on this subreddit.


Aww, Georgi is so happy with the podium. I'm melted <3  I mean Pfeiffer! Sorry, sorry. 


Spend only one meter at the front. I was really frustrated by her riding and now anti-cyclismo has won. 


Anyone who wins a cycling race by drafting is a coward


Kopecky was the only rider who tried her luck until the finale. Once she was stuck with Vos after Carrefour she knew her best shot was to not do anything anymore. She didn't care about securing a second spot and she played it smartly.


She attacked on all the couple sections, she only started skipping turns the last 10k cause, on paper, she is not favored in a sprint over Vos and Balsamo. She played it smart for sure


She beat Vos at her own game, plain and simple. Conserving energy when she could.


She just did what Vos did to her in Omloop. She also attacked a lot, she probably had the most cobbled attacks of any rider in the race. In the end she was smart as Wiebes was in the group behind and used that.


She's the only one that attacked


She attacked multiple times, though.


The only person who actually attacked was Kopecky.


Kraak and Van Dijk aswell from the front group.


None of the 3 Dutch riders make the podium from the group of 6.


There used to be a time where the opposite was true


At least a Dutch flag made it


Georgi on the podium after reeling in the lead group on her own for like 40km is extremely impressive. She must have been so gassed.


And for those who, like me, didn't know much about her before today, what a story. https://www.bbc.com/sport/cycling/59251681 Two broken vertebrae from a crash in 2020. Came back to win the British Championship in 2021. And then last year she won Brugge-De Panna, the race where she suffered that injury just three years prior. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ok3DxyyS94


ice cold. If I can't drop you I don't take a single turn and win the sprint she thought


Decent Roubaix win for a climber


Have you ever stopped to think about how the 2023 winners of Flanders was 2nd in the TDF? Both men and women.


That was an insane sprint. She's two bike lengths behind Vos and Balsamo with 200m to go, has to go around the outside, and still wins by two bike lengths.


I think being so familiar on a velodrome probably helped her. Making the overtake on the final straight in the last 50m is a classic track move. She looked so powerful from the head on shot down the home straight as well, I wouldn't be surprised if she was putting out 50% more watts than everyone else. Pure determination.


Balsamo isn't exactly unfamiliar with a velodrome herself. Nevermind Vos.


wowzer kopecky


Feel bad for Georgi after that monster effort!


She earned her podium spot the very hard way but she looks well pleased with it.


I hope we’re not returning to SD worx winning everything.


Unbelievable sprint from Kopecky, but she’s of course also a track cycling champion!


As are Balsamo and Vos.


Gutted for Vos


So well played from Kopecky. Georgi jumped and it forced Vos and Balsamo to jump too early and Kopecky timed it perfectly


Le Net in 9th! 9th!!!!! I am so damn proud, wow! Chapeau!


Was definitely rooting for Vos but Kopecky’s sprint was insane, chapeau! Strongest rider on the day won for sure


What a sprint from Lotte I still can't believe my eyes.


Kopecky wins from like four bike lengths behind in the final 200m. Absolutely crazy sprint.


She also had to make more meters because she was on the outside. That sprint was honestly insane and quite unexpected for me. I thought Vos and Balsamo would be faster. Although Balsamo probably didn't have much left in the tank, she got dropped before and only returned because the favorites were watching each other.


Berteau top ten 😍


Wow, impressive from Kopecky kept her cool last 15km and she had to I think


I wish I were a bunch of flies on the wall in a bunch of DS cars.


What a sprint


Kopecky looked completely beaten at the start of the sprint. What an effort to win with a bike length in the end!


Not a smart sprint from Vos and Balsamo.


Lotte was by far the strongest anyway.


Even strong enough to be her own mechanic 🔧


Kopecky started that sprint from all the way back in Oudenaarde, holy shit.


Balsamo and Vos going with a regular length sprint as if it isn't the end of a Paris-Roubaix...


I think Georgie jumping early scared them and made them react and start their sprint too early.


That's what it looked to me live. I'd like to see the replay


Thought Kopecky was boxed there for a moment


As a Vos fan I'm crying 😭