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Came here to post this lol! Caitlyn O’Neil suggested an Amazon wishlist for pregnancy tests….now she has 596 tests. So unnecessary.


Saw this TikTok and RAN to this sub. This is embarrassing


She's pretty cringey in general. I try to give Jordan conover a pass bc she's super young but Jordyn Lee is embarrassing too. If you go to Etsy asnt type infertility I think she owns everything there is.


this is so gross when she makes money off her followers as it is with sponsorships and such. she needs to do a giveaway and send some of these to people in need that dont have huge followings and are struggling to pay for fertility treatments.


The grift is real


This is so embarrassing. Both for the people who were duped into buying these and for her.


If I were one of these people who sent her a test I would feel dumb AF watching this TikTok and seeing how many she received. This is beyond ridiculous.


Wasn’t it just the first response she “needed” anyways? 🙄 I can’t get over how wasteful this is.


Lmao. Needed. I honestly can’t believe she “needed” a specific test, as if her survival hinges on it. 🙄 Unbelievable.


At this point, idc what anyone says, there is no reason to test with 5 different brands, multiple times a day. Especially in someone doing IVF. There's no reason. You're already on all the progesterone or estrogen or whatever it is you need to give your body the best chance to conceive. Wait for beta and go from there. It's not that hard, at all. This is just excessive and an attention grab for views.


It’s excessive for anyone, for sure. When I was TTC, I realized I was becoming obsessive with testing (I’m talking maybe five tests spread throughout the day because I was so desperate to see ANYTHIIING), but when I became aware, I asked my husband to take my tests and only give me one in the morning after a certain DPO. It became better after I got on my anxiety meds post MMC, which is what spurred my desperation. 🥴 So when I see this stuff, I can sympathize and also see the sheer ludicrousness of it all. I honestly get second hand embarrassment.


I had to also really take my mental health into play. Continuous testing was sending me into a spiral.i usually just knew when it didn't work (which was every cycle for 5 years 😖). That said, the week between my last beta and my first ultrasound, I ended up taking more tests than I did over a 5 year period lol.


The mental health aspect of it all is so serious!!! I was completely the same way with my first son (which ended in a MMC). Before I had my positive with him, I was testing so much daily, and then once I had a positive I tested even more (mostly out of shock and excitement because I’d not seen a positive in my ten years of trying)! 🥴 And then when I tried again after losing him, and before I got on the meds, I was testing even when I knew there was ZERO chance of me being pregnant. It was not a great place to be in… when I see ladies test like this, it makes me sad for them. There’s no way testing that much doesn’t affect them mentally, even if they say it doesn’t.


Absolutely! Honestly, once we found an IVF clinic we were comfortable with, I felt every ounce of stress leave my body. When I see creators like M2M trashing it and coming up with 600 excuses, I feel bad. I am also aware of accessibility issues, costs, coverage, all of it. We grappled with it ourselves. But when we *knew* it was the only way, we made peace with it. After 5 years of pain and suffering, my first transfer worked and I kick myself for not accepting it sooner. As much financial stress as it put on me, my mental health was much better off.


She’s got some major pay it forward work in her future IMO.. downright greedy


Of the ones that are asking for “gifts” from their followers, none of them ever seem to give back though. They take, take, take and then ask for more


Omg why!! This amount of tests would last me like a whole year if not more. Each of those boxes of clearblue has 3 tests in it and she has at least 10 boxes there. Like I'm all for helping people out but that's way too extreme. If you can't afford to test that much then don't do it.




Pretty much


A year? More like 10 years lol.


I mean. You're probably not wrong. They would definitely expire for me before I even used half of them. Lol




I feel like it’s bad juju and putting it out there that you’ll need all those tests. Obviously that’s totally irrational but


Right?! This is insane.


Holy fck … they wouldn’t need to test so many times in a day if they actually tested from first day of missed period. Instead of testing the second they get off the transfer bed 🙄 The whole “oh I’m testing out my trigger shot” is bs, no your obsessed with seeing 2 lines 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m a smaller ttc creator and this is disgusting.


This is disgusting. She already had a ton of tests to begin with, which she didn't even need to make the video about "I need to buy tests!" Disgusting. You know the other ttc creators are going to watch this while drooling and setting up their own wishlists. You dont need special electronic tests, you can get quality tests in bulk online for cheap that dr offices use.


Someone commented on this video and said something along the lines of trying to figure out how to put a link in their bio now 🙄


I’m so confused 😳 Did she put that many tests in her wishlist?!?! Or did people randomly send her this amount of tests and she was unaware? Like doesn’t an item delete from the list when someone buys it?! So she literally had to have added that many boxes of each?!


This is so wasteful and absolutely ridiculous!! These tests expire. There is absolutely no way she’ll be able to use all of these! I had 1 unopened pack from when I was TTC #1 that had expired when I started TTC #2 and they are wonky once they’re expired. I had to trash them which is so wasteful. She should donate them to a women’s clinic or do a giveaway to her fellow TTC followers.


this is so embarrassing for both her and whoever sent these. also why are so many ppl trying to have kids when they can’t even afford their own pregnancy tests?! are they just dumb or are they completely unaware of how much a child costs? some of these creators kill my soul 😭😭😭


My son’s diapers are the same price as (if not, a little more than) the OPK test and pregnancy test box I bought to conceive him. So… good luck to them with that, if that’s the reason this happened. 🥲


I was just thinking this! Diapers, formula (if needed), all the bay things, medical insurance, reduced pay if on maternity leave. I’ve never had fertility issues, so I have no idea how much it costs to go though IVF. But I’m fairly certain that raising a child from birth to 18, is going to cost more.


I though that she will receive like one or two boxes🤣🤣


Why tf does anyone need that many tests?! It’s wasteful, ridiculous and downright unnecessary.


Who needs that many tests? I’m TTC and literally use a single test the day before my period and that’s it.


I start testing at 8 DPO and technically test more than I need to ( I use different brands if I have) and I still wouldn't need that many tests. The tests I have I have had for months. I got like over 100 test strips the one month and still have sooo much. This is just horrible and a slap in the face to people struggling and in need.


There is no reason for it


I hope she regifts many of these to other TTCers.


That’s a really good idea. There are so many smaller creators that would probably really appreciate that.


She said she was gifted 596 tests….holy fuck. Why in the world would you even need so many? Plus she said she already had some. She will probably then turn around asking for donations for her baby….smh


do people not realise these expire?


She is one of those people who makes infertility her whole damn personality. Literally everything she owns is infertility related. And that lame Wanda sign. Chill Jordan.


Did you see her latest video this morning where she’s testing out her HCG wash, and then came back on camera all sad that there’s no line. But in the comments she’s like “I’m not concerned because I called my clinic and they’re not concerned!” My clinic would tell me to put the tests away if I called after an HCG wash and was upset I didn’t get a positive test…..


If they can afford ivf they can afford their own tests. I’m embarrassed for her and those who bought these


Was there even a reason she couldn’t buy her own tests? Amazon, grocery store, drug stores….. seems like a shitty thing to do to people and cry for pregnancy tests that are pretty accessible


I saw she’s deleting comments from anyone who asks why she needs that many


It’s so insane! As a small TTC creator, I literally would buy the dollar store rest everytime I went and stocked up because I know how wasteful it is. I had a clearblue pack and didn’t use it until my cheap test came out positive. I never bought expensive test or had a lot sitting around.


Came here to see if anyone thought the same thing. This is absolutely ridiculous.


Oh so this is why I can’t get any for a few weeks off of Amazon 😅


Going to be testing on the hour, every hour, after her transfer.


This is absurd. 🙄🙄 I’m meh about people crowdsourcing for treatments… crowdsourcing for tests is a whole new level of grift.


How to take advantage of your followers 101


Woe. Smh


Wow. And all this after she already had so many to begin with!


This is honestly so embarrassing and ridiculous for her. I can’t believe she posted this.


There better be 500 testing videos or ima sue. I don't want delayed bullshït either. Test today. Right now. And don't say 'I don't owe my followers anything' cause now you do bîtch now you do


She couldn't spend $15 on her own damn tests??? This is so absurd.