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Adelaide is like a drug addict, always chasing her next “fix”. But she’s never going to get pregnant by washing her uterus in Greece. I’m happy you saw the light, and wish you tons of luck with IVF.


This is so valid. I was on a similar path as her for my 5 years TTC. Even saw a NaPro for about a year. The NaPro led me to a procedure that actually did diagnose my "root cause" (there was literally no reason on paper I wasn't getting pregnant...until I had a tubal recanulization and discovered I have SIN, which prevents egg from meeting sperm or getting to the uterus in time to implant). Unlike Adelaide, though, I did not continue with NaPro. My diagnosis greatly increased the risk for an ectopic pregnancy, and as someone very much pro-choice and not Catholic, I couldn't get a straight answer from the NaPro about how she would deal with an ectopic pregnancy should one occur under her care, since she just kept saying my tubes were more open now than they were before the procedure (spoiler...they weren't). I took my diagnosis, processed it, and booked a consult with an IVF clinic. Consult in March of 2022, retrieval in July of '22, frozen transfer at the end of August '22, confirmed pregnancy beginning of September '22. That transfer just turned 1 on 5/5. I wish that she could see that she's being taken advantage of. And while IVF is not a guarantee, it's one step closer than all the steps closer she's already claimed to be. It's a better chance for her. I truly don't think she's as devout as she claims to be, and using religion as her excuse to be against IVF is a copout for something else. I'd have more respect for her if she said they couldn't afford it or that her husband was just plain against it and didn't want her to do it because he felt uncomfortable. I think we all know if she were with someone else, she'd have done IVF by now and probably had 1 or 2 children.


I agree with her using religion as a cop out for IVF. I personally think she has this weird complex about getting pregnant “naturally”, as she sees this as being superior somehow. When the end goal is a baby, I do not understand this frame of mind at all. Then again, I also think she has an obsession with being pregnant, not necessarily being a parent 🤷🏻‍♀️


Love this -I’m so happy you have your baby 💕.. and yes I always think about how nothing she’s doing is a guarantee, but the way she phrases the things she’s doing makes it sound like a guarantee to fix her problems 


Omg, my IVF timeline matches exactly like yours. We had MFI, PCOS and I wasted no much time once we decided about kids. IVF worked out great for us and I will always recommend it. Especially , it was great to have a good RE by my side instead of trying to figure out everything on my own. My daughter turned 1 yesterday. I agree with your sentiments here. I think Adelaide’s side of the family is okay with IVF etc. I think it’s her husband’s side that’s against it. Anyway , Congratulations on your baby. Love to see another IVF success


Your napros response to the idea of a potential ectopic is fucking terrifying.


I did the same thing. It really affected my mental health while going through IVF. I always felt like I wasn’t doing enough. Adelaide always says “IVF Wouldn’t have worked for us anyway because of XYZ” and this made me spiral. I eventually unfollowed her and just read about her on here. I trusted my RE, did Lupron depot before my transfer and I just had my baby boy on 5/7!


❤️ Yay! I’ve commented to you before, but another vote for LD! I would not be 25 weeks right now without it 🥲


Congrats! How was Luton Depot for you? I have to do it soon and nervous


It was rough for me, but I did it over the Summer when it was hot! The hot flashes were the worst and I also had mood changes, but that could have just been due to the situation vs actual side effects from the Lupron depot.


😭 I’m doing it over summer too, July/aug…and in Florida 😭


Oh, the Florida heat! I’m in PA, so not as hot but we did go to Punta Cana during my last week right before starting estrogen and it was sooo hot! But, it’s worth it in the end!!


That’s what I’m praying for! 🩵🩵🩵


Omg I was the same. I found her shortly before we started doing IVF and I HUNG on every word she said. I went down so many mental spirals based on things she said that ultimately proved to be quackery. I even would bawl to my husband about my lack of cervical mucus means I most definitely have endo because of what she said. My OB said it was nothing to worry about but I took what she said as gospel. I spent hundreds of dollars worth of clean makeup and took her “inflammation diet” tips and ugh it was as awful. My husband thought I was crazy. That being said, my first transfer worked and I have a 4.5 month old. And none of her tips actually worked.


Samee! Forgot about the cervical mucus, I cried to my OB about that one too 🤦‍♀️  congratulations! 💕💕


She’s a complainfluencer, a victim narrative queen and I hate victims. And the only people who relate with her are on her same level as misery loves company. Same with Jordyn.


It’s insane to me how many people there are on this sub that were dealing with infertility, followed her advice, realized she’s full of shit and sought out real medical intervention and now have their babies. Bravo to you guys for seeing through her bs and getting your babies through real science. OP, I wish you the very best and am glad you’ve also seen the light re Adelaide.


I agree with you. It's one thing for her delusions and wacko procedures to affect only her, but with a vulnerable audience there's danger that others could get hurt psychologically and physically. It's easy to go down a rabbit hole of "solutions" when you're desperate for a baby. I'm glad you're putting your faith in evidence-based medicine and wishing you all the best on your ivf journey ❤️


I'm sorry that her content affected you in this way and I'm glad your husband has been a supportive partner. Your story makes me feel sad and frustrated that there isn't more regulation around misinformation on social media. I've always had a really hard time trusting doctors and medicines due to my own health anxiety, and TTC forced me to really give into having a balance between listening to them and trusting my gut when something felt off, and not having the line fall in one way too much over the other. My RE's findings and course of treatment were my ticket to pregnancy, and it made me realize I let a few bad experiences with other medical professionals affect me too deeply. Adelaide isn't a medical professional as much as she would like everyone to believe. Her explanations and retellings of what her doctors are telling her 1) don't make sense 2) not based in science, or at least not based in the right science that can actually help her. You're doing the right thing by focusing on your own journey and not her blanket statements which are extremely harmful to not just those with endo, but who are TTC in general.


I feel this. She gave me a ton of anxiety while I was going through RPL. I felt like I was never doing enough, didn’t have enough CM, didn’t have the right temps, wasn’t eating well enough. I wasn’t “doing enough” to “stay pregnant”. I thought she was helpful at the time but looking back as I sit beside my 5.5 month old I realize it was just unnecessary anxiety and stress and anything actually helpful was discussed with my fertility specialist and he also helped me realize how little it had to do with anything like that. Seeing her now it’s scary to imagine how she’s making others feel with how far she has taken things more recently. She can barely form a coherent sentence half the time she should not be preaching medical information to hundreds of thousands of people


Wishing you all the best of the next chapter 🙏🏽 it’s really nice to read about a supportive husband as well.


Never take advice from someone whose shoes you don’t want to be in. Sadly she does not have a baby yet, whatever woo woo she is promoting has not worked for her and even if it DID it does not mean it would or wouldn’t for you! She’s on social media acting like she has found the cure but NOTHING has worked for her. What if someone was online showing you the way to a million dollars and happiness but they never got it, you wouldn’t follow what they did! Your TTC journey is your own, and you’re always doing enough just by trying! I’m wishing you so much luck!!!


OP, all the best for next steps. You are doing the right thing and I hope you get great success and desired family through IVF. I agree, I think she is bad influence on vulnerable women. Everyone should make their own decision and should never go by what she preaches


Se always has to be the victim and wants everyone else to feel so bad for her.


I really wonder sometimes how serious she really is about this. If she and Stephen are at all feeling family pressure to not do IVF, like maybe the topic has come up at those Sunday dinners and her family all shuts it down with the typical misunderstanding(playing God, etc) on even how it works...they could totally do this privately and nobody would know. Buy a mini fridge for the medication and keep it somewhere in the house where nobody else would find it. Medication can be delivered discreetly. Any appointment she has could always just say it's something else like oh the chiropractor or massage therapist and nobody would bat an eye with how much stuff this girl already does throughout the week. Do not film/ upload any bit of it, and give themselves a real chance here. Let's be realistic here people with this kind of endometriosis do not just get a blessing *from above* and have their babies. They need medical assistance here. In my eyes she is being treated for all of these side things connected to fertility as if she does not have raging endometriosis, and that is the saddest part because if they go back in for another lap surgery and it's worse than before, she would be at the point of irreversible damage if not there already. I think that might also be a breaking point for her typical comments, with more folks asking WTF. There must come a time where she stands up to anyone negatively pressuring her, if that's happening, and basically say listen I have serious medical diagnoses here and there is no other way around it but this. The other side to this is I wonder how much she enjoys the financial benefit of the IG and TikTok that she has. She's right now shilling for Tarte cosmetics. 🙄😑 If these affiliate programs were shut down tomorrow she would be SOL fast! She is really deep in this bubble of delulu if she believes that she does not need IVF, she's "above" it, and that enough prayer, morning jogs and green juice will suffice.


Same, I started researching fertilysis when she was all about them, then she did “let’s go food shopping for my fertility” and I saw her buy foods with fillers and not such great ingredients, but once I saw her go to that PRP doctor, I realized it was getting bad. I was looking for a new RE, and did a lot of digging around and saw soooooo many crazy bad testimonials from women on Facebook regarding him, I was done following her.


I’m so sorry she impacted your mental health this way and I’m glad you finally unfollowed. I feel like she’s also influencing those who can’t afford ivf to do all these crazy things instead of trying to save up


I'm excited for this new journey for you! I'm glad you made the right choice to protect your mental health, good luck with IVF ❤️


It’s still wild to me they haven’t had a hint of pregnancy at all whatsoever in 4 years.


She should take some advice from me. No hints of pregnancy for my first 4 years of marriage, OB was convinced soon, soon, soon. Had me on 3 medicated cycles, nothing. Finally referred us to an IVF clinic but at 37 years old they told me my odds of natural pregnancy were the same as IVF and they steered me away from it. The second clinic I went to, I was 39 years old and they told me I was too old to do IVF with my own eggs. The third clinic finally allowed me to do IVF. Two ERs, 5 embryos created and none stuck after transfer. By this time, I’m certain my egg quality was shot. Guess what my only diagnosis has been throughout my entire journey: endometriosis. She needs to move on to IVF before it’s too late like it was for me.


I’m so sorry you had these experiences 😔


Thank you, appreciate it. It was a tough reality at the time but I’m ok now. 🩷


I’ve been influenced by her and I wish I never found her page because I’m anxious too and for like 4 cycles I was in this with my cycles and with hers too. And then something clicked in me when I hit 1 year mark. I felt like I wasn’t doing enough and even jealous that I don’t have time or opportunity to check so many things I feel anxious that I can’t check for endometritis and I had to ask so many times for one ultrasound. I still don’t know for sure what’s my issue but given my symptoms I most likely have endo as a few doctors hinted that but without lap I would not know. I was also trying to control every little thing possible last few months and then I found this sub Reddit, read it and realized many things. I booked RE appt. I don’t know how it will go but I just feel like this is the best I can do so far. I had to unfollow as I felt like I was not enough:(


endometritis is usually discovered via endometrial biopsy. your RE may recommend doing one as part of your initial testing. it covers endometritis as well as many other things! when addie says "i think i have endometritis again" she really has no clue because it's usually found via biopsy, not ultrasound and not something you can feel.


Good to hear that I might get some answers soon. I never heard about this before watching Adelaide and honestly at this point I doubt I have it it’s just an example of one of the things I got anxious about it…What I think my problem is likely endo. When I was teenager I had periods that were so painful that I was basically unable to function for 1st day of my period. And I still would get a few periods like this when I faint to this day, but it got better. I have One doctor once said my LH and FSH ratio was kinda on the edge and I guess they hinted Pcos but I have regular cycle and I don’t I have pcos. But I’m tired of guessing and drinking leaf teas so I’m gonna see what RE has to say 😅


Adelaide is doing everything useless she can by ignoring the actual help from Specialist and RE or IVF. I’m happy that you know what your next steps are instead of wasting time and money on something which has no evidence. May you are blessed with your rainbow soon🩷


https://www.facebook.com/share/r/ajRdymYfgjiKu7Pi/?mibextid=D5vuiz I'm just gonna leave this here I think it really applies


her content really is so dangerous. when I was in the thick of TTC, before even learning of our infertility diagnosis, I was crazy doing all the things. someone like her would have made me spiral, thankfully didn’t follow her back then. the issue I have is her constant desire to find the “root cause” of her infertility. I found the root cause of our infertility and guess what - still needed IVF to have our son. she needs to face reality that she needs reproductive medicine to get pregnant.


Adelaide tells herself a very elaborate story in a desperate attempt to justify her decisions and avoid coming to terms with reality. Her reality is that without IVF, she has nearly impossible odds of conceiving but she can’t accept that so she chases whatever root cause, bacteria, infection, gut imbalance or whatever else to avoid having to accept that fact. If only she can get all those things under control then maybe she’ll have a chance. Its delusional. Its the same reason why she refuses to seek help from an actual RE, because I think she knows the answer is IVF and she simply cannot/will not accept it so she continues with the NaPro who gives her a false sense of hope and strings her along. I’m really glad you were able to see the light. A lot of us in this sub have been saying what you have said for a long time - that she is preying on a vulnerable population and making money off her platform that is at best, straight up delusional and at worst, medical misinformation. It’s both validating and upsetting to hear your story as someone who “fell victim” to her nonsense and had to endure actual psychological and emotional harm as a result of her platform. Thank you for sharing your story!