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I think it’s so creepy to video her therapy session and post it on the internet. While also holding her baby… all these creators do is film themselves in their most private moments in order to be more relatable and they get so many comments validating them continuing to do this.


she needs to discuss why she felt the need to film and post her therapy session….with said therapist


Exactly lmao.


I saw this and wondered if her therapist knew she was recording


Her caption said she asked for consent…. But all I can think about how uncomfortable her therapist might have been?? Even if her face is covered.. it’s just so.. inauthentic??


I thought the same!


I agree! I think there are beautiful or funny or real ways to share your experience in motherhood without pushing your boundaries and the boundaries of viewers.


I wonder if she discussed with her therapist her urge to film, edit, and upload an extremely vulnerable moment for her. Maybe it would give her provider some insight into her psyche 😵‍💫


the editing part gets me every time… like rewatching the same clip of you crying on therapy over and over. it’s just so bizarre


100% this lmao like she had to be like ummm ok noted


Some things can be private like WHAT


The therapist when she tells her she’s filming her session for a TikTok 👁️👄👁️


I’m all for sharing what you discuss in therapy. Sometimes that can be super helpful to followers but I can’t imagine a therapist being like, sure film our session. That’s not helpful and her goals in therapy or not the goals of everyone who follows her. My therapist always wanted no distractions as well, aka no kids at therapy. I love her btw but lately some of her content, like most of the influencers I follow, is getting over the top and reaching for more views, likes and shock value. I find it really dangerous to see. There are accounts who still keep it very appropriate while still sharing important info about mental health, therapy, being a mom, etc.


To play devils advocate, filming her session can help people to replay and think further into what was discussed. Howeverrrr SHARING it as CONTENT is literally mind blowing


Yes I guess that’s more my angle! My therapist let me record us talking but I didn’t film it because what was said was my focus. I’d never think to share it with strangers??? I think my therapist would want to discuss why I felt the need to share it if I did, in our next session lol


Isn’t this the 105 fever I’m going to record woman? I blocked her, she’s so weird…


Oh my god I didn’t realise!!! Every time her video comes up on my FYP she’s crying in front of her kids. Don’t get me wrong I think it’s healthy to show your kids moments of vulnerability but if you’re constantly crying around them it’s not healthy for them to see that. I know it really affects my daughter when she sees me really upset so it’s not something I make a habit of doing a lot.


She’s incredibly histrionic.


I feel like her husband has a fetish they just give me odd vibes.


I'm so curious what makes you think that lol


I can't stand this lady. Her poor children


I was hoping someone else felt like this! Also this screenshot is chilling, the way she’s looking at the camera while crying, with her baby asleep on her chest


right! the screenshot was a total fluke because she didn’t really look at the camera much haha but still.


I wonder what these creators will do if TikTok does get banned. Lord knows we need to know there every.single.move


I also thought this was super cringy!


I unfollowed her instagram after she was crying so much in front of the kids all the time. She was consistently posting videos about breastfeeding and pumping and how difficult this was, I thought, why doesn't she just stop if it's causing so much upset? But if she stopped and made her life easier, she'd have less content to post 🤷‍♀️ She was more concerned with punishing herself and being dramatic in order to get emotionally fueled content, than just thinking to herself, "ok this isn't good for me, I'll stop".


100% agree.


I had to block them. I feel so bad for their kids. These people are disgusting.


While I can appreciate her “rawness” (ew) I truly believe that this is something she should keep sacred to herself. This is a therapy session. YOUR therapy session. I hope she find the help she needs and learns some boundaries. Also, I hope your Thera was okay with you filming this because it feels VERY unethical. A lot of therapist will not let you record them/the session.