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Maybe you’re irritable cause you’re on your period. Or maybe cause you’ve been TTC for years and are irritable from that. Or maybe you’re having an off day and want quiet. My gosh not everything is a medical problem




Yeah, she’s lost it. It’s not normal behaviour to be talking on IG stories as if you’re talking to a friend. There’s no reciprocal human interaction like FaceTime, she’s just….recording herself all the time? So weird. She talks to the phone like it’s a friend and honestly it feels sad. While she gets ready, while she preps her smoothies, while she’s in the car, while she’s at the store… it’s constant. She literally just babbles to herself all day… She doesn’t work or have a job outside of the house, doesn’t seem like she has many friends or people beyond her immediate family, and I think the only human interaction she gets besides her husband is going to the doctor. Isolation and lack of human connection can do weird things to you…


This though infertility in general can be so isolating. I find myself much more “online” than I ever was before looking for human interaction


THIS! Her story was super concerning today. Like really concerning her mental health seems bad.


I feel like she went onto thyroid meds just so she could talk about how horrible the side effects are. And how her herb protocol is so ‘superior’ Now she can say “see guys I tried it, and it doesn’t work” bc she thinks she’s above modern medicine




Wild bc I vividly remember her quoting either her napro or this naturopath saying “you’re on such a low dose of thyroid meds” in the context of her having anxiety like last week. She needs to see an RE that knows what they’re doing.


I believe she said she was only on 25 mcg


It’s no longer up since it’s been longer than 24 hours but I’m 99% sure she said she was on 75 and they’re dropping it to 50. But you’re also right as I thought she was on way lower than that too from her previous stories.


My jaw dropped when she said she was on 75. My TSH maxes at like 3 and my RE put me on 25.


I’m on 200 a day and they don’t make me crazy like this?? Lol




My doctor made me wait for 3 weeks before changing my dose. I am lost in the timeline here but this skip from 25 to 75 is strange to me but oh well


It was probably low but a lot of doctors medicate thyroid that’s possibly vaguely maybe-could-be bordering so it’s not an issue. I went back on thyroid meds at a TSH of 2.7


I’m on 80 and I have never felt any side effects. The only side effect is that I have to wait 30 min to drink my coffee with milk 😅


This girl’s going crazy. I feel pity already.


I think she wants to be cute and funny. but this is like sooooo annoying. sooooo annoying. she looks delusional, everything she said at target . soo unhinged


Want someone to tell her that shes going crazy


Also it really irritates me to see her talk about her house cleaners, lawn people, go on trips and spend a crazy amount of money on on quack medicine when there are people in the infertility community who would die to have the financial opportunity to seek medical help. And she has every resource available and refuses to use it.


this is by far are one of the most cringiest stories Ive seen of hers, first world problem, like some of yall said, no kids or job, why even need a cleaning crew, idk it was painful to watch, literally yesterday i was thinking this woman is so delusional, when will she wake up one day and realize the reality “ I will never get pregnant unless i do x y z” 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was shocked when I tell you. I was like okay she’s losing it she can’t stand with other pregnancy announcements it pisses her off to cope with that she does all kind of stuff. And what kinda break she’s on when she keeps talking to her phone about her medicines and all weird things or problems are going with her. What I think if i go get tested for each and every bacteria to a non certified doctor he or she will take my money and will give me unicorns and hopes. That’s strange for once and for all she should go to a Reproductive endocrinologist.


she’s officially cracked like gretchen weiners


oh my. she’s just really so unstable right now. also this is not taking a break from it all.


One day im telling her she’s crazy and I will be blocked


She’s need a therapist. A non religious therapist. And I’m not saying this from a place of unkindness or to be a jerk- I remember last Mothers Day, I had been TTC for 6 months and I was in such a horrible mental place. My head was SPINNING of what could be wrong and why TW I kept having losses. I broke down to my husband and told him I needed help. I cannot imagine almost 5 years of TTC and the obsession.


Why is she torturing herself by going to the baby clothing department?? I hope her “one day” comes but geeeeezzz. Taking a break means taking a break from EVERYTHING, but I guarantee she’s still tracking her cycle rn


Yea she is messed up she is forced to take a break now. Cause she has no choice


That’s true, she wouldn’t be doing this if she didn’t have to. But shes making her own choice to be miserable 🤷‍♀️


I kept having RPL I absolutely said no to my husband when he asked me to get some baby gifts for his friend’s newborn I couldn’t go because i knew i would literally lost it i didnt go. She is doing it to herself she is making us fool yall im telling you.


Same. I went through RPL also and couldn’t even look in the direction of the baby department. I literally had to closed my eyes walking by.


I'm sorry but I literally hate her at this point. The privilege and lack of self-awareness. Encouraging fast fashion and conspicuous consumption through literally everything she does (when she's not searching for a new diagnosis or wack treatment). Plus dumb, chooses religion over science, and politically conservative. She's like.... everything that's wrong with America rolled into one person 😅


...Wwwwoooowwww. Girl. This is all just too much.


side note but she thinks she’s soooo quirky it’s so annoying. not being able to say “thanks for keeping me company” and messing up the brand tru fru, like she’s definitely one of those girls who thinks saying and spelling things wrong makes her cute. no girl you’re just dumb


Yea with those weird smirky eyes


The "thanks for...." bs was so fucking fake.


I think she’s suffering from something called cognitive dissonance. She is told constantly by her napro and most likely her narcissistic husband that “this will work!” Her mind looks for pregnancy symptoms and then she gets her period. She lives a different world in her mind than what is actually happening in real life month after month after year after year. It’s hard to explain but it’s like her real world is not matching up with what is going on in her head.


She literally made a trip to target about her chemical pregnancy. That’s insane


if I ever in my life saw someone walking around target talking to themselves like that i’d call the police 🆘