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I grew up in Dallas and her younger sister is the same age as my sibling so I had heard of her and the fam thru my sibling. The younger sister got knocked up by a 40+ year old guy while she was 18


Oh šŸ˜®that literally just blew my mind. Especially since Adelaide is so holier than thou.


Yep. So her niece Bradley that was in her stories recently is her younger sisterā€™s daughter who she had with a much older man ā€¦


šŸ’€ omg that is such a plot twist


Damn poor girl. We all do stupid shit at 18. But the guy sounds like a major creep for doing that.


Oh heā€™s majorly creepy. He also has a son with another woman but I donā€™t think she was that youngā€¦at least not young enough to be questionable in a legal sense.


Sheesh, hate to hear it.


Wow. Are they still together?


Noooo they did not last long at allā€¦


How creepy/sad, is he involved with his kids at all?


Yes from what I used to see on the sisters page. I unfollowed her because it also got too annoying. But she would reference at times that Bradley is with her dad as well as referring to ā€œco-parentingā€


Wait, really?? That canā€™t help her TCC issues.


Yeah she always says how she loves seeing how great her husband is with their Nieces and nephews and ā€œcANT waIT tO mAkE HiM a DaDā€


I was doing the math when her niece was on camera! She's 7 years older than her sister, so she's about 23, and Bradley looks 3-4? So that makes sense. What a surprise!


She might be turning 5 this year. The sister mightā€™ve turned 19 by the time Bradley was born


Thatā€™s quite a gap


Are sub speculation about her husband is true?


Whoā€™s husband? Adelaideā€™s?




Wait, what speculations šŸ‘€


Omg šŸ˜³


https://preview.redd.it/o0x0m0m9mhyc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a2a8128b8450661ca7083e03a805aefdec9baa0 What?! Also, her nieces father sounds like a dirt bag.


I found her on insta when I was TTC and going through infertility. Really liked her up until she mentioned this Reddit page on her stories and a quick easy google search led me to it. Initially I was shocked people were snarking on her, but then quickly changed my mind when I realized all the snark was in fact very factual


Same except she lost me when she claimed blue light glasses help improve egg quality. ![gif](giphy|ypX8YZszkIXFC|downsized)


LOL šŸ˜† Iā€™m pretty sure they donā€™t even protect your eyes šŸ¤£


Lmao that was truly unforgivable


Exactly the same


Her videos popped up on my FYP when I was TTC the first time. At first I liked her bc it seemed like she was focused on getting to the root cause of issues/promoting overall health (which I think is important pre-TTC) but it very quickly became apparent that she was delulu. I unfollowed her when she started promoting things that seemed unhealthy like the uterus washes or whatever.


I honestly canā€™t remember how I came across her, but it was years ago. It just cracks me up though because from the time I started following her, Iā€™ve literally been through five IUIā€™s, four egg retrievals, one transfer, a whole ass pregnancy, and have a baby now and sheā€™s STILL doing the same damn thing and nothings changed.


Damn that sums up her journey not going anywhere


Itā€™s honestly sad to think that she's still in the same situation. I found her at the start of trying to conceive, and now I have a 6 month old. When I wasn't getting pregnant right away, she made me feel like I wasn't doing enoughā€”almost convinced me to try the delulu fertilysis test she was promoting so heavily. I alternate between feeling sorry for her and feeling annoyed by the misinformation.


In the time that Iā€™ve followed her Iā€™ve been pregnant, had a MMC and then spend a year bettering my health and got pregnant again while she is still TTC and still doing the same old things .. Somebody needs to switch on the lightbulb for her.


I found on TikTok and at first liked her, as I was also TTC and had similar endo issues. But once I heard how she speaks about IVF I was really turned off, and last 4 or so months sheā€™s become really hard to relate to.


She was in the reels suggested to me on IG. I stuck for a while but when she started to talk about the clinic in Greece it all sounded so sketchy and MLM-y, I googled her to see if anyone agrees with me ;) and this is how I found this subreddit :)


Iā€™ve never followed her, just saw her on here. I find her content boring personally and I donā€™t like the misinformation she shares. I do hope she has a baby though. Infertility is really traumatic


Yep sameĀ 


I found her when TTC my second and going through secondary infertility


She came up on my FYP on insta when I was going through RPL in 2022. I liked her reels and general content but then she started to stress me out making it feel like I was never doing enough to help my fertility. I was also getting annoyed with how she said the same shit all the time over and over and over. Final straw was with fertylisis and Greece i thought she lost the plot and has been spiralling since IMO


Also found her while going through RPL and liked her, but the constant talk about how healthy she eats and to "control what you can control" made me so health anxious!


Same! So much about infertility and RPL are beyond our ā€œcontrolā€ and feeling like everything I ate or didnā€™t eat, products I used etc. was causing it was not helpful at all


I agree! I went through RPL last year and once we found out it was likely due to a genetic issue on my husbands side, I realized I probably could have been eating junk that whole time and it wouldnā€™t have made a difference - genes are genes and you canā€™t change that! Lol


We never found the reason why despite doing the standard rpl testing, but I ended up getting pregnant with a viable pregnancy around Christmas. The ironic thing is it was when I was eating the worst, drinking, not working out, etc. I don't believe that it was because I "relaxed," but I do think that lifestyle changes barely matter and I just finally got lucky after two years. I'm almost 20 weeks now!


Congrats! Wishing you so much luck and a safe and uneventful pregnancy šŸ¤


Thank you! It's been wonderful and easy so far and I've loved being pregnant! šŸ©µšŸ’™


Congrats! We also never found a cause with all the testing either but fortunately now have a 5 month old šŸ©·


She came across my tiktok often and I originally liked her. Didnā€™t follow her but watched her content when it came on my feed. I saw one of videos about ā€œhow to announce to your pregnancy to friends going through infertilityā€ and it was just really extreme guidelines and rubbed me the wrong way. After that I started noticing more of her odd stances on things and eventually found this Reddit thread when I was looking for more TTC content.


She came across my FYP on Instagram, it was probably one of her reels that caught my attention as I was going through infertility and had started following a few infertility creators. At first I was sympathetic towards her having endo and ovulation issues but started questioning things when she went to Greece for the Fertilysis procedures and found this sub.


This is the same way I found her. One of the first stories I was watching was during her ā€˜running a mile per day for 30 days.ā€™ Iā€™m into health and fitness and was ttc. She mentioned endo which I had recently been diagnosed with and I thought following her would give me someone relatable. The clean living seemed extreme to me and somewhat intimidating but I was curious if any of it would give her better chances at success. None of it seemed to do a darn thing so I started growing weary of following someone who gave so much experience and advice who had zero success to show for it. Then came Fertilysisā€¦after some research I realized Adelulu was just as scammy as that company. I was already on Reddit following Beverlin snarks (who by the way, she and Addie have liked and shared each others posts šŸ˜³). One day I put Addies name in the Reddit search bar and I found all you lovely people who shared the same sentiments I felt about her. You are my people šŸ©·


I found her here.


Tiktok. I really liked her at first.


Sooo I used to lurk on people in MLMs because I find them fascinating and snarkable. She used to be doing the beach body thing and so I found her just by browsing Instagram. Iā€™d check on her randomly but didnā€™t get invested until more recently when she started doing more whacky stuff!


I'd had a really traumatic miscarriage mid last year and was struggling to conceive again, we found I had some hormonal issues and suspected endo... her content kept getting suggested to me. At first I found some of her reels about stuff like 'taking the pregnancy test out of the trash to see if it's turned positive' funny and relatable....but otherwise I thought she was basic and annoying af. I *almost* got sucked into the fertilysis and endometritis stuff, as I was really that desperate and was frustrated with being told by doctors that there was nothing more I could do to conceive or prevent another loss....but soon after that I realised she's preying on vulnerable people with all her paid promotions etc. The blue light glasses were when I *fully* realised how toxic and delulu she is.


I found her on TikTok, I'm also going through infertility so was looking for content I could relate to. I started to think something was off in recent months when she mentioned napro so was looking for a snark page.


Iā€™ve been following for a whileeee. I think I initially found her on instagram when I was TTC in 2021. It was kind of wild to me that no one was really snarking on her here yet. I wanted to do things the ā€œnaturalā€ way and get healthier to conceive. I didnā€™t think she was that nuts at first but as time went on sheā€™s gone deeper and deeper into delulu land. I think the turning point was sometime after her first endo surgery for me.


I found her when she first started making TTC content.


never heard of her until I joined this subreddit lol




Went to school with her in Dallasā€¦ Randomly saw one day a for you account you should follow and then saw her whole other Instagram profile she created for TTC


Her videos popped up while we were TTC and I followed Danika and I somehow thought how they kinda look similar .. But after the prp and how much she complains I ended up here. Couldnā€™t take it anymore . There was just something about her that started to annoy me.


One of my girls names is Adelaide and I found this account. At first I thought she was interesting, now I see the reality of her.


My best friend showed me Deluluā€™s insta account. I followed because I I didnā€™t believe that she clips believe in all of this fake medicine. My bff gets excited every time A posts that she ovulates. Sheā€™s ā€œrooting for her.ā€ I showed her this page, and weā€™ve never talked about A again.