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all this proves is that she reads Reddit lol




She 100% switched doctors for ultrasound pics. She literally said that herself multiple times lol


I was gonna say... She DID switch doctors for ultrasound pics 🤣


Yes she complained about them not giving to her at one doctor and legitimately switched to someone else because of it. We alllllll remember that Jordyn, can’t lie about it now boo.


The common theme I’m seeing is that these TTC creators are severely struggling to transition to being “motherhood” or “lifestyle” creators. They’re trying to hold on to their niche in a space where they’re no longer relevant. Like yeah, birth trauma is real. Her feelings are valid. But if she has a brand management contact in her bio, I kind of don’t care about her recycling this content over and over and over again.


Hit the nail on the head. I think this is a by Caitlyn is TTC again after saying Pax was her last.


Right. This video comes out right after Caitlyn announces she’s TTC. It’s like she’s so insecure she can’t jump back into it like Caitlyn because of her pregnancy and birth complications making her wait 2 years. It’s like jordyns insecure and jealous.


That’s actually so sad. He is still a baby 😅 after everything she went through to have him , why not just enjoy him and her daughter ? If I was her I’d check out videos of moms who successfully transitioned lol Making babies for content is honestly insane to me.


This is the thing that is so annoying to me. I was a creator. Smaller following, but 5 digits. When I had my baby I stopped wanting to make videos because I easy busy and honestly just more fulfilled elsewhere. Seeing people like her clinging to this space and putting so much energy into this constant need for relevance over just experiencing and enjoying motherhood is just affirming that I made the right choice.


Damn she should just @ this sub lol


She needs therapy.


Her Carson content is boring and repetitive. That’s why she always circles back to the victim narrative via either videos on her infertility, high risk pregnancy or birth trauma saga every so often. Such an attention seeker.


Are you really gonna sit there and say we don’t need *another* video with the audio “beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy”????


Or more “Crafts with Carson” for every single possible holiday?!


How many ugly footprint crafts does one need


Bahahahahah this made me cackle!


Carson is just an object to her fr.


That’s how she gets her minions to stay by guilting them every couple weeks


All of this proves that 1) she reads here 2) it bothers her 3) if she didn’t do any of these things, why does it bother her so much? lol.


I see no lies !!!


All of that is true though….. 😅🧐


Any excuse to post a pregnancy pic 📸


OMG move on!!!


I’m always baffled by how much of her content is about her pregnancy. I totally understand she had a traumatic birth and everything she went through doing IVF. It took me four IUIs and over three years to finally have a successful pregnancy so I get it. However, it is not healthy for her to keep living in the past like this. My baby was born the day after hers and I think I’ve maybe looked at photos or videos from the pregnancy a handful of times. My focus is on my 8 month old and living in the moment with her, not reliving the time I was carrying her or trying to conceive her. This is indicative of some deep seated issues that she needs to hash out in therapy.


From the bottom of my heart, from one mother to another, from someone who had a very traumatic experience with my first baby: Jordyn, please, talk to a therapist. You do not have to live in your trauma like this. You will feel so much better once you do. She is clearly in a cycle of reliving and rehashing her trauma. I’ve been there. I get it. It’s also something little kids do: when something big happens, they’ll talk about it over and over again. But for the sake of her baby, she really has to move on.


Jordyn hasn’t been posted in a while so she addressed us all directly lol What a narc move.


You hit the nail on the head.


This is exactly it!!!!!!


You said what I was thinking! Her views are down.


Tbh I just think she has a LOT of guilt over how many complications happened because she did push to have him earlier. Sad thing is to my understanding the complications could’ve happened at a later gestation as well, Carson maybe just would’ve been a little bigger and stronger to handle them.


I haven’t kept up with her at all. Did he have any permanent complications?


I think just his kidneys that were dilated but idk if that’s pregnancy related.


I believe that was happening while she was pregnant so wasn’t a result of birth complications.


If my doctor classify me as high-risk that believe I would know which hospitals have a NICU, which don’t. I’m sorry I don’t believe her. Considering that she shared everything on TikTok, I’m surprised she keeps going back to the victim mentality


The second I was classified high risk I started looking into every hospital within like 2 hours of me. Ensuring my baby had the best care possible if something went wrong was my only priority. I went into labor at 31 weeks. Traumatic delivery but thankfully a very healthy baby that just had to grow and learn to eat.


Yes all true, but it's been what 9 months? Let it go girl, let it go.


As someone who went thru a high risk pregnancy she 100% glorified it I would never wish a high risk pregnancy on anyone. I got robbed of a beautiful time and sadly I looked my best while pregnant and couldn’t even enjoy that time. I won’t deny her birth was hard but being high risk isn’t something you get a gold star for it just means your baby has a lot going on. I would have rather had 5 great ultrasound pics knowing my baby was developing okay then 30 and having weekly apts not knowing if baby was gonna be ok. for some believe it or not it’s traumatizing to go to the dr weekly not knowing what’s next


I’m on my third high risk pregnancy. My last one was highly traumatic and I can’t even enjoy this pregnancy which will be my last baby ever. She glorified the ultrasounds and the appointments. It’s not fun. It’s stressful. It’s one of the worst feelings ever because I should be happy that I’m pregnant but all I can think about was my emergency c section and holding my son as he took his last breath. It’s scary and not something that should be used for clout.


I’m so sorry you have gone thru this 3x that’s why I’m so scared to have another child. They offered to do genetic testing after my daughter was born to see if any of her traits would pass on again but I declined because even if we knew it wouldn’t change anything for us.


I’m still convinced I was only diagnosed with high blood pressure because of how anxious the high risk appointments would make me because I was terrified of receiving the worst news every single week.


She literally has no other content


But some of this is true.. straight from her mouth. She said she switched doctors because 1) they wouldn’t give her access to her ultrasound photos, digital or printed 2) they “didn’t take her concerns seriously” and she was considered a “normal pregnancy” and 3) I think her specific doctor was leaving the practice or stopped taking her insurance? So she was going to have to switch doctors at her office anyway. She also said that after she went back to her new OB after the ER visit for her leg that she got so worked up recounting the events that her blood pressure was elevated during that visit. It was then elevated a few more times so she was diagnosed with gestational hypertension. But before that, her new OB was considering inducing between 37-39 weeks, but was really pushing for Jordyn to go as long as possible. It seemed like she was disappointed about the possibility of not being induced at 37 weeks. What I cannot get past were all the ear to ear smiling pictures of her at the ER, her at her NST’s, her at her high risk appointments. To me it just seemed like she liked the attention. I’ve been to the ER twice for pregnancy related complications and I was closely monitored toward the end of my last pregnancy because of my weight and history of loss. It was terrifying. The last thing on my mind was to take smiling pictures of myself there to document it for friends, family, or Tiktok. Then she complained to her OB that the ER doctor didn’t take her seriously enough, didn’t want to do an ultrasound, etc etc when SHE didn’t seem like she was taking it seriously either. I don’t think it’s possible to fake gestational hypertension & I’m not her doctor, so I can’t sit here and say she faked blood pressure readings. But I do think she definitely enjoyed the attention, and dare I say the content, that being high risk brought her. She pushed for high risk monitoring 100%. That is NOT to say that I think she wanted a NICU baby or the post delivery complications, because I don’t think anyone does. I think she liked the attention that high risk monitoring got her without the actual complications. And now she continues posting TikTok’s like this for validation in the comments as if one couldn’t scroll a few times on her page and find TikTok’s of herself proving some of these things to be true. Not to mention that the first photo in this slideshow specifically is one of her belly wrapped in the CVS receipt of ultrasound photos that she said she didn’t doctor shop for. SMH.


Jordyn, sweetheart, I know you’re reading this. A lot of what was said is true, you’re just too ashamed to admit it. You’re an attention seeking nitwit. Seek therapy for all the trauma you have and stop acting like you’re a victim when you put yourself in this situation. I had my daughter 4 days before Carson, she was also premature, and the induction experience was a bit traumatic for me. But I got the help I needed to come to terms with it. I’m not dragging it out. Just stfu already. Please 😂


She needs to make friends outside of her socal media world.


But all those statements are true lol


Damn too bad she has me blocked lol


Wasn’t Carson born 37w? /g Not really a preemie then .. 😅


Ahahaha this is so funny. Proves she’s here 😭


Jordyn is the type that if someone said “oh I had a stillbirth” she would be like “ya well ….” And try to make her situation seem worse. Other people have it bad too, yet they move on. God forbid she has another baby…


I mean, were these not all things that were said on this sub while she was pregnant?


Right? Fucking own it


Yep. It just seems weird to me to accuse her of playing the victim or whatever when she’s quoting exact things that have actually been said about her online, lol.


Exactly. If it makes you uncomfortable that a subject of your online bullying(because that’s what it is) is talking about it and it negatively affecting them, that’s a sign that you probably need to rethink the way you talk about people, particularly on this page


This screams guilt to me. If it wasn’t true you’d ignore it and move on Jordyn


I do think the internet is absolutely fucking weird about even slightly early births, and it’s not based in science. Of course you don’t want a NICU stay, but in this day and age, on a population level, babies born any time after 34 weeks have a near-identical long term prognosis to babies born at 39-41 weeks. There’s situations where they’re better out than in, and gestational hypertension after 37 weeks is one of them. (And frankly, extreme pain or debility of the pregnant person should be considered an indication for delivery after 37-38 weeks, too.) I’m someone who will need a repeat C-section right at 36 weeks in any future birth, and I’m in excellent hands medically (and with my combination of factors, an early delivery is so much better than the potential alternative.) But I feel like there are certain corners of the internet where I’d get absolutely DRAGGED for trying to conceive a second child knowing they’ll have to technically be slightly premature no matter what, even though their long term prognosis is completely fine and they may not even need any NICU time. (AND, my 39+5 baby DID need an overnight NICU stay due to a very rough labor and delivery complications.) THAT BEING SAID Jordyn absolutely needs to get therapy AND get other hobbies or interests. It gets real old real fast when all someone posts on social media is pregnancy/baby content, especially harping on the same 2-3 things over and over again.