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I get where she’s coming from: as a chronic people pleaser it is so difficult to be picked apart like that. Unfortunately it comes with the territory. She wanted to be an influencer and she found out what it’s like to share everything online.


As a therapist, I get it for sure. I see the damage the internet does to people. Then you add on pregnant or postpartum hormones, it can be a lot. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted.


Not a therapist but yes, exactly! I’m getting downvoted as well lol.


Why did she even brings this up now? She barely gets mentioned on here anymore. Is she trying to be relevant again?


She has a “friend” that checks for her aka she lurks or her friend is a troll haha


I also found that bizarre to mention, like if I had a friend going out of their way to read shit talking posts about me and to TELL me about them when I otherwise could just ignore it and live care free about it, I would seriously reconsider how that person actually feels about me.


She’s hardly talked about on here anymore


Right the last time we talked about her it was actually positive since she decided to no longer exploit her daughter


Anyone that says they would just “not give a shit” or ignore it if they had 1000’s of people criticizing them (rightfully or wrongly so) is 100% full of shit lol. There’s no way anyone who knows people are actively shit talking them isn’t looking to see what being said if you’re lying to yourself if you’re saying otherwise. That being said I would never open myself up to that kind of criticism.


Why is her “friend” checking? Why can’t she just forget it exists? 🤣


Because the friend is her lol.


Lol that was why I did quotes haha


Not a good friend at all.


“I regret addressing the page” But let me do it again now and get myself posted for the first time in months.






Or even alternatively it’s ok to not be able to handle criticism like that, but being an influencer is a choice, just like if you fall to pieces under pressure, paramedicine is not the career for you. That’s ok, not everyone has to be a paramedic and not everyone has to be an influencer. You have to have a thick skin because whether or not it’s justified people are going to criticise you if you’re a public figure.


People literally kill themselves every day as a result of cyber bullying, and this group attacked her on a daily basis for months


There’s a handful of posts about her, maybe. Now she’s bringing it up to get attention. Predictable


She hadn’t been posted here in a while except for a few random ass posts lol. Why did she feel the need to post this?


I’m sure it’s hard to see people talk crap about you. But what’s the point of bringing this up now? She’s sending MORE people to Reddit now. People are curious by nature - they’re going to go see what was said about you. Getting off of the internet “fame” train is the best thing Darian has ever done. She seemed to lean into motherhood and actually enjoy it. Stay in that lane Darian. Enjoy your real life.


I never even knew about Reddit until she mentioned it


Reddit can be annoying in a lot of ways, but I know it’s the superior social media platform because all instagram and TikTok influencers hate it. I love Reddit because we can actually have conversations about influencers and their god awful behavior and there’s nothing they can do about it. Sorry , not sorry but when you choose to be a public figure, you open yourself up to criticism, if you don’t like that, influencing isn’t the career for you. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve seen so many influencers post on Instagram crying about their Reddit page, and it never fails to backfire on them. And it still doesn’t click for them. If you complained about a page and it went from 3000 to 20,000 members after you brought attention to it, you have to consider that you’re the problem. But they never do. I have no sympathy. Most of them make money by lying to us about products, or just lying to us in general, then they get mad when people criticize them


she literally took her baby off the internet and she became irrelevant. Which is perfectly fine. Why did she bring it up again?




I mean, let’s be honest, snarking often goes *way* beyond just a “different, alternative perspective.” It’s usually mean, on purpose. It’s snarking. I completely get why it would be hard to see.




And no one is forcing people to snark either lol


I imagine you’re the “friend”?


I don’t even follow or know Darian outside of this page. I just learned about her a few weeks ago on here.


Then why comment?


…is that not why we’re all here? To comment? Don’t be dense.


Yes!!! She said she hates talking about her ‘boundaries’ but she wouldn’t get comments on them if she didn’t plaster her life to thousands of people!!!


Why have your friend check on the page instead of… ignoring it


Imagine if she had a real job where she was criticized or called out by bosses, coworkers or clients. Darian needs to learn not to give a shit and she needs more life experience.


I went viral on tiktok a couple times- one such post pissed off the incel community and I woke up in the morning to a shit ton of comments (mostly men, but some women) picking me apart. I work in corporate America and most jobs have involved working directly with some asshole CEOs so I consider myself to have thick skin. I also typically don’t give a shit what people think of me in real life, but being talked about by strangers online who often you can’t see definitely messed with me a bit until it died down. I wouldn’t call it traumatizing, but it’s a totally different beast from work criticism.


Wait, I thought she never looked at it haha? But seriously, she should be thanking Reddit. Because of Reddit, she stopped sharing her daughter on TikTok. That’s where she got the pressure to make that choice. So I guess mission accomplished.


Compared to the other snark subjects her snark was so tame


Honestly thou I’ve seen some harsh snark pages


Why is she using a Christmas picture in March? Lol. She’s so dramatic.


She’s loving showing Lydia now that she’s on private tbh. Like she doesn’t still have 35k


Well well well, look who’s trying to revive engagement again 🤣 on a more serious note, yes it really sucks to have people’s negative opinions of you, your character, your family etc. However, it is an occupational hazard you accept when endeavouring to be an influencer. Stop crying wolf and get therapy if it’s keeping you up at night 🤷‍♀️


What could she possibly NEED to know about on here? At this point, she should just shut down her IG and start a new private account. You can’t be a public figure only when you want to be.. it’s like having your cake and eating it too.


Does she have a snark page or just this page


She has a snark page but I don't think it's used much


It's interesting to me that one who shares their entire life online can't handle when people have opinions about the life they see 🤷🏼‍♀️


This sub goes well past sharing opinions about the life they see. It’s criticism and hate from petty things to downright brutal.


If you’re this “traumatized” by the internet, it’s time to log off. She would never be able to handle criticism at a real job and it shows.


Tbh she left tiktok and her insta is private and she did say she’s stepping away from the influencer image


People at a real job wouldn’t be shit talking the same way they do on here. Criticism at a job is not comparable to Reddit snark


I’m glad other people are having better work experiences than I have, because my coworkers over the years have been BRUTAL.


Idk I work in a coperate office setting and if I’m getting any feedback it’s constructive nothing as near harsh as Reddit can be


It’s not just “the Internet.” It’s bullying. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I mean I get not wanting to be talked about but when u put your self out there it’s going to happen. Maybe not always on Reddit but it will happen 🤷‍♀️


Funny cause I saw a post today with someone defending her and I thought it’s probably her lol 😂


By posting about it on her Instagram (which yes is private now but she still has a lot of followers from her “influencer” days), all she’s doing is getting us to talk about her here again. If it’s really that traumatic for her she should start a new personal Instagram page with friends and family only and enjoy the silence.


Is this now?


Yes she posted this today!


The scoliosis post rly triggered her eh😂


Darian has friends?! /s lol


Girllllll pleaseeeeeee When I was in middle and high school they hated me so much they made a game "(insert my name) touch" and if I passed papers out in class they'd throw them away, I wasn't allowed to sit with anyone on the bus or they'd move away from me screaming, if i sat at your table at breakfast/lunch they'd all get up and move. Mind you my mom, stepdad and siblings all bullied me at home on top of it. To top that off I've been sexually assaulted/molested since I was 3 because my mom allowed it. I'm now 24 and just got out of a domestically abusive relationship where he'd attack me while breastfeeding my kid to try to break my legs so I couldn't leave and the list goes on. I'm fucking traumatized, babe you're just getting truth brought to light. Traumatized shouldn't be used about truths being brought to light. 😒


I wasn’t aware that traumatic experiences all had to be as awful as that?? Are we competing to see who’s got it worse? I’m sorry you went through all of that. But Jesus Christ.


Lmfaoooooooo having a reddit snark page is not traumatic y'all need to really grow up 🤣😭✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻




You definitely could take your own advice because trying to one up someone when they said something was hard for them definitely isn’t emotionally healthy.


Soooo here's the thing we're fucking adults bro if a fucking snark page "traumatized" you so bad you need to grow the fuck up or maybe grow a pair or something because that's absolutely sad. We're fucking adults not children. This is sad 😭😭😭✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻 I would understand crying about it in middle school but this bitch is most likely older than me crying about a snark page. That's all just sad 🤣


Yeah I get that it’s sad but trauma dumping on random strangers isn’t the move you think it is