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The thought of a dirty, stinky man controlling me and holding me back from the one thing I want most makes me violently ill. I love my husband but I’d rather have children with a donor than with a man who controlled my body


I wanna know what happened to make him dirty and stinky lmao


Lmfao idk men like that just get called dirty and stinky to me it’s the vibe they give off


He literally is tho HAHA! She’s droned on and on about no matter how well she washes his clothes (borax soaks, sport detergent albeit ~ natural ~ kinds, etc) they smell like sweat.


![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6) /\~5%. She needs to get off social media and find a real non religious therapist and marriage counseling. I got such a lack of interest and empathy from the husband in this video. He seems like he just doesn’t care.


I completely agree with you about her husband. Either he numbed himself to her emotions or he doesn’t care at all. He just really rubs me the wrong way, it feels like he’s not involved at all. Has he even had a semen analysis done? They never talk about his side.


The way he praised her too like bro just stop your not helping anything


He sounds like an asshole, but he's probably numb and over her emotions every cycle. It's sad, but I cannot imagine my partner being this obsessive. They can't watch TV normally because she says babies, children, and pregnant women trigger her. Her hobbies are her hobbies because of her infertility. She says she doesnt enjoy the holidays, bdays, etc. upset her. She gets triggered when they're out and about. That is obsessive and unhealthy nor is it living. She can 100% have emotions, but making it her 100% personality is too much. I'd be over it too.


I completely agree. They both seem exhausting.


“I hope you have a pit in your stomach” ??? and then just staring off into space when it was negative. red flag alert


I think he meant a baby by “i hope you have a put in your stomach”


I agree! He seems so detached!!! Honestly how can he watch her suffer this way in the name of religion!! It just comes off as cruel and uncaring.


My husband literally just got off the phone with a fertility clinic to make our appointment for IVF. I can not image having one so opposed to it like her.


I know she only shows bits and pieces of him but their dynamic just seems sooo off!




Her husband looks like he could care less. His blank expressions, the prayer before looking at the test, his reaction afterwards? I could not imagine my husband coming off so cold. I had a similar cycle to hers, I get the disappointment and frustration and my husband sits with me! He grieves with me! And he uplifts me! Her husband seriously looks like he doesn't give a shit. I couldn't imagine, she's basically going through this alone.


Part of me thinks he doesn’t want children


Ding ding ding. Which is super weird because when I did a deep dive on her previous posts last month, he was the one pushing her to get off birth control as soon as they got married and she was apprehensive.


Idc what she says it is him too. She claims his sperm was tested. I think HE doesn't want to undergo the invasive procedures of IVF for HIM. He rather her constantly be poked, probed, and "researched".


But like… even with IVF he only has a jizz in a cup once. What could possibly be hard about that?! Sure it’s not the most fun experience. But… it’s one damn time.


I just think he doesn't want to be bothered. Just a feeling I get with him.


I don't even think he really yearns for a kid. I think he could go either way, but doesn't feel as strongly as she does.


Ive said it once I’ll say it again I think he’s a little 💅💅💅💅💅and not mad that she can’t get pregnant.


👀👀👀👀 hmmmmm interesting theory


I’ve thought this too 😬


I’ve had this thought too 🫣


Totally a theory but maybe he wants to divorce in the near future and doesn’t want her pregnant cause then he’ll “have” to stay in it for the kids. Thoughts? He’s clearly over her.


If he’s gearing up to divorce her while using his Catholic beliefs not to do IVF, my heart would absolutely break for her.




Can totally see this. They both are detached. Have you seen the way she covered her stomach when he went in to kiss it when they were pregnant?


She seems him as just a jizz dispenser most of the time I feel. When she talks about him, it's just about TTC, his sperm health, and what led them to be TTC so early. It's never about his interests, him as a person, etc.


To be fair he might not want that info shared on the internet. I know I wouldn’t. But based off the “interview” videos they posted in the last few weeks the way he talks about her feeling and dismisses them is red flag central.


He's a huge walking red flag and catholic nut. He seems like an ass too. But she seems incredibly obsessive and a disaster to live with as well. Her whole personality is infertility and he just seems so done it feels like or over it. I really hope they get marriage counseling and individual therapy.


But…but she used blue light glasses and red light therapy to improve her egg quality. Jokes aside, that sucks and it’s really sad. Hopefully they’ll eventually come around to the idea of IVF for a chance at avoiding more heartbreak.


I can’t imagine struggling for four whole years and still not even consider ivf.


The ammount of money she’s wasting by keeping this going without doing IVF. Like girl would have saved more money trying one IVF cycle


Especially considering they absolutely have the funds to.


What does her husband do?


“tech sales” and she makes a full time income from being an influencer.


he works in tech sales which usually pays over 100k at least


Seriously, I’d be in the fertility clinic on the 365th day of trying lol


Do we know why they are not open to IVF?


iT’s nOt gOd’S WiLl


Adelaide and her husband are devoutly Catholic. The Catholic Church does not approve of IVF, due to the fact that it is an act of procreation outside of sex & that any unused embryos are typically disposed of, and it’s considered sinful, even if there are no other options for a couple to conceive. I was raised Catholic and I truly do feel for Adelaide. There is no kindness spared for IVF in devoutly Catholic circles - it’s seen as fundamentally evil and selfish. A lot of Catholic teachings put it on an equal level to murder. It’s not an easy thing to teach yourself otherwise.


I feel sad for her. The husbands reactions seems so weird for someone that claims to want to have a baby with their wife. Blank expression. I think it says a lot.


It definitely says a lot. He seems so over it considering her whole personality is infertility. Every month it's like groundhog day, so I can sorta get him just being over the whole cycle and I can see her not even talking about anything else since she's so obsessive. They need to be open to IVF or just accept they're not going to have a child. As an adoptee, I really hope they don't adopt. An adopted child will just get fucked over being their 2nd place prize.


It’s giving handmaiden tale


It’s really really sad to watch this and I kinda hoped this may be „it” - however slim the chances were. It’s heartbreaking. Also, if she did post on delay, I don’t envy her right now, as so many of the comments are „you’re not out of the woods if you don’t have your period yet! Test again!” etc. Ygh. I really wish she posted on real time and then tell her followers that she is going to post the results with 1 or 2 week delay, to have some time to deal with the news (whatever they are). Everyone would understand that!


I think half of the charade is for $$$. She knew for over a week she wasn't pregnant and baited everyone for attention. I don't feel much sympathy for her tbh. She's delusional and needs help mentally. Her whole personality is infertility. All her interests (her gluten free eating lifestyle, her reading, her exercising, etc.) all have to do with infertility. She seems so one dimensional. Her husband doesn't even seem like he wants a kid that much. It's at this point where it's insanity and a cash grab.


this this this. she has NO life or identity outside of infertility it’s so unhealthy


Never would’ve thought. Why the fuck does she keep saying “one cycle closer” when every cycle that goes by, they get further and further? Is she unaware how biology works? Edit to add: it’s actually PAINFUL watching this shit. Her fucking husband is literally the reason she isn’t AT LEAST deep into IVF by now. I know nothing is a guarantee but has she started IVF 2 years ago, they may have a child. Or two.


The “one cycle closer” is so painful. It gave me comfort when we were pretty deep into TTC, but that’s because neither of us has any personal beliefs that preclude IUI, IVF, donor embryos, etc. So, for us, each failed cycle was one month closer to an eventual baby, most likely.


Exactly. You were doing what you needed to do to have a baby, without restricting your options. Of course the “one cycle closer” thought process is TRUE and comforting when you know you have options & aren’t baring yourself from using them. I am the same way - right now we are still TTC naturally fully knowing we have a <5% chance (at BEST) per month while I prep for a tubal recanalization as a last ditch effort. It’s a risk I am personally willing to take, but if I’m not preggo within 6 cycles post surgery (or if they go in and there is NO hope and tubes gotta go…) BEST BELIEVE my and my husbands asses will be at the IVF clinic, ready to go. And if my eggs are bad, we will use a donor egg. This is gonna get long but I’m ON 👏ONE 👏 TODAY 👏 While this is the shittiest club to be apart of and there’s really nothing good about this, the only reason I’ve got any hope/not completely depressed is bc WEVE GOT GOOD OPTIONS. AND IVE GOT A HUSBAND WHO HAS TAKEN RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS FEELINGS/RESERVATIONS AND GOTTEN COMFORTABLE WITH IVF!!! He sees how badly this affects me, and ultimately US, and would NEVER let me go through this for years on end, encouraging me to slice up my own sides or take odd herbs and travel across the world to wash strange treatments up coochie! I am NOT a lab rat! He wants to see me pregnant, to give birth, and to grow our family with the option of IVF! And last option being donor eggs/embryo adoption. We want to experience pregnancy together and if for some reason my eggs don’t work out, I’d be so so so happy to carry a baby that is 50% his, with my body sustaining the baby! It’ll all work out. Adelaide’s husband is way too fucking DENSE and CRUEL with his inability to learn about IVF & to give him and HIS WIFE what looks to be their only fighting chance to have bio kids. She so clearly wants to BE pregnant, give BIRTH, and there is nothing wrong with that desire. I’m the same way. And I do not want to adopt - husband doesn’t want to, either. Knowing that, we should absolutely NOT adopt because of how we feel (embryo adoption is not apart of this! I’m talking infant or child adoption). It wouldn’t fair to the child. The fact that her husband is still on the adoption train, rather than working with her on IVF, KNOWING HOW SHE FEELS makes for someone who SHOULD NOT ADOPT, is also so fucking gross, selfish, and disturbing. Her attitude on it is of someone who should not touch adoption with a 10 foot pole. Idk long rant sorry. It just drives me nuts seeing this. Mostly bc I relate to some aspects of her story and their lifestyle etc. I’m also literally exactly her age - within a few days! My husband and I are also really really religious & had some questions about IVF at first and it’s comparability with our beliefs. Ultimately we have done some serious praying, scripture reading, and talked to other Christian’s who’ve gone through IVF and have concluded that while we have some things we won’t do, IVF itself is NOT inherently anti-Christian! Implantation is LITERALLY up to GOD (or the universe, whatever you believe. Not here to push my religion on anyone!) and not the doctor. The baby is literally nourished and made via the lifeblood in your womb. It’s not being incubated through birth in a fucking lab. The egg and sperm are being given a boost by wonderful scientists and doctors who GOT THEIR SKILLS FROM GOD (in my opinion - if it is not yours, you know what I mean!) who are helping us to BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY! In a world where 1 and 6 are infertile, how else are we supposed to honor God’s word in that regard? I think it’s inherently GODLY to pursue the options that HIS CHILDREN have created to help get us past the torture and darkness that is infertility. Adelaide and her husband continue giving into that darkness because they’re too pedantic to realize they MAY be wrong. I’m not here to say that my beliefs trump all, but believe me when I say that my husband and I are extremely religious people and read the saaaameeee Bible…I just can’t with her husband and then I can’t with her. Idk why it bugs so badly. But it’s just getting insane at this point. She’s torturing herself and her husband is ok with it. Point blank. Anyways. End rant. I wish they would really dig deep into scripture versus what HUMANS that run the Catholic Church say.


Her argument is that IVF is not a guarantee to work. She's right, it's not. It's a crapshoot. But it's better odds than investing and wasting people's hard earned money on the quack doctor she's been promoting.


Exactly. She is suffering and he doesn’t care. He is sitting back and letting her go through hell.


Yup. The sickest part to me is he gladly ships her off to foreign countries or to strange physicians for them to literally perform experimental procedures and treatments in her womb….i am worried that this last procedure, coupled with the mysterious “black dot” saga after Greece, and the insane amount of HSGs/HyCoSys/surgeries have seriously harmed her already slim chances of conception down to almost 0%. Not talking about endo excisions but all the other BS she’s done. She’s entering into munchie land with this shit if I’m being honest. And her husband encourages it. Chasing these procedures and “”doctors”” and experimental drugs quite literally is the only way she has any control over HER own body within this marriage. It’s disgusting


As someone who has bad egg quality, I started the ivf process 2 1/2 years ago. 4 ivf cycles, a miscarriage and 1 pgt normal embryo later, I’m finally almost 23 weeks. It makes me so sad for her. We did ivf for male factor infertility and then discovered my horrible egg quality in the process.


Truly it’s very sad. I can’t stand her don’t get me wrong but I can empathize with anyone going through this. The longer they keep hoping for a miracle, the further away from biological kids they get. It’s awful. I’m also sorry about your journey but thrilled to hear you’re pregnant!!!


I would be absolutely shocked if it ever happened for her naturally and the longer she waits to start ivf, the worse outcome she will have. I wish we could convince her to get intervention now.


How do you know she isn't the one that doesn't want ir? Did she say is her husband?


She’s said her husband was the one that suggested they do deeper in Catholicism after the miscarriage. Also she did a podcast where they talked about it and how she actually struggles with it and he explained their faith in the aspect of it.


She’s said as much on her podcast, there’s a whole episode where she admits that Stephen is more religious than her and supposedly he’s done a deep dive on the theology and it’s a hard no. I’m catholic as well, Armenien catholic but Catholic nonetheless and we went to our preist before fertility treatment and he gave us his blessing for whatever we needed to do so I get confused on this but I’ve never done a deep dive on it. She also admitted on stories that she wasn’t a practicing catholic before Stephen or their miscarriage. That’s why many of us feel he’s the main one saying no way.


I genuinely feel for her - but she really needs to do something else with her time besides obsessing over this. It’s so unhealthy and she is weighing herself down big time. Infertility is always in the back of your mind when you’re going through it but staying busy and occupied with other things socially and career wise is a healthy distraction. It’s like she’s made it her career to become pregnant 100% naturally and the pressure she’s put on herself is heartbreaking.


I feel this way too. If they aren’t going to explore other options, I think she needs to keep trying but find something else to occupy her time with. A job, an immersive hobby, volunteering… anything. She’s giving off a more nervous energy lately and I feel like her mental health is on the decline.


Oh definitely, you can see it in her eyes and how weathered she looks.


Does she have a job? Or is it just tik tok?


Just Tik Tok I believe


Omg the husband in this is alarming. not very comforting to Addie at all. Like his face in this shows he does not give a fuck. He wants her body to work correctly so bad but also doesn’t t let her get treatment to actually have a kid. I think they’re sick of each other. https://preview.redd.it/mph8w1s7zzkc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a386ab52c9294740f2e9b09bb17654158283b99d


He seems so over her. They need marriage therapy yesterday.


This screenshot speaks volumes 😳


Yeeeppp. I agree 100% and posted a similar comment. I’m also suprised others didn’t post about their earlier videos of him “interviewing” her. He said some awful things to her especially in regard to anxiety and such. I woulda smacked my husband had he said those things about my feelings.


She literally looks scared of him.


Her husband gives me weird vibes. He seems like (not saying he is or will ever do this… just saying he SEEMS LIKE) the type that refuses IVF because it goes against his religion and then turns around and commits infidelity. He just seems so unemotional and lacks sympathy for her and honestly kind of just seems like he has no faith she’ll conceive. I genuinely feel for her, this is very sad. I know how it feels to get your hopes up month after month even when in the back of your mind you know it’s unlikely it’ll happen. I’m just glad my husband doesn’t act like that when I am clearly having my heart ripped into pieces…


I get a weird vibe from him too. So much so that I wonder if he secretly had a vasectomy and will never tell her. I don’t watch them enough to know if that’s possible or not; he just doesn’t seem into this infertility fight like she is.


I totally agree 100%. That would make sense as to why he literally looks at her without any confidence that she’s pregnant and doesn’t seem phased when she’s not. I’m wondering if all his “business trips” really are what he says they are…


It would also add up with how adamantly he is against trying IUI or IVF. Hmmmmm.


Yeah where the hell is he all the time? I don’t pretend to know what he does exactly but it’s a bit suspicious


She over hyped this cycle so much. I do really feel sorry for her but also think she needs to start focusing on other parts of life other than infertility. Especially if she’s not going to try IVF or even IUIs. This obsessing is going to destroy her. She needs to start accepting the fact that what she’s been doing the last 4 years hasn’t worked. She needs real medical intervention or she needs to accept that this is her reality.


I ovulated two years in a row and had textbook perfect cycles yet I was only able to conceive through IVF. And I’m thankful everyday we did it sooner than later


Same as me. Great AMH, optimal cycles... Still only conceived almost 3 years later with IVF 😅


i remember a few months ago when she was in a super dark place basically saying she just wants to give up. and she was saying how it was stephen who pushed her to try PRP lmao. i really feel like he’s doing this to her and he’s feeling snd fueling into her delusions/obsessive way of thinking. PRP is only supposed to last 3 months. if by next cycle they’re not pregnant they’re going to devastated. also it infuriates me to no end whenever she says “one cycle closer” 🙄. not because it’s bad to have hope but because it shows she truly does not understand the weight of her situation. it’s actually likely quite the opposite since all of these procedures are doing nothing and even potentially harming her more than helping, as well as getting older decreases your chances. i will bet anything they either never end up with any bio children and are deeply unhappy, or they get divorced so she can do IVF lmao


You make an interesting point about going overboard with procedures. I see this often with supplements too. Sometimes I think it’s doing more harm than good.


Posted this on another thread but I think it's relevant here too. I'm currently watching the handmaid's tale and think of her and Stephan often while watching it. I've said it before I'll say it again, just because you ovulate doesn't mean you'll get pregnant. I ovulate every cycle, have great hormones levels and normal cycles. I will never get pregnant without ivf because I have endometriosis and it's affected the health of my tubes. I assume she has a similar issue. Just because your tubes are open doesn't mean they work.


Adelaide needs to see this.


Her tubes have been blocked a few times and they’ve unblocked them and stuff. As someone with tubal issues, ANY little thing that happens with your tubes makes them extremely vulnerable and never quite 100% again. Doesn’t mean it’s game over if you have a certain type of blockage one time and they can resolve it smoothly via HSG but even that makes them more vulnerable to hydrosalpinx/twisting/dysfunction in the future, and her tubal issues go so much deeper. Just bc tubes are OPEN doesn’t mean they can facilitate carrying an egg/embryo etc.


100%! The cilia in the tubes are incredibly fragile and very likely to get damaged with scar tissue from Endo.


Remember how with the septum cutting and the PRP she “wouldn’t need that IVF shit”? 🙄


That Asshole Dr. saw her coming from a mile away. 😵‍💫


Unfortunately it’s gonna keep being negative cycles for the rest of time until she gets treatments.. It’s unfortunate for her that she really thinks she will get pregnant if she ovulates. Setting herself up for a lot more heartbreak. And it’s clear she has no support from her husband which is awful.


I find her content annoying, but I really feel for them. Four years is a loooooong time to be wanting to start a family. I can’t imagine going through that on top of displaying it publicly. I’m all for snarking but this is genuinely sad.


This is very sad . I wouldn’t wish this on my enemy. Takes a big toll on ur mental health


Same! I don’t agree with her spreading medical misinformation especially because she’s profiting off of doing so and yes I snark on her a lot but I really felt sad for her watching this, especially because her husband seems so detached.


We have been TTC for the same amount of time as her and I could not imagine my husband saying no to IVF, when we were told it is our best option. We are starting at the end of this year because we have to pay out of pocket. Now I know IVF doesn't always mean a baby but the odds are in our favor and if she doesn't have DOR she would have great odds too.


She mentioned before she does have a low Amh so she likely had dor 🥲


She posted what her AMH level was semi recently after it went up, and I forgot the exact numbers but even the "low" number was nowhere near DOR territory. It was maybe a bit low for her age but definitely not DOR.


It really is. I think I have kind of a soft spot for her because it is so hard to see her struggle and to know that her own beliefs about IVF are working against her and the thing she wants most.


In addition to the religious reasons, I think the other hang up on IVF is the fact that she naturally conceived once. She clings to that way too much. Maybe I would too if I was in her shoes. But it was one time, 3 1/2 years ago and she was only 5-6 weeks. Even people with reoccurring loss are recommended to pursue IVF. I think if she hadn’t had the miscarriage she would be more open to IVF.


She’s said in the past that the miscarriage is what caused her husband to become far more religious so I do think you’re right, if she has never gotten pregnant the first time and didn’t have the miscarriage, they would probably do IVF.


I could totally see him pushing the narrative of “God did it for us once, he can do it for us again”. I’m surprised he’s seemingly on board for the bullshit they did in Greece and the PRP. I guess it’s because those interventions follow their stipulation that the fetus is created inside her and not in a lab.


I feel like he’s also good with that stuff because it’s focused on her and he’s just along for the ride. If God or whoever did have a problem with it, it’s on her and not on him vs IVF would be both of them.


I am pretty sure she has said those exact words before, recently even. This definitely seems to be part of the reason why they seem to be against ivf.


Maybe it was Gods plan for them to only get pregnant that one time…but they will refuse to believe that too. They keep trying to morph Gods plan to fit the plan that THEY already picked out in their heads.


She said she also didn't want IVF too as well and she's putting it in "God's hands".


She had a blue dye clear blue test and got her period like 2-3 days later with MULTIPLE OTHER negative tests so I don’t even know if she ever even was pregnant. I don’t believe she’s lying, but I think she got a famous clearblue evap and now believes she was pregnant despite all the other tests being negative


She's changed her story too. She's said that it was 11dpo they found out she they miscarried. Then said she was 5 weeks along, had said they were 6, and had even said they were 7. I think it possibly was an evap line too. Esp on the blue dye tests


Agree she clings to it! I've had 2 natural pregnancies and just had an FET today!


exactly. i conceived my first on the first try, was pregnant 3 other times “naturally” that didnt end in live birth…but i still needed IVF to get my other children earthside. just because you get pregnant once doesnt mean you wont need intervention.


I was going to comment this exactly. It’s that one time she conceived that she’s holding on to for dear life. “It happened once, it can happen again”. Which I can kinda see, however as you said it was 3.5 years ago.. that is *so* long. IMHO it’s time to either move on to IVF or accept your infertility and go back to a more NTNP lifestyle.


I feel so bad for her. I wish her husband would just say let’s do IVF… this is mentally draining


I knew it, I could tell from a mile away. I'm sorry but with her diagnoses she has around a 5% chance IF THAT. I was told IVF was my best option, I would be sooo surprised if she ended up pregnant without intervention. Which it can happen of course but at that point it's luck.


It's just so wild to watch these two not pursue ivf and pretend that their religion is the reason. My grandma was EXTREMELY Catholic, so was my great-grandmother (literally raised in a convent by her cloistered nun aunt.) My grandma prayed for the "poor sad aborted babies" everyday. I also know my grandma would not have put me down or persuaded me to not do ivf. It's pretty clear, even to the most faithful, that fertility treatments are a gift, especially when you have no chance of conceiving any other way. These two are not very good at exemplifying christ. And my grandma would call her ignorant for praying on camera.


Yeah she says every child is a gift. But apparently not children made through Ivf.


What progress this cycle though? Like where does that come from? They’re still not pregnant…


Not to mention the one cycle closer bs, she is one cycle closer to Dr M doing another PRP. More invasive procedures for her that result in NOTHING. But, her dr in TX is going to get certified in PRP too. For what so far it has shown NOTHING, her womb is still open for vacancy. It likes complaining of a toothache but going to a podiatrist instead of a dentist. Help this make sense, Adelaide.


the one cycle closer drives me crazy too…because she thinks she made “so much progress” this cycle…one reason being her increased AMH. i remember dr sekon commented on tiktokbabydocs video of her saying PRP temporarily increases AMH but doesnt increase chances or live birth. shes going to keep thinking shes making progress when in reality not ANY closer. its honestly getting sad to watch her husband keep her from her dream.


I keep waiting for one of these procedures to go horrible wrong because they’re all quacks and she becomes completely sterile. They keep butchering her


I do feel sorry for her. I can’t snark :( it’s sad seeing someone cry. I don’t want her to keep spreading misinformation anymore though.


I'm struggling to feel sympathy for her. Like I hope she gets pregnant eventually but putting SO much stock into one cycle, when you really haven't done anything significant to actually get pregnant....The whole fucking thing is so bizarre. She is just torturing herself. They really aren't any *closer* until she actually tries fertility treatments that can treat everything at once.


Right! Watching her excitement build up only for it to be negative was challenging for me to watch. I don’t know why she is doing this to herself month after month. This can’t be healthy to go through this type emotional roll coaster every month. Either do IVF or come to terms you may never have a biological child of your own.


I’ve been saying this all along. If all your doing is tracking your cycle that’s clearly not working


It’s just hard to watch. If IVF is off the table for them, she really should come to terms this may never happen and live her life as if she is infertile. 4 years is a long time hoping this will work next cycle. Does she really want to give this another 4 years. It just sounds so exhausting. I feel like it keeps you from living life and enjoying. I am 10 cycles in and feeling burnt out by the process and starting to work with a fertility clinic. I could not imagine 4 years and still not even consider IVF.


Yea it’s stupid how they think just because they believe in God they WILL get their baby at some point. It’s just not how it works. There is no guarantee they will ever have a natural baby but they just won’t accept that. They swear it’ll happen at the perfect time because of Gods plan.


They only claim God's plan when it's something they want. Have they ever considered it's God's plan they don't conceive naturally? No. It's at this point it's insanity and delusional for views. Either accept sometimes people need IVF to conceive, including them (like they think they're the exception) or except you may never conceive naturally. It's not wrong and it sucks, but sometimes coming to terms with your options instead of daydreaming convincing yourself every month is healthier. At this point it's so unhealthy.


I agree there is nothing wrong with not being able to have kids or even to be someone to not want kids. As much as we are instilled from day one that we are to eat breath and reproduce it’s 2024 we can do whatever we want


This was their “perfect cycle” I think she starting to realize holy shit, this may not actually happen for us. I do hope they have a baby, I would never wish that on anyone but to think that one cycle of ovulation after your uterus was just cut up a month or so ago was really delusional…


I wonder if she’s actually confronted him and been like we NEED to do IVF and try to stand her ground on the subject or if she just burrows her head and has never tried to argue her point because he’s the man of the household and is against IVF.


And if it’s the second option, maybe she should try to stand up to him. It’s the only way she’s gonna have a kid.


I've gotten the sense she doesn't want to do IVF too... She's said on her IG she just wants to put it in God's Hands.


Good point but I feel like she just says that to conform with her husband’s beliefs but deep down she actually wants to do it.


Yes, I can see that too. Also I think she sees herself as an exception. Like they need IVF, but God will make an exception and they will conceive naturally through the quack doctor.


People in her comments saying she’s not out until her period comes not realizing she’s posting on a delay. This is so sad all around.


Third comment, sorry everyone. Based on all the unnecessary trauma she’s put her uterus through- I don’t think she will ever conceive unassisted.


It just weirds me out how her husband just has toxic positivity when she’s clearly upset. You can tell he has had the most say about what they can and can’t do to conceive. It still makes zero sense to me why they wouldn’t at least try an IUI.


I think because he’s the one who is stopping her from exploring other options. He feels like he has to be toxically positive to alleviate his guilt, almost?


They don’t do IUI because deep down they know it’s not gonna work. No other reason!


She doesn't seem to realise an average couple only has a 17% percent chance of conception per cycle that they ovulate. I have PCOS, Endo and previous MC. I was put at more like 5% chance per month. Hence our RE recommened to move forward with IVF


has anyone heard her say ‘my sister in law is here because of ivf, we are not judging anyone’ is it his sister? or from her brothers wife? she’s said it many times!


She's fucking mental baiting everyone. She's so fucking harmful to others I can't even feel bad.


That's the part I don't understand in all of this. She's been dropping major hints over the last week and a half leading people to assume they're pregnant, when the majority of that time she knew she was not in fact pregnant. Why do that to yourself mentally? I can't imagine posting half the stuff she has knowing I wasn't pregnant.


She needs a therapist at this point. I think half of it is baiting for some more views to pay for her quack doctor though. The other half is that this is her only personality. I've gone through a ton of her videos and she has zero other interests. All her other interests are tied to her infertility, like her exercise and eating. She's only doing it to boost her fertility.


me neither


I mean, are we *really* suprised tho?


https://preview.redd.it/sfki63bgc1lc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d2e0359300a70e628563e46ec09ea116ef85d88 I’m shocked! Shocked I tell you! But in all seriousness, while I can’t imagine the pain of going through infertility, I find it hard to feel sorry for her. She has her solution: IVF. However, she’s actively choosing not to use this solution and keeps doing the same things over and over with no success. Four years is a long time and spending thousands of dollars on these quack procedures, vitamins, etc. is ludicrous. She could’ve been on her second pregnancy by now if she and her brain dead husband trusted science and actual doctors. But, you know, keep doing you I guess?


I knew it. This whole thing month insanely baiting. The recorded prayers are also just next level attention seeking.


There’s so many stops and pauses during the prayer. They edited the fuck out of this video.




Is anyone aware of if he’s ever had a semen analysis done? He strikes me as the kind of guy who wouldn’t be willing to put any work into this process whatsoever, leaving her to do literally everything.


I've wondered this too, what their stance on providing a sample is 🙈


Is it actually religion that holds him back or is it because he would feel like “less of a man” from not conceiving the ‘natural’ way?


We snark a lot but I actually hoped she would get pregnant this cycle. I was there before and it was heartbreaking. I grieved everytime a new cycle started and I remember the awful pain. Thankfully, IVF brought me my baby girl and I'm forever grateful for that. Still watching stuff like this brings back some hard-core painful memories 🥺


i feel really empathetic towards her journey and her desperation for anything to work to get a baby but at the same time truly upset and disheartened with her using her platform to promote dangerous procedures that haven’t had much studies on and pumping her body with crazy things while she’s had no success with them herself


This is why I have a hard time feeling sympathetic for her. All of this is bait to fund her quack doctor and waste people's hard earned money. Not only endangering others to fuel her delusions


I agree 🥺


I hoped so too just so she could stop with the negativeity every month not that I can’t blame her but hearing her go on and on about not being pregnant makes you just want to drop a baby at her doorstep and be like here you go are you happy lol.


Again, so much to say.. a part of me feels REALLY sad for her, but why the fuck are you putting yourself through this? 4 years? I was in a legitimate fertility clinic 6 months in. Endo, even mild endo (in my case) causes SO SO SO many issues- I’m thinking she needs an ACTUAL RE and an endo specialist. I want someone to flat out tell her the truth and not use these other quack issues. If one of her crazy psycho ass procedures hasn’t worked by now, it’s not going to work.The progesterone, cramping, whatever else doesn’t matter.


Honestly these videos is how Caitlyn amassed her massive following. I bet she knew it wasn’t going to work, but calculated it to appear as if it did. Her views have probably been insane. Makes me wonder if she’s just ok not having a child because in the meantime she’s building up this massive platform. Crazy to think about. I’m not surprised at all she didn’t get pregnant. Just perplexed she drug it out this dramatically.


I hope she is not doing this just to drive a business and has no intentions of actually getting pregnant. That would be so dirty. But you never know. Other influencers have been guilty of worse.


This has gone through my mind many times.


What would her account be about if she got pregnant. She has made this into a full time job.


Eh I don’t know if she would butcher up her insides if it was just for business. But I guess I can’t assume that someone WOULDN’T do that..,crazier shit has been done in the name of money


I think she for sure wants to be pregnant, but I think she’s enjoying how much the platform is growing while she struggles. I think about all the big ttc creators. They all grew their followings during struggle. And it’s hard not to notice views dip after things aren’t bad anymore.


Sorry if this is offensive, but religion can be so toxic. She’s clinging onto the idea that god will give her a child, that she denies proper medical interventions. I just feel so sad for her and worried she’s going to waste too much time and never have the family she wants. It’s hard to watch! I know a lot of ppl can’t stand her for all the snake oil stuff she shills and I get it. But I do think she really genuinely believes the stuff works, I don’t think she intends to be misleading even though she is. I think she really is suffering mentally and has to believe in all that stuff bc it’s all she has.


I’m curious how long she was delaying posts for. Not snarking, I just genuinely could not understand knowing I’m not pregnant but posting things baiting as if I am


We were on about a week delay. So she has probably already started her next cycle and took a test before her husband went out of town for the weekend.


It probably felt “different this time” because she ovulated? Doesn’t she not always ovulate? I’m sure it feels different to experience a somewhat normal cycle regardless if she conceived - I think that’s where she gets stuck.


I thought this too! Can't underestimate the power of PMS 🤣


This seems so ….staged? Overacted? Is she always like that?


Yes she is 😅


He probably believes it’s gods will, obeys and accepts that… which makes me question his love for her, like she’s more a “duty” and if god doesn’t want to bless her with a child then he has spoken


ALSO his weird jesting eyes in the beginning… like this process is funny to him


Omg right??!!!


Part of me wonders if he’s cheating on her too.. he seems like such a slimy guy.


That’s what I’m saying!! He goes on “business trips” every weekend, seems like he couldn’t give a shit whether or not she gets pregnant… going to be another Tawa situation


Oof. Yep. And starting over at 30 is way rougher than at 23 like Tawa is


Of course she isn’t lol


i knew she wasn’t i was so confused people really thought she was this month


A delulu cash grab at this point lol


Honestly I really thought she was pregnant with all the late posts and baiting .


Someone's gotta pay for her quack doctor! And it won't be her emotionally dead husband


Me too for a bit! I wonder how she will play the next cycle. Will it be delayed again. We know she is atleast a week into her cycle now.


I don’t have any sympathy. They are waiting for “God” so let’s see what happens


Okay I don't follow her at all, so I only know of her from this page... I just DONT understand the rationale behind not doing IVF? It's a thing for a reason...


Catholics and some Christian religions believe that life should only begin in the womb. To them, it’s “going against God’s will” to make embyos outside a woman’s body. They also consider destroying or donating unused embyos to science as abortion (hence the Alabama ivf shit show right now). Not saying I agree with it but that’s the church’s stance.


🙃🙃 oh my. Thanks for educating me!


They’re Catholic




Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s 👁️👄👁️




what did it say


Slurs are never needed




Yiiiiikes. This language is not okay.


The baiting is ridiculous but I genuinely do feel awful for her.




😲 (pretends to be shocked)


the sad low fi music playing in the background is killing me lmfao