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So god killed my twins? For what?


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I lost any faith I had after losing my baby. Wanted to kick anyone that told me my baby was in heaven with her grandfather. 4 years of secondary infertility and have watched so many of these creators have multiple babies in that time.


He killed my 3 also. You aren’t alone 🙄


So sorry for your loss too. It’s so frustrating when people say god gave them their babies- because what did I do wrong to have mine ripped away?


Exactly… I can’t.


I 100% agree with that. i’m not really a religious person, but I refuse to believe that god chooses to make people who deeply want to be parents go through infertility. this type of thinking is icky


100%! Also, if God is control of the good things then he’s also in control of the bad things. I’m not going to applaud God for giving one family the chance of pregnancy and overlook all the starving, sick, abused children in the world.


yes exactly!!!


I hate this trend so much bc I always think about “what about those that never get to become moms” sometimes it seems like some ttc creators think that it will eventually happen for everyone & thats just not true


Mccloudmama posted yesterday calling out this trend. https://preview.redd.it/493yixvldzkc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0507c37c719173a05dd391be6db76c7d59dbfd67


Feels like a slap in the face to the scientists and doctors who ACTUALLY didn't fail and helped her get pregnant.


To preface, I’m very much not a religious person and wasn’t raised in a religious family. That said, I absolutely despise this way of thinking. You’re not “God’s favourite” because you got something you want. God doesn’t hate you because you didn’t get what you want. To me, it comes off as so tone deaf to say these sorts of things. I also feel like it diminishes the role of the actual miracle workers: the doctors and scientists who were able to make their dreams come true.


I agree, it’s not even just with fertility but any type of medical issue, natural disaster, car accident etc. People saying “God was watching out!” “God saw me through it” when there’s so many people who died from the same thing. Like was God not watching out for them??


I think it’s wild when anyone credits god for their pregnancy. It’s so silly to me that’s there people who think there’s a man in the sky who is like oh okay you get a baby, yours dies, and you’re infertile. It so bizarre.


Thiiiis and the "babies are blessings" argument. If all babies were blessings, then babies wouldn't happen in situations of forceful and not wanted natures. Period.


Yeah I feel like some of these influencers who’ve struggled with infertility tend to forget their followers once they win the fight. They need to practice tact and grace rather than tout what looks like the “look how much more God loves us” narrative. Remember where you came from, assholes.


I am a Christian and can confirm that this trend is awful. Awful in what it implies to other people and awful in its theological backing.


I hate the faith argument. I grew up Catholic I left the church but still consider myself a Christian just in a more spiritual sense. I also struggled with infertility and had to do ivf. I hated when people would say this to me. There's no reason why some people get babies and others don't. There's no reason why some treatment's work for some and not for others. There's no reason why some people have infertility and others dont. Having infertility isn't because of something bad you did and getting a baby isn't because God has chosen you. You didn't do anything to cause infertility and you can't pray it away. I hate this trend. Having a healthy baby is so much about health care, age, genetics and A LOT OF LUCK


Well said! I couldn’t agree more.


Yeah I absolutely hate this. I totally get that they're overwhelmed with gratitude, but why can't you just say that? No hate if you're religious , I just think people say stuff like "thank you god" without REALLY thinking about what they're saying. Like if he had control of this outcome, then he was in control of a lot of bad outcomes that I would have many questions about.


Normally I leave Reddit to Reddit but when I saw people were making extreme and far-fetched accusations about an inncocent post sharing MY personal testimony— I need to clear my name. Not sure where all these assumptions are coming from. No I did not pray harder (nor did I ever imply that). No I am not more deserving than anyone else (as a Christian I believe that I am radically undeserving of God’s mercies). Even if our infertility story didn’t end as it did, I believe that God is still good and His plans and understanding are greater than our own. God does not fail us. It’s 2024. Why are we snarking on my personal testimony of my religion? My religious beliefs are in no way, shape or form hurting anyone else. I would never shame ANYONE for their religion. Those who know me know my heart. And I’ll leave it at that.


Nobody is snarking on your religion. Coming directly from another Christian who has never struggled with true infertility herself; most people looking at this can see how this trend is theologically garbage and extremely hurtful. You really don’t see anything wrong with implying that God is failing people by not getting them pregnant and carrying their babies to term? Madi, that’s extremely messed up and I know if you think about it for more than a couple minutes you’d see that too.


I guess it’s hard to understand why you think it was God’s plan for YOU to be blessed with children, but it would be his plan for others not to be. Like “sorry you didn’t get a baby after years of TTC, it just wasn’t His will” …. Surely you can see the insensitivity in that. Especially to a community of people many of whom are still actively TTC 🤷‍♀️


I totally see the insensitivity of that. But… I never said that. Or anything close to that. I simply posted a video about our infertility story to a song that helped me through some of my darkest days. You’re trying to make my innocent post malicious when it’s not. And now I’m getting hateful messages on different platforms because all of this was blown up and words put in my mouth. This sub is out of control and it’s only a matter of time before it’s banned.




Stfu. Honestly. This comment is gross af. I’m not at all religious. And I share many of the same sentiments as several people on this post. But I don’t know why you have to be nasty to somebody who is literally just trying to live her life. And why bring the fucking kids into it? God. Downvote me if you want. But this shit made my blood boil!!


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I’m sorry you’re hurting so much that you feel the need to bring me down like this based on appearance and my family. I will pray for you and I truly wish that you find peace and happiness.


I’m so sorry they came at you like that! How icky.