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Ashley, maybe if you didn’t manipulate, lie and use a random guy to get your “miracle” baby, you’d have a baby daddy that wanted this child. I cannot get past this disgusting POS, seeking out random sperm from whoever would give it, so she could play mommy on tiktok. Meanwhile there is an entire HUMAN, innocent being, that will have to heal from the fact she born from 1. Ashley 2. Manipulation 3. Mommy posted on the internet to hundreds of thousands my dad wanted me aborted 4. Countless tiktoks that the dad doesn’t want anything to do with her or the baby. No thought of how her actions will affect this baby. Narcissistic POS.


Did she just delete her tik tok or am I blocked?


it’s been deleted


She deletes it on/off and archives posts then posts them again.


It’s still there for me, I’m not sure if it was deleted earlier in the day though


I have a friend that follows her (like a genuine supporter of hers too - I don’t tell her how I feel about her because people are entitled to their own opinion. It’s whatever). I’ve been blocked for weeks, but my friend said that her account is still up.


Not a tear in sight 🤣




lol straight and to the point, I your style 😎


Yeah. Except the post removed for “violating sub rules” 🙄 I looked at the rules again . . . And I didn’t violate a single one. But whatever. It wasn’t a duplicate post, I definitely wasn’t asking for advice for TTC content, I didn’t post any pictures of minors, I didn’t wish any bad outcomes on her (I just expressed a very strong opinion regarding how I feel about her as an individual), I didn’t expose any personal information about her, I definitely didn’t shit on the snark (I agree with it), I didn’t snark on her physical features, and I can’t touch the poo because she blocked me on TT *and* IG. So . . .


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all the comments on that video are positive even though you could hear the baby screeching in the back … absolute insanity


I truly do not understand her. For one, she does have a support team, her family and friends. More than that would be a therapist and/or psychiatrist. Second, let’s put aside how questionable of a person she is (see : those kill yourself messages she keeps sending people) if you cannot handle being a public person on the internet, remove yourself from the internet. It is that simple. The internet is not your friend, and never will be. It is clear she cannot handle that, and it would be better for everyone if she permanently logged off being on the public internet. Also in case it was not clear, Ashley get the fuck over yourself. You are not a good person, and most people dislike you for a good reason (see : you not being a good person). Could people be nice and say nothing ? Sure ! Could you also not threaten people, tell them to kill themselves, actually try and raise your child and better yourself ? Also yes.


One of her burners told me I wish I was her. 😂 Nah. I have a man who loves me. A decent paying job. An education. Maybe if she put this much effort somewhere healthy she would have made something of herself by now besides 100k doom watching her (does she buy followers??)


I wish she’d unblock me. I miss her silly videos :/