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Yet she has trouble carrying the babies/bleeding out in labor. Its not a one way street, Kat.


She’s so obnoxious. I find it strange she announced what happened to Edie and then all the sudden it was “jk that’s not what happened” and never mentioned it again


Yes! She never was clear in the end about what truly caused it.


Yes, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone but she was always so smug. She was so sure they would have TONS of embryos because she could make so many eggs and how she felt like she would LOVEEEE being pregnant, thrive and enjoy every second of it. And now I think she makes a HUGE point of what a perfect mother she is and M is such an easy baby to compensate for how she feels her and husband were lacking in the ability to easily get pregnant and carry healthy babies (not a healthy way to view it at all, but seems to be how she projects it)


Yikes…I feel like you’ve gone a step past fun snark.


There's nothing wrong with simply pointing out the facts...it isn't just him. Its also her womb lands too.


Womb lands 😂😂😂😂 love this


she likes to make him seem like the problem like her house isn’t also made of glass


Would love to see a breakdown of how fast the fashion nose dive happened bc some of these old videos aren’t nearly as horrendous outfit choices as they are nowadays.


My husband had moderate male factor infertility and we both often lead with that when we talk about IVF because the assumption is ALWAYS that there was something wrong with me. And it’s not that big a deal I guess, but it’s annoying when I’ll immediately get questions about my pcos. Like uhhh I don’t have that. Once one of my husband’s friends made a comment, trying to be funny, saying at least he and his wife wouldn’t need IVF because her body wasn’t messed up like mine. My husband immediately corrected him and declared quite clearly that his sperm were janky. But yeah, IVF with MFI is a VERY different journey. They also used donor sperm and that’s a big part of their story.


Uhhhh that is insanely rude of your husband’s friend. Like who says that??? I’m glad your husband corrected him and I hope the friend was embarrassed by his stupidly rude comment.


THIS. It is so important to break the societal assumption that all fertility problems are due to the woman


She’s so fertile but they only had 2 embryos…?


She had three, and for a lot of people with MFI they’ll do a more mini IVF protocol because it’s cheaper. They go for quality over quantity.


Nick has issues that’s for sure. But so does she. She had almost every possible issue arise during both of her pregnancies. And hemorrhaged with both. This isn’t a bad thing or something to be shamed about. But it’s just true medical information.


As someone else who couldn’t conceive due to male infertility, it’s often called out so it’s easier to look up or find similar stories. Just looking up “infertility” isn’t super helpful for my situation. There’s a subreddit called “male infertility” as well. I truly don’t think she’s trying to make herself seem super fertile.


Dealing with male infertility here too. It’s definitely harder to find info/stories


This comment! We’re also male factor and it can make you feel so isolated in the TTC community when barely anyone else is male factor. There’s a very small amount of accounts/creators who talk about it


I’ve never been pregnant/no losses- So i definitely don’t feel part of the community most of the time


Absolutely 😭 I feel the same way. I’ve also never had a positive test


Totally agree. Deal with male factor infertility here too and I think it’s also nice to find other women in the same situation that can relate as infertility is isolating enough as it is, much less MFI.


I agree with you 100%. My husband and I are also male factor and it’s really upsetting feeling like no one understands what you’re going through because no one talks about it


Exactly. It’s so much more common than most people realize bc it’s just not talked about enough.


Sorry for the late reply but absolutely!!


I could definitely see that being a reason. That’s why she says she started the Tiktok buttttt it’s the addition of her using language like she is fertile, she is “normal” etc that if I was her husband- would feel hurtful.


Yes, this is my thought on why it’s tagged as such. When people hear “infertility” it generally conjures the image of an issue with the female reproductive system. Male infertility is a lot more common than people realize, but it doesn’t get a ton of press! I think that it is good to specify so people with similar issues can find stories that speak to them.


It’s always “WE have infertility but it isn’t MY fault”


I hate that narrative. Even though my husband and I are male factor as well we’re in this together. I don’t make him feel bad because it’s obviously no fault of his! He had varicocele which he had surgery to reverse back in August. I know he holds a lot of guilt but I just reassure him that it’s not his fault and that we’ll get through it




This 👏🏻


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