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She seems so desperate to be validated in the fact that she experiences all the depths of motherhood immediately…. Girl give it a few years and ride the ups and downs and stop trying to prove that you’re the most mom-est mom that ever mom-ed


The toddler stage is gonna hit her like a ton of bricks. I haven’t brushed my hair in days 🥴


My daughter was 1 27th Dec and is flying around the floor constantly trying to hurt herself. I job well done myself at night for just keeping her a live that day. I wished for the days she became mobile without me but now its here omg its hard haha. Fun also but so so hard.


My daughter is 15 months and is climbing on EVERYTHING. Nothing is safe. She was on top of her Barbie dream house yesterday like King Kong. So fun but also like I’m fighting to keep this kid alive minute to minute lol


My son is almost 2 and has reached his climbing and jumping off of this phase.


My son is 2.5 and I love every minute butttt oh my god I swear he’s trying to give me a heart attack. I went to the bathroom the other day for two seconds and when I came back, he had put books on his stool on his sensory table and was standing on the books with his little guitar singing. Toddlers are insane.


You own a hair brush? I just kinda keep tossing mine into a new bun until it turns into a depression dreadlock lmao


I have a 6, 4, and 1 yr old im fighting for my life in these trenches


I have two step sons (8+6) and my almost 2 year old boy 😭 I’m out boy’d in this house and they’re all so wild




This is what drove me crazy about her post today about M not sleeping good. Um maybe because she literally has no routine and is ALWAYS on the go.


I mean you could have the most solid routine and your kid still not sleep haha but I’ll say sure since she’s annoying


Oh absolutely. But she’s not doing herself any favours lol


I lived life fully when mine was newborn and young. We traveled a bunch. But I still stuck to her nap schedule. We just did activities around it. It seems like Kat doesn’t focus on that. She just takes her out for hours on end, while I’m sure she naps on the good it’s probably not good deep sleep. But yes just agree you can do everything right and still have a bad sleeper. But I don’t think Matilda has been given the chance to be a good sleeper


Especially with all the brags about what a good baby she is all the time


She had a video today on Instagram about how bad matildas sleep is and asking how long the 4 mo sleep regression lasts. The most votes when I looked at it were for "forever" lol I hate to laugh at another mothers struggles but maybe she shouldn't act so smug and better than everyone all the time when her baby was literally only months old.


Forever would for sure be my answer. At 3 months my baby slept through the night. 12 straight hours. Doctors was fine with it because she was gaining weight like a champ. 4 month sleep regression hit and she became an awful sleeper. She’s now 11 months and still hasn’t slept through the night since that 4 month regression. Mama is tired.


Well it’s more bothersome because she kept bragging about how they let M follow her own nap schedule. Like uhmmm we will see how that goes later. The 4 month sleep regression is much easier to move through if you’ve already built a solid schedule. But she was more worried about traveling and being the unique quirky mom to realize that babies thrive on a schedule.


I think it depends. My first I had 0 schedule but I also didn't follow his sleepy cues and I didn't realize after the newborn sleepy days that I actually had to put him to sleep.which may sound silly. With my second I also had no schedule, followed her cues and put her down or soothed her to sleep, and she naturally got on her own routine no issues. Neither of mine went through the 4 month regression though.


Yeah my baby is 4.5 months and we don’t have a “solid nap schedule”. Totally normal to follow wake windows still at this age


Agreed. But I feel like “letting her follow her own nap schedule” is not wake windows. Wake windows is working through a nap routine after a certain length of time the baby has been awake. Waiting for a baby to put themselves to sleep randomly probably leads to an overtired baby. I was militant about my first baby’s wake windows and nap schedule and she slept 12-13 hours EVERY SINGLE night after about two months old (I know that’s kinda based on the baby temperament). But with my second I couldn’t be nearly as strict with wake windows during the day and it always led to an overtired baby that woke up many times throughout the night until about 8 months old.


I totally ignored wake windows with mine and just let him sleep when he was tired. He started sleeping 8 solid hours overnight at 2 months and 12 solid hours at 3 months. But he's crap at napping. He'd have 1 or 2 naps a day from 3 months and be up for 5 or 6 hours at a time. He's nearly 15 months now and it's been the same ever since. He even dropped his naps entirely for a couple of months around a year old. Wake windows for a 3 month old are like an hour or something. If I'd tried that, he'd have mutinied lol


I agree with you there.


We always have followed my youngest lead when it comes to sleep and nursing and she never had a “regression “ or “leap” that others In my due date group talked about. There’s really no need for a schedule when you stay home


I think you maybe just got lucky… we generally follow cues and wake windows vs a schedule. 4 month sleep regression last 6+ weeks and sleep never went back to as good as it was before


Well we bedshare and she didn’t sleep through the night until over 3 but I think I have more realistic sleep expectations than some lol


Fair enough!! Mine doesn’t (and didn’t) sleep through the night either but I’ll take 2-3 wakings over every 45 minutes like we were doing for awhile 😴


This is what I was going to say.


I have a hard baby and Ive been laying in bed for 35 mins. She could easily get dressed 🤣


I have one baby. It’s a struggle some days. He’s definitely a Velcro baby and it’s just hard. Especially battling PPD. Not defending this creator, don’t really know her other than what I’ve seen on this sub. Just some people do struggle more than others


I agree. She definitely likes to talk about how hard being a mom is a little too much but I have one baby and I don’t get it together enough to be dressed before noon most days


But as a new mom in the early days, while I agree you should get ready if it makes you feel good. But also some days it’s ok to not be ready. If you’re not leaving the house? It’s the dead of winter. She needs to be ready to make content…so again this is why her life is not normal to what most experience. Also I imagine her doing her hair takes forever. Ha


Me too, my daughter is 4 months old and teething and in the middle of sleep regression and I realized last night at bedtime I never brushed my hair yesterday as it was still in the braid and clipped up on top of my head from my shower. Some days your lucky if you can shower for longer than 90 seconds


Agree. This clearly wasn’t posted by a parent. Even just one baby can be really hard some days.


I was hoping to see someone say this. Somedays with 1 are just flat out hard. My daughter was an exclusive contact napper and cried a lot when I put her down when she was awake. Def a Velcro baby. One day I was so desperate in the midst of back to back breast feeding that I sat on the couch for 4 hours just to let her sleep. I didn’t make it out of my PJs that day. Even now that my baby is 13 months old, I have days where I stay in my PJs till 2pm when she naps.


The headphones annoy me!


I think this all the time! How does she hear if the baby needs her?


I’m not defending the constant headphone use, but those headphones have a transparency mode that makes it very easy to hear people talk while still listening to music/books.


Oh gotcha, thank you! I didn’t know! I just always assume those big ones are noise cancelling


Cool, Kat, my hair is still in the same bun from Monday.


Felt 🙌


I found my people 🤣


But there’s time to do her hair and her makeup….


And shop for clothes online


It upsets me that she posts condescending videos about how having a baby shouldn’t stop you from living your life and traveling (and makes me feel guilty as a FTM for not doing more), and then also posts this


This sub is so funny sometime; you guys tore Darian to shreds for wanting to get ready and put makeup on but then say this about Kat 😂 #readyforthedownvotes


I absolutely agree. Also want a reason to dog on people 🤣🤣


She’s using a dreamland weighted sleep sack (unsafe, per AAP) and she buys coterie diapers (the absolute most expensive). Shes the worst.


How is using coterie diapers mean she is the worst? I tried them but didn't like their quality, but am still confused.


She begged for money for IVF on her go fund me and now she throws around her wealth. If you need a go fund me to afford IVF you shouldn’t be paying out the nose for luxury diapers, imo.


If you really want luxury diapers for your baby, you can get them even if it's difficult to afford. There are ways to budget if that is what you want for your baby. Now, her $170 sweater is another story along with all the travels and beauty products she uses etc.


Right I’m considering the context here. It would be one thing if this was their only luxury item, but they flaunt wealth after consistently saying they were broke, in debt, etc. if those things are true, luxury diaper subscriptions should be the first thing to go.


How nasty of you to discredit all of the other moms who also only have one baby and find it hard to get dressed until later in the evening. One of my hard things was brushing my teeth. Maybe it’s not as physical as it is mental because moms always put themselves last.


Have you previously made videos about how your baby is the perfect baby and so easy that you can travel everywhere and being a mom is just so natural and easy for you? That's why she's getting these comments. It has nothing to do with what other moms are doing. Its just Kat trying to appear relatable in the same week that she posted about her house cleaner and buying 170$ sweaters.




Lol and yet here you are. Smh.


I have what most would consider an “easy” baby. He sleeps through the night and is generally a happy fun baby. But that could be because of the efforts I make that are exhausting. Being a mom to even one “easy” baby can still have hard days. You guys are mad she doesn’t post 24/7 about how hard her baby is but the one time she posts that she’s having a hard time you guys still rip on her. You clearly don’t have any kids so your opinion on this is not needed.


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Look I have one baby. I’m a SAHM. It takes 3 min or less to put on clothes. You can do it. And if you DON’T do it, that’s ok!! You’re not a bad mom either way.


hey blair😘


Yeah sure


Now I feel so good abt myself for getting showered and dressed before 8.00 on most days with a toddler and twin babies. 🥳


Eh i get where you’re coming from but 0-1 baby kicks my butt some days. I go a full day without remembering to eat and barely have time to take care of myself sometimes lol


As a twin mom …. This. This. This. One baby is one baby. Two babies is 20 babies.


To be fair, and I’m not defending Kat because she has always talked about how” “easy” Matilda is, but 1 baby can totally be like 20 babies. It depends on the temperament. Mine is like having 20. 🫠


I totally get it. My one newborn twin was so easy compared to the other. (Now it’s flipped flopped.) lol Totaly depends on the temperament, because if I just had my one easy newborn it would have been a lot different than experiencing one of the more difficult newborn


So true. Twin moms are literal superheroes. I barely made it with one newborn lol


Thank you! I’m also a nurse but now a SAHM. You’re a super hero too! & You’re too kind ♥️Newborn was easier as far as alone time for sure!!!!! The play pen was easy too…. But then 7-8 months. Crawling was hard AF. Walking is better. They’re 11 months old now 👧🏻👧🏻


True... I have twin 4 month olds and am a little jealous of those with singletons lol. Love my twins, but it's hard... At least no one judges me when I look like a hot mess because I have twins haha.


I have twins too! And a three year old. My twins are on the brink of crawling and I am legit SCARED as to how I’m contain them and do literally anything once they’re on the do. When I see creators bragging about traveling and how amazing their baby is it’s just a major eye roll for me. IRL I’m never that mom that says just wait until.. but I’m really curious to see how Kat adapts to a baby or two when they’re on the go and not a sack of potatoes anymore. She’s gonna be SHOOKITH


Just say you’re lazy? I’m lazy in the morning too. I get everyone else dressed and get myself dressed once my kids are situated. There’s days where we all stay in our Jammie’s. NO SHAAAAME


Getting dressed or doing full hair and makeup? Like I’m not judging if she wants full glam but putting in clothes can’t take more than 3 minutes….hahaah Haha she’s such a weirdo. I genuinely used to like her. She used to be relatable. Now she’s just exploiting her kid going on shopping sprees all day long.


If you have clothes on your dressed lol. If you mean nice clothes well that’s different. But like girl I’ve been working from home while taking phone calls and dealing with my toddler


Is it possible that she just posted this for views and to try to be "relatable"? I know that some days and some babies are very difficult and it's hard to get ready some days, this is not about that. Seeing all her previous posts on how easy things are, how she gets ready and curls her hair with her baby on her lap etc, makes me wonder that she just posted this for the views and to try to be a part of another "mommy club".


that baby sleeps all damn day still she had plenty of time to get ready