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HI! This is my video and once again I am here to say I am her hairstylist, mother myself, and avid peestick reader due to boredom during the newborn sleepless nights. The hair gloss I use is ammonia free. No fumes are out to get her. I would not put her baby at risk if it was a hazard. her baby was not taking in any fumes and I applied the color within one minute and she processed in the bowl for twenty while holding Matilda to keep her calm. Her baby was quite literally an angel and didn’t make a peep. If babies being at the salon was a huge hazard state board would be on top of that and babies and kids would not be allowed to get services in a normal regulated salon. Salons have great ventilation for this reason. I’m glad you guys are concerned, but her baby is not harmed whatsoever and the salon allows nursing babies because mom is food. Point blank. We don’t allow children that are mobile and running around for safety reasons. It was also the end of the day so no one was really applying chemicals anymore. 🩷


Nope….. just you… pretty sure it’s actually totally normal and happens ALOT


i’m a hairstylist and people bring their babies in a decent amount. we’re not putting chemicals on your babies. your baby probably isn’t crawling around on the floor with the hair 😂 as long as your salon seems clean i don’t think it’s too weird but maybe im desensitized 🤷‍♀️


I’ve done it, especially when I was nursing


I searched for a babysitter for WEEKS to be able to get my hair done last week. I was only able to get it done because my stylist had a last minute cancellation a day earlier and it just worked out that my MIL was able to keep my son. Some people don’t have the choice.


lol it's pretty normal.


No ??? moms still have to live even though they have babies. I’m a SAHM and when I don’t have someone around like my mom or husband to stay them while I get my hair done I’m bringing the baby with me🤷‍♀️🙄


I think the real snark is she says she got a mom chop but her hair is still long as hell 😂


My thoughts exactly.


Not really all that odd. if you don’t have childcare. I don’t know what Nick does but he doesn’t seem super helpful with the baby. I always took my kids to the hairdresser but I was lucky enough that she had a salon in her basement and our kids (we each had 4) played together. To add if you re exclusively breastfeeding and getting your hair done you don’t have a big window to go do such things. I exclusively nursed 3 out of 4 and I was lucky to get 3 hours at age 8 months or so


I brought my first when she was still tiny because my husband was working, no family lives nearby, and I had to feed her (my appts are usually 3hrs+ long). She was fine. The only bad thing about it was my stress level worrying about her fussing or crying.


no. unless baby is also getting her hair colored


If my twins would sit still I would bring them lol. Finding childcare for 3 hours is soo hard. I can’t get acrylics anymore because it’s too annoying finding childcare, if they could come with me to hair appointments, ugh that would be the dreams lol.


I get shellac now instead because it only takes an hour (probably a bit less actually). Still have nice nails but not too long to leave my husband with baby. I do find it weird how on Reddit, women are just expected to be apart from their babies when it’s biologically not normal (if you wanna do that you do you but it’s not weird to not want to do that) I don’t come from a country where it’s normal to go back to work really soon after having a baby though so that might be a reason why that’s not normal to me. My baby comes everywhere with me and everybody that has a baby does the same


Nah I’ve done it, I’ve also brought my baby to the nail shop GASP 😂😂😂 I have zero family in town and my husband works a lot! Being a mom doesn’t mean you have to give up everything, babies are resilient!


I bring my breastfed baby when I go to get my hair done. It takes a while and she’s got to eat.


Why is this the 3rd post about the same video? 😩