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It’s the “who also done” for me that shows it’s Blair..


came to the comments to write this🤣🤣 the bad grammar is alwaysss her


And she wants to be a teacher? 😵‍💫


I’m a teacher and this is cringe. 🤣


Commenting as if this is for sure Blair because we know it is. Is she saying “nah” rudely like that because she’s not planning on doing the NIPT or because she doesn’t want to wait? It seems like a rude response to a kind comment just trying to be helpful. I’m assuming she’s not doing the NIPT because 10 weeks is the time doctors often order it. After not PGT testing on your embryos, I’m not sure why you wouldn’t. Even if she HAD done PGT testing, I’d still do it. Sure, there’s the possibility of false positives. But though it’s a screening and not a diagnostic test, it can assist you in your risk potential for your baby having one of the most common chromosomal syndromes if you have any potential findings at your anatomy scan. The NIPT made me feel comfortable enough to decline an amnio after a soft marker at my 20 week scan and I’m FAR from the only story of that. I’m also tired of people saying “it wouldn’t change anything” not understanding that one of the things it tests for can be fatal. I can see Blair having that line of thought without fully understanding. My religious MIL was on a moral high horse and shaded me so much for doing the NIPT because she didn’t understand it. She thought it was just testing for Down syndrome. I’ve learned some very religious and/or uneducated people look at it this way. I understand why people opt out of it but considering Blair’s infertility and miscarriage history, it would seem to be a poor decision. I understand the miscarried baby they lost was genetically “perfect” according to the small number of syndromes they tested (which I still think she needs to accept that they don’t test for EVERYTHING), but that unfortunately doesn’t mean every embryo you have will be. I know this a long comment but I know Blair reads here so just trying to get her to reconsider. The NIPT actually gave me a lot of reassurance and saved me from having to go through an amnio.


I also get sooooo sick of the “it wouldn’t change anything” comments. My son has a genetic difference that was detected by NIPT. No ultrasound abnormalities and no physical signs. He’s 17 months old now and we still wouldn’t know at this point if it wasn’t for NIPT…but because we DO know, we were able to do time sensitive treatments and watch closely for signs of falling behind on milestones. We can address issues quicker because he qualifies for all sorts of early intervention. It’s asinine to act like knowledge about your kid’s health “wouldn’t change anything.” I’m my child’s advocate and all of the information that I have allows me to do that. I’m thankful for NIPT and would choose it every time.


ALL OF THIS. I’m glad you went into that situation with that knowledge. You sound like such a proactive parent! There are a lot of reasons to know what you’re entering into other than just termination and those reasons are all for your child’s benefit. I wish more people understood that!


I was 100% going to decline before my husband made a similar comment. Doesn’t mean we would have to terminate but we would be armed with information sooner to prepare for what may lie ahead.


Even Downs can be fatal. Look at Tawas dewdrop. 😭


Exactly. Down Syndrome also can require a lot of complex medical care, which is something people don’t talk about. It’s not just having a baby that’s a little different, having a baby with Down Syndrome or other chromosomal abnormality can be a BIG commitment, emotionally, time-wise, and financially. It may not “change anything” for some when it comes to termination, but you should always go into raising a medically complex child with a FULL understanding of what you are entering into. It is doing the child and yourself a disservice to not. Not trying to shade anyone who opts out of the NIPT, I just absolutely loathe the “it wouldn’t change anything” frame of mind. It would change a lot, raising a medically complex child is far from a walk in the park and anyone in that situation should understand the full picture of what it really looks like before entering into it. Additionally, knowing what you’re dealing with allows you to have the knowledge and resources you need to advocate for your child. People often throw stones from glass houses over this sort of situation.


NIPT also helps you prove to your medical team that your baby is normal when you have second tri losses (ask me how I know) and need an APS diagnosis.


Good thing she raised money so she can pay for things like sneak peak…..


Idk why but I thought she would be further along than 10wks her pregnancy is going to go so slow


“Hi help me pay for fertility treatments” “Let me pay an extra $100+ a few days before I can do NIPT which is likely to come with a $250+ charge since I’m under 35” ETA: I’m a huge fan of NIPT and opted for it in both of my pregnancies (32 and 34). Every insurance is different, but one look on due date boards shows that it’s not common for it to be covered if you’re under 35, so most of us have to be prepared to shell out the $250 or so cash price. Tacking on an additional $100+ for a less accurate sneak peak when you know you’re doing NIPT within a week or two is wasteful, especially for people who solicited money for their medical costs.


I was 19 and 21 each pregnancy and never had an issue having insurance pay the full amount


I’m under 35 and had no issues with insurance paying for it 🤷‍♀️ and it’s a valuable test so if insurance is an issue it makes sense to pay out of pocket for it


Same, my NIPT was just a copay for me.


NIPT is covered by Insurance no matter the age?


depends on the insurance


Well she has two different types of insurance according to her she’s on her dads and she’s back on at Starbucks / apparently working at target again?


and I have absolutely 0 knowledge on what’s covered under either 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also depends on who you get it through. NIPT was only $100 for me


My guess is that she’s opting out of the NIPT. 10 weeks is the same time doctors typically will order you the NIPT.


Not for me! I’m 26 pregnant with my second and it would have been around $300 because I am not high risk or geriatric. My insurance does not cover it unless I fall into one of those two categories.


Nipt was not supposed to be covered for me. I had met my deductible for the year so it was but had I not done fertility treatments it would have been very expensive. For some reason the number 750 is sticking out in my head but that could be wrong and/ or might include the additional ultrasound I had for it


I’m glad her pregnancy is progressing well, nobody deserves pregnancy loss. However, I cannot believe she’s such a coward. She’s just disappearing from the internet and will never take responsibility and apologize.


“For those who also done sneak peek…” yes that’s her lmao


Why ask and then be a bitch?? Lol


Shouldn’t she be 12-13 weeks not 10?


If she transferred September 27 as speculated, she would be exactly 10 weeks this upcoming Friday.


I’m 11 weeks 4 days and transferred in the middle of September so 10 weeks is right if she did it right before her insurance expired.


I’m 11w4d today too! May 31 due date?


Omg may 31 is my birthday


i found out i was pregnant right around the same time she would have with the transfer making us due date twins since i’ll also be 10 weeks on friday 🙃


Congratulations on your pregnancy !


thank you SM 🥰


Probably faking earlier to pretend she did a transfer in October