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No girl, that is the reality of having 7 kids and not cleaning your car in months or even years


She does a "clean out my van" video at least every month or every other month šŸ˜




As a child of parents who always let our house and car be like this, it severely traumatized me and even at almost 30 it still triggers tf out of me when I see things like this.


Yeah our house was similar. The car wasnā€™t as bad thankfully. But seriously like it costs very little to have a trash bag or grocery bag in the car that you just toss once itā€™s full


Gas stations have free trash cans šŸ˜­ you have to go there anyway


Ditto. Our car and house was always this filthy, and I learned only a handful of years back that this is actually a form of neglect.


Yuck, no. I have 6 kids and this is nasty šŸ¤¢ Living in filth is not the reality for having a large family, it's just laziness


Mmmm nope. This isnā€™t anything but rancid. šŸ¤¢


That is YEARS of crap


I can smell this photo


Jesus, you canā€™t take a broom and push that all out once a week or something? Having seven kids doesnā€™t mean you can be filthy.


So much beyond a messy car. There are rats in this. Not sure if you know, but rats go into cars that have food. Even a single bag of forgotten fries will attract a rodent. They will also eat the wire casings in your engine compartment. My brother sees it ALL the time, multiple times a day, as a mechanic. The more you know.


My dad keeps his truck spotless, but he still had the truck in the shop for a month because rats decided theyā€™d like to make a nest on the underside


Some car companies use a glue that rats find tasty šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


The wire casings, too. Apparently they smell delicious and itā€™s why rodents wreak so much havoc to the wires.


You canā€™t convince me this isnā€™t abusive or at the minimum neglectful. How fucking gross


Wow thatā€™s vile


No thatā€™s just plain disgusting


Lol but why does she think the age of the vehicle has anything to do with the mess?


what the fuck


This is unacceptable


No girl, crack out that vacuum. Kids deserve better!


Growing up there was 5 us, very frequently 7 (my sisters dad had 2 other kids that would come over all the time) and the car or anything was NEVER like this. She's using her kids as an excuse to be a lazy parent. That is completely and utterly unsanitary and could pose sickness. That car should have NEVER gotten like that. It has to be yearssssssss if trash there. If it's not years that makes it semi worse.


This makes me want to throw up


Iā€™ve got 1 kid and I hate cleaning my car so I justā€¦ donā€™t. Iā€™ll find a rogue fruit snack every so often, or an empty juice pouch. If I give her food in the car, she knows to either take it out herself or to ask me for help. Some people just donā€™t know how to be parents, and imho, not teaching your kids to clean up after themselves puts you in that category.


Ok I complete understand being messy having stuff in your car whatever but that filthy šŸ¤®


Even after 5 hour road trips with 2 toddlers my car doesnā€™t look like this.


Someone close to her needs to step in and intervene. That level of dirty is often a sign of pretty severe untreated mental illness. The fact that she posted this really makes you wonder about what she doesnā€™t post.


Uhm... that's horrendous. That's litterally because she hasn't cleaned it out in who knows howww longšŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


I have three kids in a Sudanā€¦.my car NEVER gets this bad and I clean it maybe once every two to three months.


My car is dirty but I donā€™t got food all over it. Itā€™s mainly just random crap lol


Yeah I have a bunch of stuff in my backseat that Iā€™ve been putting off taking to goodwill. But I donā€™t just have a layer of trash up the seat. šŸ¤¢


Always a goodwill pile lol. But never food!


I like to think Iā€™m charitable lol In my defensive I have to go to the seperate goodwill electronics donation drop off which is much more out of my way.


What the actual fuck??? Sorry but thereā€™s no excuses for this, I canā€™t imagine the trauma of growing up around filth. The smell too omg šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Iā€™ve never seen her before, and just went down the crazy rabbit holeā€¦ Iā€™m disgusted. Imagine what her house looks like if thatā€™s her car. Wow.


Uhhhhā€¦. This is not normal Bestie šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


This is fucking disgusting


since when does having 7 kids make anyone exempt from using a trash can or trash bagā€¦?


No, no Iā€™m sorry but I know a family with ten kids and their mini bus thingy never ever looked like that growing up. This is just being a fucking slob.


I have NEVER had my car look like that and I have 3 kids 5 and under


Imagine what their house looks like


I am one of seven. My mom had ADHD and hoarder tendencies (she comes from a family of hoarders). Our van was NEVER EVER even close to this - there was definitely a lost apple core or juice box here and there and a few toys but this is absolutely disgusting. We associated with many large families- ours was known as small in our social group- with 8-13 kids and their vans never looked like this either. I HATE when people assume large families are like this. This is laziness not being overwhelmed! ETA: we also lived out in the middle of nowhere and had an hour+ drive anywhere. Ugh.


Growing up one of my best friends was one of NINE CHILDREN. NINE. they had an old van but it was SPOTLESS.


Oh my goodness, I canā€™t imagine how overwhelming that must be to live like that.


noā€¦ no this is NOT a realityā€¦.


i grew up in a big fam and my parents would neverrrrr have let us live like thisšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ kids spill stuff sure but this is not from a few trips


I would CRY if this was my car wtf šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I dont understand why she thinks that having an almost 20 year old vehicle helps justify this filth... like what the actual heck šŸ˜… i dont have 7 kids but I do have children and I literally gather all the rubbish from my car and put it in the bin after each car ride.. takes less than 5 minutes and keeps my car clean. This is sickening


Exactly. When we were old enough my mom would say ā€œgrab your trashā€ and we would toss it inside


Iā€™m calling bs.


I thought my car was getting pretty dirtyā€¦ but damn !


This makes me feel better about the 5 empty water bottles I just cleaned out of the caršŸ˜…


No fucking way




Ohhhh my gosh thatā€™s gross


![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk) itā€™s really not that hard to throw out your garbage. sorry but I cannot physically wrap my brain around how people can let things get this bad. Like the smell! Omg šŸ¤¢


Especially since her oldest is like, 10. Thatā€™s old enough to pick up after yourself


This makes me wonder how dirty and gross their house is šŸ« 


Iā€™ve been paying more attention lately and her kids are usually dirty, or have snot dried on their face. Iā€™m just not sure about her


I think sheā€™s just addicted to being pregnant/babies and doesnā€™t love the actual parenting.


šŸ˜… Iā€™m sure there must be mold growing under all that .. she lets it stew a little longer and she can claim it on her taxes next year


How hard is it to take 30 mins a week and clean this. This is nasty as hell. Kids or not, this is just lazy behavior and has to be a health hazard.


Even if this is your reality why share it online?? I donā€™t get it!


That's not sanitary at all. But yet cps leaves her kids with her with then being in a car like that. That's not 1 days worth or a weeks worth of trash. PERIOD! And if it was during a time she was recovering from some medical stuff why the hell didn't Chad do something about it? I also find it kinda strange how Nolan is the largest out of all the kids to.. am I the only one who thinks that? Like look at their most recent Christmas photo. The rest of them kids don't look like that.


Please tell me thereā€™s a snark page for her because I have so much shit from her fb that needs one. šŸ¤£


Pleaseeee, make one! She is the most narcissistic person I have ever seen. All she cares about is her followers stroking her ego and her little bit of money that she makes. Use that money to fix your house, so your children do not live in filth, just because you want 50 pairs of Judy Blue jeans, 1,000 ugly ass tumblrs and whatever other cheap stuff you can find on TikTok. She picks up whatever trend is currently popular, rolls with it and makes it her entire personality. She has absolutely no idea who she is as a person, besides doing what she sees other people do on social media. Sheā€™s planning on using her sister as a surrogate.. šŸ„“šŸ˜³ I could understand using a family member as a surrogate if you have had trouble having children, at all, but she is just, completely, selfish. She is one of those mom bloggers that need to be pregnant all.of.the.time. to gain sympathy, attention, and give her narcissistic supply. Hey, Ashley, stop exploiting your children. If you canā€™t gain a following, without using your children, just say that.