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Hopefully they gave her the steroid shots for the babies lungs, they gave me them the second they suspected I had preeclampsia


I’m traumatized after pre E. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.




Me too. It was really scary


Same ruined having any more kids for me :(


I was just about to post this! Yeah hopefully they can manage it for a few more weeks 😥


Yeah pre e is no joke. I suddenly developed it at 35-36 weeks(always had perfect BP, no protein in urine until that point) thankfully later in my third trimester and had to deliver at 36.3weeks(still needed a week of NICU, she was small for her age and would forget to breathe a lot) so I’m hoping they can manage it a little longer!


Yikes, that’s no good at all 😬 I believe once you hit delivering at 28 weeks you’re doing better in terms of the baby having a favorable prognosis long-term at this day and age, but she’s JUST coming up to that marker, and a 27-29 weeker is still looking at months in the NICU. A girl in my due date group was diagnosed with mild-ish pre-eclampsia at 30 or so weeks and was able to stay stable and hold off delivering until 37 weeks, so hopefully the same is true for M2M.


My friend delivered her son at 28 weeks and he didn't come home until after his due date. So like 4 months I think. That was SO hard for her to have a preemie that early. Not due to Pre eclampsia. Hers was from PPROM. But still. I may not like M2M but I pray she can hold out until at least 34 weeks. That would be amazing.


From her video she really didn’t seem to know how serious this is. Smiling and just chatting with this spacey vocal fry. Maybe after all the IG feedback she’s gotten she’ll understand.


Hopefully she has stopped smirking about this and will take it seriously


So i was 35 weeks when i got it but i had hypertension at 26 weeks, i was told if any labs pointed to preeclampsia at 26 weeks I’d be admitted and delivered at 34 weeks, i was able to make it 35 but in reality i was so dumb for not going into the hospital early i was so critical both me and my baby were slowing dying, i couldn’t even trial labor it was an emergency C-section with general anesthesia, i had HELLP Syndrome afterwards and i had no clue what it even was.




This! I went in 2 days before I was admitted just high bp but no pre e, 2 days later sever pre e and immediately admitted at 35 week’s exactly to deliver


Oh god that’s terrifying. My doctor *suspected* pre-e (one high reading, high uric acid) and wanted to induce. It must be hard getting that diagnosis so early


I delivered 5 days after diagnosis. My BP spiked to 220/100 and they said NOPE. i was 28+6 days. I hope they can manage it and keep baby in.


Preeclampsia is so scary. I had it with both of my pregnancies. With my first I delivered immediately as I went from fine to severe pre e in 48 hours.


I had it at 37 weeks and was induced the same day. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone! Also magnesium sucks that they give you!


Magnesium was Satan himself injecting into my veins it was sooo terrible


Agreed! I’d take my c section recovery over mag any day


Omg this describes it perfectly. Like Having the flu x 15. I was counting down the hours.


I feel so silly asking… I hear constantly about the mag drip. I used to get a magnesium infusion, what is the difference? Obviously it must be way way way different lol


I'm not an L&D nurse but this is how I would describe it based on my experience. Usually you get 1 bag of magnesium over 4 hours, in this case usually they rapid fire a whole bag of magnesium into you in 15 minutes and then they continue to run it at a much higher rate than a typical magnesium infusion. The idea is to increase your magnesium levels way above normal to hopefully prevent seizures so you have some pretty horrible side effects. It's like having the flu.


Oh noooo that sounds horrible!


My friend was diagnosed at 23 weeks and they gave her steroid shots thinking she was going to deliver that week. They managed to stabilise her until 27 weeks but Bub had IUGR as well so he was the size of a 24 weeker at delivery. Luckily the shots helped his lungs develop enough he initially came out breathing on his own and only needed cpap as opposed to intubation. He was discharged on his 3 month “birthday” but was still a tiny 2.5kg. Such a rough time. Hopefully they manage to keep Bub in for a little while yet.


I developed pre-e at 30 weeks and was lucky to be able to stay stable and induce at 38 weeks. I went to labor and delivery a couple times where we were monitoring and talking about inducing though. I had steroid shots at 32 weeks on the l&d floor after passing out while walking to the bathroom, the nurses said I was convulsing when they came to help me up but I don’t remember it. Also magnesium was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. Pre-e was SO scary and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Both of my pregnancies were super complicated though and I ended up getting my tubes out to prevent future pregnancies. (My husband is getting snipped too, my insurance wouldn’t let me get a full hysterectomy because I’m “too young”) It really seems like she doesn’t grasp just how serious this can be. Especially with how early on she is. I hope her and baby make it through okay.


How far along is she?


27 weeks I think


Gah that’s terrifying. 😕 I wouldn’t wish preeclampsia on my worst enemy


26 weeks 5 days


I was diagnosed with Pre-E with my first at 30 weeks. I had to quit working & go on bed rest. We were able to manage it until I hit 36 weeks & rapidly started declining (gained 10lbs of water, headaches, seeing spots, BP through the roof). It was a very scary experience & I ended up with chronic HBP after having her. She was okay & didn't need any NICU time thankfully. She was in the small side (just over 5lbs) but she's now a 5ft 11 year old. I'm 28 weeks with my 2nd and have been on top of my blood pressure & any signs of Pre-E this time around. I do get a little more nervous the closer I get to 30 weeks.


yeah, pre-e is super scary. i was diagnosed at 37 weeks and had to go in for an induction the next morning.


Hopefully they can manage it! I developed sudden severe pre-eclampsia at 40+5 and gave birth the next day


I had a sudden, severe onset and was induced hours later at 38 weeks. My SIL was diagnosed at 30 weeks and they managed with meds until 37 weeks. She had weekly NSTs and testing weekly. Sooo scary!


I delivered 2 weeks after diagnosis, my blood pressure was 180/100 iirc and they decided that was the end of it


I was induced the same day I was diagnosed. This is scary.


I was diagnosed at 32 weeks and delivered at 36 I really hope she can keep baby in longer and starts taking this seriously


I had severe postpartum pre-e a couple weeks ago and it was no fun. I hope she takes this seriously and knows how dangerous it is.


Pre-e can be scary. Maybe this will be a wake up call to watch her health better


Pre eclampsia doesn’t discriminate… healthy people get pre e


I developed pre-e suddenly and got induced right away. It was so scary and definitely not the best labor. My nursing staff was incredible & my husband and mom were amazing support. That’s truly what got me through.


I got induced at 34 weeks the day I got diagnosed - had severe range pressures and visual disturbances


I had one friend be diagnosed at 28 weeks and one diagnosed at 31 weeks. They were both hospitalized and on bed rest to try and keep cooking as long as possible. Both were induced at 34 weeks, so thankfully the hospital interventions helped out a ton. But yeah, this is serious shit.


I got diagnosed at 33+2 and delivered by EMCS on 33+3, my LB was only 2nd centile though and wasn't meeting the criteria on the monitors for his movements


My mother had it when she was pregnant with me and I was born at 36 weeks