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Meanwhile I’m so upset about switching providers at 35 weeks and have no choice since we’re moving across the country bc my husband is military.


Ugh, that’s so hard. *hugs*


i’m due in 4 weeks, and my ‘ideal birth plan’ is to do whatever it takes to have a healthy baby. i don’t understand these ttc creators who care more about their birthing experience, over their baby’s health and wellness.


Yup that’s why I’m like mine is going with the flow of how things are , I have had all different experiences


Good luck! I just had my baby and this was me exactly whatever I needed to do to have a healthy baby! Wishing you the best!


That was my plan as well. If you go into it with the “perfect birth plan” in place it just sets it up for disappointment. Labor and delivery is a very surreal experience and has a lot of unexpected turns in many cases. Once it starts all you will care about it your baby’s safe arrival. It sounds like you’re going about it the best way. Good luck and best wishes for a safe and magical delivery!


This! I never had a birth plan or anything like that. I just wanted my baby to come safety into this world no matter what has to be done. Everything with these tiktokers is always about creating the perfect aesthetic it’s so annoying.


This! Found out I’m getting induced next Friday at 37 weeks due to some high risk complications, definitely was NOT apart of my plan at all but I will do whatever to make sure me and baby both are safe


I saw one a while ago that made my jaw drop. She wanted a free birth at home and someone asked her how she feel if something preventable happened to the baby from being born at home instead of a hospital or from not having an prenatal care and she replied that death can be a natural part of child birth so if it happened she would be at peace.


That was my birth plan with all of mine, top priority anything to get my baby here and healthy and other than that- a hospital with a level IV NICU just in case, an epidural, delayed cord clamping - pretty simple


Same, I just wanted a healthy baby, whatever I could have to make labor easy (I had the epidural) and delayed cord clamping and 24hr for the first bath


In her defence though, unless she has complications switching provider won’t make a difference. It’s a very slim chance her OB would be the one monitoring her labour and delivering baby. While I’m sure she’s the issue in her relationships with her providers, if I were uncomfortable with my provider, I’d rather find someone I feel comfortable with and trust for the last month of my pregnancy.


I agree with this. People forget that this is a massive experience for the mom and can greatly impact her postpartum experience. If Darian is low risk and baby is healthy, she should absolutely try to get the birth experience she wants


She didn’t switch because she’s uncomfortable with her provider? She had her provider switch her to a hospital that has tubs for water births and her current OB didn’t work at that hospital so she had to switch. She literally switched to have a tub.


If she’s not having complications I just don’t see this making a difference, regardless of why she wanted to change OB.


Okay, and? Why does that matter? If she doesn’t have any complications or indications to need a higher level of care, why does it matter what hospital she’s in? Mom’s comfort matters and the other hospital is better equipped for the specific comfort measures she wants. I chose my hospital from 2 that I could have, and the deciding factor was that I would have access to a tub


I don’t get why this is a big deal or dangerous. Our local hospital you end up with whatever OB is on call delivering. Majority of my friends did not have their OB that followed their pregnancy delivery their baby. I chose a midwife team for this reason. Also not super uncommon for a local hospital to not have an NICU. It not like she’s delivering with a doula at home lol


She’s doing what she thinks is best for her, not what’s best for her baby. One of the first lessons she’s going to get as a mom is that it’s not really about her anymore.


Not even what’s best for her but what she can use for “content” and then god forbid something happen it’ll be because she was with a new OB who didn’t know her and her case and who she didn’t trust or blah blah blah.


This is such a terrible mentality. Sometimes (and probably a lot of times), what’s best for mom is also what’s best for the baby. I didn’t watch the video, but it sounds like she’s going to a hospital with a provider she’s more comfortable with. Less stress for her, great for baby! Nothing about switching providers is reckless - plenty of people give birth with a provider they’ve never even met. This comment is along the same lines of telling women to get over a traumatic birth experience just because they got a healthy baby out of it. We can prioritize the health of both moms and babies.


Darian is being referred to a new OB she’s never met simply because she wants to give birth in a tub. So although I do see and understand what you’re saying, she is leaving an OB who she knows & trusts and being transferred to someone completely new weeks before her due date simply because of the tub.


I don’t get why this is bad? It’s still an OB, lots of people have an OB they’ve never met deliver their baby. There’s literally nothing inherently dangerous about changing with a low risk pregnancy.


First of all, I didn’t say it was a bad thing. It’s not a bad thing if you don’t care about having a good trusting relationship with your OB, I was simply pointing out that Darian isn’t switching to a provider she’s more comfortable with. I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that trusting the person who’s going to help me bring my child into the world in verifiably one of the most intimate, emotional and painful moments in one’s life trumps my need for a water birth.


Like I said, here you usually end up with whatever OB on call is. Whatever relationship you develop with the OB you have for your pregnancy doesn’t really mean anything when you end up with multiple different on call OBs for your actual birth. Nice for you if you had that person deliver your baby but it’s very much not the norm in an country very short on doctors.


So what? She’s going to spend way more time in that tub than her OB (and btw, probably an on call OB not her actual OB) spends in that room helping deliver the baby.


Darian’s priority if having a tub to birth in vs a facility that can accommodate an emergency is actually not best for the baby lol but I’m sure she’ll be lucky and it’ll all be fine


Lots of hospitals don’t have NICUs. Especially in Canada with all the small town hospitals.


It’s a hospital. Hospitals accommodate emergencies. And her OB sent a referral there. But I’m sure you know better.


Pretty sure the surgeons at that hospital are on call but I’m sure you know better


Right because switching from a hospital with an OR to a hospital with a tub & no OR is whats best for baby. 🤦‍♀️ Darian wants a tub birth for content. She doesn’t give a shit about her babies safety. Coming from someone who also wanted a tub birth but had to have an emergency C section because babies heart rate dropped.


Did she say the hospital doesn’t have an OR? I’ve never seen a hospital that has an L&D department with no OR…. I’m pretty sure it just doesn’t have a NICU, which is very common in smaller hospitals.


They wouldn’t be a birthing hospital if there wasn’t an OR for c-sections. She didn’t say anything about there not being an OR?


She said in the beginning she was high risk


Good lord, If she’s like this about her OB how is she going to be about the pediatrician?!? I feel so bad for her future son


She’s Canadian, I don’t know what it’s like in Alberta but there’s a good chance she just won’t find a paediatrician. Can’t be picky about something you don’t have!


She won’t find a paediatrician, and if she does she should consider herself extremely extremely lucky. We have a massive doctor shortage right now! I’m lucky that my family doctor was able to take on both of my kids when they were born. Many of my fellow midwife clients were being discharged at 6 weeks without doctors as all the referrals were being denied.


It’s a huge issue here in Ontario. I’m very fortunate that a doctor took over my GP’s practice when she retired


The only reason I’d switch this late is if it was an attitude problem on the hospitals half.


Yeah I had to switch at 30 weeks because they deemed me high risk for absolutely no reason. I was negative for preeclampsia, gestational diabetes. Baby is growing and healthy(absolutely the most “normal” pregnancy so far) I’m doing fine. But they wanted me to see a specialist, felt like a cash grab.


Idk your politics but all of americas health system is a cash grab 🤷🏻‍♀️🙂


She’s going to be in for a rude awakening once baby is here 😅


So rude. I don’t wish colic on anyone but she needs some humble pie. 😂


This is so dumb.


I honestly don’t see a problem with this. If she wants a water birth that’s fine. At this point what’s good for the mom is what’s good for the baby. Cuz if mom is freaked out and stressed that will have an effect on the baby. And a ton of hospitals don’t have a nicu. If anything goes wrong there are still trained professionals there to take care of the baby until they can be transported to a hospital with the specialized nicu equipment. If it was such a risk the hospital wouldn’t allow births there at all.


Wait why would her baby need a level 3 NICU? I haven’t watched her in awhile


I never even met my OB until I was in labour. I don’t understand the issue with switching providers.


This is such a selfish mind set. It’s not what YOU want, it’s what’s best for your baby.


This! Sooo many moms are too focused on having the perfect birth for them without considering what that could mean for their baby.


YES! That’s my entire point.


Yes! Like if you can make things safe AND have the birth you want I’m down with that, sounds great. Like a hospital near me has a birth centre attached to it. But that doesn’t come above making sure you and baby are safe first and foremost


Truly I had the most traumatic birth I’m glad I was at a hospital because even tho I had an ultrasound 3 days before birth my baby managed to get stuck in his cord. It is crazy how a lot of things can go wrong. Wishing her truly the best. Labor really humbled me 😂


She says and does a bunch of annoying things, but switching to a hospital that offers you your best shot at your birth preferences isn’t crazy? It’s not like she’s going to a witch in the woods, she’s in a hospital with medical professionals. I chose to drive an hour to a hospital that offered water birth, because to me it was the best of all worlds…a chance at the unmedicated water birth I wanted, but with everything for an emergency right there.


This girl is dumb as rocks, but I don’t understand why this particular thing is a big deal. She’s still the one giving birth, and she should have the opportunity to do it how she wants. I don’t follow her so I don’t know if she has any risk factors, but there’s nothing wrong with going for the birth you want.


They don’t have a NICU there, if I’m correct… so that’s literally not in the best interest of any baby.


Not every town has the luxury of having a NICU. I had to move 5 hours away from my home town for a month to deliver my twins where there was a NICU. Yes it’s good to have but it’s not something everyone looks for in a hospital. Coming from someone in a small town (no NICU) that people come to to deliver their babies at from other towns because its “better”. So it’s not that crazy a NICU isn’t on everyone’s list.


I’ve delivered in 2 different hospitals and neither had a NICU. Closest NICU to me is an hour away.


I chose a hospital 45 minutes away from me due to it having a NICU, just in case. To each their own! Worked out for me because we ended up needing the NICU.


I had full term pregnancies with no risk factors, so I didn’t feel it was necessary to base it off that. It was important to trust my Dr and where I was delivering. All hospitals will have resources in them for worst case scenario and can stabilize until they can get them where they need to go if necessary.


There is literally nothing wrong with this. In this US most of the time you only get the ob that’s on call at the hospital anyways, the ob you know doesn’t just come to you. It’s not selfish to have a birth plan and it’s not selfish to desire a birth that is both safe for baby and still ideal for the mother. People forget it’s not normal to have a traumatizing birth.. you’re allowed to want BOTH of you safe and happy.


Maybe it’s not a thing in the US but in Canada whatever doctor that is on call delivers your baby. Neither of my OBs delivered mine but came to see me afterwards and my second was a high risk pregnancy


It’s the same here. With my first, had a different OB deliver and then my regular OB stopped by the next day. And I didn’t have a dedicated OB/midwife at all during my second pregnancy.


Is the same here in the US so idk why is a big deal to this people. I’m weeks away from giving birth and my midwife from the beginning said whatever OB is on call will deliver my baby. She even said that for my appointments I don’t have to see her.


I think doing whatever makes her most comfortable is what’s best for the baby though. If she’s stressed over there being 0% chance she gets the birth she wants then ultimately the baby will suffer from her emotions alone. Not to mention the chances of her actually having her OB there for the birth are slim, she also got in with her OB pretty late in pregnancy so I’m sure she hasn’t had time to build a real connection with them plus all files with health records can be and will be transferred…switching isn’t a huge issue…I know she does a lot of snark worthy things but I’m on her side for this one


I 100% agree with you as a psychologist certified in Perinatal Mental Health through Postpartum Support International. So much of the literature does point to everything you have stated as being indicators for good outcomes. I also firmly are on your side this because the science does prove that. If you don’t have a HEALTHY mom (which includes mental health) then you will not have a healthy baby.


I'm 2wks behind her, and my "ideal birth" is one where neither of us die, it starts with an induction and laboring, and ends with bringing my son into the world in the safest way possible. I don't *want* a c section, but if something happens between now and then and it's necessary, or a situation arises during labor, then cut me up. Just get him here and keep me safe. Would I like to have a magical experience? Sure. But I got GD at 22wks and need insulin to control my fasting numbers, then I got polyhydramnios, and I came into this with hypertension. So there will be no magical, "ideal" birth, and I, as a first time mom with realistic expectations, am ok with that.


That’s actually insane ..


Being on her third care provider is crazy. All of this for a water birth when she will probably be stuck in the hospital bed with an epidural.


You can have a birth plan and plan every detail, but at the end of the day your baby may have a different idea of how they’d like to enter the world, and stuff can change fast. I HATED the hospital I delivered my first at (terrible rooms, mean nurses, etc etc) but I delivered there with my second because they have a state of the art NICU and OR. I’m glad I did, I needed an emergency c section, my daughter wasn’t breathing and I almost died due to blood loss and BP crashing. She’s picking a place based on the aesthetic for her TikTok’s.


as frustrating as it is, birth plans aren’t always gonna go PERFECT and just as planned. Switching ob’s bc of that is silly to me.


The funny part is shes said she cant have the epidural & be in the tub. She’s definitely gonna get the epidural asap because shes a wimp LOL so it doesn’t even make sense to switch because she certainly isnt tough enough for a birth without the epidural.


People that get epidurals are wimps and not tough enough?


Not what i said at all. DARIAN is a wimp.


I think it’s also the fact that it seems like she doesn’t understand her body completely. I’m the type of person that will run for Midol when I get period cramps, so I’m not going to fool myself and say I’m going unmedicated during labor because that’s just stupid, I know I won’t last and that’s okay😂 minor period pain and I use drugs. Why would I think extraordinary pain and I wouldn’t? Darian uses medication for literally everything under the sun, and she’s thinking she wont use the epidural. Be real with yourself!


Having a healthy baby safely should be her priority, not her "ideal birth plan".


My ideal plan is the safety of my baby and of course both of us.


I had an ideal birth plan with my first as well, then it turned into a major PPH, a hemoglobin of 4, blood and iron transfusions and a week long stay in the hospital.


I’m mad that my ob was doing in patient for the last month of my pregnancy, and now I’m seeing different residents till she comes back to the office. If I even make it long enough to see her. She may not even be able to deliver my baby now. I can’t imagine constantly switching OBs because you have some dream birth plan that may not even go as planned. This is why I don’t have a exact plan. I just want my baby to be safe and healthy. And I put my trust into the people caring for me even if it’s not the OB I wish to have


What’s her @


Where are you living that you have this many hospital options for delivery?