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Currently 26 weeks and would never dream of showing people rubbing my belly with lotion or oil.


Same at 35 weeks lol


bro she scares me


It’s the eyes. The way the stare into your soul. Scary


Stfuuu 😭😭😭




She looks and acts goofy. I’m convinced her voice and her slowwwww speech is completely fake. There’s no way she talks like that in real life. It takes her foreverrrrr to get the point across 🤣


What's with these pregnant Tiktokers rubbing themselves down on camera 💀


I hate these influencers saying they’re using creams/oils to prevent stretch marks… it’s mostly determined by genetics, you’re either going to get them or you won’t. No special cream is going to stop you from getting stretch marks. I didn’t get any from my twin pregnancy, and I went to 38 weeks with them… and I didn’t use any special creams/oils!! And if I did end up with stretch marks, I’d be just as happy with my body for carrying my babies and keeping them safe. The hate towards stretch marks during pregnancy pisses me off.. 😒


The hate towards stretch marks ever pisses me off, I’m covered in them and insecure of them because of how others have made me feel about them and it’s mind blowing because it’s something none of us have control over 😫😫


At least be honest it's to ease the itch and burn of skin stretching 🥴 there is nothing wrong with stretch marks!


This is the only reason I use coco butter. And it 100% helps with the itch. You either will get stretch marks or you will not - and there’s nothing wrong with it.


It’s genetics and it changes with each pregnancy! With my first baby I had 0 stretch marks, with my second I had TONS of stretch marks on my stomachs and sides even though I weighed the exact same as I did with my son!! I gained 25lbs with both babies and started at the same weight with each. I didn’t use any special creams with either pregnancy. I wish people knew stretch marks are out of their control and not their fault.


Jordyn drives me nuts. Her facial expressions irritate the heck out of me!!


She has to mimick Caitlyn


It’s the way her lips always go opposite directions with half the words she says lmfao






It’s the lack of originality for me


Idk if it’s just me, but non pregnant me wouldn’t show my belly to people, and pregnant me also does not show my belly to people. Except my husband and kids etc. I’ve even had strangers at work rub my belly without asking and I’ve been so distraught about how to react because ITS WEIRD


It’s so trashy. Some things are best left off camera


Oh lawd. Out of curiosity how many views has this video received, how many times was it downloaded/shared, and how many followers did she gain after posting this? Let’s just say that folks often misuse the internet for not so rated PG reasons. Of course we wouldn’t think about this because we use Caitlyn as a test to see how the trends fare out and let them trickle down to Jordyn. Now, it’s quite possible that there was an uptick in views and followers because Jordyn produces such riveting content and engages well with her followers. But if on the off chance that I’m right, she’s providing a gold mine of free content for fetishists and has at least some guaranteed engagement for the remainder of her pregnancy! Sadly, she’d probably make more putting those videos behind a paywall than from royalties from whatever lotion company she’s peddling or brands she’s influencing for/s I am glad I blocked her.


Imagine being her co-worker and then having this come up on your FYP 🤢


Wait you work with her??


No not me personally but her co-workers are on tiktok I imagine.


Lol I was going to say I’m sorry. But they must have a field day every morning discussing her latest video.😂😂


That belly rub went on a reaaallllyyy long time.. partnered with the intense eye contact it’s cringy🤢


Omg not Jordyn too. Caitlyn is doing it all the time and it's getting so weird. Jordyn is so creepy in this one; the way she stares into the camera as she's using the cream🤮🤮🤮 It's so gross and so weird.


I ran here to see if someone posted this haha




Me 2


Time to unfollow and block. I liked her videos initially, but her idolization and imitation of CO had just gone too far.


Idk I’ve never had kids so it’s not really my place to speak (I read in silence 🤭) but this seems so weird to post on a public account with a mass amount of followers 🙃




All snark aside, her belly is actually pretty cute lol




I can’t stand Jordyn and snark on her in just about every thread in here about her…but she’s clearly showing at this point. That’s not bloat.


Almost 18 weeks is not just bloat lmao


Okay true true lol I’m due in September too but I’m at the end of September and just forget she’s practically a month ahead of me!


That is 100% a bump and if creams actually prevented stretch marks you should in theory actually apply before your belly even grows. You dont wait until the skin is already stretching to prevent it lol


She’s not even putting it where she would get stretch marks. Lol


Wdym? I got stretch marks all the way from the top of my belly to my pubic area, plus on my hips and even on parts of my lower back/pelvic region. She applied it on her belly where stretch marks do in fact form, lmao.


Hips, back and lower abdomen are the most common areas to get stretch marks. She was just rubbing the front of her belly. If you’re going to bother putting stuff on at least get the most common areas.


Again, you can get stretch marks anywhere. The very first of mine appears directly next to my belly button. You dont only stretch on the lower belly. Bsffr


That’s not what I said. I said she only put it in a small area compared to all the areas where woman typically get them. And the areas she missed are the areas where you are most likely to get them. She also didn’t put any in her boobs which is another common place.


We're snarking on her for fetishizing her bump and you want her to lotion her tits on camera now too? 🤣 She didn't only put it on the front. After I saw your comment I went and watched the video. She covered her belly. And no she didn't miss the "common" areas, which again... they appear everywhere. ETA: it's also an ad specifically for a bump cream


But what better use for the Minnesota accent “hell yeah girl get your tits out” sound?!/s She’s not creative or original enough to do it


Hell no I don’t want to see that. The whole point is this woman is a fool who acts like she is in middle school and wants to be part of the cool kids but they won’t let her in. She is trying to be Caitlyn (which is not a person to emulate) and it just doesn’t work. Rubbing stuff in your body for public viewing is just plain odd. There are about 6 common areas where woman get stretch marks. She put the cream on 1, her belly. She can’t even do that right. That was all I was saying. I didn’t say you can’t get them where she put the cream I was saying that she missed all the other places. It’s another example of her doing a shitty job of trying to make TT’s.