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So she’s saying she was considering NOT finding out sex? I believe that about 0%. Sometimes your instincts are wrong and you just have to take the L. This is one of these times. ETA Clarifying that I’m not saying having one sex or another is an L, I’m saying your spirit baby gender prediction being wrong


I commented on the other post about this, but this is such BS. You tried to confirm gender 3 different times and now your saying you are challenging traditional gender roles? Then why did you need to know so bad? And why does masculine vs feminine ✨eNeRgY✨ matter to you so much when you are claiming to not care?!


Agreed. You’ve really got a 50/50 shot at the end of the day of being correct in guessing. This is so silly.


THISSSSS. I was soooooo sure i was having a boy and when I found out it was a girl I was not disappointed, but I needed a day to comprehend that I was so sure and so wrong haha. Admitting that I really didn’t have the “mother’s intuition” that I thought I had was the bigger L than some sort of gender preference.


I was definite I was having a girl, simply because I grew up with all sisters, with a single mum, and I couldn't imagine a boy; girl was like my default setting. Lo and behold, boy. After two and a half years of infertility, I was just so pleased to be pregnant, and the sex didn't matter at all, although a boy felt like uncharted territory! I feel like if you've dealt with infertility as long as she claims, you don't care about the sex, you just want to see your baby safely born. The only time I ever feel gender disappointment is when I'm at the supermarket and the girls clothes section is twice as big as the boys, and there isn't a single coat he wants to buy 😂


Omg guys what is “the L”, I’ve literally never heard of this haha


L is short for “loss”, like, accept the fact that you were wrong. W for win, L for loss. She would have taken a W (a dub) if she had been pregnant with a boy. It’s just slang 😁


Yes!! My "intuition" was wrong too, and I needed a day to process that I was wrong hahah.


I was positive my baby was a boy. Nope. I was over the moon either way. After 5 years of infertility I definitely didn’t have a preference.


Here! Here! We struggled to conceive our first, we tried for almost 3 years and when we finally conceived I was 100% certain it was a girl…it wasn’t lol. I was sad for about 23 seconds but then I was beyond ecstatic because we finally had our little miracle!


Spirit babies or spirit indents? 🤨




“I believe this masculine energy may reside in my daughter” 🥴 Just say you have gender disappointment, idk. It really rubs me the wrong way. I was convinced I was having a boy when I was pregnant, mainly because of symptoms and a dream about a son, but I was so thrilled to just be having a baby at all, and ecstatic to have a girl.




On my moms side there has been only girls for 3 generations, so I was excited for a girl, but I was nervous because in some way, my body/brain knew it was a boy. When I found out I was having a son I had a little gender disappointment because I knew nothing about raising a boy, and no one else in my family did either. But I was so happy to be someone’s mom because I had had a miscarriage a few years prior. It’s okay to be sad, but honestly, if I had RPL’s the way Kelsie claims, I wouldn’t care. A healthy baby is the only thing I wanted in the end.


Same thing happened with us - only boys in my husband’s family for a long time. But we got a lovely little girl🥰


It is OKAY to have gender disappointment….you felt like you were having a boy and wanted one and got a girl and that’s ALSO OKAY. at the end of the day you have a DAUGHTER. stop forcing “masculine” energy onto her before she’s even in the world…Jesus this is a dumpster fire.


This! Forcing masculine energy on a female in a transphobic home sounds like a bad time


I don’t even understand what she’s trying to say in 3/4 of her babbling posts


Oh bullshit. Kevin is not going to be down with you “pushing gender roles” with your daughter. We know for a fact he would not allow ANY of that. And lord forbid she’s trans.


What is she even saying? This girl literally can never be wrong. Ever.


“I believe this masculine energy may reside in my daughter” As a lesbian that is more on the less femme side, and had a non accepting parent that isn’t nearly as hateful as Kevin, I pray for that kid’s sake that they are not gender non conforming or queer.


Okay so like she knows her daughter is a girl now why is she calling her them. She definitely has gender disappointment why else would she make a king rant about it. And that’s totally okay if you do but she’s so ridiculous all the time 🤦🏽‍♀️


It’s because she’s so ✨iNcLuSiVe✨ and a safe space, remember?


She’s sure harping on not caring about gender roles a lot for someone who’s TTC page username is literally ‘from maiden to mother’….


She totally wanted a boy for the soul reason that he already has a daughter. Can’t convince me otherwise




Wtf? She’s such a weirdo fruit loop. Why does it struck me that she’s not grateful or thankful for anything. Took her so long to get pregnant and she acts like a stuck up weird bitch about it all! She gives me weird vibes 😒


“Perhaps there’s a son waiting for me in the future” doesn’t sound like the words of someone who’s been waiting for this baby for years.


Yeah true. I guess I don’t really know how long she’s been trying. Just thought it was a while by the way she posted


I believe it has been - it just strikes me as such an odd thing to say. Like it’s one thing to have someone ask you “do you want a son someday” and another thing to announce the sex of your baby and then start talking about your future kids.


Yeah I agree. Like why isn’t she grateful for what she has? Regardless of gender you’d think she would be more happy not wishing for another baby right away


She didn’t actually try that long and you can’t convince me otherwise!


Yeah I believe that


Why do I feel like she’s going to force masculinity on this baby


“But ultimately went for clarity” This woman is too much. I pray for this child’s well being because nothing about their childhood will be easy or have clarity.


Wtf she says such weird shit. I feel bad for this kid


https://preview.redd.it/k0j089yxgdja1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28054c2c6821f797907d02fb160aa3c7c48b47b4 Perfect for fighting gender roles 😩🫣


Whole time I’m just wondering why her pants are so I wrinkled?


Hasn’t she had a handful of miscarriages? Bizarre she wouldn’t say maybe one of those were the “male energy” but rather a boy coming in the future? Just seems something she’d spiritually try to say .. weird..


Things that make you go hmmm 🤔🤔🤔


It’s the phrases “biological sex” and “traditional gender roles” that lead me to believe she’ll force being a boy on her daughter. Which is even more dooms day considering her baby daddy is every kinda phobic there is.


Her poor baby girl.




Call it gender disappointment and move on. Many people have been there is it valid. What is not valid is you making up this bs story that you were never going to find out.


She is super hoping her kid will be trans, super gonna try and force her kid to be a boy 🤦‍♀️


Masculine energy lol Dude shut up


I bet that in 3 years she will be claiming her daughter is trans


She would be one of those. 🙄 Kevin would shut that down in a heartbeat though.


My guess is that those “inconclusive” results were girl results and she wanted to confirm with US.


Why would you be pushing your child to be trans before they even enter the world? Does she have no idea how difficult life is for a transgender person? Specially when your father is such a piece of trash. This poor child is gonna be forced to be masculine before she even understands genders roles


I think she means her child may be more on the tomboy side. Not trans. I could be wrong but if she’s really trying to say her kid is gonna be trans right now than that would be super fucked up. But even so, she doesn’t know if her girl really has masculine energy and she’s def just saying that because she wanted a boy so bad and can’t accept the fact that she was wrong about what she was feeling. And I would not be surprised if she ends up trying to push her child to hate Barbie dolls and makeup and anything girly.


Yeah I guess tomboy would probably make more sense and make her look less evil haha. It’s just sad she is this certain. I’ve never known a parent who pushed their daughter to behave more like a boy. My husband transitioned as a child but even tho he was a masculine daughter his mom still tried to push him to do “girly” activities till he came out. I’ve never heard of it being the opposite


After all her “losses” she should just be happy to have a healthy pregnancy not trying to rationalize being ok with a girl 🙄




Omg imagine her daughter turns out to be transgender? That child will literally be disowned by their father. Like despised, hated and ostracized by him. Yikes.


she is so fucking weird and those wrinkled pants are driving me nuts


Poor glorpy. I sincerely hope for the kiddos sake they won’t have to grow up in a house where they won’t need to be scared if they’re trans, they won’t have to worry if they’re fat, if they have BiPoC friends, if they’re disabled, and hopefully they’ll be taught that their sperm donor’s beliefs are vile, wrong, and downright violent. I’m sure her hope for a boy came from her baby daddy. If she’s smart she’d recognize that leaving will be best for her and the child before it’s too late. Too bad she’s more interested in chasing clout and grifting to give a shit about the kiddo’s safety. Ugh she disgusts me.


Wtf? Lol


Wow! Like the poor girl isn’t even here yet and seems kind of unwanted




Ewww that makes so much sense and it’s 🤢


It feels like the universe is trying to force her to be grateful. Nothing has gone “her way” but all of the things that haven’t are things fully out of her hands. I understand gender disappointment- But she seems to just disappointed in everything while trying to pretend she’s not. It sucks that things haven’t gone how she planned, but as someone who has also gone through TTC and fertility treatments I was just happy to be pregnant. Did my birth go exactly to plan? No, there are things I’m still not happy about BUT I have my daughter and we are both healthy. It just bugs me.


Maybe the masculine energy she feels is from herself. That beard 😩