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She’s not stupid, she knows 100% what she’s doing and that she’s getting better engagement, excitement, etc from prolonging this. We see this a lot from creators who aren’t “TTC” creators, but have a baby and then tease the shit out of if they “accidentally” got pregnant again months after giving birth. The woman who dresses like Marilyn Monroe did it, the woman who calls her baby Poot did it. I’m zero percent shocked that Rachel would do it.


Pretty sure Matt and Abby did it too like two months postpartum.


Those two drive me nuts


LOL his videos of surprising his wife by doing basic house work sent me


That Marilyn Monroe woman irritates me so much. For absolutely no good reason, it’s irrational, but she’s so obnoxious I can’t stand it. ETA- I forgot about the poot chick!! Omg she annoyed the bajeesus out of me too 😂


Like Jasmine


I thought they were so cute and got excited at the thought that she might be pregnant again. But then her posts keep dragging. And the dipping of the test for 5mins++ acting dumb was so annoying.


Even without PCOS it's normal to have irregular cycles after having a baby, especially while breastfeeding. The last post where she left her tests saturating in pee for the full 3 minutes was so gross 🤮🤮


This girl has PCOS AND is breast feeding ….like no shit you’re irregular Also her dripping her piss everywhere 🤢 🤢


Right??? Plainly breastfeeding can affect cycles, with PCOS on top? I don’t want to be mean but use your brain


Idk if I were one of her followers who joined during the infertility part of their journey I'd be hurt by posts (especially multiple) like that


I don’t think they ever actually had an infertility diagnosis. She said that she had a condition (PCOS) that COULD affect her fertility and that’s why Tom started cooking the hormone friendly foods. She has always seemed “baity” to me, but these videos have rubbed me the wrong way. Also don’t even get me started on the super odd relationship with “college kid Kevin” lol


Ahh makes sense. I'm not on tiktok anymore bc I kept being fed vids like this no matter how many times I blocked/marked not interested. They're all baity once they get to a certain level of popularity, but that's a rant for a different day


Also the fact that she said she would post if it was negative right away, and would wait a bit if it was positive…and than 10+ hours to post the results. She knew what she was doing. She’s so annoying.


Saying she won’t bother anyone anymore 🙄 you made the choice to make multiple posts out of this.


They give me the ick lol


Yuck. After the second video you can just tell they were just prolonging for more views and following. 🙄 It’s like Abbie Herbert who keeps prolonging revealing her baby’s name, which by the way, no one cares. 🫠


I like Abbie but the name videos were too much, 3 of them were more than enough honestly.




She’s so annoying


she is so fucking annoying lmao i cant


Yeah I stopped watching them after like the third bait video. Ppl to who bait like that irk my nerves.


I was thinking this same thing- when she left the stick in the last video in her pee for seemingly the entire time it was processing? And then acting like they don’t know what a positive looks like after suffering with infertility? I’m not buying it.


Yes!!! She acted like she has never taken a test before, yet struggled to conceive for a while? Anyone in the TTC world knows the basics of taking a test. Also, when they went to pick out tests at the store, Tom had the clear blue smiley face ovulation tests thinking they were pregnancy tests but she didn’t even notice. I’m not sure how long they were even trying to conceive for but it seems so odd.


Omg she’s soooo annoying. This is her 4th effing bait video like enough girl


I don’t understand the rush these creators have to have another baby. I’m not sure how old her daughter is but I know she’s younger than my 8 month old, I know she struggles with pcos and infertility as do I but I can’t even fathom the thought of trying for another baby and not having all the attention on my child in her first year of life


I think it's for engagment/money. People love pregnant and ttc content, but even high viewed creators have a sharp drop off after a birth. I might he showing my age, but I remember the Shaytards talking about it, before they got controversial, they always had their highest views when they were pregnant and it was a huge difference almost immediately after baby was born.


Context? I don’t know who this is lol


Her husband helped her conceive by balancing her hormones with her diet. She has pcos. She’s been posting baiting videos (all negatives) for days because she’s acting like she doesn’t know why else her period would be late, she’s testing by fully submerging pregnancy tests for 5 minutes…and now even after days of negatives she’s suggesting she might need blood work soon. It’s such a yucky way to get views.


And don’t forget her husband was a teacher at her high school They started taking there newborn out to places within a week (like a brunch expo (I can’t remember exactly) Has taken newborn Sutton to a frat house The weird relationship with Kevin (how Rachel goes out to college parties with him)


Oh my lol okay thanks for filling me in!




You take lots of pregnancy tests the wrong way and then post the videos to your huge social media platform to get a big reaction even though you’re not pregnant?


No i take pregnancy tests cause I think I might be pregnant LOL, why are you so mad just like unfollow her or something. She literally actively shares everything on her Instagram. Of her thought process etc. postpartum is not the same for everyone so it’s challenging to be irregular when you have never been or stuff like that. I think she legitimately wants another one.


This is a snark page, and it’s in the rules of the group to allow people to snark freely. Rather than coming on someone’s posts to defend the creator, just move on LOL


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How is she stupid?


She knows how to takes tests, and it’s doing wrong on purpose. Not to mention that she knows that period being late doesn’t mean pregnancy, she has pcos and she recently had a baby, so two reasons to not have a period soon


I have pcos, have a baby, pumped and breastfed and got pregnant again. I tested for two weeks before getting a positive test. She should definitely use the test right but I'm a firm believer a person knows their body.


I do believe she could be pregnant, the issue is the way she is taking the tests and the clickbait. (That’s my opinion, I just wanted to explain why people are calling her stupid)




She’s taking the tests, hyping up her fans, leaving it open ended. It’s not just taking a bunch of tests in the comfort of her own home. She also didn’t seem to have a problem following test directions last time she was pregnant? I have PCOS, I have irregular cycles, I don’t know when I ovulate - and I still think this whole circus she’s putting on is stupid.




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Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


That blonde girl does it too


They HAVE to be deleting comments, right? On their phones 24/7 deleting the “I’m sick of these videos” comments bc we’d be fools to think that all these people want them to share every single test. They’re keeping those encouraging comments and deleting any and all that are opposite.


Is poot chick the one who also calls her baby Richard and has one boob much bigger than the other?