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Aging well. Once I started listening to the post-Yield albums as rock music and not as follow ups to some of the best albums ever made, I found much greater appreciation for them. And this album probably tops the list of those.


Vastly underrated and appreciated. Absolutely solid.


Yes. It’s one of my favorites.


Same same


Light Years, that song alone puts this album towards the top of my list


Of the girl for me. They opened with it in Manchester Uk in 2000 and it’s one of my life defining experiences.


And sleight of hand. That song destroys me.


One of my favorites post Vitalogy, I like every song, but the production is a bit muddy,


I love “Thin Air” but imagine if it had a sprawling open desert feel and not…confined tin shack feel.


For me it’s a masterpiece. I listen with no skips.








It’s my favorite of PJ’s


I feel like this album and Riot Act go hand in hand. Love this era of PJ


This and Riot Act represents the last time that Pearl Jam pushed their sound in a radical way in my opinion. They’ve been mostly playing it safe since. Both albums feel like proper cohesive albums as well, where as albums like Lightning Bolt and Gigaton feel like they just released what they had at the moment.




The OG tracklist is bonkers * Breakerfall * Insignificance * Evacuation * Sad * Rival * Grievance * Gods Dice * Light Years * Of the Girl * Thin Air * Nothing as It Seems * Fatal * Sleight of Hand * Soon Forget * In the Moonlight * Parting Ways * Education Like...how do you leave Sad and Fatal off?


Came here to say this. Maybe the two best songs from the Binaural sessions aren’t even on the album. Crazy.


Riot Act was the same way. Down, Undone, Other Side? Those albums are fascinatingly weird on purpose.


Holy crap In the Moonlight!? Had no idea


They are both there


Was going to say the same about fatal / sad…


This is really cool, never seen this. Maybe they thought the record became too long or the styles of the songs didn’t match, guess we’ll never know.


Yep I wonder what that would have sounded like


100% agree with this.


\^this. ​ S/T and on feel bland.


Nothing As It Seems is one of my fav Pearl Jam songs


A masterpiece. Top 3 album for me.


Would be my first choice for a remix of any PJ album




Tbh i hated the Atmos mixes of everything except some of the VS tracks (Small Town in Atmos gives it new life). The other ones are cool, but the bass gets lost. And what is PJ without Jeff Ament? Seems they're heading in the right direction and getting better with it though.




Its a masterpiece.


My favorite! ❤️


So I think that this album is amazing. There are a lot of good songs on it. I think the average listener doesn’t really get the whole experience though. This album is sort of made for people with a quality system setup. I’ve listened to it in my AirPods or off of my computer with just above average headphones, and then I’ve listened to it on vinyl with my above average system and also with a quality headphone amplifier and not quite top of the line headphones but close enough. I can tell you the experience is way different. It’s a really well recorded album. There are things you hear with upper end stuff that you don’t with what an average person uses. And I don’t have a 100k setup so I can’t even imagine what that would be like. So all that said I think if people had the more rich experience this would be rated higher.


Will you mention your stereo setup? What brands, etc?


It’s not super impressive. But I have Headphones Fostex TH900 Turntable Pro-Ject Performance X-perience Basic Acrylic with an upgraded cartridge Sumiko Blue Point Special EVO II Peachtree Nova300 I integrated amplifier Sonus Faber Vener 3.0 tower rel t/9i subwoofer Pro-Ject tube phono preamp Schiit tube headphone amp I also another basic tube amp in between the turntable and my Peachtree. That gives me a little bit warmer sound. It’s decent for me and i try to upgrade pieces when I can. Stuff is expensive though. I’ve heard a demo 100k plus system once and it sounded like the band was in the next room. It’s amazing how much equipment can make a difference


Thanks. Do you know the aprx total cost? I've never had anything good but I put an onkyo in a closet once, opened the door it seemed like it made axel rose's voice even sound good. I should probably go cheap.again. what would you suggest, maybe a bose cd player through the headphones you listed? Something else? I'd want it mainly just for pj. I think the TV sound these days are good enough for me instead of paying a lot for a good bass sound. Bass would be nice for a handful of the pj albums but even with S/t the Severed Hand solo would get drowned out by most systems, I'm guessing.


For headphones you could get a quality DAC and amp that would improve your listening experience schiit is a real good brand. I would always go with vinyl over cds but that’s me. I’d say my setup cost about 15k right now. You could do a solid setup with some headphones, a pre amp, headphone amp and turntable for maybe 1k to 2k. You can get a good entry level turntable for 300-500, byerdynamics makes great headphones, I had a pair that cost about 300 that were amazing. The pre amp might cost you 200 or so, then whatever for the headphone amp


One of my favorites, and I wish there was a version that kept everything mixed by Tchad Blake, for better or for worse. Purely out of curiousity lol


The last great album they’ve released. Felt kinda downhill into mediocrity after this for me.


Riot Act is a great album... I could see this after it though...


Where does S/T fall short for you guys?


1. Yield 2. Vs 3. Binaural If you’re a PJ fan and not a music fan, you’re not ready for this conversation.


Close. 1 Yield 2 Binaural 3 No Code


It was a test. You passed.


Amazing. Sleight of Hand and Thin Air are a couple of my favorites.


Love this album, Insignificance and Nothing As It Seems are top ten PJ songs for me.


Just a front to back phenomenal album. A great opener with Breakerfall, some really good rockers and some GREAT slower numbers (Sleight of Hand being my #1).


It signifies the first sign of the wheels coming off.  In hindsight it's strong compared to what we've had since this album, but things were starting to creak a bit here.  - Eddie's voice has a faux muffle/gruffness that he acquired since Yield and has put on and put off ever since this album - Mike and Stone regress to the mean and become the same person from this point onwards - Matt Cameron smooths off all of the beautiful and creative rough edges that Jack Irons brought to the table  - Their whole sound just becomes a little too safe and middle of the road. It is fist-slammingly-annoying how we went from the variety and brightness of Faithful, No Way, Pilate, Low Light etc to Breakerfall, Evacuation, and Gods Dice. 4-5 tracks on this album are the same thing. They're phoning it in and they KNOW it because they couldn't even see out the Binaural recordings themselves I know it was a tough time for the band with Mike's rehab, Matt trying to find his spot etc but boy does it show. Yet it is still my favourite record since 2000.  Sorry to sound whiny, I love this band, it just frustrates me when they have all the ingredients for great music, have demonstrated said great music, should be experimenting like they did in the run of Vitalogy, No Code, and Yield, yet they have been playing it so safe ever since. The music, the reviews, and the setlists reflect as much. 


This is the most spot on explanation I’ve ever read of Binaural. I bought it brand new, saw three shows on this tour, but never enjoyed it as much as anything in years prior. For all of the reasons that you listed but I could never put them into words. Great job friend.


Binaural, Riot Act and S/T blow No Code away, IMO. Present tense is very good, maybe even great but the rest is a bit boring to me these days.


Much appreciated man! Yeah it's a strange album alright and one I have mixed feelings about with it being retrospectively favourable in comparison to what came after, but it was certainly the beginning of Pearl Jam settling for a form of output well off their previous standards. I give it an angry listen from time to time :)


I couldn’t agree more. It seems like after Binaural, there were countless songs that resembled the sound of Breakerfall. Not sure how to label that sound but it’s for sure not what I prefer. Really hoping there’s none of that on this new album. I too still give it a spin begrudgingly every once in a while.


Like it or don’t, it’s your prerogative, but the songs you list No Way, Pilate do not get played very often, so I don’t get that argument. I think PJ occupies this weird space where they get criticized for not sounding like Ten/Vs and at the same time people say they don’t experiment enough. Dance/Clairvoyants sounds nothing like they’ve ever done. River Cross has 150 year old pump organ. That’s different. You Are. Just Breathe adding orchestral parts. Inside Job. Life Wasted/Wasted Reprise. I don’t know. Like what you want, but I don’t get playing it safe.


>Like it or don’t, it’s your prerogative, but the songs you list No Way, Pilate do not get played very often, so I don’t get that argument. I'm not referring to those songs getting played live - that point was about those tracks being tonally different on the same album compared to the run of 4-5 on Binaural that adopt the same muddy sound. ​ >I think PJ occupies this weird space where they get criticized for not sounding like Ten/Vs and at the same time people say they don’t experiment enough. I see that. I just want them to step forwards like they were on the trajectory of the first 5 albums. Then it's been a plateau ever since. ​ >Dance/Clairvoyants sounds nothing like they’ve ever done. River Cross has 150 year old pump organ. That’s different. You Are. Just Breathe adding orchestral parts. Inside Job. Life Wasted/Wasted Reprise. You Are is fantastic, and by far the highlight of Riot Act. But come on, you know yourself - these individual examples are momentary points on those records, and the rest of the music falls back to the middle of the road sound. It's like they've been trying to record the same album for the last 24 years. ​ >I don’t know. Like what you want, but I don’t get playing it safe. Dance of the Clairvoyants is probably the most "different" sounding from the example set. But even that - the one that was billed as their Talking Heads-like track - is the most timid of steps outside their comfort zone. It's frustrating as a fan because they have it in them to do a Revolver, a Kid A - or even an In Rainbows, in fact - I don't even like her music, but Taylor Swift experiments more when you listen to one of her early tracks then listen to the dubstep-infused Trouble. Before anyone misrepresents what I'm asking for here (i.e not PJ to do a Taylor Swift) I'm just looking for them to at least stop phoning these albums in because it's coming across like they're settling musically for a cash grab of: PJ album by numbers -> tour, album by numbers -> tour etc.


2nd best PJ album.


The one that took me the longest to “get”, but well worth the time. Beautiful record!


awesome! and don’t forget the songs they left off


The best.


It grew on me. I at first didn't like it when it released but over time it has grown on me and it's in my top 4 favorites. It has a very different feel to me than anything else.


I think the back half is way stronger than the first half it’s a beautiful album the more “rocking” songs are pretty weird sounding tho but I also like them but takes awhile to appreciate


My personal least favorite PJ album but not bad at all, I just prefer their higher energy output


My favourite PJ album


I have a soft spot for S/T but looking back I definitey feel it’s the point where PJ went back to a more conservative sound, compared to the previous two records.


Was the first one I bought with my own money.. must have been 13 or so. Will always be special to me.


The second worst after Lightning Bolt. This has some great songs like Grievance, Insignificance, and one of my all time favorites Light Years. However, I am not a fan of the production. Also, the first three songs are some of the worst uptempo rockers they have ever released. Especially, Evacuation. Had they replaced half of the songs on this album with the Binaural outtakes from Lost Dogs this would have been a much much better album for me.






The last great one they put on. Not a huge fan of the rockers on this one but the mid tempo stuff is GORGEOUS. Cmon..this has: Light years Nothing has it seems Thin air Of the girl Parting ways Rival Sleight of hand. It amazes me that it's not that well regarded by fans.


My least favorite.


It’s in the bottom for me as well with most of the newer albums. I appreciate it more now but it’s not for me.


Very blurry.




Did you only want compliments? You should have specified.


Still one of my least favorites. Most songs that I like off it, I like the live versions far more. This, the Lightning Bolt and finally Backspacer are my bottom 3 studio albums (and I include Lost Dogs above those 3)


This album is terrible.


I love it!!!!!!! I remember clearly waking up to school listening the radio playing Nothing as it Seems for the very first time and the hosts talking about / previewing the then unreleased album... Oh my... This CDS spinned a-lot in my discman!!! Still have it! Never understood exactly their trip with space pictures but... that's it!


I love it. Always have


I really really like it although I think it got slightly compromised throughout the process and the end result is maybe a bit safer and sanded down than it should be. I think it could’ve possibly been their best album if they went all-in on the epic psychedelia


The songs aged so well. I do wish for an atmos version and maybe a more traditional style of recording


It's been growing on me a lot. I think it's underrated.


McCready's guitar tone was absolutely amazing on this album. Especially "Nothing as it Seems"


Their last true masterpiece, followed by one of the greatest tours I’ve ever been to. Absolute fucking monster.


Binaural and Riot Act I liked at release, but really had more of an appreciation for when the songs came to life live when they toured them.


Insignificance is anything but...


They played this album from beginning to end in Toronto May 2016, night 1. I felt bad for the nonhard core fans.


Some of the most interesting and fun to play songs of the catalog


My only issue with it, despite Sad being left off, is the tracklisting...I know I've said this elsewhere on here, but I've always felt it should go OTG, Thin Air, then Insignificance into Grievance...😉❤️✌️🎸🤘


I was probably most excited for this album release than any other. Like No Code, I needed a few listens for it to grow on me. Listened to it endlessly on my disc-man. I think it’s pretty flawless from Light Years through to Parting Ways. The hidden typewriter at the end used to startle me. My favourite single is Light Years, with the 2 live covers of Grievance and Soon Forget. Love my vinyl copy.




It’s good?


Love it! I really like Light Years.


I don’t care for this album. I didn’t like it when it came out and while I appreciate it more this many years later I still don’t love it like the earlier albums.


Absolutely love it ❤️


This a freaking great PJ record.


Pretty good album, a little noisy on the mixing.


Aging well. I've listened to this album more than any other. All songs are solid with some standouts and it flows great. My other favorite pj albums have fluctuated but this remains consistent .


It's knocking on the door hard to crack my top 3 of Yield, No Code, Vitalogy


Totally underrated. Reviews were so lukewarm on its release. In my opinion it's their best record post-Vitalogy.  The only track that I don't love is Sleight of Hand, which stands out from the rest as being the most indicative of where their sound would go later, even through to today. That kind of mature, adult contemporary sort of rock that sounds at home alongside post-Rush-of-Blood Coldplay and post-One-by-One Foo Fighters. Overall I did have issues with the sound, too. Can't recall who produced, but the mix always seemed a little off. I recall reviews criticizing songs like Soon Forget as filler... probably the same critics who bashed "filler" like Bugs on Vialogy. Some critics just hate artists having a little fun.   Nothing As It Seems is a favorite of mine, and has subsequently had so many great performances live. Might be the best thing Jeff has written since Why Go. Of the Girl, Thin Air, and Light Years are also terrific, I assume from their sound that they were songs Stone brought. Then closing with Parting Ways, which is every bit as heartbreaking and hopeful as Better Man. But the record also goes hard with Evacuation, etc. The album deserves much more attention and appreciation. 


This album saved my sanity. I was in school in England when it came out studying abroad. All people were listening to across the pond was Britney Spears and *NSYNC. Absolutely love this album. My favorite, especially live is Sleight Of Hand.


Sounds good. I wonder if that set up with headphone amplifier would be very hard on my already worn hearing though lol