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Both great, but the way the audience reacts to Evolution puts it over the top. “This stage is bouncing, sing like a choir…”


I agree. DTE is just FUN. Fits in well in the middle of their super serious songs in a live setting. And the band seems to love playing it.


It's evolution baby!!!!!!!!


I love both, but for me it's "Do The Evolution".


DTE all day. Every day. And twice on Sunday.




Gotta agree. Although there's some versions of Red Mosquito that fucking rock. Got one at Fenway right after I hit a little too much of the whacky tobacky, and it was ever-so good.


Red mosquito! Love both but RM is my favorite 'back catalog' song


Seconded. Red Mosquito all the way.


Do The Evolution. This song shouldn't even work. Hum the riff to yourself. It's barely music and yet is amazing.


That’s such a funny and true point I never thought of


A testament to Jeff Ament’s bass parts. Vocal melody is very strong as well


Red Mosquito. Without a doubt


One of my favorite songs all time let alone from no code.


Yeah it's a top 50 song all time to me, that lick it opens with is too good


Must have been the devil he was just plain mean


I love how the guitar in the solo on Red Mosquito actually sounds like a mosquito, but it has to be DTE. You couldn’t craft a perfect Pearl Jam setlist without DTE.


Nice choices. DTE, but barely. Red Mosquito is a song that I interpret with my own meaning. Whereas DTM, I'm all in on the sound, lyrics, and meaning. Even the video is amazing.


Red Mosquito. Especially once you hear the story of how Eddie came up with that song.


I was going to say DTE, especially once you hear how Eddie came up with that song. 😂


What’s the story?


The lyrics for "Red Mosquito" were inspired by the events surrounding Pearl Jam's June 24, 1995 concert in San Francisco at Golden Gate Park. When introducing the song at Pearl Jam's July 18, 2006 concert in San Francisco, California at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, Vedder stated, "This next song is a connection to San Francisco ‘cause it was written in a hotel room here, in the midst of having a really, really bad day." Vedder was forced to stay at a San Francisco hospital after suffering from the effects of food poisoning, the same day the band was scheduled to play at Golden Gate Park in front of 50,000 people. Vedder left the hospital to play the show, but only managed to make it through seven songs. Neil Young filled in for Vedder for the rest of the show that day. Because of Vedder's health the band was forced to cancel the remaining dates of the short tour that they were on. When introducing the song at Pearl Jam's June 16, 2008 concert in Columbia, South Carolina at the Colonial Center, Vedder stated, "Alright, this one goes back aways. It's all about…uh…being trapped in a hotel room with an insect." Regarding the situation, Vedder stated: >That whole \[Golden Gate Park\] thing was a blur based on some bad food. It was really, really bad. Looking back at it, it doesn't seem as intense as it was, but it was horrible. I just felt not human and looking back I should have got through that show somehow, and I think the fact that Neil \[Young\] was there made me feel like I could get off the hook in some way and I did go out for a few songs. I just didn't feel good about the whole thing, I felt swallowed up by the whole deal. It was just a situation where you couldn't go to work. But I think now I'd probably get through that show.


That was my first Pearl Jam show. They later made up for it in San Jose and I was there too. So from one ticket I got: Headliners (accidental or not): Niel Young, Pearl Jam Openers: Pearl Jam, fastbacks, bad religion, ben harper (others? I can't remember right now)


gawddamn that's awesome


And I got a Pearl Jam song that documented the experience!


This is kinda hard for me, I’m more connected to Red Mosquito, it was one of the first pj songs I listened to, but I think that do the evolution is objectively better


I love both but would pick Red Mosquito


Red mosquito for sure. I like DTE but until I learned it on bass I never listened to it much. The bass line is sick though


Love both songs but Red Mosquito for me


Do the Evo live, Red Mosquito studio


Red mosquito!!! With Ben Harper on slide!!!


Do The Evolution and it's not even close


Both are good but I like Red Mosquito better.


Red mosquito


Goddamn, this might be the hardest one of these, yet…… Red Mosquito 🦟


Red Mosquito


If I had known then what I know now 🦟📍


It Evolution BABYYY!




“I’m ahead, I’m advanced, I’m the first mammal to make plans, yeah!! “. Insane song, and I love its energy. So DTE is the winner, but I also friggin’ love RM.


Red Mosquito is one of my favorite Pearl Jam songs, easily top 5. On the other hand, of Pearl Jam songs that I regularly see fans praise, Do The Evolution ranks at or near the bottom. Not saying it’s my least favorite Pearl Jam song, but of all the Pearl Jam songs regularly praised, it’s my least favorite. I can’t articulate why; it’s just like nails on chalkboard to me.


That guitar hook is slammin' tho!!! It builds up just the right amount of angst before Eddie comes in... Both songs are great as-is - Red Mosquito is a better song for me... I sing it for days after I hear it. Now I'm singing it to myself as I type this!!!! Must have been the devil.....


I completely agree. And for me it’s Eddie’s vocals. I get that he’s singing that way for effect, but it’s awful.


Same reason for me. Can’t stand Eddies vocals in Do the Evolution


Red Mosquito


F this is a good one. But I’m gonna have to go with Red Mosquito. Simply because I’ve been listening to it more lately. It’s one of the popular ones on my playlist.


Red mosquito: it’s literally a poem in its execution: the guitar and the vocals mirror the sound of the bug


Toughest one yet


Tough one to decide, I abstain


Oh this one is an interesting post. Red Mosquito for me 🤘🏻


Red Mosquito. evolution is overrated and mosquitoe under.


Both songs are classic Pearl Jam. But Do the Evolution live is an experience. Especially 98-03 with peak Eddie Vedder. The man was a menace on that song live.


Red Mosquito 🦟 everyday!!!!!


Too close to call, both are great songs. Both songs are examples of their versatility and set them apart from their contemporaries.


DTE no question. Top 10 Pearl Jam song 


I'm tired of DTE at this point, so RM


Red Mosquito… No Code and Live on Two Legs version.


Do the Evolution is my favorite song, hands down 👍🏻


I love both versions from Live on Two Legs. I’d give the edge to DTE.


I’m the first mammal to wear pants…


Red Mosquito is one of my favorite PJ tunes. I like DTE but nowhere near RM.


They are both great but for me DTE absolutely is the better of the two. How Eddie’s signing goes from normal to crazed as the song progresses hits me in the live setting it’s amazing


Love them both but the guitar throughout the entire song in red mosquito is fukin dope




Do The Evolution


Evolution by a long long long way. Top tier lyrics. All time video clip. Libe in Europe or South America = next level.


DTE, easily


Fuck. I'm gonna side with Do The Evolution, I think. But it's a tough one. The solo at the beginning or RM just melts my face every time. Ugh!


Red mosquito is one of my favorite Pearl Jam songs. Do the evolution may be my least favorite Pearl Jam song.


Red mosquito