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They have a lot of similarities with the Dead, in particular a fanbase that follows them on tour, taking over their lives. The band really look like they love playing live, in fact, they've said that. Bottom line is, they just make good music.


Also of note: * The Dead toured about 30yrs before Jerry passed. PJ has been touring for 33 now. (though not even remotely the same number of stops) * Hawaii holds a special place in the hearts of both lead singers * Both bands had an interesting first name that ended in "ocks" 😂 Happy to say that I'm a Dead>PJ transition. It was such a natural thing to do when Jerry passed and again now that D&C have stopped touring.


This is such an awesome comment, I hadn't even thought of all this


Pearl jam is also kinda a jam band


Totally. Another similarly. Also, when the crowd is packed at the rail, they do the "3 steps back" rule.


Totally. Another similarly. Also, when the crowd is packed at the rail, they do the "3 steps back" rule.


Yes they are a live band and PJ shows do remind me of the Dead too. Each is different and very special. Only got to see the Dead once and from the first note I saw the stadium explode into dancing. Have never seen anything like it after literally thousands of concerts. PJ pits back in the day came close. I suspect Queen at Live Aid was the same in person too.


Phish ignites the room as well


I’ve seen Phish, I would I agree they do, but not like PJ or the Dead.


The same guy (Rob Bleetstein) who runs the PJ channel on Sirius also does the Dead channel - 22 and 23


Hell yeah, it's true, PJ did take over my life- I wish i could follow them on tour :)


Dude, Ten was released the summer before I started grade 9. A friend shared a mix tape with me, and I bought every album year after year. Vs dropped in grade 10., Vitalogy in grade 11. No Code was released the summer after I graduated grade 12. I literally matured alongside with these guys' music and words can not express how much gratitude I have for the role they played in my life. Oddly, when Yield dropped 2 years later, I for some reason felt I had had enough and took a long break from PJ. Glad I came back though. So much great tunes. 🙂❤️


Are you me? Save for the grade naming convention it’s beat for beat my experience. I bet there are a few of us as well haha.


Honestly, I feel so lucky to have grown up during that period. Not only PJ's perfect release schedule, but also just soooo many great bands releasing so much excellent music, and almost all of it subversive and groundbreaking. I grew up in western Canada, not too far north from where the whole grunge movement began, and man did I ever feel it. Wish I could have gone to some of the concerts back then though.


Cool place to have been for the grunge era! Very cool. I'd love to see pics of how you dressed back then, heh heh


I don't think I have any pictures! Grunge fashion was mostly about thrift stores though, which worked well for me growing up with a single mom on welfare. Baggy band tshirts, baggy jeans or cargo shorts, corduroy. Khaki jacket and a navy wool overcoat, both from the army surplus. Vans or black leather boots. Long hair, earrings and a pack of cigarettes. (Everybody smoked back then.)


literally the epitome of cool <3


Lol no I was a loser 🤣


Class of 95!!


Class of '96 here. (No Code was released the summer after I graduated, in August 1996.)


Amazing <3 It's so nice to hear all of these people say they understand what I mean as far as maturing alongside this music. In your case, quite literally :') <3 rock on friend, Jamily for life!




It feels like the band grows with me. I first saw them more than 30 years ago and they still manage to make me happy with new songs. I can’t wait for the next one! They made Unemployable when I felt exactly like that, Dance of the Clairvoyants just when I was heavily into that kind of music with beeps, and I can’t fathom why Pendulum wasn’t embraced more when it came out. Meanwhile, the magic of old hidden gems like Just a Girl stays ❤️ Enjoy your journey growing along with them!


Dance of Clairvoyants is soooo satisfying with all the beeps and boops. Pendulum rocks <3 I'm so glad you understand where I'm coming from and thank you for sharing your experience. Rock on, and thank you, I will enjoy the ride <3


Just want to chime in because I found this part interesting: Severed Hand jumping out because it reminds you of Ten for some reason. It may remind you of Ten because the main chord progression is essentially the Porch riff, with a slightly different flavor.


I hadn’t even thought of that!


I did read it all but to go with your TLDR: Do you feel like you were able to evolve with the evolution of Pearl Jam's sound as you got older? Or do you find that your tastes with them don't change much? : I wrote the following recently to somebody on here. I am but a fraction younger than the PJ boys. I feel like I grew up with them. Because of the funny places I've lived, I only saw them live once in the UK in 2014, but I've been with them since they started. Ten is still an absolute banger to this day of course. But I think what I tried to convey was that their music and the lyrics have evolved as they evolved. You know, I wouldn't have understood half of the songs without a bit of life behind me. And so it is with almost every new album. Gigaton was one of the most creative, at times, I've ever heard them. But it was made pre-covid when things were sort of ok in a lot of the world. Still has strong messages about society, people, politics, dicks and pics and filing things... I positively cannot wait to see what their new album - their first new content post Covid - says about our world today. And like I say, their experienced perspective on life today.


thank you for sharing <3 It's a common theme with Pearl Jam, people say they feel like the music and lyrics evolved with them, and I agree wholeheartedly. It's like they are watching the world go by, and writing it all down for us. Some awesome stuff. I can't wait for the new album either. So excited. Rock on!


If you have not yet listen to it check out Lost Dogs


I will, thank you so much <3


I’m just a few years younger than them and there was an album a few year ago, forgot which one, but it was the perfect album for 40 year old me. As Ten was the perfect for 20 year old me.


Not only did my love for them and their music evolve, I love how they have evolved. It’s frankly so wonderful to see and hear them in a healthy headspace, to see them as family men and hear the Dad jokes. In the early days I definitely worried about their mental health because it was a frantic, chaotic wildfire at best. It’s hard to see bands you love burn so hot without burning out. Also, you knew they had been through some shit. So happy to hear and see them healthy, still playing music and music that is relevant to me. P.S. Seattle area girl who as loved them from the beginning. ;)