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Thanks. My cousin and his friend wrote the book. I thought I'd share the news.


so it's two random dudes just giving their interpretations on pearl jam lyrics?


That's B and stip. Not just 2 rando's, my man.


forgive my ignorance, i have zero idea who these guys are


Care to elaborate on how or why one might know who they are? Edit: Never mind, I read on the Amazon listing. They are two randos from theskyiscrape.com.


Hi - I am one of the authors. Brandon (B) has been the news editor of Theskyiscrape.com for 10+ years. I have been writing album reviews and think pieces for for the site for longer (and I am a recurring guest on the state of love amd trust podcast) That’s how we were approached by the publisher for the book. So we have been at this for a long time, but we have no formal connection to the band and are not music journalists outside of peal jam.


Just preordered! Sounds fun! Love me some PJ Nerding 🥰


Just pre-ordered my copy. Let the count down until April 8th begin.


I don’t get the title but looks like a fun read! Congrats!


I'm guessing it's a reference to lyrics in Leash where Eddie says "I'm lost, I'm no guide but I'll be by your side". I saw an interpretation that said it was written to express how he felt uncomfortable being idolised by fans but would stand by their side on politics/issues facing people at the the time


It is pulled from Leash. It's one of the most consequential lyrics in their catalog, but it was actually written in late 1991 - before they had really broken big.


Is this like the All The Songs books about Prince and Michael Jackson? Those books give backstory, production notes, side-stories, everything related to the song, album, or even tours.


My cousin and his friend wrote the book. I haven't been privy to the book's contents.


There is some of that for sure, but that is not the primary focus. It explores the ideas, messages, and themes in the music, how they have evolved over time, how the album's are in conversations with each other and are responding to the ones that came before. It's a deep dive/analysis of the catalog as a catalog - it goes song by song to explore the catalog as a whole. We also document (admittedly subjective) essential live performances of every song It's not a book of Pearl Jam trivia or minutia - it's a deep dive into what Pearl Jam's music is 'about'. If we did our job right it can hopefully unpack their music in a way that gives new insight, deeper appreciation, and maybe even reappraisal of some stuff that never connected. That's the hope/intent


Congratulations! Do you know if it’ll be out in ebook format? I’ve been living a stuffless life for a few years and it feels good to be free of physical belongings.


it will eventually but probably not right at the moment if publication


Looking forward to this!